Three is the Perfect Number

By davina_forevra

8.2K 384 126

A love story between Kelly, Michelle, and Beyoncé. Kelly and Beyoncé had the perfect relationship built on lo... More

Valentine's Day- A TITPN Oneshot
Subdrop- A TITPN Oneshot


548 30 20
By davina_forevra

⚠️TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter will mention homophobia and grooming.

"Kelly, she's perfect in every way. From her smile to her kindness, I can't believe that she stuck with that evil ass man for as long as she did." Beyoncé said in awe of the new woman she just met. Michelle went back home after a few extra hours of recovery from the phenomenal night she had with Beyoncé after her husband let her know he was going to be home soon.

"I can imagine. I can't wait to meet her." Kelly said, holding Beyoncé in her arms. "Oh, you'll love her! She was originally so nervous about having sex with me and to be honest I almost didn't want to do that because she was so nervous. She wanted me to give you her panties." Beyoncé admitted finally feeling a weight off her shoulders.

Beyoncé gave the dark purple panties to Kelly, Kelly having a blank look on her face at first. Then, a smile graced her face. "I've never had anyone do this before. She's already so sweet just to give me a gift. They're so small!" Kelly gushed at the gift. "Yeah, she is kinda small, but definitely curvy in all the right places." Beyoncé said with lust. Kelly fell back onto the couch holding the panties in her hands. "I want to get her something." Kelly said, rushing off to the room and coming out with a box. She had bought this right when Beyoncé told her about Michelle. She felt this instant connection that she needs to take care of Michelle even before she meets her. "Will you give this to her?" Kelly asked giving the box to Beyoncé.

"I will!" Beyoncé responded excited for Michelle to receive this gift. "Did Michelle do good with you?" Kelly asked. "That asshole never even made her orgasm and I made her do that for the first time. She did great, but she was so inexperienced. Beyoncé replied, making her think about that night. " Michelle probably never had experience with sexual things because of her husband being a douchebag. I'll make sure to teach her everything, just give me a weekend with her." Kelly confidently said in defense of Michelle's nervousness.

Beyoncé loved the fact that Kelly was being so sweet and defensive of Michelle and she hasn't even met her yet. Kelly and Michelle were gonna be attached by the hip by the time they met in person. "So when are you gonna see her again?" Kelly asked. "In a couple days, she's gonna sneak out and meet me at that coffee shop and then at that extremely fancy hotel a few blocks down." Beyoncé responded. "Well that's extremely exciting." Kelly replied back with a smile. "I'm so excited to see her again." Beyoncé said falling back on the couch grinning so much that she made her dimples show.

"Since I can't meet Michelle until the divorce papers are given, what's the plan to speed this process up?" Kelly asked in curiosity. "Well, Michelle invited me to her church tomorrow to meet her husband and to make her husband, Charles, feel like she did when he cheated on her, we're gonna do the same thing." Beyoncé replied excited about how his reaction is going to be. "Oh, Wowww. I can't wait for that!" Kelly said with a grin on her face. "Me too." Beyoncé replied just counting down the hours until she was with Michelle again.

Michelle invited Beyoncé to her church. Beyoncé sat in a pew right next to Michelle. Michelle had told her husband, Charles, that Beyoncé was a friend. For weeks Michelle had been ranting to him about how cool her new lawyer friend was. Once Charles seemed interested enough to want to meet Beyoncé, they moved on to the next step of her plan. Having Beyoncé meet Charles. They sat through a two hour church service. Today's lesson was once again about how much he hates gay people. There was a time where this sermon would cause Michelle to be her husband's biggest cheerleader, but not anymore. Instead she spent most of the sermon whispering to Beyoncé. She didn't even notice when church ended.

"So this is the woman who has been monopolizing all of my wife's time." Charles said, holding out his hand to Beyonce with a fake smile on his face.

Beyoncé smiled. She could see the hatred in his eyes. She looked at his hand and then back at his face. She wasn't shaking that. "Great sermon." She said flatly as she wrapped her arm around Michelle's shoulders.

He sucked his teeth as he dropped his hand. "I'm surprised you heard any of it."

Beyoncé shrugged. "All you had to say was I hate gay people. I've heard a thousand sermons like that. You hear one, you hear them all." She crossed her legs, leaning more into Michelle.

Charles looked at Michelle. "Are you ready to go?"

"She is, but she isn't leaving with you." Beyoncé answered for Michelle. "ChellyBean promised me coffee if I came to her church and met you. I held up my end of the deal."

Charles rolled his eyes. "I was talking to my wife who can speak for herself." He looked at Michelle, expecting her to say she was going to go with him.

Michelle cleared her throat. "I promised her coffee. I'll see you later, pastor." Of course Michelle was going to choose Beyoncé over him. Especially when they were about to go have coffee. She learned pretty quickly that coffee was code for sex.

Charles nodded his head. "Very well then." He stomped away.

Michelle looked at Beyoncé. They both started laughing. "He is so mad." She was happy about that. Serves him right for the way he has been treating her.

Beyoncé stood up. "Let's get out of here before he accuses me of being one of those homosexual demons."

Michelle giggled. She stood up and hooked her arm with Beyoncé. "We certainly would not want that. Not yet at least." They left the church laughing with each other.

Beyoncé took her to her place. Kelly wouldn't be home for a few hours. Once Beyoncé parked the car, Michelle was leaning over to kiss her. One kiss turned to three. Soon enough Michelle was panting heavily, sitting in Beyoncé's lap naked. Their clothes were thrown about. They had moved to the back seat for more space. Beyoncé made her cum three times before they decided to stop.

"Damn baby, I can't get enough of you." Beyoncé rubbed Michelle's thighs.

"Me neither, daddy." Michelle pecked Beyoncé's lips. "It's like I'm addicted to you. I'm always thinking about you. Especially when I am with Charles. I think we should move to the next step. We should plan a trip."

"Where to?" Beyoncé asked.

"The beach. Somewhere that gives me a reason to be gone all day and night. A weekend trip to Destin, Florida or maybe Miami." Michelle grinned, thinking about spending more than a few hours with Beyoncé. She could spend a whole day with her.

Beyoncé liked that idea very much. "Let's go to Miami. I have to run this all by Kelly first before I say yes."

At the mention of Kelly's name, Michelle's smile got bigger. "When am I going to meet Kelly?"

"After the divorce papers are given to Charles." Beyoncé answered. She was now rubbing Michelle's ass.

"Whyyyy?" Michelle whined. "Why can't I meet her now?"

Beyoncé giggled at how cute Michelle was. "Because it's too soon, and she said that she wanted me and you to have time to get to know each other first."

"Okay." Michelle pouted.

"Don't pout, baby. I don't like seeing you pout. It makes me sad." Beyoncé pecked Michelle's lips. When she pulled away Michelle was pouting even harder and she was giving her puppy dog eyes. "Stop it!" She whined and then peppered Michelle's face with kisses. This time Michelle was smiling when she pulled away. "Let's go inside and get you cleaned up."

Michelle walked behind Beyoncé. They were still naked as they walked into the house. The first place they went to was Beyoncé bedroom. "When does Kelly come back? Maybe we could-"

"Speaking of Kelly," Beyoncé cut her off, walking to the bed. "She liked that you gave her your panties, so she wanted to give you a gift in return." She gave Michelle a box. It had a note attached to it.

Michelle read the note. For my eyes only, Michelle. Xoxo Kelly. "I can't open it in front of you." She couldn't wait to get home and see what her gift was.

Beyoncé cleaned Michelle and then they cuddled in Beyoncé's bed watching TV. Michelle took a nap in Beyoncé's arms. She took her home that evening before Kelly came home. "Can you tell Kelly that I said thank you for the gift?"

"Sure thing." Beyoncé hugged Michelle.

When Michelle came home, it was no surprise that she was alone. She went to her bedroom and ripped open the box. She gasped. It was a dark purple lingerie set that included a garter belt, stockings, and a matching dark purple choker necklace. There was another note in the box. I have heard that you have a habit of trying to hide yourself. Don't. I have agreed to help teach you. Your homework for tonight is to take pictures of yourself wearing my gift. I want to see how good you look. You do this and you might just pass my first test. She immediately texted her husband to see when he would be home.

He told her three hours which was perfect for her. That was more than enough time for her to take pictures of herself in her new clothes. She has never owned lingerie before. Since none of her friends knew she was cheating, she couldn't ask them for advice on sexy poses, so she went to Google instead. There she saw a lot of models in poses that she could do. She also learned that she should never show her face in nude photos. Which was perfect because all she had to do was pose. She didn't have to worry about whether her face looked sexy either.

The very next day, Michelle went to the story to print out her pictures. She was undercover. She wore a baseball cap, a large pair of sunglasses, and a trench coat. Normally she would just do it online, but she didn't want any of the workers to see her pictures. She plugged up her phone and the pictures she took last night were the first photos to pop up. She quickly clicked on all fifteen of the photos, paid, and hit print.

"Do you need any help, miss?" A worker asked.

He nearly scared the shit out of her. She thought it was someone she knew. "No but thank you. I got it." She was so nowhere near close to being done. The printer was on picture number three. 


Michelle heard someone calling her name. She knew that voice, and it was coming closer. She looked at the screen and she was on picture four now. "Shit!" She whispered. There was no way for her to hide what she was printing. "Hi Amria." She smiled. Amria was Michelle's best friend since middle school.

"I knew I heard your voice!" Amria hugged her. "What have you been doing? I haven't seen you in weeks!"

Michelle hugged her back. "Nothing much! We should definitely meet up sometime soon! I've missed you." 

"I've missed you too." Amria looked at the screen and her eyes got bigger. "Michelle what are you printing?"

"Nothing." Michelle lied trying to hide the screen with her body.

"Who are these for?" Amria picked up the finished pictures. She gasped. "God damn, Michelle! You've been hiding this body. Who are these for? I know these aren't for Charles's old decrepit ass, unless you are trying to kill him?" She looked at Michelle with a raised eyebrow.

Michelle looked around, hoping she didn't see anyone else she knew. She should have driven two towns over, so nobody would recognize her. "I will tell you but not here." She snatched the pictures from Amria and picked up the rest of the photos. She put them in an envelope. They walked out of the store. Amria had just got there when she saw Michelle, so didn't have time to pick anything up. Michelle took her to her car. "Charles has been cheating on me for years."

"You want me to kill him. I'm a doctor. I can make it look like an accident." Amria offered.

"No." Michelle shook her head. "I don't. I just found out that he was cheating on me a few months ago when I seen him fucking sister Ethel in our bed. I didn't know it was her until I hacked his cloud."

Amria almost vomited. "No way. Say it ain't so. Isn't she that old usher at your church?"

Michelle nodded. "Yup!"

"What are you doing?" Amria shook her head. "Why are you still with him?"

"Because I'm going to hurt him the same way he hurt me." Michelle smiled. "I'm going to cheat on him, and smile when he catches me."

"Oh, I like this version of Michelle." Amria smiled. "This is the Michelle that helped me slash Devonte's tires in high school. Bitch, if you need to use me as a cover up, please count me in. Let me see who you are cheating with?"

Michelle frowned. "You can't. I don't have any pictures of her. That's evidence."

Amria furrowed her eyebrows. Maybe she didn't hear her best friend correctly. "Her? The person you are cheating with is a she?"

Well Michelle didn't plan on coming out today, but here she was. She nodded her head once. Afraid of how Amria would respond.

Amria smiled brightly. "Finally! Yes!"

Michelle went from scared to confused. "Finally? What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means finally! You finally admit that you like girls. Like women. I'm so happy and proud of you!" Amria hugged Michelle. Her best friend has been hating herself for years. Hopefully, now she is loving herself.

Michelle gulped. "You knew?" She thought that she was doing a good job of hiding it.

"Yes." Amria nodded. "Girl, I knew from the moment I saw your room for the first time in middle school. All the other girls had posters and pictures of boy celebrities in their room. Whether they were hidden or on the walls. Your ass had nothing but girls. Your favorite artist was Janet Jackson."

Michelle giggled. "Yeah, some of the signs were there. I'm glad that you still chose to love me no matter what."

"Of course I did. I will always have your back." Amria held Michelle's hand. "You've always had mine. Since the very first time we met. No one should care about whether someone is gay or not. Ignore all of the haters and be happy for being who you are."

Michelle wiped the tears from her eyes. "I love you too!" She wished that she had come out to her a long time ago. Maybe then she wouldn't have turned out to be so bitter. If only her parents were as loving and supportive as Amria, she would have been a happier person.


Beyoncé decided to take Michelle on a date to just get to know her better. She decided to do a movie date in this private park she rented with Michelle's favorite food. Beyoncé had learned that after they do the deed, Michelle loves to eat and Beyoncé is a foodie in general so she loves that.

"Hello, beautiful." Beyoncé greeted Michelle smiling brightly at the beautiful woman in front of her. "Hi, Bey. How are you?" Michelle greeted back with an even bigger smile. It's almost been three months since her and Beyoncé have met and it's the happiest she's been in a long time.

"I've been doing well, baby. I've missed you so much." Beyoncé said softly kissing Michelle's hand. Michelle blushed at what she said looking down. Beyoncé lifted her head up so she could kiss Michelle and she melted into her arms.

They both moved out of the embrace and walked to where the movie would be playing on the blanket on the ground. The picnic area was decorated with fairy lights and beautiful bright flowers with a blowup movie screen for them. "This is for me?" Michelle asked almost on the brink of tears. Beyoncé cooed at the sight and wiped her failing tear. "Of course, my love. You hadn't been catered to or properly cared for in such a long time and you deserve it." Beyoncé softly said, kissing her neck and taking Michelle to sit.

"What movie did you pick?" Michelle asked, sitting down still in awe of the scenery around her. "Waiting To Exhale." Beyoncé responded. "Really?! That's my favorite movie!!" Michelle squealed, laying on Beyoncé's chest. Beyoncé just smiled at the cuteness of the girl. The movie started as Beyoncé started to feed Michelle mandarin oranges.

Michelle hummed along to the songs playing on the screen. "Eleven years of sacrifice
And you can leave me at the drop of a dime Swallowed my fears, stood by your side
I should've left your ass a thousand times!" Michelle sang out with an intense amount of passion. Beyoncé's jaw dropped at the beauty of the woman's singing voice. "You have such a beautiful voice." Beyoncé whispered, kissing her lips softly. "Really?" Michelle said in disbelief. "Absolutely! Why don't you think so, my love?" Beyoncé asked.

"No one was ever really interested in me when I was a kid. I sang in church but I was mainly in the background. To be honest I was ignored by my parents a lot and the only time they paid attention to me was when I told them I was getting married when I was 18." Michelle revealed trying not not to cry.

Beyoncé just shushed Michelle as she held her tightly. She felt so awful for that basically all her life, she was gone unseen and unnoticed but now with her and soon Kelly in Michelle's life, Beyoncé was gonna make sure she never felt that way again.

"It's ok, my love. I'm going to make sure you never feel neglected and you always feel loved, ok?" Beyoncé softly said, making Michelle kiss her cheek and get on her lap. "What are you doing?" Beyoncé asked with a smirk. "I'm just trying to get a better view of the movie." Michelle said, feigning her innocence as she slowly began to grind gently on Beyoncé's lap.

"You sure you not trying to get me to fuck you on this blanket in pubic?" Beyoncé asked again, now playing with Michelle's left nipple. Michelle bit her lip as she tried to hold back a moan. She quickly moved off Beyoncé, breathing heavily. "N-No Daddy."

Beyoncé just smirked back at the action of Michelle crossing her legs, starting to get hot and bothered. "Can you give this to Kelly?" Michelle asked, giving Beyoncé a red envelope. Beyoncé became intrigued by what Michelle gave her. "May I ask what's in it?" She asked hoping for a response as Michelle started to clean up the food and blanket they both bought.

"It's nothing for you, daddy." Michelle simply responded by getting up. Beyoncé was a little sad that she didn't get the answer she wanted, so she just took Michelle back to her car and made sure she was okay. "You good, beautiful?" Beyonce asked. Michelle just nodded and kissed her passionately on the lips. "Good night, Beyonce." Michelle simply said  driving off.


Today was the day! Charles was going to get a taste of his own medicine. Michelle was preparing by cleaning up her house, making sure everything was spotless and smelled good. She was listening to her 70's r&b Playlist.

Meanwhile Beyoncé was at home. She was in the kitchen making herself a bowl of cereal. While Kelly talked about the pictures Michelle gave her.

"Daddy, she looked so good, and the lingerie fits her perfectly!" Kelly went on.

"So she passed your test." Beyoncé smirked. She was glad that Kelly finally got to see Michelle's body. She was also glad that Kelly liked it.

"I can't wait until I get to see it in person. I just know her face matches her body. I bet she is drop dead gorgeous." Kelly smiled dreamily.

"She is and you will get to meet her soon." Beyoncé put the milk back into the fridge.

"Are you nervous? You are about to break up a happy and loving marriage." Kelly smirked. "Shame on you."

Beyoncé snorted. "Please. I was born for this." She laughed. "I can't wait to see the look on his stupid face. Fucking dumbass didn't even expect his wife to cheat on his sorry ass. This is what he gets though. I hope he tries to attack me, so I will have a reason to beat him up."

"Damn daddy! You are so hot right now." Kelly grinned. This was a good sign. It meant that Beyoncé really cared for Michelle.

"I am! He's just an all around terrible human being. A pedophile!" Beyoncé slammed her bowl on the counter. Milk sloshed over the side of the bowl onto the marble counter.

Kelly sighed, getting up from her seat. "Daddy, you don't have to convince me, and you don't have to convince Michelle that he is terrible. She is going to leave him."

"How do you know? What if she changes her mind? What if all of this was for nothing?" Beyoncé huffed.

"You are falling for her, aren't you?" Kelly asked. She already knew the answer. She just needed Beyoncé to admit it out loud.

"Yes." Beyoncé answered plainly.

"Good." Kelly smiled and pecked Beyoncé's lips. "I have no reason to doubt that she is falling for you too, so calm down, daddy." She said softly.

"I can't. Every time I think about her, I think about her creepy husband. She was only eighteen when he preyed on her. He was forty-five. A man that old has no business being with someone barely even legal. It's fucked up, and her parents let it happen!" Beyoncé nostrils flared. She was pissed off. "No one has ever looked out for her, so we will."

"Yes sir." Kelly hugged Beyoncé; her head was in the crook of Beyonce's neck. "We will protect her."

Beyoncé hugged Kelly back. She closed her eyes and took several deep breaths as Kelly rubbed her back. "We should move her in with us. I don't want her to stay with that Amaya chick."

Beyoncé nodded. "I'll ask her to move in with us."


"Welcome to my home." Michelle smiled. She had two hours before her husband came home. She had put a tracking app on his phone a long time ago, so she knew exactly where he was. Ethel Jean's house. "Well my home for another two hours." She snorted.

Beyonce kissed Michelle's forehead. "Kelly and I have talked. We want you to move in with us. We can be your new home. Don't answer now. Just think about it." She handed Michelle Kelly's gift. The note on the outside said, congratulations on your divorce!

Michelle grinned at the note. "I've thought about it, and yes, I'll move in with you two. I want to meet Kelly first."

"It's already in the works." Beyoncé smiled. "She said that you could open this gift in front of me. I already know what it is."

Michelle opened the gift bag. It was a set of two outfits, one that was a black dress and one that was a pale blue dress. There was also some perfume and something else in a rectangular box. Michelle finally opened the note. You passed my first test. I knew you would, you looked so sexy in that lingerie set! The dresses and the perfume are to enhance your beauty even further. I know you don't have that much experience yet sexually so I packed something small to help with that. This is the part of the gift Bey doesn't know about. This is also my final test before we officially meet. Make sure that you're alone when you use this and there are also instructions from me in the box. Michelle smiled at the note, excited to see what the item in the box was.

"So what was in the smaller box?" Beyoncé asked. "I'm not sure, actually." Michelle responded. Michelle did know that she was going to wear the black dress and have that perfume on when she and Kelly officially met that was for sure.
Michelle pulled Beyoncé closer to her and kissed her. The kiss between them was passionate. She stripped Beyoncé of her shirt and pants quickly.

Beyoncé followed Michelle's lead. She let her take her to the bedroom. She didn't give Michelle a second to take anything back. She had stripped Michelle of her clothes when they were kissing. She picked Michelle up and put her on the bed. Beyoncé wasted no time pulling down her briefs. She rolled the condom on and pinched the tip. They had twenty minutes top. Charles had decided to come home early. Amria had called him, pretend like she couldn't get in touch with Michelle. She demanded that he go check on her best friend.

When Charles walked through the door of his home, he heard someone moaning from the bedroom. With furrowed eyebrows, he walked down the hallway. His wife was moaning. Yes daddy was all he could hear. They had left the bedroom wide open. No doubt thinking that they had enough time. "What the fuck is going on in here?!" He yelled rounding the corner and walking in to the bedroom. He stopped dead in his tracks when he seen his wife on all fours on their bed. Some curvy man with long blonde hair pounding into his wife.

Beyoncé turned around with a smile on her face. "Oh hey Chuck. You're home early. We thought we had more time." Pulled out of Michelle and slid on Michelle's spare robe.

"You!" Charles pointed at her. "You! I know you!"

"Yes, its me. Beyoncé." Beyoncé covered Michelle with her robe. Her poor baby was still panting trying to catch her breath. "The one who has been fucking your wife for months without you even knowing old man. She has the prettiest moans, and that face she makes when she cums." She closed her eyes and kissed her finger tips. "Chef's kiss. Not like you would know anything about that. I bet you got erectile dysfunction."

"You bitch! You are going to hell!" He pointed at Michelle.

Michelle rolled her eyes. "Enough of the theatrics. I know about Ethel, Bernice, Cheryl, Odessa, Margaret, and Shirley. Might I add, you are disgusting for fucking Sister Odessa. She is the mother of her church and is about eighty-five." She stood up slipping the robe on. She walked to the dresser. "I've known for a while now. I just didn't care enough to cause a scene." She handed him a file. "These are for you."

He snatched the file from her. "What is this?" He opened the file. His eyes scanned over the paper. He shook his head. "Wh- what? What is this? You want a divorce?"

"Yep!" Michelle smiled. She pecked Beyoncé's lips.

He grabbed at his chest. His heart felt like it was about to explode. His left arm was tingling. He could understand his wife cheating him, but with a woman? That was work of the devil. His wife was one of them. An abomination to the world. "You bulldagger!" He yelled as he took his last dying breath. He had a heart attack and died.

Beyoncé shook her head. She was disappointed that those were his last words.

"Homophobic to the bitter end." Michelle spat at him. It landed right below his feet.

Beyoncé walked to him. She wasn't going to let him die like this. Not when her and Michelle still had so much left to say. "Call for an ambulance." She told Michelle, and out of spite, she started doing chest compressions. By the time the paramedics came, he was alive and breathing. He would forever remember that a bulldagger saved his life.

Three days later, Michelle and Beyoncé came to visit him in the hospital.

"I signed them." He said, holding out the paperwork to them. Michelle gladly took the papers. She turned to leave.

"The doctors said they found an aneurysm. It's in an inoperable part of my brain. I'm going to die here." His voice broke as he said it.

Michelle didn't know if he was trying to get sympathy from her but it wasn't going to work. "Karma is a bitch."

He chuckled softly. "I deserved that. I know that it doesn't mean much, but I'm sorry that I was a terrible person to you. I hate that I didn't change my ways sooner. I know it's too late, but I'm sorry."

Michelle shook her head. "You don't get to apologize and die peacefully. You don't get to be a fucking piece of shit and expect forget because you are dying. You promised me a better life away from my parents, and you were just as horrible as they are. I hope you rot in hell. I don't feel sorry for you because I know you didn't mean a goddamn thing you said. I hope you have the day you deserve. Rest in piss." She walked away before she ended his life for him. She was furious. Her hand shook and she clenched her teeth to keep herself from crying big, angry tears. When they got to the car, Michelle cried on Beyoncé's shoulder and the blonde held her, rubbing her back and telling her that she was brave. Despite her anger, she felt like a weight was lifted off of her chest.

Charles died thirty minutes later, surrounded by no one but the medical staff. None of his mistresses came to see him in the hospital. His only visitors hated his guts.

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