HIS ROGUE MATE | 𝗧𝗮𝗲𝗸𝗼𝗼...

بواسطة devilJoonie24

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"Mate" the Raven head's wolf Howled when His vision lands on the Meek and Fragile Omega covered in blood. His... المزيد

Yoonminseok (M)


3.4K 230 29
بواسطة devilJoonie24

"YOU!!" Taehyung trembled in the alpha's grip. Sweat beads rolled down from his forehead to his neck. He quickly detached himself from the alpha male while gulping hard.

"Don't you have eyes?!! Watch where you are going" The alpha's wild jade eyes started right into Tae's hazel brown eyes.

"I..am sorry" Tae mumbled, bowing his head. He sighed internally at the thought of not getting caught. He thanked Luna and turned to escape from the male but before that, he stopped him.

"Wait a minute," the alpha pondered," I have seen you somewhere" He guessed.

Tae's breath hitched at his words. He felt as if his heart dropped to his stomach. He shook his head denying the other. "No.."

"No way that I will forget someone like you" The alpha tried to read Tae's eyes. Tae shook his head trying to turn away.


Both the alpha and Omega turned to the voice to see Jungkook, who was following Tae from the moment he left the pack house. Yeonjun, the alpha, left Tae's hand and stepped back still staring at Tae. Tae sighed in relief moved away from Yeonjun and looked at Jungkook.

Jungkook gawked at Tae who was avoiding his eyes. He wanted the omega alone to have a conversation but this is not the right time. He didn't fail to notice how he was uncomfortable around Yeonjun.

"Good noon, Alpha" Yeonjun bowed in respect. Jungkook nodded in acknowledgment, but his eyes were on the omega.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook questioned. Yeonjun opened his mouth to reply but he sensed it was for the omega next to him.

Tae looked up, "I...I was... That..." he stuttered, looking here and there. He doesn't want to reveal that he is still going to the lakeside. "I was just strolling around" he answered.

Jungkook stared at him and nodded. He knew the omega was lying right on his face but he let it slide. Jungkook turned to Yeonjun who stared at them.

"Who is this beautiful male? Is he your mate?" Yeonjun inquired, smiling at them. Tae turned to Jungkook, while the alpha stared back at him. The omega's heartbeat was rising. Hope rose as the alpha looked at him. He wanted the alpha to acknowledge him as his mate.

"Oh, you are here!!" A voice interrupted their convo shifting their attention. Tae turned to the voice and his heart stopped beating for a minute. They are here... The four males. He quickly turned his face away from them.

"Yeonjun!! We were searching for you" Soobin rolled his eyes at the alpha who giggled. "Looks like you met the alpha before us" They all stood before Jungkook and bowed in respect.

"Welcome Black Blood Pack, What is the reason for this sudden arrival?" Jungkook questions nodding his head. They were so engrossed in the conversation that they didn't mind the omega beside them.

"We are here to meet you and discuss some important matters, Alpha." The leader of the group, Soobin answered with a polite and respectful tone.

Jungkook's expression remained composed as he nodded. "I see. Well, you're welcome here. We will go to my office to continue our discussion."

Jungkook motioned for Soobin and the other members of the Black Blood Pack to follow him, He secretly motioned Tae to come along with them and led the way back toward his office. As they walked, Tae trailed slightly behind, feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

He glanced at Jungkook's back, noticing the way the alpha carried himself with authority and confidence. It was a stark reminder of the responsibilities that came with being a leader.

As they reached his office Jungkook halted on his steps and turned to look at the members."You can go inside Beta Jin will be there waiting for you. I have to discuss something with him." Jungkook said pointing at Tae.

Everyone's head turned in the direction Jungkook was pointing. Tae looked down as soon as he felt the attention shift to him. His heart raced with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation. Jungkook's request to talk privately took him by surprise, and he wondered what the alpha could want to discuss.

"Who is he? He doesn't look like a werewolf." Huening Kai one of the members of the Black blood pack questioned. Tae bit his lips in nervousness.

Lycus growled in Jungkook's mind seeing his mate having unwanted attention from other Alphas.

"Jungkook...Why are they even interested in my omega." Lycus growled. It was the first time Jungkook agreed with Lycus. He doesn't like how Tae was getting the attention of Alphas and Beta but he can't do anything to it for now since they came from another pack.

If something goes wrong there will be a war between the two packs Moreover Jungkook considers them as his brothers so it will be difficult for him to behave harshly on them.

"He is a member of this pack," Jungkook answered eyeing Tae who's head hand low due to the unwanted attention.

Huening Kai raised an eyebrow, clearly not satisfied with the simple answer. "A member? But he seems like a human."

Tae's heart raced as he felt the weight of the scrutiny from the members of the Black Blood Pack. Their questioning gazes made him feel exposed and vulnerable, his insecurities bubbling to the surface. It wasn't the first time he had faced doubt and discrimination due to his omega status, and he had developed a thick skin over the years, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt.

Now he doesn't have his wolf within him as a protective shield, and the attention from the other pack members was making him acutely aware of his vulnerability. He wished he could just disappear or find a place to hide.

Jungkook's voice, however, cut through the tension once more. "Tae is indeed a member of our pack, he was an omega werewolf for some reason his wolf decided to suppress himself. He is respected and valued for his contribution to our pack."

"You are the reason behind this." Lycus spatted in anger which Jungkook ignored and looked at Tae.

Tae felt a mix of relief and gratitude as Jungkook reaffirmed his status within the pack. Jungkook's words were like a shield against the doubts and judgments that had been directed at him. He held onto those words as a reminder that he belonged to this pack.

As the Black Blood Pack members nodded in acknowledgment, their expressions seemed to soften, perhaps beginning to understand the complexities of Tae's situation. Huening Kai's raised eyebrow was now replaced by a more contemplative look.

"You all get inside Jin will be there waiting for you as I had informed him earlier. I will be there within 5 minutes." Jungkook said. One by one entered the room and were greeted by Jin.

Tae stood there still his eyes cast down. Jungkook moved towards Tae and stood in front of him.

"Look at me," Jungkook said. Tae didn't raise his gaze which made Jungkook furious.

"I said look at me," Jungkook growled. Tae flinched and raised his gaze to meet Jungkook's furious one. Tae's heart raced even faster, his chest tightening in response to the intensity of the alpha's gaze.

"Why didn't you answer them when they humiliated you, huh?" Jungkook's voice was stern, demanding an answer. He didn't shout, but his words held a weight that seemed to echo in the small space between them.

Tae's lips parted as he tried to find the right words, his pulse pounding in his ears. "I...I" his words trailed off unable to complete his sentence.

"You only know to shout and fight with me and not to others," Jungkook said with disappointment.

Tae's heart sank at Jungkook's words. The disappointment in the alpha's voice was like a sharp pang, cutting through his already fragile emotions. He hadn't realized how much his inability to stand up for himself in front of others would affect Jungkook's perception of him.

"I'm sorry," Tae managed to say, his voice barely audible. He felt a knot forming in his throat, a mixture of regret and shame swirling within him. He knew that he should have defended himself, especially when his status within the pack was being questioned.

Jungkook's expression softened slightly, the anger in his eyes giving way to something more empathetic." Go and ask someone to make drinks for the guest and ask them to bring it, you don't have to come." Jungkook said. Tae nodded and ran away from there.

Jungkook sighed and entered the office where Jin and others started the discussion. He moved towards and sat on his swivel chair.

Jungkook's mind was still somewhat preoccupied with his interaction with Tae as he focused on the discussion at hand. The matters brought up by the Black Blood Pack were important, and he needed to ensure that the conversation remained productive and respectful.

As the discussion progressed, Jungkook found himself subtly glancing towards the door, his thoughts drifting back to Tae. He couldn't shake off the concern he felt for the omega. Tae's vulnerability had been so evident which made him slightly worried about Tae.

Jin, noticing Jungkook's distraction, gave him a knowing smile before smoothly transitioning the conversation to another topic. Jungkook appreciated Jin's ability to manage situations and bring the focus back to the matters at hand.

"Since you will be here for a week, we will discuss things later. Make yourself at home." Jin said with a pleasing smile.

Just as the meeting was about to conclude, there was a knock on the door, and Tae entered with a tray of drinks. Jungkook's eyes briefly met Tae's as he set the tray down on a table.

"You can have it. It's for you all." Jungkook said. One by one took the glass of juice.The atmosphere in the room seemed to relax a bit as the members of the Black Blood Pack sipped on their drinks, engaging in more casual conversation after the formal discussions.

Tae stood quietly, his gaze averted as he tried to blend into the background. He was still processing the earlier exchange with Jungkook and his feelings of inadequacy.

Jungkook, though engrossed in the conversation, kept a subtle eye on Tae, noting his presence and the way he seemed to withdraw.

He ignored him for a while and concentrated on the people in front of him.

After a while, the members of the Black Blood Pack seemed to be wrapping up their conversation. Soobin stood up and turned towards Jungkook with a small smile. "Thank you for your hospitality, Alpha Jungkook. We appreciate your willingness to consider collaboration."

Jungkook stood as well, returning the smile. "Of course, Soobin. It's been a pleasure to discuss these matters. We'll be in touch to further explore the possibilities."

"Your Rooms are already allocated. You will be guided by an omega who is standing outside." Jin said.

With a nod of agreement, Soobin and his pack members began to make their way towards the door. As they did, Tae moved to collect the empty glasses, making himself busy to avoid drawing attention to himself.

However, before leaving, Soobin turned back and regarded Tae for a moment, his gaze thoughtful. "Omega Tae, it was nice to meet you. Apologies if our earlier questions made you uncomfortable."

Tae's eyes widened a fraction in surprise at the unexpected acknowledgment. He quickly shook his head, his voice soft but sincere. "No, it's alright. Thank you."

Soobin's smile was warm. "Take care." With that, he followed the others out of the room.

As the door closed behind them, a palpable sense of relief seemed to wash over the room. Jin let out a sigh and stretched his arms. "Well, that went fairly well, don't you think?"

"Didn't I tell you not to bring drinks by yourself?" Jungkook asked Tae. Jin stood there confused not knowing what was happening between them.

"There wasn't anyone in the kitchen. I searched for Jimin Hyung but was not found. So I made it and brought it by myself." Tae reasoned.

Jungkook signed and nodded convinced by his explanation. Jin tried to stay silent letting the mates do whatever they want.

"Black Blood pack will be staying here for a week. I don't want you to go nearer to them and make scenes like today." Jungkook warned Tae. Tae nodded understandingly

Jin smiled sensing the possesiveness in Jungkook's behaviour. Now he understood why Jungkook was spacing out at the time of meeting.

"I want to tell you something." Both Jungkook and Tae said at a time. Jin chuckled but composed himself before he would start laughing out loud.

"You go on first." Jungkook said and waited for Tae to say whatever he want.

"Hmm..I want to inform you about something." Tae said after contemplating for a long time. Jungkook's eyebrows crushed in confusion.

"I want to report you about-" Tae was interrupted by someone who knocked the door.

Jin opened the door, revealing Ava. Ava brows crushed seeing Tae in Jungkook's office.

"Alpha..I have to address something." Ava said moving inside the room. She stood beside Jungkook and faced Tae.

"Let him complete what he wants to say." Jungkook said. Ava nodded.

Tae glared at Ava. Somewhere in him,he doesn't like how she placed herself beside him.

Tae's glare didn't go unnoticed by Ava, but she remained composed, her focus unwavering.

"I don't have anything to say." Tae said and left the room hurriedly before taking the tray.

"Tae." Jungkook called him but Tae didn't stop. His steps quickened as he left the room, a mix of emotions and thoughts swirling within him. He needed to get away, to find some space to clear his head and make sense of everything that was happening.

Jungkook watched Tae's departure, a mix of concern and frustration evident on his face. He turned to Ava, his tone serious. "Ava, what was that about? Why did Tae want to report something to me?"

Ava's gaze remained focused on the door through which Tae had just left. "I'm not entirely sure, Alpha. But from what I overheard, it seemed like Tae is having hard time staying here."

"Having a hard time staying here?" Jungkook repeated, his brows furrowing in confusion and concern. "What do you mean?Why would he suddenly be having difficulties?"

Ava turned her attention back to Jungkook, her expression serious." I am going to become Luna of the pack and he is your ex-mate-" She got interrupted by Jin.

"Are you trying to saying that He is having hard time because You and Tae is staying in same place. If then he would have informed me first before you all. Since he haven't done anything we can't assume something. Jungkook it's better if you ask him directly." Jin suggested.

Jin's intervention cut through the tension that was building in the room. His logical and straightforward approach helped to bring a sense of clarity to the situation. Jungkook's eyebrows relaxed as he considered Jin's words.

"You're right, Jin. I shouldn't jump to conclusions without getting Tae's perspective," Jungkook admitted with a sigh. He appreciated Jin's wisdom and insight, especially in matters that concerned the dynamics within the pack.

Ava gritted her teeth in anger but tried to apologise calmly in order to showcase herself as a good person infront of Jungkook ."You're right, Beta Jin. I apologize for assuming without proper information."

Jungkook turned to Ava and asked." What do you wanna say?"

"Alpha I haven't gone to Omega Den since I came here. If I have you permission, May I go there?" Ava asked. Jungkook nodded and gave her the permission.

"Thank you Alpha." She tried to hold Jungkook hand but he refused her from holding his hands.

"Be back within one hour." Jungkook said. Ava left the room before Thanking Jungkook once more. Jungkook looked at Jin seriously.

"Do we have any information about the two cases?" Jungkook asked.

"About my brother's case there's still no information about. But in Rogue's case there is a progress. They were able to find out the there someone who helped the rogue from our pack." Jin said everything he got to know from the investigators.

"I think from here we would need the assistance of Tae. I think you should speak to him about this matter calmly. If got any info then it will be a turning point in this investigation." Jin said.

Jungkook nodded in agreement. Jin's advice made sense; involving Tae in the investigation could indeed provide valuable insights, especially if the rogue had connections within the pack.

"You're right, Jin. I'll talk to Tae about it," Jungkook affirmed. "But for now you should focus on addressing the Black Blood Pack's visit and ensuring a smooth stay for them."

Jin nodded."Of course, Alpha. I'll handle the necessary arrangements and make sure everything goes smoothly during their stay."

After a few more conversation between them Jin left the room leaving Jungkook with his thoughts.

"I should approach Tae as soon as possible and should say what I want." Jungkook thought and made his way out of the room in search of Tae.

He moved towards Tae room but unfortunately Tae was not there. He the made his way towards the living since Tae was mostly found on that place.

But as soon as he reached the living room he halted on his steps seeing the figures in front him.His blood boiled in anger. His pupils started to change it's colour.


To be continued

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