Boy From Nowhere

By YOLOwriting101

29.1K 1.4K 796

"Why are you looking at my lips?" Evan questions him, and he saw Nigel look back at them again. "Are you into... More

𓍯twenty one

𓍯twenty two

487 18 5
By YOLOwriting101

Deaf Library Student x Popular Kid
Nigel x Evan

"You're going to what?"

Evan looked at Nigel nervously as he was packing up to go to Thayne's football practice. He could tell that him even agreeing to go bothered Evan, a lot.

"You can probably guess why I am going, what's there to gain truly out of going to his practice? There's always more to it than it meets the eye with me." Nigel shook his head at Evan in disappointment. "You should know that by now."

"Okay, yes, I do know this about you; but Thayne is..." Evan drifts as Nigel watched his lips intently. When he stopped speaking, Nigel looked back at his eyes in wait for him to continue.

Evan already felt like things between them were very off. They have always been off, but more off ever since they "reconciled". In which, Evan didn't want to call it even that.

He still felt like... No, he felt like now...Nigel wasn't sticking with him because he liked him. It was so that he could get as much as possible out of him to complete his initiative.

To get revenge on those who did what they did to Barry. He still...didn't know if he was apart of this revenge and he was going to be used up until the very end. Or would he take his revenge out on him once he filed through everyone else and ruined their high school lives...if not actual life.

"Thayne is what?" Nigel speaks up, causing Evan to grin awkwardly. "Do you not have anything to say or are you hiding it from me?"

"Honestly, if I was to hide anything from you, it'd honestly be a fair game. Considering how much you hide now and even back then. One little secret wouldn't hurt you, right?" Evan tried to tease, but when Nigel didn't react he looked away. "I...I just know that Thayne isn't normal. He's-."

"A psychopath?"

Evan frowned, looking back at Nigel who just waited patiently. His bag was already packed and now he just waited for a response. Except Evan was acutely aware that Nigel knew more on Thayne than he let on.

"I...I guess so."

"Well, he's not; and I know he isn't because of mitigating factors." Nigel responds back quickly, pulling on his book bag. "The term is thrown around way too much. He is far from a psychopath. If anything, he wants to be one for some odd reason. You of all people should've been able to pick up on that...or maybe not."

Nigel saw the nervousness that was coming off Evan. He could tell that he was still harboring feelings towards him, but he was also afraid. Probably because Nigel wasn't sure still either.

He debated on ending this, whatever they were. Except he also wanted to get as much as possible out of him. Evan was right to think he would go that far, but at the same time, Nigel wasn't even sure if he wanted to do anything to Evan yet.

The only reason why he still questioned it was because of the actual care he began to have for him. Even if that was so, too much was at stake now.

Evan couldn't keep his mouth shut and told Terrance of all people about Nigel's situation. Then he even told him he wasn't normal, which he knew he wasn't. He just liked pretending like he was.

Now he couldn't pretend with him because Evan already knew the truth.

And that bothered him more than he'd ever wish to admit.

"If you want to come, you can." He offers up, seeing Evan's nerves go away immediately. "Hurry though, we already missed an hour."

As Nigel watched Evan pack up, he only began to think about one thing. Why did he invite Evan? He knew it was to ease Evan's nerves, but he also knew it was to help himself.

He couldn't allow Evan to settle in on those nerves and begin to withdraw from helping him. While at the same time, he didn't want Evan to be nervous in the first place. He had nothing to be nervous about...but at the same time, he truly did.

"Why exactly are you going to Thayne's football practice? You do know that I used to play too, right? I'll be able to join back at right before the most important game - if they all keep winning." Evan ends up asking Nigel once they were out of the library.

Nigel looked at his lips for a moment, before he faced back forward. He wondered if fully telling Evan why would be any benefit to him. Because at the moment, it didn't seem necessary at all. There wasn't really much of a need or reason for him to tell him.

"I'm going because he invited me." Nigel tells him instead, immediately bothering Evan.

He faced back forward too and already felt like everything was off between them. As if that wasn't obvious before, it was much obvious now.

Nigel noticed the look on Evan's face, having to keep himself from sighing at such a thing. He didn't want to have to keep catering to his feelings for such a purpose. Except he also didn't mind it. Evan's constant overthinking was making things more difficult than it needed to be for him.

It annoyed him more than thought it would.

He wondered if it was always like this? Or was it just recently?

"I also want to know what more he has to say to me," Nigel finally adds more, seeing Evan look back up at him excitedly, "Thayne tends to over share when he speaks with me. He believes him and I are the same, and he's never been more wrong. I'm simply capitalizing off of that, that's all."

After hearing that, Evan wanted to help Nigel as much as possible. He was happy that Nigel shared that much. His fear dissipated as soon as it came just from hearing that much.

Even if that was the case, he didn't realize how much Nigel was put off not only by himself, but Evan too. He began to find it...not only helpful to him, that he was turning on his friends, but it made him no better almost.

Before, he wasn't looking at it in any particular way. Now...he was seeing it for what it is. He was seeing things in a way he was seeing things for his friends.

Finding all the negatives, the things that off put him...the issues. Now he saw them all in Evan.

He couldn't focus on that though...Evan wasn't the target. Thayne was, and he left the library with that in mind as they headed over to the football field.

And when they arrived, Thayne was quick to notice as he ran over towards them. Having to keep himself from being annoyed in seeing Evan right beside him.

Not that that was too surprising.

"You brought your little puppy dog too?"

Evan glared at Thayne and the way he referred to him, watching how Nigel didn't even budge to what he just called him.

"I brought Evan, the only one who ran over to me like a 'little puppy dog' was you, actually." Nigel mocks him as he took notice of how Thayne's lips contorted into something strange.

Somewhat amusement, yet irritation.

"Touché," Is all he responds with, nodding over at the field, "I have practice for another hour. You can just sit around and gawk at me if you want, I don't care. Just make sure to be here when I'm done."

"Oh wow, such demands." Nigel rolls his eyes, looking away from him. "And say I don't stay, what'll happen? You invited me here for what?"

Thayne looked over at Evan and immediately, Nigel knew that Thayne didn't want him to know what it was. He looked over at Evan now as the both of them looked down at him.

Just from that alone, that left Evan almost feeling like they both had something against him. Or even worse, they were planning on doing something to him? Except he tried to push away such thoughts because he knew Nigel would never conspire with Thayne of all people.

So why did he feel so strange?

Nigel looked away from him first, already being able to tell how anxious Evan was becoming from just stares. If something as simple as that was getting to him, he could only imagine what else would.

"I can guess why." Nigel begins, smirking when he saw Thayne shake his head to stop. "Oh? You don't want Evan to know? Is there a secret I have to keep with you?"

Instantly, Thayne sneers at his words as he shook his head.

Even though he wanted to get close with Nigel, he didn't want him to think he had something on him. Unaware that he already did as he snorts.

"There's no damn secret. Like how there was no longer a secret when you blurted to Terrance of all people that Nigel was a psychopath," Thayne reminds him, Evan ignoring his remarks as Nigel just looked at him plainly, "Now that's a secret I'd want to keep. Too bad you told Evan. He can't keep a secret for shit, especially if he's mad at you."

"Okay." Nigel responds calmly without care for what Thayne had just said. "Then spit it out. Why did you invite me here?"

"I just want to get to know my someone who's interesting to me." Is all Thayne responds with.

He just turned the other way now, jogging back to the field. Evan and Nigel just standing there despite how annoyed Evan was now.

As he stood there, Nigel looked down at him now. Evan noticed immediately and turned to face him without any hesitation. Just for Nigel to face back forward as a grin grew to his lips.

"All of your friends are pathetic."

"They're not my friends anymore." Evan speaks up, his lips tightening together as Nigel was still facing forward.

That told him enough. That Nigel wasn't trying to read his lips and know what he was saying. He was just going to speak.

"Thayne finds me interesting because...why do you think?" Now Nigel turned to look at him, looking down into Evan's eyes then at his lips.

"Probably because he thinks you two are the he said. He keeps bringing up you being a psychopath so...that tells me enough. That he...must believe he has an affinity towards such a thing- uh..." Evan lost his train of thought the longer he looked at Nigel, Nigel instantly noticing as he looked back at his eyes.

He snickers, shaking his head as he faced back forward.

"You're right, good job," Nigel praises, and Evan somehow found himself happy just from hearing such a simple praise, "he's far from a psychopath. People who are such a thing don't behave that way. The way he behaves, the way he acts, the way he talks... It's all with a purpose, a purpose for his own wishful thinking. He's feeding into what he thinks is his truth, but it's all just full of shit.

"I want him to realize how not normal he is." Nigel smiles, looking down at Evan who looked up at him excitedly. "Just like how you reminded me so easily, how not normal I was. That feeling for him...will be triple-fold of what I felt."

"I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings, I promise." Evan pleads, grabbing his arm as Nigel just looked at him.

Just from his look alone, Evan could tell that Nigel wasn't willing to hear it. He was basically...done with him altogether.

He thinks.

Nigel noticed Evan reading him in such a way and had to change his perception. He was aware that Evan was somewhat good at reading him...but not well enough.

"Why do you look like that?" Nigel muses softly to him, instantly noticing Evan's face become flushed easily. "You look so cute holding onto me like that."


- yolo🧃

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