Tales of The Wallking Dead

By connor_cant_story

151 1 0

A group of kids are caught in the onset of a pandemic that causes the dead to rise and go after the living. W... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 27

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By connor_cant_story

Everyone stood in a shocked silence as there stood Connor. The boy who'd supposedly ran away all those days ago and the first response from everyone was shock, especially those outside The Wall who only knew Connor from school. Lily seemed at a loss for words as Freyja seemed angry at his return and then Jacob did something he never thought possible for him. He walked slowly up to Connor and put a gun to his forehead. "Start talking, where the hell did you go?" He said coldly as Connor sighed. "Right here we go. I disappeared because after the incident at the gang camp which I'm sure you heard about, I couldn't face being the one to murder again so I ran off and over the course of the last few days I've learned a thing or two about survival and being alone out in this world. I've learned that neither is fun but you gotta learn to live with it." Connor explained as Jacob still seemed furious. "You abandoned the group, sent Lily into a depressed state effectively shutting her down and you attacked these guys?" Jacob said getting more calm now as the juni kids still had their weapons on him. "I was trying to get information out of them about you but after Eva nearly cut my finger off I'd done enough damage and ran off." Connor explained as Eva rolled her eyes. "So, you still gonna blow my head off with that gun?" Connor asked as Jacob sighed and lowered the gun. "No, but lemme tell you, you're on some thin ice so watch yourself." Jacob said as he walked down the hill by the cafe.

Everyone kept glancing at Connor to make sure he didn't try anything but nobody was giving him harder death stares than Freyja was. She's totally lost it since the tension first became apparent back at the primary school and she was now a lot more 'do whatever it takes' but she needed Connor gone as her lie about him had fallen through which Jacob hadn't realised yet but he sure as hell would soon. They got down to the co-op to see what supplies they could scrounge up and it was then that Jacob realised Freyja's lie had fallen through as pulled her aside. "You are done for you know that right?" Jacob says as Freyja scowls. "Shut it, just because it doesn't hold true now won't mean it can't hold true later on." She said as Jacob's look darkened. "What are you implying?" He said suspiciously as Freyja blew him off. "Oh nothing, I'll deal with the issue myself is all I'm saying." She said as she walked off and Jacob was still suspicious of her. 

Jacob was desperate to keep the group moving but he noticed that they'd been travelling all day and the sun had set. He found this surreal as it felt like only an hour or 2 again they'd been back at Asda in the early hours of the morning. Jacob thought it'd be funny to go to Connor's house so they did but when they got there Connor noticed his car was missing. "Oh damn, my family must have up and left when this all started. Without me. That's cold." Connor said with less emotion then you'd expect from someone who's family just abandoned them. Jacob seemed sadder than Connor was but asked if he could kick his door down. "Uh, no. I'll pick the lock, I did tell you I learnt a thing or 2 didn't I?" Connor said as he pulled a paper clip from his pocket and opened the door. "Why'd you choose my house again?" Connor asked as jacob chuckled. "I figured your house could finally use some friends. Just not yours." Jacob said as Connor laughed. "Should've stayed away." Connor said as jacob laughed. "Yeah, there'd be a lot more room if you had you fat bastard." Jacob said as Connor kept laughing. "I can't believe I actually missed this." Connor said as Jacob smiled. "I didn't." He said as he walked inside and Connor followed closing the door behind himself. "By the way, did you ever find Payton?" Jacob asked and Connor shook his head. "If I did she'd be here with me." He said before sighing. "She's dead, I know she is." Connor concluded and Jacob smriked. "You're single! You're single!" Jacob mocked in a sing song tune as Connor laughed

Everyone was well settled that night and there was even some food Connor found in his fridge that he could take to snack on later with the others. Everyone was sat in the living room but Connor walked upstairs which Freyja noticed but Lily was still too stunned to process what had happened earlier so she stayed on the couch. Connor went up to his room and looked at the pictures on the wall and on his bookcase when Freyja walked in and held a gun to his head. "Why couldn't you stay away." She said as Connor sighed and rubbed his nose. "Because that'd be cruel to just leave forever." Connor said as this just agitated Freyja further. "Shut up! You ruined my relationship with Lily by your worthless existence!" She yelled as Connor made a 'shush' movement. "You're gonna draw people up here." Connor said as Freyja got angrier. "My girlfriend. My girlfriend! Has been hopelessly in love with you for a long while now, and it tears me apart to see me lose her so suddenly! I can't forgive you for that." Freyja said as she became upset. Connor just grabbed his horrible orange cap from his chair and sat down. "Now, I don't really care but if it's really that big a deal I'll just back off. I'm on bad enough terms with the people from juni and people in The Wall as well." Connor said but his attempts to diffuse the situation made it worse.

"No!! I don't want you to back down! I want you gone!" Freyja yelled as Jacob then silently opened the door as he heard the shouting. Connor saw him but Freyja didn't. "Well, I don't think you killing me is gonna do great things for your credit." Connor said as Freyja cocked the hammer on her revolver back. "Try me." She said as Connor smirked. "Nah, I've had enough of this conversation." He said as Jacob took it as a hint and went away. It wasn't a hint but it was convenient. Connor walked up to Freyja and pushed the barrel of the rifle away from him as Freyja shoved him to the ground with a thud as Freyja walked out and Connor came out a few seconds later rubbing his arm. Jacob reappeared from Saoirse's old room. "You good bro? What the fuck was that about." He asked as Connor sighed. "She hates the fact I'm ruining her relationship so she tried to kill me but she didn't have the guts to pull the trigger." Connor said as Jacob became irritated. "She's got another thing coming." Jacob said as he went back downstairs.

Everyone was well asleep by the time Jacob and Connor were back and they thought it was best if they joined them. At the dawn of the neck morning Connor checking his right hand and rubbed his ring finger on it. He muttered something about nearly losing that finger but nobody heard him. Jacob had found eggs in Connor's kitchen and was cooking eggs on his windowsill. "Uh, Jacob. Why are you making dirty eggs on a windowsill that's coated in dirt and dust?" Connor asked as Jacob looked at the uncooked egg on the dusty windowsill. "Ugh, let it be known I tried." Jacob said cleaning off the windowsill. "It's gonna be whatever for breakfast this morning." Jacob said as Connor chuckled. The entire morning there was a tension between Connor, Jacob and Freyja but everyone else was have a great time, none the wiser to what was going on between the 3. After breakfast Lily must have finally come to a realisation as she ran up and hugged Connor. "Thank god you're not dead." She said softly trying to hold back tears as Freyja was nearly shaking with silent rage. 

Jacob also had a plan for the days events and that was to get moving again as it was gonna be a long day of just travelling the final few minutes to their destination. He got everyone packed up and back out on the road where people were genuinely curious as to where he planned to take them and why The Wall had fought so hard to get it and the supposed 'fortification' that came with it.

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