Sinful Despair

By romanticxwrites

381K 9.2K 6K

"You have no idea what you do to me." He snarls as his skilled hands keep her arms pinned over her head "Real... More

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24.1K 460 510
By romanticxwrites

Song: Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood


I've woken up in several different places and limb-breaking positions, however never have I woken up to a man- a big fucking man sleeping in my god damn sofa.

I shift, the uncomfortable feeling of something on my stomach bothers me. I lift my shirt seeing a patched bruise on my stomach. It's not too bad but it's uncomfortable as hell.

He startles and shoots up, looking around the room for the danger, not realizing that he is the fucking danger.

What the hell even happened yesterday? One minute I'm begging my best friend to call her attractive kidnapper and the next I'm in my bed with a very large, not fat but like- big, muscular like he could crush me with his fingertips, man that hardly fits in my sofa.

I turn on the lights, glinting my eyes then scream again.


"I'm not Valerio." He grumbles.


"Who the fuck are you?!" I snap, I'm not gonna lie the man is attractive as hell but whatever happened last night is probably going to make him think I'm a deranged sociopath.

No answer is heard as he ignores my question, instead standing up and heading towards the kitchen. He opens the refrigerator and scans my groceries like he fucking lives here.

I quickly follow him, standing by the door frame as I watch him take out a few things.

"Getting comfy are we?" I spit, as I watch him by the dining table. I look to my side at the digital clock. 14:27. Jesus I slept for a long time.

My attention snaps back to the intruder in my apartment. "You need to leave. Now."

Again he stays quiet.

I gulp then look around the room for any kind of self defense. "Who are you?" I try.

No answer

"I'll call the cops." I blurt waving my phone at him as a threat. I realize a second later that I maybe shouldn't have threatened a big scary intruder in my home.

His head snaps to mine and I can feel the second his expression hardens and his eyes darken. Oops.


That's all I get? Seriously?

I take a few unsure steps forward to get a closer look at what he's doing in the kitchen. I freeze and my mouth opens when I see he's- cooking?


"Close your mouth." He remarks, his rich Italian accent making a thicker appearance.

So he looks like Valerio, is Italian and knows who he is. Brother maybe?

"What are you doing?.."


"Answer me."


"Hello?" I call out, a little louder.


This piece of shit.

"Fine then. Cops it is." I turn my phone volume up and then slowly dial the numbers to see if he'll cave at the sound.

He's turned around in an instant and I freeze when I see him headed right towards me. I take a few steps back but I don't get to register anything before he's slammed me against the wall and stolen my phone from my hand.

"What the fu!-" a large veiny palm is pressed against my mouth, muffling my words as his dark green eyes stare aggressively into my soul.

"I don't like repeating myself, when I say don't. I mean fucking don't." His tone is harsh and the Italian accent makes it 10x more intimidating for some reason.

His palm is removed from my mouth, "Who the fuck are you!" I hiss, trying to shrug out of his arms.

"His brother." He lets me go, then heads back to the kitchen my phone still in his fucking hands.

"Do you not have a name or something?"
I fold my arms over my chest.


The room is silent for a while before I break it again, "what... happened yesterday?.."

"Better you don't remember."

"Whats that supposed to mean?"

"Go sit down." He says, completely ignoring my question. I stay put, who does he think he is ordering me around in my own home?


"Sit down, Lily." My name comes out of his Italian tongue in such an orderly way I almost give in.

"Not until you answer my questions."

He takes a breathe, staying quiet for a moment before he starts talking, "You passed out when I got to you yesterday, so I took you home."

"Anything else?"

"you turned into a lunatic." He grumbles.


"Why are you still here?" I ask changing the subject

"I fell asleep."

"So why.. are you still here?"

"Cooking." He says like it's obvious, like this is normal?

"Fucks sake." I throw my hands up in surrender then walk to the kitchen table where he's put down a plate of eggs and bacon.

"You cook?" I ask, looking up at him leaning on the kitchen counter.



"Someone's moody. If I'm bothering you that much maybe you should consider leaving my apartment?" I argue, picking up a bacon from the plate and biting into it.


"Why." I demand, not phrasing it as a question.

"You were very chatty yesterday."

I'm about to ask him what he means when flashbacks pops up into my head


"Do you seriously think I'm going to rob a bank?"

"With the things you said and for some reason knew yesterday, yes."

"First of all, I wouldn't, second of all, it's not like I'd succeed anyway."

"I think you would, they wouldn't even realize you were there."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I frown.

He looks me up and down with a judging arched brow and then he shrugs.

Okay but since when was 5'4 short? Just because he's fucking huge doesn't make me short.

"Eat." He nods towards the plate on the table.

I roll my eyes then finally give in, sitting down by the table. When I pick up the fork he finally leaves the kitchen and sits back down on the couch, turning on the tv.

The eggs were surprisingly good, like they came straight from a five star hotel.
When I finish my plate, I bring it to the dishwasher. That's when I hear my phone ring, and him fucking picking it up.

"Hello?" He says.

I freeze.

"This is Enzo."

Snapping back to reality I abandon the dishwasher then sprint to the living room.

"She's dea-" my phone is snatched from his hand and into mine in a second, his eyes widen in shock but a smirk forms on his face.

"What is wrong with you?! Don't say that shit!" I whisper shout at him.

"Sorry about that Mar, there's something wrong with him I swear to god, he's like the reincarnation of fucking satan." I take a few steps away from the scary man sitting on the sofa in-front of me.

"I- I don't even know what to say right now- Why is he still with you?" She asks, Enzo stands up then looks around the apartment like he's on a fucking scavenger hunt.

"He won't fucking leave, Mar. He keeps cooking me shit and making sure I don't do something stupid because of last night." I groan, I hear Enzo's low chuckle from the other room.

Amara laughs, of course she laughs.

"Yeah I know the feeling. Wait- what happened last night when you came home?"

"Uhm- it doesn't matter, are you coming back or are you staying there?" She does not need to know what happened yesterday. Not even I want to remember that-

I walk into my bedroom to see what Enzo's up to.

"What? Okay well, yeah so I'm staying here for a while apparently."

"Okay we- " I freeze when I see him about to open a drawer by my bed. "STOP, No don't touch that!- Sorry Mar, I got to go. I'll see you, good luck!"

It's too late. The cupboard opens.

And my fucking vibrator lays there, on full display.

It's been nice knowing y'all because now I'm literally going to die of embarrassment.

I can't even move, I'm too shocked, humiliated too. I think Enzo's doing the same because he's frozen too. He shakes his head slightly then closes the drawer.

"Interesting." His voice is low but he seems pretty unbothered.

On the contract of me who's literally never been so embarrassed in my life.

I clear my throat. "You should Uhm- you should go. Now."

"Nah." He walk past me then sits back down on the sofa. Wait what-

"Nah? What the fuck- Don't NAH me, You're in my apartment. MY."

"So?" He mutters.

"So? Are you kidding me right now?"

"Go and study." He says, acting like I'm such kind of child. How old even is this guy?

"Fuck you." I hiss.

"Keep dreaming"


And there we go! First Chapter of Sinful Despair out!

What do you guys think so far? They both have very- interesting personalities which is probably what I like most about this🥲

But yeah, hope you guys enjoy so far and I'll see you in a while!

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