Heading West

By alphaomega511

2.2K 25 0

Tori has been keeping a secret from her friends, or should insay someone. What will happen when her friends f... More

Tito Vega
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 2

385 2 0
By alphaomega511

*The next day, 06:00AM*
Tito has woke up to his alarm. He turns it off and pulls a pair of lounge trousers out of his bag and puts them one.

He grabs the car keys on his bedside table. He walks out of the basement/his apartment. Tito walks out the front door leaving it open.

Tito walks to his car and pulling out the 2 suitcases from the back of his Ferrari. He shut the car door locking it. He walks into the house with his suitcases then to his living area.

He walks into the bedroom and puts his clothes into the wardrobe. He leaves out his clothes for the day. He does his daily routine then changes into his clothes.

⬆️ Leather Vest only ⬆️

⬆️ except mask and trainers ⬆️

Tito puts his phone in his pocket and grabs his school bag.

He walks up to the main part of the house. He puts his bag down on a chair at the table. He walks over to the fridge. Tito pulls out a contanor of eggs.

Tito gets out a couple of frying pans. He cracks a couple of eggs in a frying pan. He turns back to the fridge and pulls out a couple packs of bacon.

He starts to cook a couple pieces of bacon. It's now 07:00. Tori and Holly have walked into the kitchen/dining area.

Holly: morning Tito

Tito: morning Mama, morning Tori.

Tori: morning Tito, didn't know you could cook?

Tito: i learned at work, it started with simple omletes then i got a job in a resturant. always good reviews, unless it's something i've only made that once.

David and Trina soon walk in just as the food is finished. He plates it up then places plates infront of them.

Tito: eat up, let me know what you think

They all start eating. They all love it.

Tori: guess Trina really is the only talentless one

Trina: hey!

David: now now you two. this is amazing son, where did you learn to cook like this?

Tito: i was mostly self taught and started doing it all the time in work, then i landed a job in a resturant. in Ireland me, Aunt Julie and Uncle Finn would rotate who cooks dinner.

David: wow, they rarely eat what someone else cooks them.

Tito smiles. He walks over to the sink and cleans all the stuff he used. Once cleaned and dried he puts it all away.

He pulls out a bowl and makes himself some cereal. He starts eating earning looks from the other 4.

Tori: why don't you eat the same as us?

Tito: i prefer to make food for others to enjoy rather than eat it myself

Tori: have you ever actually tried what you cook other than when you made dinner?

Tito: no, i don't usually have time to. like right now

They all look at the time. The 3 Vega siblings all exit the house. Trina and Tori get into Trina's car and drive away. Tito gets in his car then drives to the school.

He pulls into the parking lot earning looks from almost everyone. He parks his car then gives the engine a cheeky rev earning applause and cheers from everyone around.

He turns the car off then gets out. He shut the door and locks it. Trina walks over but there is no sign of Tori. Maybe she already went inside.

Trina: way to make an entrance Tito

Tito: hey it's my first day, gotta make a big entrance.

He walks into the building. He walks to a grey locker. He opens it and puts his bag inside. His schedule was inside the locker, he looks over the schedule and sees the only class room and teacher he knows about. Sikowitz.

He walks to the classroom as the class already started. Everyone looks at him.

Sikowitz: hey there, what can i help you with?

Tito: yeah i'm in your class, it's my first day

Sikowitz: welcome welcome, please take a seat anywhere you gravitate to

He walks over to a wall where there is a blank space. He sits on the floor and looks at Sikowitz.

Sikowitz: i never did get your name young fella

Tito: my name is Tito, Tito Vega

Sikowitz: any relations to Tori?

Tito: she's my twin

Andre: wait Tori has a twin brother?

Tito: indeed Andre, before you ask how i know your name i saw you all on the slap during the big showcase lst year.

Beck: Tori, how comes you never said you had a twin?

Tori: i never saw the need to tell you, he didn't live around here until last night.

Tito: ouch. every person i met and became friends with i told them about you, kinda thought you'd do the same Tori.

Tori: come on Tito, i didn't know if you'd ever come back

He hold both his middle fingers up to Tori.

Sikowitz: put the flipped birds back into the cage, tell us about yourself Tito

Tito: i'm Tori and Trina's brother, i am technically the youngest because Tori was born first. when i was 7 i moved to Ireland and i lived there until yesterday night when i came back here. i can cook, i worked in a resturant since i was about 12 and saved a lot of money. i brought the red Ferrari in the parking lot and leather vest.

Sikowitz: can you sing? dance? act?

Tito: i sing and act a little when needed to. i write my own music and make my own tracks but never really have singers to sing over the tracks. i mainly focus on my cooking and actually writing songs.

Beck: are you going to sing at the Full Moon Jam?

Tito: i've considered it, but i've not fully decided yet

Beck: well it's tomorrow night

Tito: i know, i was asked by someone to write them a song to sing so i haven't really focused on my own stuff.

Beck: are you getting paid for that?

Tito: yeah, i get $250 for this song.

*Later that night*
Tito is sitting there finishing up a new song. He's going to sing it tomorrow night. He has had this track for months but has finally put lyrics to it.

He decided to head to bed so he has enough energy for tomorrow.

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