By ANSA_Reads

25.6K 1.7K 373

What do you do when you're tied to an arrogant, yet damaged man? What do you do when the little soul-tie you... More



2K 138 38
By ANSA_Reads

"Please, friend," Ama pleaded desperately with me as I moved around the kitchen, wiping the kitchen island of the crumbs from the food that she and I had been eating.

I groaned in response, rolling my eyes, "nope," I told her as I threw the dish cloth into the sink and rinsed my hands under the lukewarm water. I wiped my hands on a dry dishcloth before I reached for my phone that I had in the pocket of my brown sweatpants.

"Bathong, friend, you didn't even hear me out," Ama weakly argued, shaking her head incredulously as if she couldn't understand me.

"I didn't need to. Those first three words out of your mouth, were rubbish enough for me to know that I need to say 'hell no'," I answered her, smiling as my eyes connected with the new message from Kores.


Lmaooo Kores, I didn't realise I had tissue stuck to the back of my shoe when I was walking to my lecture


fyi that's so embarrassing tbh fr fr


I should've never taught you slang because wtf is this honey

You're just throwing all the words together 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Gurlll, now you know that I know what I'm talking about, and that's on period okurr


Okay, husband, I see you purr


we outside purr




"-lo," I suddenly zoned back in at Ama's voice, and it sounded like she'd been calling me over and over. I had a huge smile on my face as I looked up from my phone and met her eyes. Ama's eyebrows raised and a teasing smirk appeared on her lips, "oooh, looks like someone's falling in love!" she squealed and I rolled my eyes, switching off my phone.

"Oh please, Ama. Falling in love is a heavy ass statement."

"I swear I saw the word husband there omg!" she squealed, trying to grab my phone from my hands and we began to wrestle for it as we both started laughing uncontrollably. "Aww, I think it's so cute that you've rekindled with your primary school crush." She teased me as she began to tickle me and I became squeamish, kicking my feet and laughing.

"Stop it, Ama!" I shoved her away and she laughed uncontrollably. "And I didn't have a crush on him!"

She ignored me and began to put her fingers together, making them kiss and began to make kissy noises, "mwah mwah mwah, and it's Kores and Evelyn, kissing, and making babies," and she began to moan extra loud, making her hands hump each other and I laughed, rolling my eyes at her crudeness.

"You're disgusting."

"Seriously though, you're practically glowing, oooh," she teased as she leaned against my kitchen island and pushed her hair over her shoulder, calming down from teasing me. "How often do you guys talk?" she asked me and I went to climb onto the kitchen island, crossing my legs Indian style and she climbed onto it as well, mimicking me.

"We talk the whole day, well, as lot as we can since he's really busy," I explained to her as I reached for the bowl of sweets that I had placed on the kitchen island and put them between her and I as we continued our conversation.

"Aww, that's the cutest thing ever," she said with a smile and I nodded, unable to stop the smile that was spreading on my face.

"Okay, what is it that you were going to ask me?" I finally asked, wanting to at least hear her out.

"Well," she began, "I was with R-P-K and I went to this other business event thing with him. Anyways, while we were there, I met someone who I think would be absolutely perfect for you– wait, wait, hear me out, hear me out, Evelyn," she hurriedly said when she saw me start rolling my eyes. I decided to bite my tongue and let her finish. "His name is Adam, he's 27 years old, and he's one of those artsy type of dudes that you like. He's got the long and cool dreads, literally looks like Luka Sabbat, and smells really good, and is into all that crystal stuff that you like as well. He owns a coffee shop in Hatfield, has open mic poetry, and live music bands, and all those things that are literally you. Like, omg, when I saw him, I was like, this guy is so meant for my best friend! Like, he's perfect!"

I was silent, thinking about all that she'd said. She'd literally described my dream guy, and I can't lie, I can't believe that I'm actually getting a bit excited by this.

She must've seen the look on my face and perfectly defined it because she grinned and nodded enthusiastically, looking mighty proud of herself, "yep, yep, I know, literally your perfect guy. Anyways, I spoke to him, introduced myself, and he introduced himself, and everything went really well and I did the things that made for the pots to be done," she wiggled her shoulders and patted herself on the back, "and I've set you both up on a date, for Friday, which is two days from now."

"...I don't know, Ama...." I tried to argue but she saw right through that.

"Pffft, please, uyazazi nje (you just know) that you want to go on this date. You're not even putting up a real fight, stop with this 'I don't know, Ama'," she said in an annoyingly high pitched voice with overdramatic acting. I laughed and she snorted, "it's going to be on Friday, a dinner date, between the two of you, super nice vibes on a nice Friday night. Everything is already set up, all you have to do is touch your damn crystals, light up some incense and show the fuck up."

I raised my hands in mock surrender, "okay, okay, I give up, I will be there on Friday. Where, though?"

"I made reservations at the Michelangelo Hotel," she told me as she wiggled her fingers, saying, "okurr, and that's on making sure my bestie dines in style, hoe." I laughed but nodded my head.

"Alright, alright, you won." She began to clap excitedly, dancing because this was the first time in a long time that I admitted defeat.

"Omg, I can't wait!" she said excitedly, wiping out her phone just as I was pulling mine out. "Friday is going to be one for the books."

Ama and I had no idea just how true that statement was. 

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