Tales of The Wallking Dead

By connor_cant_story

151 1 0

A group of kids are caught in the onset of a pandemic that causes the dead to rise and go after the living. W... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 25

2 0 0
By connor_cant_story

The fight was not easy at all, and there was a moment when all hope seemed completely lost. The Wall was surrounded by walkers, with the only thing that seemed like a feasible escape option was a house that the walkers could easily follow them into, but there was really no other option here. Everyone ran inside this house and through its narrow corridors and to the back door where they were now on an unknown street but it was more devoid of walkers then the previous one so they saw that as a win. The few walkers that were just standing there not doing anything were picked off easily, and everybody was able to move back on track safely.

"Lemme tell you, I sometimes forget how much of a real threat walkers can be sometimes." Leo said as he wiped walker blood and sweat from his face. Jacob nodded. "You said it, but don't expect that to be the last of them, that's for sure." He said as Leo seemed confused. "How do you know? How far did you scout?" He asked as Jacob sighed. "I think the horde split up into a few mini hordes, but correct me if I am wrong." He said as Leo nodded. "Fair enough, I suppose." He said, keeping his knife close by knowing that there was not nearly enough firepower between everyone to take on hordes this big even if there weren't all that big.

Jacob halted the group as his predictions had been correct. Up ahead was another large pack of walkers, maybe about a few hundred strong and the best weapon they had the AR, but ammo for it was way too sparse, so that was a lost cause. The knives were nowhere near strong enough to take on a herd of like 15, let alone a few hundred, so Jacob knew how bleak this situation looked. "Alright then, I have some vague resemblance of a plan. We're gonna have to take that street there. We're quite close to where I'd normally get off the bus to go home, so we're still on Lanark road, which is good, I guess." Jacob said as he pointed up a street that twisted around at some point. Leo looked a little unenthusiastic about the plan but went along with it. "Alright, lead the way, Jacob." Leo said, pointing ahead of them, and Jacob took off running without the horde spotting them. Jacob saw the small victory and punched the air subtly but kept running up the street. The turn was less than 20 meters away when a person ran across the road and over to one of the houses. This person was wearing an all black outfit so nobody could make out who they were, but they prayed it wouldn't be an issue. 

They'd finally reached the turn when Jacob noticed something that seemed off. You see, he'd expected an excess of walkers in this area, but there were none present at all despite it being a road where people used to live. Jacob decided to address everyone about this just in case. "Alright, guys, guards up, we don't fully know who's lurking out there, but I believe there to be people living on this street." Jacob warned as everyone walked a little quieter. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife as Leo thought he heard voices, Sophie thought she saw something and Freyja was just on edge. They didn't have to wait long for answers as Jacob was struck down by a bat, as was everybody else by figures in black cloaks. The wall was all dragged away, and Jacob, being Jacob, recovered first and saw a short person sitting on the floor in front of the chair. "Excuse me? But where did you find a cloak? I've never seen one like this before." Jacob was looking the person up and down. "Bad colour choice, black is just not a good colour." Jacob commented as the figure sighed. "Shut up." A girls voice said as Jacob tilted his head to one side. "Who's under there, i recognise that voice." Jacob said as the girl pulled down her hood.

Jacob was in hysterics when he saw who it was. "You?! You, survive this long in the apocalypse!" Jacob said, nearly crying he was laughing so hard. The girl grimaced as Jacob didn't stop laughing. Eventually, Jacob calmed down and collected himself. "Wow, Katie Cummings surviving nearly 3 months into an apocalypse. How'd you do it? Clearly, you have help. You separated my group." Jacob said as Katie stood up (still not being much taller as she's quite small). "Listen, we didn't see who you were, but we had an incident yesterday where some boy wearing a face covering and in scruffy clothes came by and held me and my friends at gunpoint. Don't even ask me how he got a gun." Katie said as Jacob frowned. "Didn't say who he was, no?" Jacob asked as Katie shrugged. "No, Zoe dealt with him, but he didn't sound like anyone I recognised." She said as Jacob sighed. "Who's with you? I take it so far it's you, Zoe, and who else?" Jacob asked as Katie shook her head. "I'm not telling you, but we've kept this place safe since the very start. It helped we were here when things kicked off, we had an easy time securing the street." Katie explained as Jacob got a bit excited. "Are there people in the houses on the street?" Jacob said eagerly as Katie sighed. "No, they all took off the idiots." She said as Jacob sighed. "Worth a shot, I guess." He said as Katie untied him. "Alright, get the fuck out of here." Katie said as she pushed Jacob outside where 2 people were on patrol of the streets, going in and out of houses.

"Where you headed." Katie asked Jacob as he pointed up the road. "I haven't told my group my plans and I won't tell you either." Jacob said as Katie shrugged. "Fine by me, I don't really care but it felt like a normal question to ask." She said as a disguised girl came up to her. The girl whispered something to her and Katie's face fell immediately. "They found their way up here? How many?" Katie asked as Jacob knew they were talking about the horde. Katie nodded and ran off along with the girl leaving Jacob alone on the street. "I can't believe I'm saying this but I still don't envy Connor." Jacob said as nobody laughed because no one was around. "I'm fucking hilarious." Jacob said patting himself on the back as The Wall were taken upside by Katie and mystery girl. "Alright, here's your group." Katie said as she dumped their stuff down. "You trespassed so now you're gonna help us fight this horde." She said as Jacob sighed but picked up his knife anyway, not that it'd do much. Katie seemed frantic and really stressed as the horde was now audible but no walkers were seen just quite yet. As Katie had just finished planning the fight 2 cars pulled up and two kids hopped out. "These guys can drive?!" Leo exclaimed. "This is all a bit unrealistic." He said as Jacob stared at him. "So is a zombie apocalypse, and that happened didn't it?" Jacob said as Leo shut up.

The cars were there because the horde was far too big to fight off with their measly weaponry but apparently there was a lost bag of guns and ammo somewhere by the Iceland in juniper green. Jacob thought it was oddly specific was the thought of guns made him excited so he didn't argue and got in the car. 2 people had to stay behind just in case the horde passed through of left but also just to keep an eye on the place. This drive had a whole host of new problems because not even a drive down the road is simple. There was a lot of excess wreckage along one specific portion of the road and while navigating around it they nearly drove right off the bridge. Jacob was able to fight for rights to shotgun but nearly killed everyone when he fought Freyja over a CD. The final snag came at Iceland itself. Nobody knew where the guns actually were, they'd just heard from word of mouth that the military had lost some weapons here during their initial take back attempts of Edinburgh. Jacob was annoyed they'd probably just been bamboozled and he made his frustrations very clear by kicking over a bin. "Dammit! We've been bamboozled, cheated, scammed, done over, ripped off, double crossed, hoaxed, duped and swindled!" Jacob exclaimed as behind the bin inside a bush was the bag of guns. "Oh hey, look at that." Jacob said as he shouted everyone over. Katie seemed surprised as did everyone else. There was no time to cheer though as someone else heard of this bag and wanted in. They were a single person but were lurking on a rooftop watching the group as they took the bag. As if things couldn't get any worse, things got much worse as the horde from earlier had come back and this time with friends as it had grown in numbers and didn't look open for a peace treaty.

The person on the rooftop did sneak away when no one was looking but they weren't out of the picture just yet. Katie guessed it was the person who jumped them yesterday but Jacob couldn't care less as a new discovery was made. Leo saw it first and as he did he let out a gasp. "Some of the walkers are able to do a little hobble-run!" Leo shouted as he was right (for once) and people picked up their pace. Things went from worse to considerably unfavourable as another horde had seen them and they were now cornered. 

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