Carpe Diem (Sumettikul's Univ...

By charisurluve

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Daunted by the singular tastes and dark secrets of the beautiful, tormented young entrepreneur Wichapas Sumet... More

{1} You Are Mine
{2} No Rules
{4} The Past Comes Back
{5} I Need You Safe
{6} Charity Gala (Part One)
{7} Charity Gala (Part Two)
{8} You Love Me
{9} You, Me and The Sea
{10} If I Win...
{11} Don't Suffocate Me
{12} Good Days and Bad Days
{13} No!
{14} This is Me, All of Me
{15} Should Have Stayed in Bed
{16} I'm Stronger Than You Think
{17} Promotions and Doctors
{18} You're Torturing Me
{19} Seize the Day (Carpe Diem)
{20} Yes, Yes To It All
{21} Happy Birthday, Bible
{22} We Were Meant To Be
Epilogue - What's Next?

{3} Tell Me What You Want

389 31 2
By charisurluve

its been a while but i got my laptop and phone back so ill try to be more consistent <333 enjoy luves

The one good thing about being car-less is that on the bus on my way to work, I can plug my headphones into my iPad while it’s safely in my purse and listen to all the wonderful tunes Bible has given me. By the time I arrive at the office, I have the most ludicrous grin on my face.

Jack glances up at me and does a double take.

“Good morning, Bui. You look...radiant.” His remark flusters me. How inappropriate.

“I slept well, thank you, Jack. Good morning.”

His brow crinkles.

“Can you read these for me and have reports on them by lunchtime, please?” He hands me four manuscripts. At my horrified expression, he adds, “Just first chapters.”

“Sure,” I smile with relief, and he gives me a broad smile in return.

I switch on the computer to start work, finishing my latte and eating a banana. There’s an email from Bible.

From: Wichapas Sumettikul
Subject: So Help Me...
Date: December 11, 2022 08:05
To: Jakapan Puttha

I do hope you’ve had breakfast.

I missed you last night.

Wichapas Sumettikul

CEO, Sumettikul Enterprises Holdings Inc.

From: Jakapan Puttha
Subject: Old books...
Date: December 11, 2022 08:33
To: Wichapas Sumettikul

I am eating a banana as I type. I have not had breakfast for several days, so it is a step forward. I love the British Library App—I started rereading Robinson Crusoe...and of course, I love you.

Now leave me alone—I am trying to work.

Jakapan Puttha

Assistant to Jack Hyde, Commissioning Editor, BIP

From: Wichapas Sumettikul
Subject: Is that all you’ve eaten?
Date: December 11, 2022 08:36
To: Jakapan Puttha

You can do better than that. You’re going to need your energy for begging.

Wichapas Sumettikul

CEO, Sumettikul Enterprises Holdings Inc.

From: Jakapan Puttha
Subject: Pest
Date: December 11, 2022 08:39
To: Wichapas Sumettikul

Mr. Sumettikul—I am trying to work for a living—and it’s you that will be begging.

Jakapan Puttha

Assistant to Jack Hyde, Commissioning Editor, BIP

From: Wichapas Sumettikul
Subject: Bring it on!
Date: December 11, 2022 08:36
To: Jakapan Puttha

Why Mr. Puttha, I love a challenge...

Wichapas Sumettikul

CEO, Sumettikul Enterprises Holdings Inc.

I sit grinning at the screen like an idiot. But I need to read these chapters for Jack and write reports on all of them. Placing the manuscripts on my desk, I begin.

At lunchtime I head to the deli for a pastrami sandwich and listen to the playlist on my iPad. First up there’s Nitin Sawhney, some world music called “Homelands”—it’s good. Mr. Sumettikul has an eclectic taste in music. I wander back, listening to a classical piece, Fantasia on a Theme of Thomas Tallis by Vaughn Williams. Oh, Bible has a sense of humour, and I love him for it. Will this stupid grin ever leave my face?

The afternoon drags. I decide, in an unguarded moment, to email Bible.

From: Jakapan Puttha
Subject: Bored...
Date: December 11, 2022 16:05
To: Wichapas Sumettikul

Twiddling my thumbs.

How are you?

What are you doing?

Jakapan Puttha

Assistant to Jack Hyde, Commissioning Editor, BIP

From: Wichapas Sumettikul
Subject: Your thumbs
Date: December 11, 2022 16:15
To: Jakapan Puttha

You should have come to work for me.

You wouldn’t be twiddling your thumbs.

I am sure I could put them to better use.

In fact I can think of a number of options...

I am doing the usual humdrum mergers and acquisitions.

It’s all very dry.

Your emails at BIP are monitored.

Wichapas Sumettikul

Distracted CEO, Sumettikul Enterprises Holdings Inc.

Oh shit. I had no idea. How the hell does he know? I scowl at the screen and quickly check the emails we’ve sent, deleting them as I do.

Promptly at five thirty, Jack is at my desk. It is Dress-down Friday so he’s wearing jeans and a black shirt. He looks very casual.

“Drink, Bui? We usually like to go for a quick one at the bar across the street.”

“We?” I ask, hopeful.

“Yeah, most of us coming?”

For some unknown reason, which I don’t want to examine too closely, relief floods through me.

“I’d love to. What’s the bar called?”


“You’re kidding.”

He looks at me oddly. “No. Some significance for you?”

“No, sorry. I’ll join you over there.”

“What would you like to drink?”

“A beer please.”


I make my way to the toilet and email Bible from the phone.

From: Jakapan Puttha
Subject: You’ll Fit Right In
Date: December 11, 2022 17:36
To: Wichapas Sumettikul

We are going to a bar called BB’s.

The rich seam of humour that I could mine from this is endless.

I look forward to seeing you there, Mr. Sumettikul.

B x

From: Wichapas Sumettikul
Subject: Hazards
Date: December 11, 2022 17:38
To: Jakapan Puttha

Mining is a very, very dangerous occupation.

Wichapas Sumettikul

CEO, Sumettikul Enterprises Holdings Inc.

From: Jakapan Puttha
Subject: Hazards?
Date: December 11, 2022 17:40
To: Wichapas Sumettikul

And your point is?

From: Wichapas Sumettikul
Subject: Merely...
Date: December 11, 2022 17:42
To: Jakapan Puttha

Making an observation, Mr. Puttha.

I’ll see you shortly.

Sooners rather than laters, baby.

Wichapas Sumettikul

CEO, Sumettikul Enterprises Holdings Inc.

I check myself in the mirror. What a difference a day can make. I have more colour in my cheeks, and my eyes are shining. It’s the Bible Sumett effect. A little email sparring with him will do that to a guy. I grin at the mirror and straighten my dark blue shirt—the one Chen bought me. I am wearing my favourite pants today, too. Most of the people in the office wear either jeans or pencil skirts. I will need to invest in a pair of jeans or two. Perhaps I’ll do that this weekend and bank the check Bible gave me for my car.

As I head out of the building, I hear my name called.


I turn expectantly, and an ashen young man approaches me cautiously. He looks like a ghost—so pale and strangely blank.

“Build Jakapan?” He repeats, and his features stay static even though he’s speaking.


He stops, staring at me from about three feet away on the sidewalk, and I stare back, immobilized. Who is he? What does he want?

“Can I help you?” I ask. How does he know my name?

“No...I just wanted to look at you.” His voice is eerily soft. Like me, he has dark hair that starkly contrasts with his fair skin. His eyes are brown, like bourbon, but flat. There’s no life in them at all. His beautiful face is pale, and etched with sorrow.

“Sorry—you have me at a disadvantage,” I say politely, trying to ignore the warning tingle up my spine. On closer inspection, he looks odd, dishevelled and uncared for. His clothes are two sizes too big, including his designer trench coat.

He laughs a strange, discordant sound that only feeds my anxiety.

“What do you have that I don’t?” He asks sadly.

My anxiety turns to fear. “I’m sorry—who are you?”

“Me? I’m nobody.” He lifts his arm to drag his hand through his hair, and as he does, the sleeve of his trench coat rides up, revealing a soiled bandage around his wrist.

Holy fuck.

“Good day, Build.” Turning, he walks up the street as I stand rooted to the spot. I watch as his frame disappears from view, lost amongst the workers pouring out of their various offices.

What was that about? Confused, I cross the street to the bar, trying to assimilate what has just happened, while my subconscious rears his ugly head and hisses at me—He has something to do with Bible.

BB’s is a cavernous, impersonal bar with baseball pennants and posters hanging on the wall. Jack is at the bar with Elizabeth, Courtney the other commissioning editor, two guys from finance, and Claire from reception. She is wearing her trademark silver hooped earrings.

“Hi, Bui!” Jack hands me a bottle of Bud.

“Cheers...thank you,” I murmur, still shaken by my encounter with Ghost Boy.

“Cheers.” We clink bottles, and he continues his conversation with Elizabeth. Claire smiles sweetly at me.

“So, how has your first week been?” She asks.

“Good, thank you. Everyone seems very friendly.”

“You seem much happier today.”

I flush. “It’s Friday,” I mutter quickly. “So—have any plans this weekend?”

My patented distraction technique works and I’m saved. Claire turns out to be one of seven kids, and she’s going to a big family get-together in Nonthaburi. She becomes quite animated, and I realize I haven’t spoken to any one my own age since Us left for Trinidad.

Absently I wonder how Us is...and JJ. I must remember to ask Bible if he’s heard from him. Oh, and Jeff, his brother will be back next Tuesday, and he’ll be staying in our apartment. I can’t imagine Bible is going to be happy about that. My earlier encounter with strange Ghost Boy slips further from my mind.

During my conversation with Claire, Elizabeth hands me another beer.

“Thanks,” I smile at her.

Claire is very easy to talk to—she likes to talk—and before I know it, I am on my third beer, courtesy of one of the guys from finance.

When Elizabeth and Courtney leave, Jack joins Claire and me. Where is Bible? One of the finance guys engages Claire in conversation.

“Bui, think you made the right decision coming here?” Jack’s voice is soft, and he’s standing a bit too close. But I’ve noticed that he has a tendency to do this with everyone, even at the office. My subconscious narrows his eyes. You’re reading too much into this, he admonishes me.

“I’ve enjoyed myself this week, thank you, Jack. Yes, I think I made the right decision.”

“You’re a very bright man, Bui. You’ll go far.”

I blush. “Thank you,” I mutter, because I don’t know what else to say.

“Do you live far?”


“Not far from me.” Smiling, he moves even closer and leans against the bar, effectively trapping me. “Do you have any plans this weekend?”


I feel him before I see him. It’s as if my whole body is highly attuned to his presence. It relaxes and ignites at the same time—a weird, internal duality—and I sense that strange pulsing electricity.

Bible drapes his arm around my shoulder in a seemingly casual display of affection—but I know differently. He is staking a claim, and on this occasion, it’s very welcome. Softly he kisses my hair.

“Hello, baby,” He murmurs.

I can’t help but feel relieved, safe, and excited with his arm around me. He draws me to his side, and I glance up at him while he stares at Jack, his expression impassive. Turning his attention to me, he gives me a brief crooked smile followed by a swift kiss. He’s wearing his navy pinstriped jacket over jeans and an open white shirt. He looks edible.

Jack shuffles back uncomfortably.

“Jack, this is Bible,” I mumble apologetically. Why am I apologizing? “Bible, Jack.”

“I’m the boyfriend,” Bible says with a small, cool smile that doesn’t reach his eyes as he shakes Jack’s hand. I glance up at Jack who is mentally assessing the fine specimen of manhood in front of him.

“I’m the boss,” Jack replies arrogantly. “Build did mention an ex-boyfriend.”

Oh, shit. You don’t want to play this game with Bible.

“Well, no longer ex,” Bible replies calmly. “Come on, baby, time to go.”

“Please, stay and join us for a drink,” Jack says smoothly.

I don’t think that’s a good idea. Why is this so uncomfortable? I glance at Claire, who is, of course staring, open-mouthed and with frankly carnal appreciation at Bible. When will I stop caring about the effect he has on other people?

“We have plans,” Bible replies with his enigmatic smile.

We do? And a frisson of anticipation runs through my body.

“Another time, perhaps,” He adds. “Come,” He says to me as he takes my hand.

“See you Monday.” I smile at Jack, Claire, and the guys from finance, trying hard to ignore Jack’s less than-pleased expression, and follow Bible out of the door.

Chen is at the wheel of the Audi waiting at the curb.

“Why did that feel like a pissing contest?” I ask Bible as he opens the car door for me.

“Because it was,” He murmurs and gives me his enigmatic smile then shuts my door.

“Hello, Chen,” I say and our eyes meet in the review mirror.

“Mr. Puttha,” Chen acknowledges with a smile.

Bible slides in beside me, clasps my hand, and gently kisses my knuckles. “Hi,” He says softly.

My cheeks turn pink, knowing that Chen can hear us, grateful that he can’t see the hot look that Bible is giving me. It takes all my self-restraint not to leap on him right here, in the back seat of the car.

Oh, the back seat of the car...hmm. My inner goddess strokes her chin gently in quiet contemplation.

“Hi,” I breathe, my mouth dry.

“What would you like to do this evening?”

“I thought you said we had plans.”

“Oh, I know what I’d like to do, Build. I’m asking you what you want to do.”

I beam at him.

“I see,” He says with a wickedly salacious grin. “So...begging it is, then. Do you want to beg at my place or yours?” He tilts his head to one side and smiles his oh-so-sexy smile at me.

“I think you’re being very presumptuous, Mr. Sumettikul. But by way of a change, we could go to my apartment.” I bite my lip deliberately, and his expression darkens.

“Chen, Mr. Puttha’s, please.”

“Sir,” Chen acknowledges and he heads off into the traffic.

“So how has your day been?” He asks.

“Good. Yours?”

“Good, thank you.”

His ridiculously broad grin reflects mine, and he kisses my hand again.

“You look handsome,” He says.

“As do you.”

“Your boss, Jack Hyde, is he good at his job?”

Whoa! That’s a sudden change in direction? I frown. “Why? This isn’t about your pissing contest?”

Bible smirks. “That man wants into your pants, Build,” He says dryly.

I go crimson as my mouth drops open, and I glance nervously at Chen. My subconscious inhales sharply, shocked.

“Well, he can want all he likes...why are we even having this conversation? You know I have no interest in him whatsoever. He’s just my boss.”

“That’s the point. He wants what’s mine. I need to know if he’s good at his job.”

I shrug. “I think so.” Where is he going with this?

“Well, he’d better leave you alone, or he’ll find himself on his ass on the sidewalk.”

“Oh, Bible, what are you talking about? He hasn’t done anything wrong.”...Yet. He just stands too close.

“He makes one move, you tell me. It’s called gross moral turpitude—or sexual harassment.”

“It was just a drink after work.”

“I mean it. One move and he’s out.”

“You don’t have that kind of power.” Honestly! And before I roll my eyes at him, the realization hits me with the force of a speeding freight truck. “Do you, Bible?”

Bible gives me his enigmatic smile.

“You’re buying the company,” I whisper in horror.

His smile slips in response to the panic in my voice. “Not exactly,” He says.

“You’ve bought it. BIP. Already.”

He blinks at me, warily. “Possibly.”

“You have or you haven’t?”


What the hell? “Why?” I gasp, appalled. Oh, this just is too much.

“Because I can, Build. I need you safe.”

“But you said you wouldn’t interfere in my career!”

“And I won’t.”

I snatch my hand out of his. “Bible...” Words fail me.

“Are you mad at me?”

“Yes. Of course I’m mad at you.” I seethe. “I mean what kind of responsible business executive makes decisions based on who they are currently fucking?” I blanch and glance nervously once more at Chen who is stoically ignoring us.

Shit. What a time to have a brain-to-mouth filter malfunction. Build! My subconscious glares at me.

Bible opens his mouth then closes it again and scowls at me. I glare at him. The atmosphere in the car plunges from warm with sweet reunion to frigid with unspoken words and potential recriminations as we glower at each other.

Fortunately, our uncomfortable car journey doesn’t last long, and Chen pulls up outside my apartment. I scramble out of the car quickly, not waiting for anyone to open the door.

I hear Bible mutter to Chen, “I think you’d better wait here.”

I sense him standing close behind me as I struggle to find the front door keys in my bag.

“Build,” He says calmly as if I’m some cornered wild animal.

I sigh and turn to face him. I am so mad at him; my anger is palpable—a dark entity threatening to choke me.

“First, I haven’t fucked you for a while—a long while, it feels—and second, I wanted to get into publishing. Of the four companies in Bangkok, BIP is the most profitable, but it’s on the cusp and it’s going to stagnate—it needs to branch out.”

I stare frigidly at him. His eyes are so intense, threatening even, but sexy as hell. I could get lost in their steely depths.

“So you’re my boss now,” I snap.

“Technically, I’m your boss’s boss’s boss.”

“And, technically, it’s gross moral turpitude—the fact that I am fucking my boss’s boss’s boss.”

“At the moment, you’re arguing with him.” Bible scowls.

“That’s because he’s such an ass,” I hiss.

Bible steps back in stunned surprise. Oh shit. Have I gone too far?

“An ass?” He murmurs as his expression changes to one of amusement.

Goddamn it! I am mad at you, do not make me laugh!

“Yes.” I struggle to maintain my look of moral outrage.

“An ass?” Bible says again. This time his lips twitch with a repressed smile.

“Don’t make me laugh when I’m mad at you!” I shout.

And he smiles, a dazzling, full-toothed, gummy smile, and I can’t help it. I am grinning and laughing, too. How could I not be affected by the joy I see in his smile?

“Just because I have a stupid damn grin on my face doesn’t mean I’m not mad as hell at you,” I mutter breathlessly, trying to suppress my giggling.

He leans in, and I think he’s going to kiss me but he doesn’t. He nuzzles my hair and inhales deeply.

“As ever, Mr. Puttha, you are unexpected.” He leans back and gazes at me, his eyes dancing with humour. “So are you going to invite me in, or am I to be sent packing for exercising my right as an citizen, entrepreneur, and consumer to purchase whatever I damn well please?”

“Have you spoken to Dr. Flynn about this?”

He laughs. “Are you going to let me in or not, Build?”

I try for a grudging look—biting my lip helps—but I’m smiling as I open the door. Bible turns and a wave to Chen and the Audi pulls away.

It’s odd having Bible in the apartment. The place feels too small for him.

I am still mad at him—his stalking knows no bounds, and it dawns on me that this is how he knew about the email being monitored at BIP. He probably knows more about BIP than I do. The thought is unsavoury. What can I do? Why does he have this need to keep me safe? I am a grown-up—sort of—for heaven’s sake. What can I do to reassure him?

I gaze at his beautiful face as he paces the room like a caged predator, and my anger subsides. Seeing him here in my space when I thought we were over is heart-warming. More than heart-warming, I love him, and my heart swells with a nervous, heady elation. He glances around, assessing his surroundings.

“Nice place,” He says.

“Us’ parents bought it for him.”

He nods distractedly, and his bold eyes come to rest on mine, staring at me.

“Err...would you like a drink?” I mutter, flushing with nerves.

“No, thank you, Build.” His eyes darken.

Oh crap. Why am I so nervous?

“What would you like to do, Build?” He asks softly as he walks toward me, all feral and hot. “I know what I want to do,” He adds in a low voice.

I back up until I bump against the concrete kitchen island.

“I’m still mad at you.”

“I know.” He smiles a lopsided apologetic smile and I melt...well, maybe not so mad.

“Would you like something to eat?” I ask.

He nods slowly. “Yes. You,” He murmurs. I feel my dick twitch at his words. I’m seduced by his voice alone, but that look, that hungry I-want-you-now look—oh my.

He’s standing in front of me, not quite touching, staring down into my eyes and bathing me in the heat that’s radiating off his body. I’m stiflingly hot, flustered, and my legs are like jelly as dark desire courses through me. I want him.

“Have you eaten today?” He murmurs.

“I had a sandwich at lunch,” I whisper. I don’t want to talk food.

He narrows his eyes. “You need to eat.”

“I’m really not hungry right now...for food.”

“What are you hungry for, Mr. Puttha?”

“I think you know, Mr. Sumettikul.”

He leans down, and again I think he’s going to kiss me, but he doesn’t.

“Do you want me to kiss you, Build?” He whispers softly in my ear.

“Yes,” I breathe.



“You’re going to have to be a bit more specific than that. I told you I am not going to touch you until you beg me and tell me what to do.”

My inner goddess is writhing on her chaise longue. I am lost; he’s not playing fair.

“Please,” I whisper.

“Please what?”

“Touch me.”

“Where, baby?”

He is so tantalizingly close, his scent intoxicating. I reach up, and immediately he steps back.

“No, no,” He chides, his eyes suddenly wide and alarmed.

“What?” No...come back.

“No.” He shakes his head.

“Not at all?” I can’t keep the longing out of my voice.

He looks at me uncertainly, and I’m emboldened by his hesitation. I step toward him, and he steps back, holding up his hands in defence, but smiling.

“Look, Bui.” It’s a warning, and he runs his hand through his hair, exasperated.

“Sometimes you don’t mind,” I observe plaintively. “Maybe I should find a marker, and we could map out the no-go areas.”

He raises an eyebrow. “That’s not a bad idea. Where’s your bedroom?”

I nod in the direction. Is he deliberately changing the subject?

“Have you been taking your pill?”

Oh shit. My pill.

His face falls at my expression.

“No,” I squeak.

“I see,” He says, and his lips press into a thin line. “Come, let’s have something to eat.”

Oh no!

“I thought we were going to bed! I want to go to bed with you.”

“I know, baby.” He smiles, and suddenly darting toward me, he grabs my wrists and pulls me into his arms so that his body is pressed against mine.

“You need to eat and so do I,” He murmurs, burning eyes gazing down at me. “Besides...anticipation is the key to seduction, and right now, I’m really into delayed gratification.”

Huh, since when?

“I’m seduced and I want my gratification now. I’ll beg, please.” I sound whiney. My inner goddess is beside herself.

He smiles at me tenderly. “Eat. You’re too slender.” He kisses my forehead and releases me.

This is a game, part of some evil plan. I scowl at him.

“I’m still mad that you bought BIP, and now I am mad at you because you’re making me wait.” I pout.

“You are one angry little man, aren’t you? You’ll feel better after a good meal.”

“I know what I’ll feel better after.”

“Build Jakapan, I’m shocked.” His tone is gently mocking.

“Stop teasing me. You don’t fight fair.”

He stifles his grin by biting his lower lip. He looks simply adorable...playful Bible toying with me. If only my seduction skills were better, I’d know what to do, but not being able to touch him does hamper me. My inner goddess narrows her eyes and looks thoughtful. We need to work on this.

As Bible and I gaze at each other—me hot, bothered and yearning and him, relaxed and amused at my expense—I realize I have no food in the apartment.

“I could cook something—except we’ll have to go shopping.”


“For groceries.”

“You have no food here?” His expression hardens.

I shake my head. Crap, he looks quite angry.

“Let’s go shopping, then,” He says sternly as he turns on his heel and heads for the door, opening it wide for me.

“When was the last time you were in a supermarket?”

Bible looks out of place, but he follows me dutifully, holding a shopping basket.

“I can’t remember.”

“Does Mrs. Jones do all the shopping?”

“I think Chen helps her. I’m not sure.”

“Are you happy with a stir-fry? It’s quick.”

“Stir-fry sounds good.” Bible grins, no doubt figuring out my ulterior motive for a speedy meal.

“Have they worked for you long?”

“Chen, four years, I think. Mrs. Jones about the same. Why didn’t you have any food in the apartment?”

“You know why,” I murmur, flushing.

“It was you who left me,” He mutters disapprovingly.

“I know,” I reply in a small voice, not wanting that reminder.

We reach the checkout and silently stand in line.

If I hadn’t left, would he have offered the vanilla alternative? I wonder idly.

“Do you have anything to drink?” He pulls me back to the present.

“Beer...I think.”

“I’ll get some wine.”

Oh dear. I’m not sure what sort of wine is available in this Supermarket. Bible remerges empty handed, grimacing with a look of disgust.

“There’s a good liquor store next door,” I say quickly.

“I’ll see what they have.”

Maybe we should just go to his place and then we wouldn’t have all this hassle. I watch as he strolls purposefully and with easy grace out of the door. Two women coming in stop and stare. Oh yes, eye my man, I think despondently.

I want the memory of him in my bed, but he’s playing hard to get. Maybe I should, too. My inner goddess nods frantically in agreement. And as I stand in line, we come up with a plan. Hmm...

Bible carries the grocery bags into the apartment. He’s carried them as we’ve walked back to the apartment from the store. He looks odd. Not his usual CEO demeanour at all.

“You look very—domestic.”

“No one has ever accused me of that before,” He says dryly. He places the bags on the kitchen island. As I start to unload them, he takes out a bottle of white wine and searches for a corkscrew.

“This place is still new to me. I think the opener is in that drawer there.” I point with my chin.

This feels so...normal. Two people, getting to know each other, having a meal. Yet it’s so strange. The fear that I’d always felt in his presence has gone. We’ve already done so much together, I blush just thinking about it, and yet I hardly know him.

“What are you thinking about?” Bible interrupts my reverie as he shrugs out of his pinstripe jacket and places it on the couch.

“How little I know you, really.”

He gazes at me and his eyes soften. “You know me better than anyone.”

“I don’t think that’s true.” Mr. Young comes unbidden, and very unwelcome, into my mind.

“It is, Bui. I am a very, very private person.”

He hands me a glass of white wine.

“Cheers,” he says.

“Cheers,” I respond taking a sip as he puts the bottle in the fridge.

“Can I help you with that?” He asks.

“No its fine...sit.”

“I’d like to help.” His expression is sincere.

“You can chop the vegetables.”

“I don’t cook,” He says, regarding the knife I hand him with suspicion.

“I imagine you don’t need to.” I place a chopping board and some red peppers in front of him. He stares down at them in confusion.

“You’ve never chopped a vegetable?”


I smirk at him.

“Are you smirking at me?”

“It appears this is something that I can do and you can’t. Let’s face it, Bible, I think this is a first. Here, I’ll show you.”

I brush up against him and he steps back. My inner goddess sits up and takes notice.

“Like this.” I slice the red pepper, careful to remove the seeds.

“Looks simple enough.”

“You shouldn’t have any trouble with it,” I mutter ironically.

He gazes at me impassively for a moment then sets about his task as I continue to prepare the diced chicken. He starts to slice, carefully, slowly. Oh my, we’ll be here all day.

I wash my hands and hunt for the wok, the oil, and the other ingredients I need, repeatedly brushing against him—my hip, my arm, my back, my hands. Small, seemingly innocent touches. He stills each time I do.

“I know what you’re doing, Build,” He murmurs darkly, still preparing the first pepper.

“I think it’s called cooking,” I say, fluttering my eyelashes. Grabbing another knife, I join him at the chopping board peeling and slicing garlic, shallots, and French beans, continually bumping against him.

“You’re quite good at this,” He mutters as he starts on his second red pepper.

“Chopping?” I bat my eyelashes at him. “Years of practice.” I brush against him again, this time with my behind. He stills once more.

“If you do that again, Bui, I am going to take you on the kitchen floor.”

Oh, wow. It’s working. “You’ll have to beg me first.”

“Is that a challenge?”


He puts down his knife and saunters slowly over to me, his eyes burning. Leaning past me, he switches the gas off. The oil in the wok quiets almost immediately.

“I think we’ll eat later,” He says. “Put the chicken in the fridge.”

This is not a sentence I had ever expected to hear from Bible, and only he can make it sound hot, really hot. I pick up the bowl of diced chicken, rather shakily place a plate on top of it, and stow it in the fridge. When I turn back, he’s beside me.

“So you’re going to beg?” I whisper, bravely gazing into his darkening eyes.

“No, Build.” He shakes his head. “No begging.” His voice is soft, seductive.

And we stand staring at each other, drinking each other in—the atmosphere charging between us, almost crackling, neither saying anything, just looking. I bite my lip as desire for this beautiful man seizes me with a vengeance, igniting my blood, shallowing my breath, pooling below my waist. I see my reactions reflected in his stance, in his eyes.

In a beat, he grabs me by my hips and pulls me to him as my hands reach for his hair and his mouth claims me. He pushes me against the fridge, and I hear the vague protesting rattle of bottles and jars from within as his tongue finds mine. I moan into his mouth and one of his hands moves into my hair, pulling my head back as we kiss, savagely.

“What do you want, Build?” He breathes.

“You.” I gasp.



He breaks free, scoops me into his arms, and carries me quickly and seemingly without any strain into my bedroom. Setting me on my feet beside my bed, he leans down and switches on my bedside lamp.

He glances quickly round the room and hastily closes the pale cream curtains.

“Now what?” He says softly.

“Make love to me.”



“You have got to tell me, baby.”

Holy crap. “Undress me.” I am panting already.

He smiles and hooks his index finger into my open shirt, pulling me toward him.

“Good boy,” He murmurs, and without taking his blazing eyes off mine, slowly starts to unbutton my shirt.

Tentatively I put my hands on his arms to steady myself. He doesn’t complain. His arms are a safe area.

When he’s finished with the buttons, he pulls my shirt over my shoulders, and I let go of him to let the shirt fall to the floor. He reaches down to the waistband of my jeans, pops the button, and pulls down the zipper.

“Tell me what you want, Bui.” His eyes smoulder and his lips part as he takes quick shallow breaths.

“Kiss me from here to here,” I whisper trailing my finger from the base of my ear, down my throat. He smooths my hair out of the line of fire and bends, leaving sweet soft kisses along the path my finger took and then back again.

“My jeans and boxers,” I murmur, and he smiles against my throat before he drops to his knees in front of me. Oh, I feel so powerful. Hooking his thumbs into my jeans, he gently pulls them and my boxers down my legs. I step out of my shoes and my clothes so I’m completely naked in front of him, my erection on display. He stops and looks up at me expectantly, but he doesn’t get up.

“What now, Bui?”

“Kiss me,” I whisper.


“You know where.”


Oh, he’s taking no prisoners. Embarrassed I quickly point at my throbbing cock, and he grins wickedly. I close my eyes, mortified, but at the same time beyond aroused.

“With pleasure,” He chuckles. He kisses me, taking me into his mouth and unleashes his tongue, his joy-inspiring expert tongue.

I groan and fist my hands into his hair. He doesn’t stop, his tongue circling my tip, driving me insane, on and on, round and round. It’s only long...? Oh...

“Bible, please,” I beg. I don’t want to cum standing up. I don’t have the strength.

“Please what, Bui?”

“Make love to me.”

“I am,” He murmurs, gently blowing against me.

“No. I want you inside me.”

“Are you sure?”


He doesn’t stop his sweet, exquisite torture. I moan loudly.


He stands and gazes down at me, and his lips glisten with the evidence of my arousal.

Holy cow...

“Well?” He asks.

“Well what?” I pant, staring up at him in frantic need.

“I’m still dressed.”

I gape at him in confusion.

Undress him? Yes, I can do this. I reach for his shirt and he steps back.

“Oh no,” He admonishes. Shit, he means his jeans.

Oh, and this gives me an idea. My inner goddess cheers loudly to the rafters, and I drop to my knees in front of him. Rather clumsily and with shaking fingers, I undo his waistband and fly, and then yank down his jeans and boxers, and he springs free. Wow.

I peek up at him through my lashes, and he’s gazing at me with...what? Trepidation? Awe? Surprise?

He steps out of his jeans and pulls off his socks, and I take hold of him in my hand and squeeze tightly, pushing my hand back like he’s shown me before. He groans and tenses, and his breath hisses through clenched teeth. Very tentatively, I put him in my mouth and suck—hard. Mmm, he tastes good. “Ah. Bui...whoa, gently.”

He cups my head tenderly, and I push him deeper into my mouth, pressing my lips together as tightly as I can, sheathing my teeth, and sucking hard.

“Fuck,” He hisses.

Oh, that’s a good, inspiring, sexy sound, so I do it again, pulling his length deeper, swirling my tongue around the end. Hmm...I feel like Aphrodite.

“Bui, that’s enough. No more.”

I do it again—Beg, Baby, beg me—and again.

“Bui, you’ve made your point,” He grunts through gritted teeth. “I do not want to cum in your mouth.”

I do it once more, and he bends down, grasps me by my shoulders, hauls me to my feet, and tosses me on the bed. Dragging his shirt over his head, he then reaches down to his discarded jeans, and like a good Boy Scout, produces a foil packet. He’s panting, like me.

“Lie down. I want to look at you.”

I lie down; gazing up at him as he slowly rolls the condom on. I want him so badly. He stares down at me and licks his lips.

“You are a fine sight, Bui.” He bends over the bed and slowly crawls up and over me, kissing me as he goes. He teases my nipples in turn, while I groan and writhe beneath him, and he doesn’t stop.

No...stop. I want you.

“Bible, please.”

“Please what?” He murmurs between my nipples.

“I want you inside me.”

“Do you now?”


Gazing at me, he pushes my legs apart with his and moves so that he’s hovering above me. Without taking his eyes off mine, he sinks into me at a deliciously slow pace.

I close my eyes, relishing the fullness, the exquisite feeling of his possession, instinctively tilting my pelvis up to meet him, to join with him, groaning loudly. He eases back and very slowly fills me again. My fingers find their way into his silken unruly hair, and he oh-so-slowly moves in and out again.

“Faster, Bible, faster...please.”

He gazes down at me in triumph and kisses me hard, then really starts to move—holy fuck, a punishing, relentless...oh fuck—and I know it will not be long. He sets a pounding rhythm. I start to quicken, my legs tensing beneath him.

“Come on, baby,” He gasps. “Cum for me, Bui.”

His words are my undoing, and I explode, magnificently, mind-numbingly, into a million pieces on both his and my chest and he follows calling out my name.

“Bui. Oh fuck, Build!” He collapses on top of me, his head buried in my neck.

{End of Chapter}

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