Monty x Moon - The Unknown Duo

By Xozon101

20.9K 568 660

I apologize for this being cringe lol. This is about the adventures that Monty and Moon go through to become... More

The 1st greeting
The aftermath
Christmas Day
Moons 'Upgrades'
Average Day at Work
A Slight Change In Heart
They meet again...
Moon's Flight
A Twist to Montys Day
Sneaky Moon
SeCuRiTy AlErT!
Moons Awakening and... Memories
Monty Troubles.
Naptime at the Daycare.
Monty's Repairs
Peaceful 'Workday'
Morning at the Daycare
Gator Golf With Kids [+ Art]
The News
Moon's Fun at the Daycare.
1K READS!? :0
The Arcade Machine
Moon Being Sneaky Again
Eventful Morning
Moons Confession & Games with Sun
Romantic For Sure~
Moon's New Enemy
Wretched Memories
The Beginning of the Celestial Brothers
Always Singing~
The Upgrades! :D
Stress for a Holiday
Valentine's Day
Walkin Around
On Edge
Empty Daycare
"Im about to ruin this whole guy's career..."
Authors Note :(
News :/

Transformation Shenanigans + More

318 9 18
By Xozon101

 Before the couple could even complain, Silas was leading everyone inside to see them. Probably to put chips in them too, but for now that wasn't the main thing to worry about. Sun came in first, immediately surprised to see the two. 

 "Guess which one is Moon!" Silas told him jokingly. 

 Before a second could even pass, Moon raised his hand to help Sun out. He knew it was obvious, but Sun was the only one he really knew other than Monty in the room, and he'd rather just talk to him then the other glamrocks. 

 "M-moon?" Sun stuttered. 

 Moon nodded, avoiding his brothers gaze as he fiddled with the ribbons on his wrist yet again. It was very awkward now since... you know, shorter. It was easier to tell that Monty was taller than usual when put beside Sun. He was still shorter than Sun, but tall enough to at least fit in as a daycare attendant. 

 "Why are you so sm-" 

 "Don't you DARE say small!" Moon interrupted.

 Sun laughed, apologizing as he still picked his brother up to make eye contact with him. His cyan eyes met with his brothers shaking red ones as the other animatronics entered the room. They could hear them beginning to whisper to one another, but at that point they didn't really care. 

 "Now, listen up!" Silas declared. 

 They all went silent, putting all of their attention on the man. He gulped before continuing to announce his orders, "All animatronics find a seat, I have to put this chip in y'all in order for... this to happen." He gestured at the human couple, causing Moon to growl like an angry cat. Sun giggled to the sound of his brothers reaction as he jokingly booped his nose. 

 There was only three seats. Roxanne wanted to give up her seat to Sun at first, but the daycare attendant insisted that he could just sit on the floor. He was used to sitting on the floor with children after all. Of course Roxy still loved herself a little more than the usual person, so she didn't reject the offer. Sun didn't really mind that, but Moon seemed a little more... bothered. It was obvious because of the tight grip he had on his sleeves with his arms crossed. 

Anyway, it didn't take long for Silas to shut them all off. For Moon, it was weird to see his brother off outside of the charging station and the safety cylinder. Sun was the type of person to almost constantly check his battery, so reaching even close to 0% was never a problem for him. Unfortunately, this left him and Monty alone with Silas. Again. 

 "So the both of you dating, or what?" He asked. 

 Only silence. 

 "Its alright, I'm not telling anybody. In fact, I kind of ship it..." 

 Monty chuckled, leaving Moon in confusion.

 "Wh-what does that mean?" Moon stuttered. 

 "To take interest or at least hope that a romantic relationship happens between at least two people." Monty explained.


 Silas laughed, "Well, I suggest you two look away to make the illusion work. I'll tell you both when to look back."

  The two nodded, walking over to the other side of the room and facing the wall there. In the meantime, Silas managed to check off all of the chips and get the illusion working. It took a little more time due to the increased number of animatronics, but since he had gotten used to checking codes it only took around ten minutes. 

 "Ok, turn around.." The mechanic ordered, disturbing the silence. 

 They both turned around. Moon immediately ran up to his brother, who now unsurprisingly looked almost just like him. The only visible differences really was the attire, along with the hair color. Sun had blonde hair now, with the same attire he usually wore. His fingernails were now painted sky blue. After a short amount of silence, he opened his eyes to reveal that exact same color in them. 

 "H-hey brother." Moon greeted awkwardly. 

 Sun immediately looked down at himself, "Holy stars...." 

 Moon chuckled, "I know, crazy huh?" 

 He only nodded. 

 "Hey, why are you so small?" Monty asked mockingly. Sun jumped to the sound of his voice, looking up at him as he stood up from his vulnerable spot on the floor. From there they all watched as the Glamrocks woke up and panicked. 

 [More pictures I found on Pinterest I guess lol]

Sources I guess? I know links probably don't work so uh... copy and paste in new tab idk 💀

Roxanne was the only one that wasn't panicked. In fact, she admired her own reflection on the safety cylinder every few seconds while trying to comfort Chica, who was now practically shaking. Freddy was panicked as well, but he didn't show it like Moon and Chica did. The lead of the band ended up alone with Monty as the rest of the crew comforted each other.

 "So do you know why these chips are needed?" Freddy asked. 

 Monty shrugged, "Moon and I found a whole box of them in one of the storage rooms. Shows here just decided that it would be funny to test them out." 

 "So that's what the dirty box on the desk is!" The singer exclaimed, pointing at the box, "I'm surprised the others didn't notice it." 

 "I know right? Especially Sun, I've heard a ton from Moon that he could see messes from a mile away." 

 Freddy chuckled, "How have the two of you been anyway?" 

 "We've been good," Monty replied, "Nothing much really." 

 Freddy smirked, suddenly making Monty nervous. He knew that look. It was the look that said, 'heh, you really think I would believe that?' 

"Could you NOT right now, Fred?"

 The other glamrock laughed, "I'm doing nothing!"

 "Do you really think I'm stupid enough to not recognize that dumb look on your face? We cant really do anything since you know... animatronics."

 "Well, now we are human... and you guys were the first one's here... so.." 

 "That's only because Silas wanted to punish us for being in that storage room! The box had our hand prints on it so he knew it was us."


 Monty sighed as he saw his partner approach them. Sun had gained enough courage to go and help the ladies out, so Moon was left alone to do whatever he wanted for at least a few minutes. 

 "Hey guys," Moon greeted, "What are you guys talking about?"

 "Nothing much," Freddy lied, "What were you and Sun talking about?" 

 Moon only shrugged, "He's not really talking much yet due to being weirded out by his mouth, so it was basically a one-sided conversation." 

 They both looked back at Sun to see that he was in fact talking, but his voice sounded much more quiet than usual. It was obvious that he was still trying to get used to talking. Despite that, both Chica and Roxanne seemed to be calmer with his sudden presence. 

 "Does Sun usually have this effect on others?" Sun asked. 

 The naptime attendant nodded, "He was programmed to be that way I'm pretty sure. Makes him more... approachable." He sighed, "Its too bad the creator didn't make me like that originally."

 "What do you mean by 'originally?'" Monty asked. 

 "You know," Moon grieved, "That permanent sharp-toothed grin... the EYE COLOR." He pointed at his ruby red eyes, "You know, there was a short point of time that they weren't, but the creator was dumb enough to add lights that were NEARLY DEAD. They broke FAST, during naptime too!" He huffed, angrily kicking the floor.


 Moons head snapped to the left to look back at his brother, "What's up?" 

 "Its rude to call other people names!" Sun replied in his usual loud voice. 

 Moon apologized, and with that Sun was back to helping Roxanne and Chica. 

 "Sorry..." Moon repeated to the glamrocks.

 "No, you're alright!" The two said in unison. 

 Silas approached them, A look of concern covering the most noticeable features on his face, "Did you say that the main lights in your eyes broke?" 

 Moon nodded, "Why?"

 "Well, maybe I could fix it!" Silas replied, "We got some new eye lights, along with some other upgrades for you and your brother delivered a few days ago!"


 Moon didn't know how to feel about that. The main lights in his eyes hadn't worked since well... years ago. The sound of the word 'upgrades' made him uncertain about this too. Sun seemed to have heard, however, running up to the group of men in excitement. 

 "Did I hear that correctly?" He asked, "Fixing Moons eyes!? My stars, its been so long since I've seen a color other than red in those eyes!" 

 Moon laughed as he ruffled the blonde hair on his brothers head, "Isn't gray a color too?" 

 Sun shook his head, "It classifies as a shade more than an actual color." 

 "Alright, google." Moon joked. 


 Moon decided to ignore the anger that was growing within his cheery sibling, knowing well that it would vanish when he heard what he said next. 

 "Alright, when can we get it done?" 

 "Tomorrow night," Silas replied, "I must warn you though, I don't know what color the lights are yet." 

 "Well, as long as they are not a girly color, brown, or red, I'll be fine." 

 Sun just squealed, "I can't wait!"

 The girls joined the circle of males, more confused than a person just joining a zoom call late during quarantine.

 "Wait, what's going on?" Roxanne asked.

 "My brothers getting his eyes fixed!" Sun declared.

 "Wait... they were broken?" Roxy said confused.

  From there Moon had to explain to her everything about his original set of lights in his eyes, and how they worked when he was an animatronic. He found it surprising that the wolf was listening with great interest shown in her eyes.

 Maybe she IS a changed person? ....Nah that can't be right.

  So to cut it short, he had a small appointment scheduled for tomorrow night at Parts and Services, and he was already nervous for it. Silas shut them all off, turning off the illusionment chips before turning everyone back on and sending everyone to do their thing. Roxanne went with Chica, Freddy returned to his room, and Sun, Moon, and Monty went as a group to the daycare. It was only to drop Sun off since Monty had a little free time. You would think that the star wouldn't want Moon to leave, but as long as the his brother was happy he actually didn't care. In fact, he couldn't be happier.

 The brothers told each other their daily goodbyes before they separated, leaving Moon alone with his partner. It was a usual thing now, but it didn't stop the feeling of butterflies flying around his stomach hatch from coming to him. It was obvious when Moon felt this way too, and Monty liked it. 

 "Want to play some golf? I don't think anyone is there either." 

 "Whatever you want to do." Moon replied. 

 "Whatever I want to do?" 


 The reptile hated that Moon had gotten better at keeping himself calm. Seeing him get flustered was probably one of the things that made his days more enjoyable. Luckily for him, there was many tactics that worked against this night time jester. 

 "Alrighty then, lets go!" The reptile ordered. 

 Moon only nodded, following Monty who was proudly marching to Gator Golf. He couldn't help but stare at the tail that swayed close behind the alligator with glee. He couldn't do that for long though without Monty himself noticing.

 "Staring is rude, you know." Monty laughed. 

 "Oh, Sorry..." Moon apologized, kicking an empty fizzyfaz can from the ground up into his hand. 

 "Its alright!" Monty beamed as he pat Moons back, causing him to giggle like an excited child as he ran ahead to throw the empty can away. Despite Moons denial for the fact, he could act like a child sometimes with no intention. Monty liked that though. It was cute. 

 He learned the hard way that Moon was ace as well during the whole 'incident' with Roxanne. They both would rather not go too far into detail, but to get to the point Monty had realized that Moon was more comfortable with sensual attraction more than anything, so he used that to his advantage. 

[In case you didn't know, Sensual attraction means only being comfortable to do things at least similar to hugging, kissing, holding hands or cuddling with someone.]

"So what are you planning to do at Gator Golf?" Moon questioned.

 "What do you mean?" Monty asked back. 

 "Well the chances of us actually playing the game is at fifty percent at the point, and I have a feeling that percentage is about to lower soon." Moon answered. 

 Monty chuckled, "You know you love when we are there." 

 "Yeah," Moon sighed, "and I hate it." 

 Monty laughed as they approached the entrance to gator golf, "Last course."

 "let me guess, because no cameras in the cave thing that resembles your head?" 

 "...You know me so well." 

 They each grabbed a club and a ball, playing a few rounds together so they didn't look too suspicious on camera. Monty ended up winning this time (he did hours of practice, but still). They played until they got to the last course, then they just purposely hit the white spheres into the as an excuse to be in it. 

 "I can't wait to see what these upgrades are." Monty informed Moon as he hugged him close. 

Moon chuckled, "Well you'll be the first one to see them up close, that's for sure."

 "What do you mean by tha-" 

 The reptiles question was interrupted by a passionate kiss. Monty pinned the taller animatronic to the wall as the kiss lingered, and after a few seconds they separated. A little drool was revealed to be at the side of the alligators mouth. "Dang, usually I'm the one that makes the first move." Monty mumbled as he wiped it away. 

 "Well I can't have you always be in charge of this relationship, now can I?" Moon asked. 

 "Dude, I literally pinned you to a wall." 

 Moon sat down before pulling the reptile onto his lap, "Only because I let you." 

 "Say that as many times as you want, but I won't believe a word." 

 Moon laughed as he ruffled Monty's hair, "Is that right?" 

 The alligator nodded, and before he knew it he was pinned to the ground. Moon towered over him, the hearts in his eyes being the only thing visible in his lanky shadow of a figure. Monty couldn't even squirm with how tight the grip was. 

 "You believe it now?" 

  Another head shake, "Why didn't you do this before?"

 "Because I knew that you would like it too much." 

 Moon was greeted by the familiar feeling of surprise with he felt something curl around his waist. 

 How did I forget about the tail?

 He pulled down until he was basically laying on Monty, but he still managed to keep him pinned. A grin only spread across the alligators face as a red hue spread across Moon's face.

 "You don't know how long I was waiting for that?"

 "By 'that', did you mean the kiss or this?" 


 Moon nuzzled into Monty's chest, making him overheat as well. 

 "Well you're not very patient are you?" 

 Monty shook his head, and with that he felt the grip that kept him on the ground of the golf course loosen ever so slightly. That's when an idea came to his mind. Maybe if I talk to him a bit more his grip will loosen more? He decided to try it out. After all, what else was he going to do? Stay there for another few minutes. Moon was right, he was never the most patient. 

 "So what will you think the upgrades will be?" He asked.

 "Changing the subject, are we?" 

 Dang it! 

 "Hey we can do this while we talk," Monty explained, "haven't you heard of multitasking?"

 "You think a daycare attendant WOULDN'T know of multitasking?" Moon laughed, almost like the villains in kids movies. He must've noticed too because the laughs died down very quickly. So did the pressure that was applied to the reptiles arms, allowing him to get up. 

There was a look in the jesters eyes that immediately worried him. The look of.... fear. 

[2805 words] 

Sorry this might sound a little rushed lol XD

To make up for it here is art of Sun in a banana suit because why not?

See you later alligators!


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