The Enchantress² | N + E Mika...

By Kinky_BabyGirl14

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-Book 2- A Niklaus and Elijah Mikaelson love interest book. ... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1 - Return of the Heretic
Chapter 2 - Unanswered Questions
Chapter 3 - Of Witches, Secrets, and Family Ties
Chapter 4 - The Unseen Protector
Chapter 5 - Reunions and Confessions
Chapter 6 - Morning Surprises and Midnight Revelations
Chapter 7 - A Desperate Plan
Chapter 8 - Bound by Chains, Freed by Fury
Chapter 9 - Unintended Consequences
Chapter 10 - The Davina Problem
Chapter 11 - A Game of Memories
Chapter 12 - A Vengeful Reunion
Chapter 13 - Revelations and Complications
Chapter 14 - A House Divided
Chapter 15 - Gifts, Betrayals, and Threats
Chapter 16 - Between Dreams and Reality
Chapter 17 - A Miracle and a Tragedy
Chapter 18 - Protecting the Future
Chapter 19 - Reclaiming the Kingdom
Chapter 20 - A Heretic Unleashed
Please Read
Chapter 21 - A Night of Revelry and Mayhem
Chapter 22 - A Game of Truth and Consequences
Chapter 23 - A Dangerous Gamble
Chapter 24 - Monsters Within
Chapter 25 - Making Choices
Chapter 26 - A Moment of Peace and a Desperate Plan
Chapter 27 - Thanksgiving Surprises
Chapter 28 - Unintended Consequences
Chapter 29 - Love, Loss, and the Power of Family
Chapter 30 - The Unwanted Alliances
Chapter 31 - Desperate Choices and the Unraveled Truth
Chapter 33 - Moving Forward with a Smile
Chapter 34 - Forever a Mikaelson
Chapter 35 - When the Past Comes Knocking
Chapter 36 - A Lethal Game of Secrets
Chapter 37 - Interventions and Confessions
Chapter 38 - Chains and Revelations
Chapter 39 - Magic, Miracles, and Mikaelsons
Chapter 40 - Deceit, Confrontations, and Magical Showdowns
Chapter 41 - The Unfinished Prophecy
Chapter 42 - Family Under Siege
Chapter 43 - The Mindscape Connection
Chapter 44 - The Resilience of Phoebe Mikaelson
Chapter 45 - The Society of Shadows and Saviors
Chapter 46 - Fighting for Control
Chapter 47 - The Beginning of the End
Chapter 48 - Happily Ever After?
Chapter 49 - In the Name of Love
Chapter 50 - Promises and Lullabies
Chapter 51 - A Message from the Grave
Chapter 52- A Family Scattered
Chapter 53 - Flames of Desperation
Chapter 54 - Back From the Dead
Bonus Chapter - Blades, Magic, and Mikaelson Shenanigans

Chapter 32 - The Sacrifice Play

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By Kinky_BabyGirl14

I walk into compound where Aiden's dead body lays on the table and every wolf in the compound is watching something which I am guessing has something to do with Klaus.

I vamp through the wolves and up onto the balcony to get a better view, where I see Davina about to stick the gold dagger into Klaus as she holds him down with her magic. From aura I can tell that she is channelling a dark object again while everyone else just watches her, letting her do it.

I sigh out and shoot Kelsey a look of annoyance as she had promised that the dagger wouldn't become a problem. I reach my hand forward and pull the dagger from Davina's hand into mine with my magic.

I point the dagger at the crowd as I ask, " Now someone tell what the hell is going on?"

All the wolves in the compound stare at me in silence. I can tell they're scared of me - the way their eyes flit around, the way they avoid my gaze. 

I'm not surprised.

Finally, Jackson steps forward and says, "Klaus made Aiden spy on us. Instead, he told me everything--" Jackson turns to Klaus and gives him a mutinous look, "-- so you killed him!"

I jump down from the balcony onto the courtyard floor before asking him, "And what proof do you have that it was Klaus killed Aiden?"

Jackson hesitates for a moment before responding, "I mean look at his body. It has wolf all over it and the only wolf who would kill Aiden is Klaus."

I move over to Aiden's body and look it over, seeing what he say, the scratch marks and the large hole where is heart used to be but I also see the magic signature all over his body.

I sigh and raise my eyes back to Jackson, "How about we just ask Aiden ourselves?"

Jackson looks at me with confusion while every person in the room who knew me, eyes wide before I shout out, "Clear the room."

No one moves.

"Now!" I snap, and the wolves quickly scramble out of the room.

I lock eyes with Damon who is standing watching from the balcony as I scan the crowd but I break his gaze and turn my attention back to Aiden. I siphon the dagger to get an extra boost of magic and I feel a surge of power coursing through my veins as I do, I siphon the dagger until it melts into nothing but it's original components. 

I place my hands on Aiden's chest and close my eyes. I focus my magic on connecting with his spirit and drawing him back to this realm.

Suddenly a bright light shines and I can feel Aiden's spirit which is when I start to say a spell. I reach into the light and grab Aiden's hand, pulling him back to the physical realm. As I go to place him back into his body, I feel a burning across my body and my eyes snap open as the Enchantress stands in front of me with a sadistic grin.

"I may not be able to stop you from using my powers but I can stop taking the dark magic for you. If you want him alive, you take the consequences of being a siphon who does dark magic." She says with a cruel laugh.

I narrow my eyes at her but don't let go of Aiden's hand, "I'll deal with the consequences. Now leave me be."

The Enchantress smirks before she disappears, leaving me alone with Aiden's body.

With a surge of power, I transfer Aiden's spirit back into his body. I can feel the dark magic infecting me, but I push it aside for the moment and focus on Aiden. His body jolts as his spirit reconnects with it, and he gasps for air. I step back as he sits up, looking around in shock.

"Aiden." I say as I move in front of him, trying to get him to focus.

He blinks a few times before his gaze lands on me, "Phoebe?" he says in disbelief.

I nod my head, "Yes, it's me."

Aiden's eyes widen as he looks down at his chest, "What happened?"

I take a deep breath before responding, "You died, Aiden. But I brought you back."

Aiden looks around the room before Josh comes out from his spot by the door and pulls him into a hug, "Thank god you're okay!"

Aiden hugs him back, still in disbelief.

"Thank you," Josh says, his voice choked with emotion as he looks at me.

I step back and watch them, feeling the weight of the dark magic settling heavily upon me. The Enchantress had been right, the consequences of using her dark magic were taking a toll on me.

"We need to know what happened, Aiden?" I ask as I move and use the table to brace myself.

"There was this witch and she was humming this song before she started to use her magic to rip into me like a wolf before pulling my heart out." Aiden says as he remembers the event.

I turn to Jackson with a look, "See! Klaus had nothing to do with it. It was probably Dahlia."

Jackson nods solemnly before Hayley speaks up, "Why would she go after Aiden though?"

"Because she knew this fighting between ourselves would happen." I explain as I move but I stumble and both Klaus and Elijah are by my side in a blink of an eye.

"I am fine." I say as I steady myself.

"I don't think you are, little heretic." Klaus says as he brings my hands to my attention which are now fully black.

I am guessing this is my consequence from using such dark magic. The Enchantress had warned me that the longer I used her dark magic, the more it would consume me until there was no going back. I try to pull my hands away but Klaus holds them firmly, inspecting the blackened skin closely. Elijah steps closer, his eyes filled with concern.

"Phoebe, what's happening?" Elijah asks softly.

"I am fine. Just did to much dark magic. It will fade away." I tell them both with a small smile. But I know I am lying.

The dark magic was brewing inside of me, and I could feel it spreading through my veins. Aiden, Josh, and the others were watching me with worried expressions, but I couldn't bear to let them see me like this. I pulled my hands away from Klaus and stepped back, trying to hide the pain that was coursing through me.

"I am fine. I promise." I say as I let out a breath before looking up ar Klaus and Elijah, "What is the plan to kill Dahlia now that the dagger that is meant to that is destroyed?"

Klaus and Elijah exchange a look, and I can tell that they are both worried about me and the situation with Dahlia.

 Finally, Klaus speaks up, "We will have to find another way to defeat her." 

"So currently there is no way that we have to kill Dahlia?" I ask as I lock eyes with Freya.

"We have the ingredients to make another dagger but it will take time." Elijah says.

"Time we don't have." I say, my eyes never leaving Freya as if getting what I am saying, she breaks away from my gaze and looks down at her feet.

I could sense the desperation in the air as we all stood there, unsure of what to do next.

"I am going to deal with my brothers." I say, needing to do something that I can control, something that can distract me from the sacrifice I have to make.

Elijah nods his head at me and I vamp out the courtyard and upstairs. I push open the door to my study open, knowing Damon and Stefan will find me. I grab a bag off the floor as I start to grab a few things that I will need.

"Phoebe?" I hear Stefan says as he steps into the room and I give him a small smile as I start to pack the items into the bag.

"What's going on?" Stefan asks as he walks in and Damon follows in behind him.

"Why did you bring us here?" Damon adds and I stop packing, putting the bag on the table.

"Stefan, will you give me and Damon a moment alone?" I ask, looking directly at him.

Stefan nods, concern etched on his face, but he leaves the room without a word, closing the door behind him. Damon looks at me, his expression curious.

"What's going on, Phoebe?" he asks, his voice laced with concern.

"Why did you give me to the witches in 1870?" I ask him bluntly, giving him a chance to tell the truth.

Damon's face falls as he looks at me, the guilt and regret written all over his expression. He takes a step closer, reaching out to touch my arm but I pull away.

"I was selfish," he says, his voice low. "I didn't know how to help you, they promised they could."

I look at him in disbelief as tears well in my eyes, I had given him a chance to make things right but he lied right to my face, again.

"Why are you lying?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper as I try to keep my emotions in check, "Why can't you just admit that you did it for yourself?"

Damon takes another step forward, but I back away from him, shaking my head in disbelief as he looks at me with confusion.

"What are you talking about?" Damon asks.

I storm past him and grab the letter off the shelf and shove it into his chest.

As he reads it, the colour draining from his face while I stuff my things into my bag. Damon puts the pieces of paper down and looks at me full of guilt and shame.

"Phoebe, I'm sorry," he says, his voice barely above a whisper. "I should have told you the truth from the beginning but I was scared and I didn't know how you would react."

"So instead, you lied to me and let find out the truth through the backstabbing witches?" I hiss, my voice dripping with anger and hurt.

Damon looks at me, his eyes full of regret and sorrow.

"I'm sorry, Phoebe," he repeats which makes me snap.

"Stop saying you are sorry! It doesn't change anything! You gave me to them for information about Katherine! You swapped me as if I were a mere object!" I scream, tears streaming down my face before I turn my back on him.

Damon reaches for me, but I brush off his touch, feeling his fingers grazing my arm.

"Phoebe, please," he begs, "I know you are anger-"

I cut him off, spinning back around to face him.

"I am not angry...I am in pain! And you are the cause of it. The person who promised to protect me from everything." I shout, my voice breaking as I stare at him through tears. "I trusted you, Damon. I loved you, and you betrayed me. You handed me over those people for your own selfish gain. Because of you, they did those unspeakable things to me."

Damon looks at me, his heart breaking at the sight of my pain. He takes a step forward, his hand reaching out to touch me, but I pull away.

"I know," he whispers, his voice full of remorse. "I know what I did was unforgivable, but please, Phoebe, give me a chance to make it right."

I look at him, my heart torn in two.

"I thought with you, my brother, by my side I would always be protected but apparently, the only person I needed protection from was you." I tell him.

Damon's eyes fill with hurt as he listens to my words. He knows he messed up, and he would do anything to make it right.

"Just let me explain." He pleads and I take a breath before nodding my head, telling him to speak.

"You had just had that episode in the woods where you killed thousands. All I could think about was that for weeks, I was scared of you, for you. I didn't know what was happening to you, and I didn't know how to help you. I couldn't lose you, Phoebe. So when the witches approached me with a deal to get information about Katherine and all I had to do was give you to them, it seemed like an easy out. They could help you, they could figure out what was happening to you and make it stop. It was a cowards move and I know that now, but at the time I thought I was doing what was best for you, what was best for both of us." Damon explains, his voice full of pain and regret.

"I didn't know they would hurt you, I swear. I never wanted to hurt you, Bea. If I had known what they were going to do, I would have never taken the deal. You have to believe me."

I look at Damon, tears falling down my face as I listen to his words, the pain in my chest is almost unbearable. I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down, but the pain is overwhelming. Damon's betrayal has left me feeling alone and vulnerable.

"I want to believe you, Damon, but it's hard," I say, trying to keep my voice steady. "You made a deal that put me in harm's way, without even talking to me. That's not something I can just forgive and forget."

Damon nods, the tears still streaming down his face. "I understand," he says softly. "I know I messed up, and I can never take back what I did. But I swear to you, Phoebe, I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you."

"Even if I do forgive you someday, I don't know if I can forgive you fully, Damon," I say softly, my voice wavering. "A part of me will always be in pain when I see you. When I remember every unspeakable action done to me is partly because of you and your need to be with a woman who didn't even love you."

Damon nods, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I understand, Phoebe. I will do whatever it takes to earn your forgiveness. But I need you to know that if I could go back, I would change it all."

I let out a hollow chuckle as I stare down at my letter, "It doesn't matter what you would change because you can't. You can't change the past, you betrayed me for Katherine and there is no undoing that. The only thing that matters is what I want. And right now, all I want is Dahlia dead." I pause, looking at Klaus' dagger before picking it up as I turn to Damon, pointing it at him, "And you are going to help me get it."

Phoebe, Damon and Stefan all leave to go back to the safe house, leaving the Mikaelson siblings to themselves in the compound to come up with a plan.

As Klaus and Kol discuss why certain plans wouldn't work, Freya tries her hardest to keep the secret of Phoebe's to herself but as she does something picks on her mind, something she had seen when inside Phoebe's head.

Needing to know more, Freya grabs Elijah's arm which brings his attention to her.

"Elijah, I need to talk to you," Freya says.

Elijah nods, sensing the urgency in her voice. "Of course, what is it?"

"From what I have been told Phoebe was staked when she gave birth to the twins, right? How did she survive that?" Freya asks him which seems to get Elijah's full attention.

"She altered the original vampire spell of our mother's before she died." Elijah explains, confused by this line of questioning.

"But she was killed after Hope was born?" Freya continues and Elijah looks at her confused before nodding, "Yes. Why are you asking, Freya?"

"Because I have seen that spell, it requires all living Mikaelson's blood to mixed in at the time, the spell is done."

Elijah's eyes widen in realization as he understands the implications of Freya's discovery.

"Are you saying that it would be impossible for the spell to work since Hope was born before she was killed?"

"Yes which means something bridged the missing piece which allowed her to come back." Freya says.

"What though? What could have bridged that gap?" Elijah questions, his mind racing with the possibilities.

Freya shakes her head, "I think I might know. Have you ever heard of the prophecy around someone known as the Enchantress?"

Freya's words cause Klaus and Kol to stop their discussion abruptly, turning to look at her as Klaus and Elijah share a look. They had heard it before, from Silas who insisted that the prophecy was happening right in front of them.

"Yes, we have heard of it. But what does that have to do with Phoebe?" Klaus asks, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.

Freya takes a deep breath before she speaks, "I think Phoebe might be the Enchantress."

"The Enchantress," Klaus scoffs. "A mere legend created to scare children."

"The legend may be more than just a myth," Freya argues, "I believe that Phoebe's survival and the birth of the twins are no coincidence. The prophecy states that the Enchantress will have the power to bring forth both destruction and salvation, and that she will be a force to be reckoned with. Phoebe's survival and the birth of the twins could be the beginning of that prophecy coming to life."

Kol raises an eyebrow at his sister, "Would we have noticed if Phoebe became another person?"

"Not if she fighting against her. Phoebe has always be powerful and strong. With her mind in pieces, it could be making it harder for the Enchantress to take control." Freya explains.

Klaus and Elijah exchange a look, both processing Freya's words as they both remember times Phoebe had been speaking to someone they could not see but she could. Kol, on the other hand, seems intrigued.

"So, what do we do now?" Kol asks, breaking the silence.

"We need to find out if Phoebe truly is the Enchantress and if so, we need to help Phoebe keep control," Freya responds.

"Great." Klaus scoffs, "Another problem for us to deal with it. Can we focus on killing Dahlia first and help Phoebe after? She is where no magic-"

Freya eyes widen before she gasps which cuts Klaus off, "Dahlia."

Everyone looks at her confused.

"There is something you need to know, something I have been keeping from you all." Freya says, about to spill Phoebe's plan.

I pick both of my daughters up and hold them close to my chest as Delilah, Era and my brothers wait outside to give me a moment alone with them.

"I love you both so much. I need you to know that. I need you to know that however today ends that I did everything to protect you two." I tell them softly.

The twins' coos fill the room, oblivious to the danger that surrounds us. I let out a deep sigh. I hold them to my chest for a moment longer before placing a kiss on the top of both their heads and putting them back in their cot. I slip my letters into their diaper bag as I walk to the door where I give both Ezra and Delilah a tight hug which got me confused and concerned looks but I brushed them off, needing to leave before I changed my mind.

Phoebe, Damon and Stefan leave Delilah and Ezra to look after the twins as they go after Dahlia.

The girls start whining and Delilah smiles down at them before going over to their bag to grab a bottle when instead she finds a few letters inside.

Each letter has a different name.



Hope and Faith

When Delilah sees her name, she puts the other letters down and opens hers immediately, reading the entire contents of it as quickly as she can.

Delilah lets out a gasp of horror as she reads the one line, 'know that if I do die that everything I did was to protect my family, our family.'

"What's wrong?" Ezra asks, his voice low and hesitant.

"We need to phone Elijah and Klaus. Now!"

As Delilah and Ezra find Phoebe's letters, the Mikaelsons and Kelsey are being filled in by Freya.

"Phoebe plans to sacrifice herself and her magic to Dahlia and you are only telling us now!" Klaus snaps.

"I couldn't. Phoebe knows things that could ruin everything for me." Freya tries to reason.

"Why tell us now?" Elijah asks.

"Because if she is the vessel for the Enchantress and giving her magic over becomes too much for her, she may give control to the Enchantress willingly." Freya explains.

Klaus slams his fist on the table. 

"We need to stop Dahlia and save Phoebe." He looks around at the rest of his family, his eyes filled with determination.

"How do we even know where she is? Or when this is even happening?" Rebekah asks.

As the question floats into the air, Elijah's phone rings. He answers and Delilah tells him about the letters and the contents which make him sigh out before he ends the call and turns back to his siblings.

"It is happening soon. Phoebe left goodbye letters in the girls' bag and has taken off with her brothers." Elijah informs them.

"Fuck!" Klaus exclaims as he throws his glass at the wall, pissed about everything.

"What about the church?" Kelsey recommends and all eyes settle on her.

"I know Phoebe. She is not stupid and won't to do something reckless like give over her magic to Dahlia unless she knew, Dahlia was going to follow her into death. The church is the only place that Phoebe knows well enough and has magic that she can pull from." Kelsey explains her reasoning.

Phoebe, Damon and Stefan arrive at the church that is covered in veins and dahlias which makes Phoebe roll her eyes. Phoebe takes her bag off her back and take the silver rose knife out her bag before pushing it into Damon's hands.

"You got the plan?" She asks her brothers who both nod before moving away from her and to the secret rooms behind the altar.

Phoebe moves towards the wall covered in dahlias and grab one, taking its life force as my own. She watch as every dahlia around the room dies along with its vines, making everything fall to the floor in a pile of ash.

"That should get her attention." Phoebe say to herself as she goes and take a seat on the steps of the altar.

For moment Phoebe thinks that maybe it wasn't enough and that Dahlia wouldn't show up but that all disappears when she hear Dahlia's shoes click against the floor. Phoebe look up as she enters the main apart of the church before she stands, her knife tucked into her waistband.

Dahlia stands at the entrance with a smirk on her face, admiring the destruction that Phoebe had caused. She tilts her head to the side and walks closer to Phoebe, her eyes never leaving her.

"Impressive, my dear. But what's the point of all this?" Dahlia asks.

"I am here to offer you a deal."

Dahlia narrow her eyes at me, "What kind of deal?"

"A trade, if you will." Phoebe propose, "My magic for the safety of my family."

Dahlia steps closer to Phoebe, intrigued by her proposal. 

"And why would I accept this trade?" she asks, her eyes scanning Phoebe's face as if looking for any hint of deception.

"My magic can give you the immortality that you so desperately want without being tied to another."

Dahlia raises an eyebrow, considering Phoebe's offer. "And what about your family? You're willing to sacrifice yourself for them?"

Phoebe nods confidently. "I am."

"Very well." Dahlia says.

Phoebe lets out a breath before pulling out her silver rose knife which makes Dahlia watch her carefully as Phoebe brings the knife down on her wrists, slicing through them to allow her magic to be free.

Phoebe offers her hands out to Dahlia to take after discarding the knife to the floor. Dahlia looks at Phoebe's wrists before moving towards at a careful pace as if to make sure that this isn't a trap. 

Dahlia places her hands over top of Phoebe's leaking magic before they start the spell. The spell is quick and simple, it is the transferring that is long and painful.

As the last word leaves Dahlia's lips, Dahlia steps back and Phoebe feels the pull as her magic moves through her veins and into Dahlia. The pain is unbearable, it feels as if someone is pulling her apart from the inside and there is nothing she can do. Phoebe closes her eyes and takes in deep breathes as her magic leaves her.

Suddenly Phoebe feels another sharp pain in her stomach and when she opens her eyes, she sees her knife being pulled from her as Dahlia looks at her with a satisfied smirk on.

"Once I have your magic, nothing will stop me from getting to your daughters." Dahlia says which makes Phoebe's eyes widen but there is nothing she can do, the lock between her and Dahlia is in place.

She can't stop the transfer of magic.

Suddenly Dahlia is thrown from her view as Klaus vamps Dahlia away from her as Elijah comes to check on her but with the lock broken, Phoebe's magic finds the closest person and starts transferring her magic to them.

Phoebe's scream in horror as her magic latches onto Elijah, flowing into him. Tears start to pour down her face and she falls to her knees as she watches as it starts to infect him. 

If she didn't stop this, it would kill Elijah.

"I told you that you would kill someone you love if you didn't find balance." A voice says to her and Phoebe closes her eyes, letting the tears fall.

Phoebe can hear what sounds like the screams of people around but it is all drowned out as she whispers to the Enchantress, "You were right I am weak. I can't protect any of them."

Phoebe looks at her with pleading eyes, "Take control, I am not as strong as you."

The Enchantress steps forward, her eyes glinting with something that Phoebe had never seen before.

"No. You're stronger." The Enchantress states and Phoebe's eyes widen as that isn't what she except from her.

"What?" Phoebe sobs out in confusion.

"I have been putting you through hell for months, making you relive moments of a life that would even the strongest people would have broken from, but you haven't let it get to you. You haven't folded from anything I have done. Yes, you have these moments of weakness but you are the strongest witch I have ever seen. When it comes to these people, our family, you are willing to put down your life for theirs. That is how you will find your balance that you are lacking." Enchantress explains to her.

Enchantress knees down beside Phoebe as Phoebe looks at her in disbelief, "But this is what you have wanted since the start. Control of your vessel."

"No, I wanted for you to stop being scared of the part of yourself that is me. You want to save Elijah, to save Faith and Hope than stop hiding from that part, from me."

Phoebe's eyes widen as she hears the Enchantress' words. She had always been scared of the Enchantress, afraid of the power she held. But maybe the Enchantress was right, maybe she needed to stop hiding from that part of herself.

The Enchantress was a part of her that she needed to embrace.

Phoebe takes a deep breath and nods, "You're right. I need to stop running from you."

Phoebe took a deep breath, wiping the tears from her face as she stands.

Phoebe smiles at Enchantress, "Thank you."

Enchantress smiles at her, "You are welcome."

Enchantress steps forward and Phoebe wraps her arms around her, pulling her into a hug. Enchantress wraps her arms around Phoebe and she closes her eyes as she reaches out with her mind, searching for the Enchantress within her.

In that moment, the magic was everywhere, surrounding her and filling her being. Her eyes flutter open as they sense the magic around her and as the Enchantress disappears in her arms, her eyes glow purple. 

Phoebe screams out again as she looks at Elijah, breaking the spell that locks her magic to him.

The magic stops flowing but Elijah's body grows still as Phoebe's magic still flows through him.

Phoebe goes to help him when she hears Klaus growling out in pain and spins around to see Dahlia using her magic to try kill him while an unconscious Stefan lays below him and Kol, Kelsey and Damon are being held on the wall on the other side of the church by Dahlia. Freya grabs Phoebe's arm in concern and it snaps her out of her head and puts her into action to protect those she loves.

"Enough!" Phoebe demands as she use my magic to throw a pew at Dahlia.

Dahlia breaks the pew into a pieces with her magic, dropping Kelsey, Kol, Rebekah and Damon to the floor but her attention diverts from all of them to Phoebe.

"I will kill you all for this." Dahlia says as she tries to use her magic on Phoebe but nothing happens.

"You possess my magic, Dahlia. And like how a snake can't be affected by its own venom, you cannot use a witch's magic against them." Phoebe explains before she reaches down and picks up her silver, rose knife.

Dahlia's eyes widen as she realizes that she can no longer use any magic against Phoebe. Phoebe grips the knife before she vamps from her spot and stabbing it into Dahlia's spine.

"If you want power so bad than take it." Phoebe whispers to her as she wraps her arms around Dahlia, feeling the power of her magic building up within herself.

Dahlia turns to Phoebe and Dahlia looks up at Phoebe as her eyes glow purple and purple flames erupt from Phoebe's body the essence of her magic.

Dahlia screams as the flames engulf her body and Phoebe starts to pump all her magic into Dahlia. All the magic become too much for Dahlia and she screams out in pain as the magic start burning away her flesh and bones. With one last yell the magic consumes her and she turns to ash as her magic deflects backwards and into Phoebe.

Phoebe steps back, panting heavily as she feels Dahlia's magic being absorbed into her own, the dark magic mark peels off her hands like smoke off a grill. 

Phoebe feels the immense power of Dahlia's magic coursing through her, and for a moment, it feels like too much to handle. 

She falls to her knees, gasping for air as her body tries to adjust to the surge of energy. Freya rushes to her side but Phoebe scream out hoping to purge out some of the magic but all it does send out a powerful, magically blast out of her through the whole city.

Hayley, Jackson and the pack look down at their fallen wolves that died from Dahlia's attack on the jazz club when suddenly the burst hits them. One by one each of the dead wolves gasp back to life which causes Hayley and Jackson to stare in shock but amazement . The pack members are even more shocked but awe to ripple through the crowd as they help their once fallen brethren from the ground . The fallen wolves rise up, their eyes glowing with renewed strength as they join the living wolves in their pack.

The burst of magic reaches the compound and into one of Phoebe's hidden compartments where her pendant that holds Finn's spirit cracks from the magic power.

As Phoebe stands there, feeling the magic coursing through her veins, she realizes that she has no control of all the magic coursing through her. The purple flames still emit around her body and she can't figure out how to stop them. Phoebe struggles to control the power that is now coursing through her, but as she regains her composure, she realizes the full extent of her new abilities.

The power within Phoebe continues to grow. She tries to focus her mind and control the flames, but they only intensify with each passing moment. She can feel the magic swirling inside of her, like an endless ocean of power that threatens to consume her.

But just as she thinks she might lose control, a voice whispers, "Find your balance."

Phoebe turns and looks at Klaus and Elijah as Klaus is helping Elijah back onto his feet. They both look at her with equal parts awe and concern as she struggles to gain control over her newfound power. They didn't know it but they were her balance, the grounding force that she needed to control her magic.

Phoebe takes a deep breath and focuses on the two vampires in front of her. She sees their strength and balance and knows that she needs to find her own. 

With a final burst of effort, Phoebe manages to control the purple flames and slowly the flames die down.

Damon looks up and sees her, he thinks of what Phoebe had told him that if she loses control of the magic, he is to drive the dagger into her heart in order to reset her. Damon doesn't realize that Phoebe has gained control over the magic so when he sees that she is struggling, he pulls out the dagger and vamps behind her, stabbing it into her heart with only a slight hesitance.

Phoebe's eyes widen in shock and pain as she feels the dagger penetrate her heart. The purple flames that she had just managed to control flare back up, intensifying in strength and ferocity. Damon's eyes widen at this but the flames die out completely as desiccation sets in on Phoebe.

Phoebe's body drops but Elijah uses the strength he has left and vamps to her, catching her before she hits the ground as Klaus picks up on of the broken pieces of pew, throwing a piece at Damon as a makeshift stake.

Damon ducks and the stake misses him by inches and lodges itself into the wall behind him.

"What the hell, man?" Damon yells, turning around to face Klaus.

Klaus charges towards Damon, his eyes blazing with anger and hatred, ready to kill him for what he had done to Phoebe. Elijah, on the other hand, cradles Phoebe's body in his arms as he pulls the dagger out and throwing it to the side.

"Come on, angel. Wake up." Elijah says softly down at Phoebe before he bites into his wrist and putting into her mouth, feeding her blood.

Klaus grabs Damon by his throat and stabbing him in the stomach with one of his makeshift stakes before picking up another and stabbing it through his chest, stopping an inch from his heart.

Phoebe's body jerks as the warm blood enters her mouth, and her eyes flutter open as she feels a surge of power. The purple flames ignite once more, but this time, she is able to control them effortlessly and gets rid of them easily.

She gasps for breath, and Elijah pulls his wrist away. He watches her carefully as she sits up and looks around, taking in the chaos that surrounds them.

When Phoebe sees Klaus and Damon, she calls, "Wait! I told him too."

Klaus loosens his grip and looks at her confused, "What do you mean, love?" Klaus asks, his eyes softening slightly as he looks at Phoebe.

"I told him if my magic became out of control that he had to dagger me." Phoebe says as she tries to stand.

Kelsey quickly vamps over and supports her as she struggles to stand while Elijah's eyes scans her body for any sign of injury.

Klaus releases Damon and turns to face Phoebe, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Phoebe says. "I just... I didn't expect it to hurt so much."

Her voice sounds shaky, and she leans heavily against Kelsey's side as Elijah struggles to stay up as well but Kol vamps to his side to help him.

Klaus and Elijah both look at with relief that quickly merges to anger and disappointment.

"What the hell, Phoebe?" Klaus yells at her, his body tense as he glares at her.

Phoebe looks down guiltily at her feet, "I'm sorry, I just-"

"How could you ever even consider that, love?" Klaus says as he takes a step towards her, his voice filled with rage.

"I couldn't stand by and let people get hurt when I had a way to save everyone!" Phoebe argues.

Elijah steps in between Klaus and Phoebe, "Let us not forget that we were all faced with a difficult decision. We were all willing to do whatever it takes to save the ones we love."

Klaus narrows his eyes at Elijah, "Do not defend her actions, brother. She could have killed herself!"

"Why don't you three finish this at home, Nik? In private." Rebekah recommends while Klaus huffs in anger and frustration before vamping off.

Phoebe lets outs a sad sigh, before speaking to Kelsey softly, "Can you get Del and Ez to bring the girls home?"

Kelsey nods her head in agreement before careful transferring Phoebe to Stefan. Phoebe leans on Stefan as she is not hundred percent with the lack of blood in her system. 

After collecting all the magical objects, everyone leaves the ruins of the church and heads to the compound where Phoebe can feel a big fight coming her way.

With a blood blag in my hand, I walk down the long hall to face the music.

I walk into the living room where Elijah sits in his chair with a glass of bourbon in his hand and Klaus stands with his back to me. Elijah sees me and says nothing, just watches me as I move into the room.

Klaus turns to face me, his eyes burning with anger. "What were you thinking, Phoebe! Do you have any idea how reckless and foolish your actions were today?!" he asks, his voice low and dangerous.

I take a deep breath and meet his gaze head-on.

"I won't apologize for doing that would protect those I love. My death to save all of yours? It would have been worth it," I reply, my voice strong and unwavering.

Klaus steps closer to me, his nostrils flaring. "How could you be so selfish, Phoebe? Do you not think of the consequences of your actions? The pain you would cause those you leave behind?" he growls.

"I did think of the consequences. I thought of them every second I had to make that decision. And I made the decision that I believed was right," I say firmly.

Klaus takes another step forward, his hand clenching into a fist. "You almost died today, Phoebe. And you didn't even have decency to tell us your plan instead you leave us some fucking letters. How could you be so careless with your life? We could have lost you!" he continues, his voice rising in anger.

"I didn't want any of you to try to stop me. I knew what I had to do. And what I had to do was protect everyone I love, including you, Klaus. And I was willing to do it at any cost," I reply, standing my ground.

Klaus takes one more step closer, his eyes locked onto mine. "You can't keep doing this, Phoebe. You can't run off and do what you want without telling anyone about what you are doing." Klaus says.

"If I had told you about my plan, would you have let me gone through with it?" I ask him, seriously.

Klaus throws his hands up in defeat, "Of course not!"

"Exactly. And that's why I had to do it this way. I knew what I had to do, and I couldn't let anyone stop me," I tell him, still determined I was right.

"No, you did it this way because you were scared. Scared of what might happen. But you have to trust us to have your back. We're family!" Klaus responds, his anger raging.

There is pause as I think over his words, avoiding eye contact before I look up and lock eyes with him.

"Of course, I was scared." I pause, " I am scared every time you two step out of my sights. Every noise or creak in the night makes me worry that it's the end for one of us. We all have our collection of people who want us dead and that's all I can think about sometimes." I let out a shaky breath, feeling the weight of my fears on my shoulders, "But I had to make this decision. A decision that I would make again because in that moment when Dahlia stood in front of me, I didn't feel fear. I felt relief because you both were safe, the twins were safe, our family was safe. I knew that I was the only one who could stop her, and I had to try. I will always do whatever it takes to keep our family safe but I also know that you both will always have my back, like I will always have yours. That's what family does,"

The room settles in silence as I let out another shaky breathe when Elijah finally speaks up, his voice calm but firm. "Phoebe, we understand that you were trying to protect us, but risking your life like that is not the only option. We could have come up with a plan together, one that didn't involve jeopardizing your safety. Instead, you went at it alone and if something had happened the consequences of your actions would not just affect you, but all of us as well. We are a family, and we should face these dangers as a team, not as individuals."

I nod, taking in his words as I realize the truth in them. I had acted impulsively, driven by fear and desperation. But I had been so consumed by my need to protect my family that I had forgotten that we were stronger together. I bite my lip as I look at them, feeling the guilt weighing heavily on my chest. 

"I'm sorry," I say softly, my voice barely above a whisper. "I should have trusted in our ability to come up with a plan together instead of acting on my own. It was foolish of me to put myself in danger without considering all of you.

Elijah's eyes soften as he looks at me, "We understand, Phoebe. We know that you were trying to protect us, but from now on we work together."

I nod before looking over at Klaus who still has hurt and betrayal in his eyes.

I can feel the tension between us and my heart aches with regret. I take a step closer to him, determined to make things right between us.

"Klaus, I know I hurt you by making this decision on my own, but I promise you that I will never meant to hurt, only protect you." I say, my voice gentle as I reach for his hand.

Klaus hesitates for a moment before finally meeting my gaze. "Phoebe, I understand why you did what you did, but you have to understand that I cannot lose you. Even the thought of something happening to you makes me want to rip someone apart. You don't understand that if you were to die there would be nothing stopping me from burning this world to ashes."

I feel a shiver run down my spine at the intensity in his voice. Klaus has always been fiercely protective of me, but I had never realized just how much he cared.

"I am right here, Klaus. I am standing right in front of you without a scratch on me. I am alive. The girls are safe. Our family is safe." I say, squeezing his hand gently.

Klaus pulls me to him from our connected hands and kisses me passionately, his grip tightening around my waist. I melt into the kiss, feeling his love and protection enveloping me.

When we finally break the kiss, Klaus presses his forehead to mine, his breaths coming out raggedly. "I can't lose you, Phoebe," he whispers, his eyes staring into mine.

"And you won't" I say back before kissing him again, my hands winding around his neck as I deepen the kiss. We stand there for a few moments, lost in each other, before Elijah clears his throat.

I break the kiss and look over at him as he raises an eyebrow at me and smile before vamping from my spot, wrapping my arms around his neck as I kiss him as well.

Elijah's hands wrap around my waist and he deepens the kiss, his tongue exploring my mouth. I let out a small moan, feeling the heat building up inside me.

I can feel Klaus watching us, his intense gaze burning into my skin and I break the kiss, looking over at him.

"Klaus?" I ask, the heat in my voice evident. Klaus smirks at me and grabs me from Elijah's arms, pulling me to him. He kisses me deeply, his tongue exploring my mouth as I feel moving behind me and leaving kisses along my neck.

I moan quietly, enjoying the feeling of both of their hands caressing my back. Suddenly Elijah pulls away and I let out a small whine of protest until the hands behind me move down and grab my ass while the other pair of hands travel up my shirt, causing the whine to turn into a small moan of pleasure.

"You are a little overdressed for my taste." Klaus murmurs against my neck as he lifts his eyes looking behind me, "Don't you think, brother?"

"What would you suggest, then?" I ask back a smirk playing my lips.

"I would suggest you take this off," Elijah says, pulling my shirt over my head and throwing it to the ground before Klaus's hands cup my breasts, sending electricity straight to my core.

Elijah kisses and sucks on my neck, his hands still at my ass. I roll my hips against the erection I feel on my back and hear a small moan. Elijah chuckles against my skin before biting down on my neck, bringing soft moans from my lips.

I let out a loud gasp as Klaus's hands slide down the front of my pants, caressing the skin before moving to my underwear. He pulls them down, leaving me bare and wet. He raises two fingers and caresses my clit before sliding two of his fingers inside of me.

I let out a moan as he plays with me, making my head spin. His thumb is rubbing against my clit and my hips are gyrating against his hand as he watches Elijah kiss my neck.

Elijah chuckles and Klaus moves his lips up to my ear. "I want you to come on my brother's fingers." he says quietly as he slides another finger into me as Elijah nibbles on my earlobe.

My hips move against both of their hands while my moans get louder.

"Come for us, angel." Elijah says against my neck and that's all I need to fall apart. I feel their fingers slide out of me as I feel heat flowing down my leg from the orgasm I just had.

"Come here, love." Klaus says gently, pulling me away from Elijah. He sits on the edge of the table and pulls me to him by my hips. He spreads my legs and grabs my hips while Elijah pulls my bra down, freeing my breasts. Klaus licks my neck and circles my nipples with his tongue.

"You are beautiful." Klaus says as he licks my nipples.

Elijah places his hands on my hips and I feel him place hot, open-mouthed kisses on my back. Klaus's hands play with my nipples as Elijah's hands explore my skin. Klaus raises a hand and then spanks me.

I squeak as I feel the smack on my ass. Elijah lifts his head from my back and gently rubs the marks he left there.

"I'm going to take you like this." Klaus says as he lifts me up and pushes me down on his dick.

"Fuck." he moans as I adjust to his size. I back up to feel Elijah, hot and hard, against my ass.

Elijah pushes himself into my ass and I moan as I feel him fill me up.

I lean my head back on his shoulder as the two of them move inside me and I moan with each breath.

Klaus bites into my neck as he thrusts into me, his venom adding to my pleasure.

"Yes... fuck me." I mumble and they start moving faster.

Elijah's hands slide around my waist and he holds me against him as he thrusts into my ass.

"You feel so good." Elijah says in my ear.

I cry out as I feel Klaus's fangs leave my neck and I feel Elijah's hands wander towards my clit again.

"Can you guys..." I start but I get interrupted as Klaus grabs a fistful of my hair and pulls me back. He buries his fangs into my shoulder as he thrusts into me, pushing me further onto Elijah.

"Oh my God!" I scream as the sensations overload my senses.

My body tenses as I feel an orgasm coming. Klaus licks my shoulder as he thrusts faster and Elijah rubs my clit.

I'm going to cum." I whisper to Klaus as I feel Elijah bite into my lower back.

Elijah sinks his teeth into my other side of my neck.

"Fuck!" I moan as I come, my vision going completely white as I shake and all the lights in the room burst, leaving the room in complete darkness.

I hear them both moan as I feel hot liquid being shot into me. I stay still for a moment enjoying being filled with both them and their cum.

Klaus pulls out of me and Elijah pulls out of my ass, wrapping his arms around my waist and picking me off my feet before moving us towards the couch.

Elijah gently sits both of us down on it as Klaus walks over and sits on my other side, laying his head on my stomach.

I use my magic and light the fireplace, bathing our bodies in a soft red glow.

I run my fingers through Klaus's hair as I feel Elijah run his fingers through mine.

I sit with a blanket wrapped around my naked body as I stare into the flames in the fireplace.

"Phoebe?" I hear Stefan's voice.

I look away from the fire and turn my gaze to him, offering him a small smile. Stefan moves towards me and takes a seat next to me on the floor.

"Everything good between you and Klaus and Elijah?" Stefan asks.

"We will get there." I say as I rest my head against his shoulder and turn my gaze back to the flames.

The is a long moment of silence where neither one says a thing, just watches the fire burns.

"Phoebe..." Stefan says breaking the silence.

"Don't Stefan." I say with a sigh, "You are going to ruin a rare brother-sister moment between us."

Stefan sighs out in defeat and we both fall into a comfortable silence once again.

"You can't hate him forever..." Stefan says and I let out a breath and move away from him.

"And you ruined it." I say.

"I am serious, Bea." Stefan says and I let out a conflicted sigh.

"I don't hate him, Stefan. God, hating him would be a lot easier. But I could never hate him," I say, my voice barely above a whisper.

Stefan takes my hand and squeezes it gently, "But you are still angry at him?"

"I am so angry that it hurts sometimes. He is my brother and he was meant to be my protector. And sometimes I want him to feel the same hurt that I did, that I do but..." I tell him softly.

Stefan nods in understanding, "I know, Bea. But you have to remember that Damon is not the same person he was before. He has changed and he is sorry about what he did."

"I know but I can't just forgive and forget this." I say with a hint of sadness in my voice.

Stefan leans against me, "You don't have to forgive and forget, try baby steps. You can't change the past, but you can decide not to let this anger consume you. It's not worth it."

I say nothing and just stare back at the fire and Stefan sighs out and stands up.

"Just think about it, Bea." He says before kissing the top of my head and leaving me alone to think.

I shrug off my blanket and move to the fireplace, absently picking up a burning log and throw it into the large fire. Embers dance and crackle as they fall to the ground,

"Quod ignis non corrumpit, indurat" I say as I lay my close fist into the flames, watching my skin sizzle and burst.

'You can't change the past, but you can decide not to let this anger consume you, it's not worth it.' Stefan's words echo in my mind as I open my hand and watch the cure, that I stole off Damon, be destroyed by the flames.


Question!: How long is too long for a chapter? And should I shorten my chapters?

Cure destroyed!! Everyone shall remain vampires!

Dahlia dead. Aiden alive.

I really like this chapter although I could have prolonged the Dahlia thing but oh well.


Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment!

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