Charmed: The power of four

Από upsidedown1991

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The power of four. Sisters Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Pheba learn they are witches and must protect the innocent... Περισσότερα

Something Wicca This Way Comes
I've got you under my skin
Dead Man Dating

Thank you for not morphing

152 4 0
Από upsidedown1991

It's been a few weeks since Javna was defeated and I passed out and finally my sisters gave me some more space. In recent weeks I had to report every time I went somewhere. Prue kept dropping me off at school and someone always picked me up. Every cough or sneeze was delivered with over-anxiousness. I decided not to show anything anymore if something was wrong with me, they would only see a cheerful sister. Someone they didn't have to worry about.

We are walking down the stairs, heading towards the house across the street the new residents have organized a party and we have been invited only Prue didn't feel like it. I also a little less because I had an exam tomorrow, but I was glad that I could come along.

"So, we're agreed? Twenty minutes?" Prue began as we crossed the street. Piper and Phoebe looked at Prue "Prue, you can't do a party in twenty minutes" Piper replied. Prue responded with a "Watch me"

"Prue's party tips - meet, greet and bail" came the sarcastic response from Phoebe. "Hey, I'm sorry but some of us have a job and Pheba has an exam tomorrow, I don't know how you convinced me to bring Pheba with you" Prue said when she looked at me. "Prue, very briefly and I will go home on time, you can just have fun" I tried to persuade Prue. Prue was always so hard-working, she deserved a night of fun every once in a while.

"And some of us have fun" Phoebe responded a bit irritated.

"And some of us are having a really bad hair day" came Piper's response. Prue stopped walking and looked at us "You know, that is a sign. Let's turn back now before it's too late" But before she could walk back Piper's screaming voice came "NO!"

"Prue, it's never too late for a party" Prue sighed and together we walked on to the neighbors, not knowing that there was a dog in the bushes looking at them.

"Hey, I have an idea. Why don't we throw a party and charge commission. It's a great way to make extra cash" Prue sighed "Hey, I have an even better idea. Why don't you just get a job" I cringed at the comment, but before Phoebe could response, she opened the door.

Marshall saw us coming in and walked straight towards us. "The sisters Halliwell. Now the party can begin" he said cheerfully. I looked at him a bit strangely. "It's about time you chicks showed" came the voice of Cynda Marshall's sister.

"Hey, Prue, I'm glad you made it" Fritz said. "Wouldn't miss it for the world, Fritz," Prue said with a forced smile.

"Marshall, the place looks great" I said as I tried to take the focus off Prue. I knew she had nothing to do with the neighbors and hoped this would give her some peace. Marshall and his brother and sister looked at me with smiles on their faces "Thank you. We're mostly just restoring it. I didn't wanna change it too much" he explained. "You guys knew the old owners didn't you?" My attention in the conversation became less when a headache came on.

My attention came back to Prue standing away with Andy and watching Piper and Phoebe spying on them with smiles on their faces. They wanted Prue's best interests at heart, but sometimes they tried a little too hard. "Piper, Phoebe I'm going back home" my sisters announced.

They both looked at me "Are you okay?" Piper asked. "Yeah, that's fine. I just want to have a good night before my exam tomorrow" I explained. She didn't need to know that I was getting headaches from the music and crowding around me.

When I got home I grabbed an aspirin and a glass of water before going to my room. When I was just ready to go I heard noise on the stairs and someone going towards the attic. I thought it was weird because to my knowledge they should still be at the party across the street. I walked out of my room towards the attic where I heard the sound coming from. When I came upstairs I saw a rottweiler trying to get into the attic, when the dog noticed me he started barking loudly and walked towards me. I carefully walked back and when the dog got too close I ran into my room and quickly closed the door behind me. I heard the dog scratching and growling at the door and I hoped he wouldn't come in.


Prue walks back over to the manor when Fritz got in between Andy and Prue's conversation. Prue was glad he stepped in so she had a chance to slip away. She notices the door's open "Phoebe" she sighs as she walks in and shuts the door Not knowing that Pheba has gone home before. When she is a bit further into the house she hears a growl when she looks up she sees a dog on the stairs. Prue slowly steps back toward the front door. She runs the last bit towards the front door and runs outside.

Prue finally finds Piper and Phoebe and points out what just happened "Where's Pheba?" asks Prue as Phoebe and Piper look at each other. "She had already gone home" Piper shouts as the sisters run home with Andy following them.

"Pheba!!" Piper yells as she comes running in. When they get to Pheba's door, they see scratches on her door that the dog must have made. "Pheba" Piper says again as she opens the door of their youngest sister. There they see Pheba standing with a club in her hands. The sisters breathe a sigh of relief when they see that she is fine "Thank you, your back!" Pheba speaks with relief as the sisters embrace. "You okay?" asks Andy as he enters the room too. "yeah, just a bit shocked that the dog was inside"

"Yes, if you don't close the door behind you," Prue began. But Pheba looked at her in surprise "I closed the door behind me! I swear it, you know I always close the door"

Andy stepped in between "I'll come and have a look a few times, will you see if anything is missing" Andy said and the girls spread out "She's just worried" Andy spoke when he came to stand next to Pheba who looked around in the living room . "yeah, I know"After making sure nothing had been stolen except for Phoebe's Pat Boone Christmas CD and saying goodbye to Andy, the girls went to bed.


The next morning came too early for Pheba as she walked through the school corridors. "Ready for the test in a minute?" Alex asked, walking next to me. I smiled at him, something in me drew me very close to him, but I was afraid of what my life as a witch would do to a person who didn't know nothing about it, it could be dangerous for him and that's why I preferred to keep some distance. "I hope so, I've been studying hard with my girlfriends for the test, so hope so" I said to him "And you ready for the test?" I asked back "mmh, I hope so, studied hard for it"

"Well let's hope we both do well then" I smiled back. When we got to the door of the classroom Alex opened the door for me like a real gentleman "after you princess" he joked. I shook my head laughing "Thank you my fine prince" his smile couldn't get any bigger after I said that and it made me blush slightly, what was this man doing to me.

We ended up sitting next to each other and with our friends around us, we stopped talking when the teacher handed out the exam. In the middle of the exam I started to get a headache and couldn't concentrate properly so I put down my pen and rubbed my head, hoping to reduce the pain. I felt a kind of peace come over me and saw a kind of blue glow and the pain in my head disappeared. I looked around to see if anyone was looking at me or if others were also seeing that blue glow, but everyone was busy with their exam. I decided to put the event behind me and concentrate on the exam that lay before me.


Around noon, Piper, Phoebe and Prue were sitting in a café when Prue mentioned that their father visited her and asked if they wanted to have dinner with him. "I wonder why he went to you first? Why not Phoebe or me?" Piper asked herself.

Prue looked at her sister "Piper, it's not like I won the lottery" Poebe countered wanting to know more about her father "What was he like? Did he ask about us?"

"Actually, no" began Prue as Phoebe looks upset. "Phoebe, think about it. He abandoned us. He was a no show for twenty years and then what, suddenly here he is? Why now?" Prue wondered aloud to herself.

"Maybe he just wants to be part of our lives" Piper hoped, who wanted to restore her bond with her father.

"After all this time? Don't get your hopes up" Prue was still angry with her father after he left them, and didn't trust that just now that they had gained their powers, their father suddenly contacted them. with them then.

"Well, there's only one way to find out. Why wait till dinner? Let's go see him now" said Phoebe who couldn't wait to see her father.

"Will you be rational. Don't you find it just a little suspicious that just when we find out..." Prue tried to warn her sisters. "Just when we find out we're witches he shows up. But when mum dies he's no where to be found. When Pheba was born, he never ones visit her."

"He sent us birthday cards," Phoebe replied, not wanting to hear anything bad from Prue about their father.

"Selective memory. Grams always told us he was a threat to us. There's no reason to think that's changed" Prue responded.

"Prue, it's not that I don't see your point but you knew him, we didn't. Why can't we have a chance to know now?" Piper asked her older sister.

"Because we really don't know why he's here and until we do we can't trust him" Prue said and that was the end of the discussion.


That evening when everyone was in the kitchen they talked about their father being in town and wanting to see them. Pheba was shocked that their father was back and she only now heard "Why don't I know about this" I asked my sisters.

"I know plenty. First someone rips off the attic door, then the Book Of Shadows is found downstairs. Isn't that enough?" Prue suspected their father and then looked at me "Pheba, I wanted to tell you, but you had exams at school and didn't want to distract you" Prue explained. I could understand that. I didn't know what to make of him being back. on the one hand I wanted to know what kind of person he was. On the other hand, I didn't know, I've never met him yet. Grams and my sisters used to say he never came to see me after I was born. Sometimes I think I was a mistake.

"Why would somebody want the book? Here" Piper wondered as she handed the phone to Prue and they all sit down at the table.

"Well, for one reason, they know what it can do. They want its power, our power"

"That would mean it's someone who knows us and knows that we're witches" I said and Prue nodded "Yeah, someone like Victor"

"What? Dad?" Phoebe had received a premonition from her father when she came to see him at his hotel, she saw her father with the book of shadows in his hands, and although it could be true, Phoebe would not believe that the only reason was their father back came before the book was and not before them."Look, just think about it. The moment he shows up someone makes two attempts to grab the book. Coincidence? I don't think" I thought it sounded very logical

"I agree with Prue, why after all this time is he coming just now. Victor could have called or sent a card, but he's coming all the way from where to here, just when we have our powers?"

"The craft is a chick thing, Prue. It's passed on down through the female line. There's a good chance dad doesn't even know we're charmed. And Pheba it's your dad, maybe he just wants to get to know us again and in our lives," said Piper.

"He's not my father, I never had a father Piper" I said "If you want to have dinner with him, go ahead, but I don't want to" I got up and put my tea cup in the sink " I have to go, I've agreed with friends to end our exam week, I won't be home too late" I said and walked away. This whole thing about that man was not worth my time and energy.

When Pheba was gone, the sisters were still debating why their father would want the book. In the end, Piper and Phoebe decided that they would have dinner with their father. Prue said he wouldn't.


That evening Victor, Phoebe and Piper were having dinner together in a luxury restaurant, it was certainly uncomfortable when Victor took a shot down memory lane.

Things got even more awkward when Prue arrived unexpectedly."I don't understand. If you can afford a spot like this, why didn't you help out when Grams died? We actually could've used it then" Prue began when she got no response to the first question she asked where he had been all the time of their lives.

"Give him a chance, Prue. Dad's explained. The money, all this, it's new" Piper explained to their father.

"It's okay, Piper. I'm a big boy. I didn't come back earlier because I was afraid I might disappoint you," their father began, getting the response "too late" from Prue.

Piper wondered aloud where the dessert went as Victor tried to get Prue to sit down so they could talk quietly together. "Please, sit down. Have something to eat"

"I'm Not Hungry"

"Always in a hurry, Prue. You skipped crawling and went straight to walking"."Ah, we're sharing memories. Well, I got one of my own, you're walking back out the door" Prue responded fiercely.

Just as a waiter walks past them holding a flambeau, Victor puts out his foot and trips him. Piper freezes him and the restaurant. She gets up and takes the flambeau out of the waiters hands. Everyone unfreezes and the waiter falls flat on his face, but the flambeau was saved "Who wants flambeau?" Piper responded as if she hadn't just frozen everyone. The waiter stands back up and takes the flambeau off of Piper after saying a thank you.

"Nice reflexes. Now let me get this straight. Piper, you freeze time. Prue, don't you move objects? And what's you specialty, Phoebe? Premonitions? Maybe we should talk about this elsewhere" Victor began who knew she was now would like to talk to him.


When Piper, Phoebe, Prue and Victor walk into the Halliwell manor, When she opens it she sees three crows inside. They squawk and fly outside "Friends of yours?" begins Victor, to which no one responds and walk further into the house.

Phoebe, Piper and Victor sat down in the living room as Prue looked around as the crows had come in. "Someone left the window open which is probably how the birds got in. What is so funny?" Prue began as she entered the living room."Do you remember the day this was taken?" Piper asked as she showed Prue a photograph they were just laughing about "Yeah, family picnic. It rained" saw Prue

"And your mother packed us all up and she brought us home and we had the picnic right here in the living room. Do you remember that Prue?" Victor tried to get Prue to turn around, but if they knew one thing it was that Prue could be very stubborn.

Just as Prue said "Barley" Pheba walked in.

"Hey, I'm home" she said as she walked into the living room.

"Pheba" began Prue who was happy to see a levelheaded person walk in. She smiled at Prue when she looked around the living room and saw an unknown man sitting there. "Oh hello, I didn't know we had visitors, I'm Pheba" she introduced herself.

"I'm Victor" the man began and Pheba knew this must be her father. Phoebe jumped up and stood next to Victor. "Our father!" came her sister's merry voice.Pheba looked at him and then her sisters "I have no father, never had. So this man can't be that" she said nonchalantly. Prue struggled not to laugh out loud but was proud of her youngest sister for reacting this way.

"Pheba!" exclaimed Piper and Phoebe, disappointed at their sister's reaction.Victor acted like he didn't care. He knew he had a fourth child, but also that he had never visited her.

Pheba wanted nothing to do with this man. It only hurt when she thought about it. she used to wonder where her father was. But after not receiving a birthday card for the umpteenth time while her sisters did, she let it go. She had no father and she never would. She felt a mistake in her own eyes, father who didn't care about her or didn't care about her, but did care about her sisters and a mother who died shortly after she was born.

Victor picks up another photograph and slowly walks over to Prue "This one was at one of your piano recitals. Not a very good shot. My fault. I had to take the pictures that day. Your mother was too busy holding her breath. If you look closely" he said as he hands her the photo "you see there, that's her" he pointed to a spot on the photo.

Prue looked after it "I never noticed that before"

Victor picks up another photo "And this one used to be a five by seven" It is a picture of the family but a piece is missing. "When I was still in it" he said"And then I wasn't born yet" Pheba responded softly where no one heard. She was happy for her sisters who reminisced with their father, but she had no memories. She wiped a tear and walked away. She had promised herself not to show negative emotions around her sisters.

"I think Grams cut you out" Phoebe replied to Victor, not realizing that Pheba was walking away.

"There's a bunch of other stuff in the attic. Grams left us some things," Piper began

"Not all she left us" Phoebe continued, wanting to talk about their powers.

 "Phoebe, let's not go there" Prue tried to warn Phoebe.

"What, it's not like he doesn't already know and I'm sorry but it's kind of a relief to talk to someone about it" Phoebe ignored Prue's warningPiper didn't want to bring that up either, afraid of the answer "Um, does anybody want coffee?"

"I mean, one day I am a member of the Y generation with average hair and a thing for caffeinated beverages, and the next I am a witch" Phoebe continued."Dad, do you take cream or, um, sugar with that?" Piper tried again

"I just read from the book and 'wham!' I am Tabitha. The only thing is, is I got stuck with the power to see the future. How uncool is that?"

"Well, from what your mother always said, it was actually considered one of the more desirable powers," said her father.

"Unless you see things you don't desire"

"So how long have you known? About us, our powers, how long?" asked Prue"I knew there was a possibility. That's why I came back, to find out. It must of happened when your grandmother died, right?" Victor asked

"Yep, I just read an incantation from the book and..." Phoebe explained"Ahh, the Book Of Shadows. Not exactly summer reading. Is it still up in the attic? You know, I haven't seen it in years. Mind if I have a look?" prue exploded after hearing that

"What exactly are you accusing me of, Prue?" asked Victor, who was now standing again

"Figure it out," came Prue's response.

"Come on, Prue, take it easy"

"Are you kidding me? Am I the only one with Pheba who sees what's going on here?"

"Couldn't we all just take a deep breath..." Piper tried to soothe the tense situation.

"Think about it, Piper. He wines and dines and now he's back in the house he hasn't set foot in for twenty years and the first thing he wants to know is where's the Book Of Shadows?" No one noticed that Pheba was coming back when she heard her sisters shout loudly and heard the conversation that followed.

"You're just looking for something to blame him for" Phoebe responded fiercely to her sister.

"You throw the grab down memory lane, your youngest daughter is suddenly in front of you, someone you've never seen in real life and you pretend she's not there, and now someone says the book and you want to see it? Admit it . Tell them why you're here" Prue replied who couldn't believe him.

"Prue stop," Piper tried.

"For the first time in your life, Victor, tell them the truth"

"Alright, fine. You're right. I am after the book. That's exactly the reason why I came back" Piper and Phoebe reacted disappointed "But not for the reasons you would like to believe. It would make it easier for you, Prue, wouldn't it? If I were evil. Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, I'm not. I'm here to protect you," their father continued.

"Yeah, right" Prue didn't believe it.

"To protect us from what?" Piper asked worriedly.

"From yourselves. That's why I want that damn book. It's where the power of four started and it's where it must end"

"It's part of us, it's part of who we are" Phoebe couldn't believe it.

"That's what your mother believed too. Before they killed her"

"What are you saying?"

"You have no idea what evil is out there," he continued, hoping they would understand.

"Oh, I think we've got a pretty good idea," Prue said

"Listen to me, Prue. That book is a magnet for evil. As long as you have it, as long as you use it, you're in danger. All of you"

"You're unbelievable. After all these years of being an absentee dad then you waltz back into our lives and tell us how to live," Prue said in disbelief.

"I never wanted you to have those powers in the first place. I battled with your grandmother after your mum died. She wanted you to find out you were witches when you grew up. I didn't. I fought for you, hard. Your grandmother was too strong"

Piper didn't want to believe what her father said "Wait, you're blaming Grams for why you disappeared. She loved us, she raised us"

"What'd she do? Put a spell on you?"

"Believe me, nothing short of that would've kept me away. You have to believe me. All I want is for what's best for you. Phoebe, you believe me don't you?" Victor asked hopefully.

"We've done fine without you," Prue continued

"Prue, you can't fight this. I couldn't ... Are you sure? Are you sure you can protect your sisters forever?"

"We'll protect each other," Piper said.

"Then you'll die together" he said

"No one can hurt us as bad as you" Prue spoke before using her powers on him and he flies across the room and he hits the door frame. He stands back up and looks at his daughters.

"If you wanted me to leave, all you had to do was ask" he said before leaving the house.


The next morning Pheba had to go to school, the sisters ignored each other and Pheba had tried to ease the tension.

Once we arrived at school, the man who takes care of all the tension between the sisters was standing there. "Pheba" Victor Pheba sighed and walked towards the man.

"What are you doing here?"

"I know I didn't leave a good impression yesterday, but I really want to be there for you now!" Victor admitted

"I don't know, I've thought so many times why you never came by, why I've never seen you once in my life, and now that we've got magic all of a sudden you're standing in front of us. I overheard the conversation yesterday, I know you comes for the book, and not really for us, why should I give you a chance"Victor sighed, knowing it was going to be hard to change her mind about him. "Give me a chance and I'll show you I'm serious!" Victor hoped with this that he could change at least one of the sisters' mind. His next step would be Phoebe."I want to give you a chance, and I hope you don't screw it up," Pheba sighed, not knowing why she gave him a chance. but deep down she also hoped that just maybe she would have a father in her life.

She walked towards the door of the school where Alex was already waiting with his friends who got the whole conversation "Who was that?" asked Alex as he put an arm over Pheba's shoulders.

"A man, who children can call their 'father'" she sighed

"what children can call father?" he questioned as he looked at her questioningly.

"I only met this man for the first time last night, and let's just say it wasn't a good meeting. Hoping he came for us, it turns out he actually came for something else. And now he came asking if a second chance with me"Alex and his friends looked at each other "Wow" Jorden said "That is messed up" Pheba laughed "Tell me what"

The group walked into the school and Pheba was happy that Alex and his group of friends got along well with her group of friends. The group together always managed to get her away from the problems at home, even if it was in her mind.


Later that day, Piper, Prue, Pheba came home when they saw Phoebe running down the stairs. "Dad, you can't be here, you have to leave now" Phoebe shouted when she saw her father in the living room. At that moment a second Victor walked into the room

"Whoa, time out. What's going on here?" Piper asked

Victor #1 "Don't worry about it, sweetie. Everything's gonna be fine"

Victor #2 "Don't trust him".

"Wait a second. Last week we had no dad and now we have two?" said Piper in a panic.

"Phoebe, remember, remember when you were little and you were afraid of the dark and I would leave the hall light on and the door open just a crack." spoke Victor #1

Victor #2 "Oh, that's original. What kid isn't afraid of the dark?"

Victor #1 "Prue, she's never afraid of anything."

"He's right, Prue. You were never afraid of the dark" Pheba admitted

Victor #2 "Lucky guess. I said I came back to protect you. Now there's only one way to do it. Kill us both"

Victor #1 "You're bluffing."

Victor #2 "Am I? Just do it because I wanna go out with a bang""Do it, Phoebe" Prue yelled but Phoebe was hesitant "The spell will kill everyone including dad"

"It's the only way. Prudence..." said Victor #2Pheba looked at the ring on the table "Prue, the protection ring" Prue uses her power and the ring slides across the table. Victor #2 picks it up. Prue nods and he puts it on. "Phoebe now" Prue yells as Phoebe begins reciting the spell ""In the circle that is home, safety's gone and evils roam" Phoebe yells as Cynda turns into a creature "rid all beings from these walls, save sisters four now heed our call." It gets windy in the room "When in the circle that is home, safety's gone and evils roam..." The shape shifters start melting. Victor #2 falls to his knees in pain "Daddy!" exclaimed Pheba Worried

"It's okay, keep it going" shouts Victor #2

"Rid all beings from these walls, save sisters four now heed our call." The shape shifters melt and disappear. Prue, Piper, Pheba and Phoebe run over to Victor. Prue helps him up and looks at his daughter with gratitude.

"For a moment there I wasn't sure what you would do" Victor said

"For a moment there neither did I" Prue replied

"I thought you didn't want us to use our magic" Phoebe said when Victor looked at her

"I didn't. Not as long as I still thought of you as my little girls. But you're obviously not anymore"

"We're still you're little girls, we're just..." Piper began as Prue finished her sentence with "Witches"

"Yeah, witches. Well, obviously you don't need your old man to protect you from anything" he said with a small smile.

They agreed to meet tomorrow evening and talk further, for now it was just as good to relax after all the events and so their father left after giving everyone a hug. Pheba got the hope that her father really wanted to be there for them now.


The next evening, the sisters are in the living room waiting for their father to arrive when Prue is still on the phone with Andy "No, Andy, I'm fine really. Dad's gonna be here any minute, so I can take a rain check on dinner? Okay, thanks for the good advice"

"So he's dad now?" asked Phoebe with a smile that was glad Prue was willing to give him a chance.

"Yes, Phoebe, and by the way my dress looks good on you," her sister commented."I don't have any nice clothes, Prue"

"Dad said it was casual," Prue replied.

"I don't care. I wanna look nice for him. Who knows how long it'll be before we see him again" Phoebe replied.

"You don't think he's gonna stay around?" Piper asked, expecting Phoebe to be confident."I hope he stays and wants to work on our band. Maybe I'll get a father after all," said Pheba, giving hope. The sisters knew how much it had grieved their youngest sister that their father was never there and how it affected her.

"Well, let's just say I no longer have a romanticized image of him. And I'm glad about that actually. At least dad is real now" Phoebe said.

"And at least he's not a monster which is very reassuring considering we share his genes" joked Prue

"I'm just glad he came back no matter how long he stays. Kind of nice feeling like a normal family again. Whatever that means". Phoebe and Pheba nods as the doorbell rings. "Speak of the devil" Piper jokes as she walks to the door.

Moments later Piper and Leo walk back into the living room "Uh, hi, you must be Mr. Wyatt?" asked Pheba when she saw the man who would come by this evening. Phoebe was right about those shining eyes and Pheba already knew what time it was "The handyman?"

"Call me Leo" Leo told the girls.

"Gladly," Phoebe began flirtingly.

Leo was uncomfortable under Phoebe's look "ehm.. This was on the steps" He holds up a yellow large envelope that Prue takes it off him. "This place is, uh, you don't find many like this around anymore" said Leo who was impressed by the house.

"Yeah, it's kind of falling apart" Piper said when she came to stand next to Leo."So we're glad you're here Mr. Wyatt" said Pheba

"You may say Leo" Leo smiled back at the young lady. "That will take some getting used to. They raised me well, always respecting people older than me," explained Pheba.

"They indeed did a good job," Leo responded. De zussen glimlachte om het compliment.

When she turned back to the house Leo responded at work "The problem isn't the manor, it's the manner in which it was treated. I'd love to see more"

"I would love to show it to you. The attic is right this way" started Phoebe who wanted to have a 1 on 1 moment with Leo. She pushes Piper and Pheba out of the way and Phoebe and Leo head towards the stairs.

"Guys" comes Prue's voice as she catches the eye of her sisters.

"Uh, I'll be right up" says Phoebe as Leo slowly walks upstairs but not so fast that he's out of ear shot.

"he's not coming"

"Who's Not Coming?" asks Pheba.

"Dad. He sent this. Um," she reads the note "girls, something's come up, I hate to leave town. Can't make it to dinner. Probably best if we let the dust settle anyway. I know there's a lot you would like to forget but here's what I remember. Love dad" Prue holds up a video tape.

"Ow" comes a soft voice from Pheba who felt all her hopes crumble. The girls look at each other. "I'm going to change" Pheba had a forced smile on her face as she tried to hold back her tears "it was too good to be true" she thought.

"You okay?" asked Prue.

"Yeah, mean did we expect something different?" Pheba responded as she climbed the stairs.At the top of the stairs she almost bumped into Leo who grabbed her by the shoulders "wow" he said.

"Oh sorry, I didn't look where I was walking" Pheba apologized to herself.

"Are you okay?" asked Leo, who had overheard the conversation between the sisters. "Yes, thank you" replied Pheba softly with a small smile as she continued towards her room.

After Leo left and the four of the sisters sat in the living room, they went to watch the video their father gave. On the video it's Christmas. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are there as kids. They are opening their presents. Victor kisses Prue on the cheek and then grabs Piper and lifts her into the air. He then asks what Phoebe got and she holds up a Barbie. Patty their mother is pregnant with Pheba at the time. Pheba likes to see that Victor was at least there for a while when she was still in the belly, But it hurt more that he wasn't there for the rest.

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9.6K 407 22
Even I make mistakes. It's sad but true. It's been a year since I reincarnated into my favorite tv show, Charmed, and so much has happened. I now hav...
6.1K 154 19
"We're known as the Charmed Ones" When Four sisters discover their magical roots things turn out weird for them. They learn that they are the Charme...
26.1K 1.2K 103
{COMPLETED} {BOOK 3 PUBLISHED} {currently fixing errors} "You and I both know you covered up the story. You don't care about this school or anyone in...
3.5K 99 17
Lives are changed when Four sisters discover they have magical powers. Each Sister has a unique power and must stop these evil beings from hurting ot...