Tales of The Wallking Dead

By connor_cant_story

151 1 0

A group of kids are caught in the onset of a pandemic that causes the dead to rise and go after the living. W... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30

Chapter 29

8 0 0
By connor_cant_story

"Jacob, listen. We all understand what you did back there if we're still on the topic of clearing the air here." Sophie said as Jacob nodded. "Yeah I know I just never envisioned myself doing something like that to another human life." Jacob said as Connor spoke. "I know the feeling. While I was away I had to kill 7 people for the sake of survival. The bastards kept trying to rob me." Connor said as Jacob chuckled slightly. "Yeah okay, thanks for clearing things up. We'll stay here another while longer and when we get to our final destination I'll fill you in in everything that's gonna happen." Jacob said as everyone in the group seemed happy enough. Sophie was leaning on Jacob, Leo was talking with Lily and Connor was staring into space clicking a pen which had become a sort of habit since he did it in Asda on night 1. 

The focus turn shifted more from general conversation to Jacob trying to bring people back to normalcy. "Lily, do you think what happened was right?" Jacob asked as Lily nodded slowly. "I can't say it was a nice sight but she had it coming." Lily said as Connor put a hand on her shoulder and she blushed slightly. "Okay good, because I'd happily do it again that's for sure." Jacob said chuckling as he got back to discussing date plans with Sophie as Leo got up and walked into a house just beside them. Lily turned to Connor with a sort of sad look on her face. "Todays been too much, Freyja dying, losing 3/4 of the people from Juni and I just feel bad." Lily said as Connor sighed. "I'll be honest we all feel pretty shit after today but hey, we've still got each other right? We're level headed enough to stay alive." Connor said as Lily smiled weakly. "I'm glad I met you y'know." Lily said as Connor smiles. "Me too." Connor says as Lily turns away trying to hide her blush. "We'll stay alive, I know we will. This place Jacob is supposedly taking us to must be worth the wait if we're gonna be fortifying it and everything." Connor said as Lily turned back. "Yeah, it better be if we plan to build a life until this walker situation finally gets cured." Lily said hopefully as Connor crossed his fingers and dug around in his bag. "Here take this." He said handing Lily a photo from of 12 pictures, 1 for every month of his first year on earth and Lily smiled. "Thanks." She said leaning her head on his shoulder.

Jacob and Sophie weren't actually discussing date plans but more so actual plans. "Like, I appreciate you filling me in early but do you really think you can fortify the place? I mean it's bloody massive, there's the field and everything to account for." Sophie said as Jacob sighed. "Trust me. I'm aware of the huge task at hand but if we take it one step at a time, in about a year we could have the entire place secured. Imagine that." Jacob said as Sophie nodded. "Imagine I can, believe, eh, not so much." Sophie said as Jacob chuckled. "Well trust me, I have it all written out and have done since we were at the school. I've been planning this for a long while now." Jacob said much to Sophie's amazement. "Wow, that's impressive." Sophie said as Jacob nodded. "You're dating a pure genius." Jacob said as Sophie chuckled. "Yes I am." She said smiling as Jacob noticed that Leo had gone off somewhere on his own. "Hey guys. Whe-." He cut himself off when he saw Lily leaning on Connor's shoulder. "Ew. I'll find him myself." Jacob said as Connor looked up. "I can hear you and Leo's gone into the house here." Connor said pointing to a nice white house to his left.

Jacob walked inside to see Leo sitting at a table writing in something. "Oh my god! I forgot you kept s journal." Jacob exclaimed as Leo looked up. "Someone's gotta write for the history books." Leo said as Jacob chuckled. "Yeah you said that last time. You gonna get that book published then?" Jacob said as Leo scoffed. "If there was a publisher to do it, believe me I would." Leo said as closed his journal. "Anyway, what's up? Are we leaving now?" Leo asked as Jacob nodded. "Yeah I'd like to get going now. I know it's only like morning or whatever but we're still burning daylight and the more time we have to set up at this place the better, it's bloody huge." Jacob said. "That's what she said." He added as Leo laughed and walked outside to join up with the others. Jacob followed behind him and told everyone it was time to go and get their things all packed up as there was still like a 10 minute walk ahead of them. Not much but it was significant enough.

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