Love at first sight | KAZUHEI

By ApplesLovesKazuhei

152 1 2

credits to the original owner of the fan art used in this fan fic. This story is highly inspired by the song... More

Love at first sight

152 1 2
By ApplesLovesKazuhei

third person pov:

It was just a few days since the Sakoku decree was established. all vision havers were to have their visions, and their ambitions confiscated. in the tenryo commission, things were a mess. Kujou Sara and Shikanoin Heizou were running after criminal after criminal to set things straight, it was no fun scene.

KS(Kujou Sara): Shikanoin! get over here!

H: yes madam Kujou?

KS: We have caught almost every criminal. there are a few left. I'm assigning you to catch one, his name is Kaedehara Kazuha, he's a wondering samurai. I want you to go get him. 

H: yes madam Kujou.

so he started his search immediately. going corner to corner finding clues, just to be left with nothing. he was going back to the tenryo commission headquarters, when a blond haired samurai with a red streak in their head walked past him.

H: K-kaedehara...

he whispered to himself.


K: H-huh? looks like I've been discovered.

He looked at him with a smile, completely ignoring the fact that he was being arrested. just one look into his eyes and that's when Heizou felt something in his chest, his heart was beating fast. did he just get a crush on a wanted criminal? (Kazuha is going to have a very venti like personality in this fan fic for some reason.)

H: Don't you dare look at me that way, you're a wanted criminal!

K: why? did I offend the great Shikanoin Heizou?~

H: uh, um... I... ugh. just get over here you're under arrest.

K: try to catch me...~

and he started running away. Heizou tried chasing after him, but he had no luck. Kazuha just had way too much stamina. so Heizou went back to the headquarters, disapointed.

KS: did you manage to capture him?

H: does it look like I did it?

KS: I know... just messing with you.

H: does it look like a good time to be doing that? but... don't you notice how he looks so innocent? maybe he has a reason for not giving his vision...

KS: looks aren't always the case...

H: true... never mind it.

weeks went by, and they couldn't catch Kaedehara. some rumors were spreading that maybe he fled Inazuma? but it didn't matter, since Heizou was stuck with another case, it a poet committing suicide. the only evidence in the scene was his last piece, made for his love who dumped him. quite a disappointment really...

(A.N: idk how to write poetry😭)

oh, the burning pain of watching you go.
the stars in teyvat let us be astray
the Unrequited, terrifying truth,
that when I talk to you,
the cupid walks right through,
and shoots an arrow through my heart,
I'm sorry, for ever loving you, Masako.

H: huh... so this poet of ours committed suicide cause of that? what are people turning into now days...

he got ready to investigate the case more, so he got his things and went to the docks, where this "Masako" worked. he hoped to find anyone that knew where she was, instead, he saw the blond boy with a red streak get off the docks with a large hat on, hoping not to be seen. but the detective was fast, he charged over and tackled the other to the ground, handcuffing him. 

H: You are under arrest for not confiscating your vision, running away, and returning without a permit.

K: ow... detective you should... be more gentle you know...

Heizou blushed at him saying that, but shook his head and arrested Kazuha, taking him to the headquarters.

KS: Ah! Heizou, and here we have... KAEDEHARA? Oh wow Heizou I didn't expect you to come here with HIM. but why do you look kinda upset?...

H: no reason madam Kujou. I'm fine. 

KS: ok. you can take him to the cells, but make sure not to miss the celebration tonight for catching the last criminal.

H: ok.

after Heizou takes Kazuha, to the cells, he stands in front of him, none of them saying anything.

H: Just me and you and awkward silence Kazuha... 
he whispered to himself.

K: excuse me what was that?
He said in a mocking tone.

H: nothing.

he went to investigate the poet case further, it turned out it was just a normal suicide case, so he just goes home, he's had enough for the day. he throws his stuff and falls on his bed

H: what a beautiful life... falling in love with a criminal... lying on my bed, thinking about if any of this is right, and I have to attend a god damn party for catching him? what the actual fuck is going on?

as he was in thought, he went to take a shower to at least continue his thoughts in there and celebration. he dried his hair and wore something simple. once he got there, he was greeted by Kujou Sara. 

KS: Heizou! glad you could make it. feel free to eat anything you want.

H: O-ok thank you. 

but he just went and sat in a corner, continuing his thoughts for a few minutes, before being approached by Kujou Sara.

KS: are you ok? you've been sitting here staring into the Blue for about 45 minutes now...

H: I'm fine... people say that usually... I get quiet when there's no one else around? maybe that's why...

KS: There are a lot of people around here though, so that made absolutely no sense.

H: I was never the type of person to socialize... don't bother with me... 

KS: oh, What's a girl to do to deal with you Shikanoin?

she was laughing... but who was I to care? I guess that love is driving me a bit insane... the celebration was crashed soon after with some tenryo commission soldiers barging in, telling us that the Sakoku decree was abolished.


tenryo commission soldier: yes ma'am...

KS: sigh fine. release the prisoners... including Kaedehara...
she whispered the last part to herself in a sad tone

TCS: Yes Ma'am.

Heizou looked at them in shock, so him loving Kazuha isn't illegal anymore, he just smiled, a tiny smile on his face. he was going to confess his love for Kazuha. he started running towards the docks, where Kazuha would most probably be.

K: H-heizou? what are you doing?

H: Just thinking of you, Kazuha.

K: and why were you doing that?

he took a deep breath
H: I just have to get this off my chest... so I'm gonna confess, I loved you from the start Kazuha. and I know I've loved you from the start. and I sound like a loon, but I do.

Kazuha looks shocked, but then has a sad and sympathetic look on his face.

K: H-heizou... I'm sorry, but I'm with Kamisato Ayaka.

H: O-oh! I understand, I'm sorry.

K: It's ok. we can still be friends! and it was very brave of you to confess your love.

H: thanks. 

Heizou goes home, crying on his bed, 


He says sobbing. he just went to bed, thinking about his stupidity. why didn't he just keep it to himself? the next morning he woke up broken. he didn't feel like going to work, so he called in sick, and started reading a book to keep his mind off things.
Kazuha on the other hand seemed really happy with Ayaka, but he couldn't help but think about Heizou, how was he feeling right now? was he ok?

A(Ayaka): Kazoo, love, are you ok? you seem in thought.

K: I'm ok... on second thought, can I go visit the tenryo commission real quick?

A: Sure I'll wait here.

K: Ok byeeee!

A: B-bye?

and so Kazuha started running towards the tenryo commission, hoping to see Heizou and talk to him about things. well, last night...

Kazuha was really worried now, was Heizou ok? he needed to visit him.

KS: I don't know. I just received this in the mail.
Kujou Sara showed Kazuha a letter from Heizou saying how how wasn't feeling well. Kazuha started running towards Heizou's house, knocking on the door.

H: Kazuha? what is it?

K: I heard that you called in sick, are you ok?

H: I'm fine... truth is, I just didn't feel like going to work.

K: Oh! do you wanna hang out then? there are some little stores opening up that I wanna visit. they looked strange at first, but they should be fun. 

H: Sure. I'd love to.

Kazuha then grabs Heizou's arm and drags him outside to the little stores.

K: I'm telling you today, right here right now, that I will try my best to forget about the confession, ok?

H: ok, thank you. 

K: by the way let me tell you about what me and Ayaka did yesterday... 

after a few weeks, they kept hanging out, but for some reason the conversation always found a way to Ayaka. so Heizou decided to talk to Kujou Sara about it.

H: hey miss Kujou.

KS: you're looking down today. may I ask what's wrong? 

H: I need relationship advice.

KS: Oooooh! do tell. 

H: so there's this guy that I really like, but he's already dating some mid girl. I don't wanna break them up, but I just can't stand them together.

KS: They seem happy together, but don't you feel it too? just seeing them?

H: NO. I just can't imagine him with anyone but me...

KS: now who is this mystery crush of yours? 

H: It doesn't matter. 

KS: it does.

H: it does not. goodbye.

KS: uh, bye?

Heizou went home, not too thrilled with the advice he received, but maybe he should just let them be happy... just like Kujou Sara said.
Kazuha on the other hand, was confused of his feelings. he liked both Ayaka and Heizou, but lately, he seemed to want to be around Heizou more than Ayaka, specially because Ayaka seemed really jealous of Heizou.

A: Kazoo, why do you always spend so much time with Heizou? you have almost no time left for me...

K: that's not true. Heizou is just a friend.

A: I've seen the way he looks at you. you're definitely not a friend to him. 

K: well that doesn't change the fact that I don't like him in that way.

A: I don't want you around him.

K: but he's my best friend!

A: Nope! it's that or we're done.

K: Please Ayaka don't do this...

A: please leave... I need a break from you.

and so Kazuha went to Heizou's house waiting for him to get back from work since he didn't know where else to go.

K: Heizou! over here!

Kazuha screamed out. he was standing under a tree in front of Heizou's house.

H: Kazuha? what are you doing here so early?

K: I was just bored so I wanted to spend time with you. 

H: me? why not with Ayaka?

K: Ayaka said that she was preparing a surprise for me, so I left the Kamisato estate to let her make the surprise. I bought her a dress yesterday, I think it looks really good on her...
yes, I lied. but why should it matter? Ayaka did say she wanted a break from me. this is a perfect opportunity for me to figure out how I feet about Heizou. snap out of it Kazuha you're with Ayaka! He said to himself.

as Kazuha continued to speak, Heizou didn't seem to hear anything, he had all this anger and sadness cooped up inside him, and he just let it all out.

H: Kazuha...

K: hmm?

H: you rejected me, correct. but at least just let me say this, cause I wanted to for a while now.

K: Yea? what is it?

H: I don't care. I really don't. I'm sorry to say this, but I don't need reminders of how you don't feel the same way about me as I do about you. 
a tear started falling off his eye
I'm so sick and tired of Listening to you harp on about some new soulmate. every second we're together, you're always like "She's so perfect, " blah, blah, blah, I don't care. Oh, how I wish you'll wake up one day, run to me and say that you feel the same way.

at this point, Heizou was obviously crying, and that's when Kazuha figured it all out. He loved Heizou, he loved Heizou more than he loved Ayaka. maybe he loved Heizou all along... he took his hand and gently wiped away Heizou's tears, and then hugging him, a long, warm hug. tears start coming out of Kazuha's eyes as well.

K: Truth is, I don't know myself... I know I'm with Ayaka. I keep telling myself that, but it doesn't stop me from the fact that I love you, I love you very much Heizou.

Heizou looked shocked, not believing Kazuha at first.

K: but please let me break up with Ayaka first, then we'll talk.

H: ok.

Kazuha left to break up with Ayaka, not thinking Ayaka would have a good reaction. 

A: What do you want? I said I need a break from you. 

K: we need to talk.

A: ok? then talk. (I know she's mischaracterized but please deal with it)

K: we need to break up.

Ayaka's eyes widened.

K: I just don't think this is working out... and I think I might have feelings for someone else...

A: It's Heizou isn't it? it always was. why would you even care about me in the first place when there's a cute detective that has feelings for you?

K: I'm sorry it's just that...

A: Shut it. I'm done with this.


Kazuha went back to Heizou just to see him in the kitchen making something.

H: how'd it go?

K: I broke up with her. Oooh! what are you cooking?

He went and hugged Heizou from the back, and giving him a small kiss on his neck, just for Heizou to turn around and give Kazuha a light kiss on the lips.

H: I'm making Katsu sandwich.

K: can't wait to try it...~

After eating dinner, they fell on the couch together, with Heizou caressing Kazuha's hair.

H: I love you so much Zuzu...~

K: I love you to...~

(I got no idea what I'm doing)

Heizou put his hands around Kazuha's waist and gave him a long passionate kiss. Kazuha started running his fingers in Heizou's hair and kissed back, just for them to pull away after a few seconds.

H: wanna stay here for the night?~

K: sure, but I didn't bring any clothes...

H: It's ok. I think I might have something that'll fit you.

Heizou got up to search for some clothes in his closet, he ended up with a brown hoodie and a pair of gray baggy sweatpants. he also wore a comfy like T-shirt with his pjs. 
They went on the bed together, Heizou put his arms around Kazuha and hugged him tightly, they fell asleep that night cuddling in the others arms, knowing that everything would be just fine after all.
(That was the cheesiest ending I've ever written💀)


If you haven't noticed already (which you most probably did), I added the entirety of "From the start" Laufey lyrics to this fan fic, and I'm never doing anything like this again since it's too much work for me 😭😭😭
but anyways, make sure to tell me what you think of this fan fic, or if you have any suggestions on what I should write next, and make sure to follow my Tiktok. 
KazuheiMostCanonShip aka number 1 kazuhei defender. 
word count: 2513

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