Tales of The Wallking Dead

By connor_cant_story

151 1 0

A group of kids are caught in the onset of a pandemic that causes the dead to rise and go after the living. W... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 5

5 0 0
By connor_cant_story

The sun became quite the intruding force on The Wall as they all slowly rose from their sleep as Freyja started throwing pointy fence bits at them. "The hell we meant to do with these?" Jacob asks highly confused. "Aye, good question." Hannah says staring at the bit of fence in her hand. "It'll all make sense soon, I'm just waiting for Lily to get back then I'll explain." She says as Connor wakes up to a bit of fence nearly stabbing his eyes out. "Ah! Jesus." Connor exclaims as he quickly backs off from the bit of fence by his face. "The bloody hell is this about? Some sort of walker defence?" He asks looking up half asleep. "When Lily returns I'll let y'all know what's going on." Freyja responds still being awfully vague about the whole thing. "Okay, being very off putting about the whole thing alright." Connor says shrugging and giving himself a stretch to start his day. 

As Lily comes back from outside she's holding three full rolls of sandpaper, one being 260 grit, the other 120 and finally the 80 grit sandpaper as she hands one out to everyone. "And we do what with this?" Sophie says taking a stab at the confusion going on. "Alright, while this may seem a bit, odd, I assure you all it ain't you're just gonna sharpen your fence pieces so they can be used as weapons." Freyja says rather proud that her and Lily pretty much pieced the whole thing together other than Connor helping out by grabbing the screwdrivers. "Well not to burst your bubble but like I have a knife." Jacob says with a shrug. "And I have a knife as well, sure as hell hasn't stopped me." Connor replies not looking up from making the edges of his fence piece a bit sharper. 

As everyone kept sanding away at their bits of fence Daniel from the other group walked over and Hannah was the first to look up sighing slightly as the sight of him. "Aye, what'd you want Daniel?" Hannah says in a flat tone trying to get him to go away. "Who leads this group?" Daniel asks as all eyes quickly turn to Jacob. "He's the most competent here and usually the most level headed." Sophie said patting Jacob on the shoulder. "Ah, this is why being the leader sucks, the responsibility." He says sighing and getting up to follow Daniel. "What does your group want from me specifically?" Jacob asks as their voices fade down the path to McDonald's. "He's fucked." Leo said bluntly. "Just saying, if he's been summoned specifically then he must be in deep trouble." Leo said shrugging. "Cameron probably wants to have a word with him about the punch he received yesterday." Sophie chimed in. "If that's the case how come I wasn't called for kneeing Layla in the gut?" Connor asked as if the answer wasn't obvious. "Because you'll be next dumbass." Sophie says chuckling a little as Connor speeds up sanding his fence piece. 

After everyone is done sanding a couple of minutes pass by and Jacob finally comes back with a surprisingly unscathed looking body. "Well? The hell did he want with you?" Connor asked as rolled his fence piece around in his hands. Jacob seems to swallow his words before he speaks but eventually grows a pair and talks. "According to Layla, she wants us gone because we don't fit in with her and her people." Jacob says with a sigh. "So you caused her harm right?" Connor asked like it was standard procedure when someone did something unreasonable. "No, they held knives to my neck the entire time so I couldn't try anything." Jacob admitted clenching his hands into fists. "Damn twats is what they are." Sophie said giving Jacob a thumbs up to try and show support. "Why are they so damn unreasonable! They gonna start a conformist community or something in this Asda and they need us gone for it?" Connor says clearly joking but Jacob shakes his head. "No, your spot on actually, apparently before all this they were planning a big hang out with like every road man and damn chav in our year so they'll all show up here at some point and then they'll all get to work on making this place functional." Lily stands up at the sound of this news. "Well that's just stupid, they can't just kick us out like that. If we go out there it's like sending a lamb to the slaughter!" She exclaims outraged.

After some back and forth pacing and idea swapping the group had some to a logical conclusion. "We can't fight it and Jacob wants us to avoid killing the living so there is no way we can fight our way out of this and if we stay peacefully they'll kill us without hesitation, I can tell." Connor says with a grimace. "No, that's not your line." Jacob says a smirk spreading across his face. "Oh right hang on." Connor says pulling out an imaginary scroll and reading it over. "I have zero friends and can't handle igniting a lighter." Connor finished as a look of pride spreads across his face. "That was my line, my bad bro." Connor says laughing. "Alright I appreciate the fun and games but we're at risk of being chucked out here!" Leo says concerned all of a sudden. As if on cue Layla walks up to the group with Cameron and Stanislas on each side of her wielding knives. 

"Get out." Layla says pointing to the door. "What now? You can't be serious, your group can't be here yet surely." Jacob said incredulously. "This can't be right, why can't you let us stay!" Jacob said raising his voice slightly annoyed before looking out the door to the streets lined with walkers and a few fires from crashed cars still going. "Yes now, leave, get the fuck out." Layla says suddenly with some brute force grabbing Jacob and holding a knife to his throat. "Don't make me ask again!" Layla said in a more threatening tone than before. "Last chance." Jacob stands there thinking hard. "Fine, we'll leave just don't kill me." Jacob then gets released and thrown to the floor as he looks at the groups things. "Sorry guys but we gotta go, we can't stay here anymore." Connor looks off and watches Layla walk off and Lily follows his gaze. "We'll come back some day soon, I swear you guys will see us again." Connor then stands up and grabs his bag full of supplies and sticks his sharpened bit of fence into a little clip on his bag, holstering it and looks toward the doors. "We might as well get going then." Connor says sighing deeply and looking off into space as tries to get a better look outside. "Let's go." Sophie mutters as the group walks off outside for the first time since it all started.

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