Tales of The Wallking Dead

By connor_cant_story

149 1 0

A group of kids are caught in the onset of a pandemic that causes the dead to rise and go after the living. W... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 22

3 0 0
By connor_cant_story

The school group were on the road, and it was expected to be a long haul to their next destination, but Philip was determined to do it whether only half the group made it back or not. Philip had brought the group up to where Oxgangs library used to be, but the parking lot where the Aldi sat right across from the library was flooded with walkers. Philip crouched done and encouraged everyone to do the same. "Alright, keep it down. This herd spots us were toast." He whispered as the younger kids tried their best to keep it together. As they moved past the library, Lily noticed a scrawny boy sneaking on the roof and wanted to shout so badly but couldn't. The boy watched them go before running down off the roof into the herd, setting off a car alarm. Philip seemed surprised at the sudden car alarm as he hadn't seen the boy but started running as did everyone else. As they ran, Lily couldn't help but blush as she knew full well who that was, but she was still hurt that he hadn't followed them.

Philip wasn't eager to keep pushing their luck after the car alarm so over the course of 2 and a bit days the group moved through woodlands, alley ways and did everything they could to keep off the streets as most streets had walkers every few feet. The group drew near to their destination, and as they did, the Wall became more and more nervous as they knew where they were going. Once they'd finally reached where they were meant to be going, Philip announced his plan. "Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Asda!" Philip announced as everyone, but The Wall became ecstatic as they knew there'd be food of all sorts and other supplies on top of what they'd salvaged from the school. Philip noticed that the Wall seemed uneasy, so to speak, and pulled the 7 of them aside. "Jacob, Sophie, Hannah, Leo, Clementine, Lily and Freyja. You guys seem uneasy. What's up?" Philip asked as Jacob sighed. "We just have history here. It's kinda where we experienced our first deaths, and it's where we got caught when it all kicked off." Jacob explained as Philip nodded. "I see. It's unfortunate that you have demons here, but hopefully, you can move past them because this is a nice area. It's really accessible too." Philip commented as The Wall nodded in agreement. Clementine spoke up, commenting on how she wasn't there. "I was never there for this period of time, but I've heard about it, that's for sure." She said as everyone nodded again. 

Philip seemed genuinely pleased with this area, and he got The Wall and a few older kids to clear out the walkers near the front entrance. Once that was all taken care of, he peeked inside, and it was relatively lit in most areas, but a few places were dim because of a deficit of windows. Philip ushered everyone inside, but the Wall all hung back in the entrance facing the back of the shop to discuss their own plans. Jacob being leader spoke first. "Alright, so we're in an interesting situation. We've lost Connor and Payton, Skye is still god only knows where. We have one competent grownup running the wider group, and people are on edge that much is obvious." Jacob said as few people stayed silent. Lily spoke up next, but it was about Connor. "I need to go back and find Connor." Lily said as Freyja glared at her, and Jacob chuckled. "That nerd? I remember he told me he started watching The Owl House a few weeks before the apocalypse. What a female!" Jacob said, trying to bring light to the situation, but it seemed to irritate Lily. "Yeah, whatever. I still need to find him." She said as Freyja sighed. "No, you really don't. I can personally guarantee he's dead by now." Freyja said rather sternly as Lily's face became one of worry. "N-no, I refuse to believe you." Lily said as Freyja shook her head. "This is the end of the world. Loss is just part of the package." Freyja said as Lily ran off. Jacob glared as Freyja. "Good job dumbass. You've upset her. Just what we needed." Jacob said, rolling eyes and following Lily to comfort her.

The remaining 5 all stood around awkwardly until Leo, who'd stayed out of all the drama, recently made his first contribution in a while. "Guys, this apocalypse has taught me many things. One of those is an epiphany I've had about my sexuality." Leo said as Sophie started laughing uncontrollably. "Seriously? Do you wanna be more gay now?" Sophie said, still shitting herself laughing. Leo sighed. "No, I'm saying I've decided that I'm not bothered with that stuff anymore. It's the apocalypse, I don't need to be gay as that's just not that big an issue anymore. I guess I'm saying I'm straight." Leo said as Hannah started laughing with Sophie. "You're kidding, right? This is some sort of stand-up skit, surely?" Hannah said in absolute stitches. Leo just sighed and started chuckling. "Hey, make of it what you will, but that's what I'm saying." Leo said as Sophie and Hannah finally calmed down. "Whatever you say gay boy." Hannah said, sitting down by the window. "I take it we're gonna stay here so we can keep our friendship circle in one place?" Hannah asked as Sophie sat down next to her. "I've been avoiding this for ages now, but it's time we set aside out old differences."

Jacob finally caught up to Lily, who was crying in one of the dim corners of Asda, and Jacob sighed and sat down next to her. "Listen, I've never really liked you because of the way you acted, but this apocalypse, especially recently, has toughened you up. If this were just a petty school conflict we were having, I wouldn't give a shit but you've earned my respect or, well, part of it. You're still annoying sometimes, but yeah." Jacob said, not really being a comfort type of guy. Lily was able to recompose herself after a minute or two and spoke to Jacob. "You're the only one who's actually told me I like Connor. I think Freyja figured it out, but she's too timid to say anything." Lily said, still very upset. Jacob shrugged. "She's got jealous issues. It's pretty obvious. She's been acting cold towards Connor since you started flirting with him." Jacob said as Lily went red. "See? You've gone red. That's been happening a lot recently, and I can give one piece of solid proof here." Jacob said as Lily tried to hide her face. "The time in the school like about a week and a bit before we got the first note from the gang. You and Connor were sat together while the rest of us went over plans for a run and I very clearly remember you turning to him and saying in the most love filled tone ever 'I do some pretty stupid things around you' and that made me wanna puke. I'm not joking. I was nearly physically ill." Jacob said as Lily spoke from between her knees. "And then he said 'I've done some stupid things around you too'." Lily said as Jacob recoiled in disgust. "I hate the thought of you two together, but Connor's has had some abysmal luck with dating. Y'know his last girlfriend being missing and all." Jacob said as Lily's face became a bit less red. "I hope he's alright, I seriously do." Lily said as Jacob stood up. "Right now that I hate you again for the way you act around Connor, I'm leaving." Jacob said as Lily got up and walked back as well.

Sophie and Hannah sat on a ledge by one of the many windows that made up the cylindrical back entrance. "You were a real bitch in school. Caused conflicts for no reason, stuck up for a guy who you reported at the same time as us, brought over someone into our group who we didn't like, became all bitchy about everything and overall just couldn't leave well enough alone but I must say. This whole end of the world thing has changed you and as unrealistic as this would be in any other universe. We're friends again, for now don't go pushing your luck." Sophie said as Hannah giggled. "Yeah alright and as much as I'd like to deny all these claims I'm just gonna sweep them under the rug." Hannah said still giggling as Sophie nodded and stood up as Jacob came back. "You guys will never believe who the balls I just saw!" He said with the faintest hint of annoyance in his voice. "Oh god who? Are they people we know?" Leo asked as Jacob rubbed his eyes. "Unfortunately. I saw none other than Iona herself, talking with Philip about joining the small group they have in the Asda." Jacob explained as Hannah's eyes light up and she ran into the main shop. Sophie turned to Jacob. "Seriously? Iona's alive?" She asked as Jacob nodded. "Couldn't miss her." Jacob said with a smirk as Sophie cracked a smile but speed walked off as well with Hannah. Jacob didn't expect such a positive response to Iona, the girl who'd caused a conflict back during normal times but he was in a good mood so forgot about it.

Lily was sitting looking out the window away from the rest of the group as Clementine pushed Freyja over and muttered something. "Just do it." Lily hears Clementine mutter as Freyja sat down next to Lily. "I need to come clean about Connor." Freyja said as Clementine nodded and went to speak to Jacob. Freyja turned to Lily still with the sad expression on her face. "When I went out to find Connor the day I brought Blaze back, I did see him in the tree line but the part I left out was that." Freyja stopped and looked away. "A walker got the jump on him and devoured him. I'm sorry Lily but Connor's dead." Freyja said as tears filled Lily's eyes. "W-wait no! I saw him on the roof of the library, scrawny long haired boy, I saw him!" Lily said as Freyja shook her head. "Lots of scrawny long haired boys around Lily." Freyja said as the true horror sank into Lily's mind as a few things in her vision did begin to seem out of place such as Connor isn't as nimble as the boy was and his hair was slightly longer then the boys. As everything began to quickly add up Lily started crying in Freyja's arms as Freyja comforted her. "I know you cared about him and I'm sorry but I was carrying Blaze, there was nothing I could do." Freyja said as Lily took a minute to recompose but she finally managed to as Freyja have Clementine a thumbs up and Clementine came over to pull Freyja aside.

"You spoke to her about Connor right?" Clementine asks as Freyja nods. "Yeah I did don't worry I got it trust me." Freyja said patting Clementine on the shoulder as she too went into the main part of the store. "If you say so." Clementine muttered as Philip burst in nearly knocking Freyja off her feet. "Good news! We've been allowed to join the Asda group as long as we give up all our weapons to them!" Philip announced proudly as The Wall glanced at each other. Jacob spoke for everyone as y'know by now, group leader. "I think I speak for everyone when I saw we don't wanna give up our weapons to total strangers." Jacob said as Philip frowned. "Strange. Your Sophie said the same thing but we convinced her so I'm sure we'll convince you." Philip said as Sophie walked into the room looking annoyed at Philips statement. "Yes, you did. Well done." She said sarcastically as Clementine butt in. "I'm not giving you my knife or bow." Clementine said firmly as Philip frowned again. "Why not? Don't trust 'em?" He asked as Clementine nodded. Philip thought for a second but did speak. "Here, come with me, and we'll take a walk through their camp, and I'll show you round. Maybe you'll trust me then." Philip said as Clementine scowled. "Fine, but I can't believe Sophie was that easy to convince." Clementine said as Sophie shrugged. "I'm easily persuaded." She said, joking as Clementine was led away by Philip. Jacob brushed this off and saw it as being left with more people he was closer to. 

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