I Think I Found The One

由 Femkef1L4

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Emma Verstappen is the first female F1 driver on the grid starting her rookie season along the side her older... 更多

Love at first sight
New things
Let the race start!
Getting to know you
He cares about me
Getting close to you
A nightmare turns into a dream
A misunderstanding
My stupid Brother
I can't help liking him
Our first date
Is it my brothers fault?
He's crazy about me?!
Happy tears
I did it!
When we're alone
More time together
Helping eachother
A little chaos in France
Travelling and Friends
Weird start of the f1 weekend
Friday~Brithday Weekend
Saturday~Birthday Weekend
Sunday~Birthday weekend Part 1
Sunday/monday~Birthday Weekend Part 2
'I love you'
Official for the paddock
Italy - part 1
Italy - part 2 / Travel

"Is that even a question?"

789 13 2
由 Femkef1L4

Emma's pov

"So Emma, when did you start karting?" Mister Norris or Adam asks me. "When I was Six Sir." I say politely. "That's pretty young!" Cisca Sr says. "Yes. But my brother was already into karting so I started early." I say as I take a sip of my wine. "Ah on that road." Adam Norris says. "Emma how old are you?" Cisca Sr asks. "Nineteen Mrs Norris! I'm turning Twenty on the 10th of June." I say answering her question as polite as possible. "That's almost!" Cisca Jr says excited.

"Really?!" Lando asks confused. "Yes barf bag! Today is Wednesday 17th of May! Her birthday is in three weeks on a Sunday!" Cisca Jr says laughing at Lando. Lando turns red and stays quiet. "Yeah that's right! That's the Silverstone Grand Prix." I say. "Then already?" Lando says a little nervous. "He is always a little nervous for his home races!" His mom says as I look confused at Lando. "Oh I didn't know, but I have that too." I say reassuring Lando. He lays his hand on my thigh underneath the table. He squeezes my thigh. I do my best not to let someone notice.

His parents look a little confused at me, I give them a smile. I look at Lando, he smirks at me. 'Jerk, a cute one, but still a jerk' I think to myself. He moves his hand from my thigh to holding my hand. I get a little more loose because of the wine, his parents don't mind that at all. I think I was trying to hard to make them like me that I forgot to be myself. "I like it when you are your true self Love." Lan whispers in my ear when we are eating our food. He gives me a kiss on the cheek as he goes back to eating his food and talking with his dad. I talk with his mom and little sister.

Lando's wounds are almost healed from Max' fist, I think Cisca Jr hadn't seen the videos or the race. "Lando what is that on your cheek?" She asks shocked pointing at the wounds on Lando's cheek. "Oh Uhm, you haven't heard that? Or seen it?" He asks taking a sip of his cola he had just ordered. "Apparently not! What happened?" She asks worried. Lando looks at his parents and at me. "Uhm well Lando had a little fight with my brother." I say after a silent. "Oh, why?" She asks. "Let's say her brother is protective over her." Lando says. I grab my phone from my purse and ask Lando if I can show her the video.

"Sure!" He says, she moves her chair in between me and Lando and I play the video. I kiss Lando, he drops his helmet. Then I try to say sorry and he kisses me. You can't hear us say anything because it's filmed from a little distance. Lando looks over my shoulder and goes stand with his back to mine. You can see angry screaming Max walking up to us. Now I go stand infront of Lando. Max walks past me and punches Lando in the face. Then he punches him again, Lando dodges another fist of Max. We see people form Red Bull pull Max away from Lando. I stop the video and look at Cisca Jr.

"Holy shit! What an-" she says "idiot, yeah I know." I say with a sigh and put my phone back in my purse. Cisca Jr moves her chair back at the head of the table. Lando stays quiet. "Lan, you okay?" I ask him. "Hm? Oh yeah! I am fine, are we getting dessert?" He asks his dad. "Ofcourse son!" He says and waves the waiter over. The waiter takes our plates and comes back with the menu's. "I'll take the crème brûlée" I say and give back the menu. "Me too!" Cisca Jr says. "Make that a triple!" Lando says a little off. I lay my hand on his thigh and look him in his eyes. I sign with my eyes to the toilets, he nods and his expression looks like he is about to cry.

"Excuse us for a moment." I say and walk to the toilets. We're standing in the hallway infront of the toilets. I turn to Lando, his eyes are watery. "Oh Lan." I say and hug him. "I-I don't even know what triggers this." He says burying his face into my neck. He wraps his arms around me tight. "Shhh it's okay." I say shushing. I hear him breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth. He's trying to calm himself down. "I-I don't know Em, thinking b-back to it makes me a little scared." He admits still crying in my neck. 'Aww poor boy, and this is all because of my idiotic brother! Oh I'm gonna let him pay for this!' I think to myself.

I hug him a little tighter, "it's gonna be okay Lan, take deep breaths." I say. He breaths deep. He pulls back out of the hug. "Sorry that you have to see me like this little one." He says wiping away his tears from his cheeks. "Hey it's okay Lan, we all have our little moments! And sometimes we need a hug." I say. "Thank you." He says and kisses my cheek. "Hey Uhm the desserts are here. Oh Lan are you okay?" Cisca Jr asks when she comes to get us for the desserts. "Yeah, I'm okay now." He says and smiles at his little sister. "Well come one then! The ice is melting!" She says and runs back to the table.

Lando's eyes are still puffy and red form crying so you can see that he had been crying. My dress was also a little wet at the spot he had cried in my neck. But I don't mind, he needed it. We eat our desserts, Lando gets up to pay but his dad stops him and pushes him back into his seat and he runs up to the front so he can pay. "Jerk!" Lando says after him. We laugh at them and get up to walk to our cars. It's quite cold outside and I didn't bring a coat. I cross my arms, I have goosebumps all over my body. We say  goodbye to his parents and little sister. The walk to our car is a little further.

"Are you cold?" Lando asks worried looking at me. "Just a little but it's fine." I say. Lando pulls of the jacket he was wearing and wraps it around me. He puts his arm around my shoulder and we walk to the car. He opens the door for me and gets in the car after that. "This was fun!" I say as he starts the car. "Yeah it was!" Lando says. And he drives us home. Lando is still a little sad, that makes me more mad at my brother. My straw broke when I walked into the bathroom and found Lando crying silently in the mirror. "Okay that's it!" I say mad and grab my phone from my pocket. I call my brother.

"Hey sissy,what's up? It's already late I was about to go to be-" Max says when he picks up. "WHATS UP? YOURE GONNA SAY SORRY TO LANDO! HE HAS A TRAUMA BECAUSE OF YOU!" I yell through the phone. "Em please don't." Lando tries to say trough his tears. "No Lando." I say still mad. "What what do you mean?" Max asks. "OH YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! THOSE PUNCHES IN HUNGARY!" I yell again. "Oh, what do you want me to do?" Max asks calm. "I WANT YOU TO COME HERE RIGHT NOW AND APOLOGISE TO HIM!" I yell. "Okay okay Ems calm down. I'm on my way." He says and hangs up the phone.

"What did he say?" Lando asks wiping away his last tears. "He is coming here to apologise." I say proud of myself. "Now?" Lando asks in disbelief. I nod. "Em you didn't hav-" he tries to say but I interrupt him. "Yes I had to Lan! He should've apologised the first time he saw you!" I say to him. He pulls me into a tight hug. "Thanks Ems." He whispers relieved in my ear. "No problem." I say and hug him back. "Sorry I don't know I just never fought like that and well it wasn't even my fault." He says. "Lan you don't have to say sorry." I say and stroke his hair. He lets out a loud sigh as I do. "That's relieving huh?" I ask him still stroking his hair. "Mhm" he mumbles.

After about 15 minutes we hear the doorbell. "Who rings the doorbell this late?" We hear Max Fewtrell ask. "Oh hey Max!" Max Fewtrell says to my brother. "Hey Max." My brother says to Max. "What are you doing here this late?" Max Fewtrell says as we walk downstairs. "For them." He says pointing at us as we're standing at the bottom of the staircase. "Ah okay! I'll leave you guys to it!" Max Fewtrell says and walks back to the living room. "Look Man I'm really sorry that I punched you, I didn't want you to get scared or anything!" Max says to Lando. "I-it's okay Man." Lando says a little unsure. "And I'm okay with it." Max says with a sigh. I look at him confused, 'okay with what?' I ask myself.

"Okay with what?" I ask after a little of silence. "That you two are dating or I don't know what you guys are by now! You dummy!" He says with a smile. I give him a big hug. Max gives Lando an high five and a bro hug. Lando was a little hesitant with the high five but Max had given him an reassuring look. "Well I'm going home and I'm going to bed!" Max says. "Night little one." He says and hugs me again. "Night Maxie." I say and walk him out the door. When he is outside I close the door and turn around to walk back to Lando. But Lando was already standing behind me. "He is okay with it!" Lando says excited and lifts me up. He jumps around still holding me in the air.

As he puts me down he kisses me. "I've never seen you this happy!" I say to him as I pull back out of the kiss. "I've never felt happier in my life." He says happy. I stare into his dark blue ocean eyes. They are sparkling with happiness, it's so beautiful. I sink away in my thoughts. "Ems?" Lando asks. "Yes?" I say getting out of my thoughts. "I've been waiting to ask you this for long enough now and I'm so happy I can't keep in for myself anymore!" He says holding my hands. "Spill it!" I say after he stays silent for a little. "Miss Emma Verstappen." He says, I giggle as he does. "Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He asks. "Is that even a question?! Yes, ofcourse I want to!" I say excited.

He grabs my face a kisses me. I kiss him back, when we pull back I jump and squeal around in excitement. "I have to call someone." I say to Lando and give him a kiss on the cheek. "That's okay Love, I'm going to tell Max (Fewtrell)" he says and walks to the living room. When he calls me 'love' I so fucking cute! I run upstairs and close the door of Lando's room. I jump on the bed and video call Isa and Charlotte at the same time. "Em what's going on?" Charlotte asks sleepy, I see a sleeping Charles on her chest. "Wait for Isa." I say as I wait patiently for Isa to pick up. Isa picks up after a few seconds.

"Who died?" She whispers immediately as she picks up the phone because of how late it is. "Isa, babe, what's going on?" We hear a sleepy Carlos say. "Not now Carlos, Well?!" She asks us. "Okay okay, Lando asked me to be his girlfriend!" I almost yell in excitement. The girls squeal hard when I said that causing Charles to wake up. "What the hell!" He says as he rubs his eyes. "Sorry babs!" Charlotte says kissing his nose. He lays his head back down and goes to sleep again. "Keep it down please babe?" Carlos asks as he wraps his arms around Isa. "Sorry!" She says. "Oh my god! You said yes right?" Isa asks.

"Duh! Have you even heard her talking about him?" Charlotte says laughing. "Shut up!" I say turning a bit red. "Haha sure I'm actually going to sleep now which you guys should do too!" She says. "Bye babe!" I say and kiss the screen, Charlotte hangs up the phone. "I'm also going to sleep Ems! Otherwise this one is gonna be grumpy tomorrow!" Isa says pointing to almost falling asleep Carlos. "Okay! Sleepwell girl!" I say and hang up the phone. I love my girls! They're the best!

Lando's pov

I walk into the living room as Emma is walking no sorry I mean running up the stairs to my room. "Hey man! Movie?" Max asks as soon as I walk into the room. "Bro it's 11.30 pm! I'm not gonna start a movie at this time!" I say laughing and sit down next to him on the couch. "Aw bummer!" He says and takes a sip of his Fanta. "Wait! What's that smile for on your face?" Max says as he notices the big smile I have on my face since Emma said yes to being my girlfriend. "Well Uhm" I didn't even get to finish my sentence. "YOU ASKED EM TO BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND AND SHE SAID YES?" he asks in excitement. I nod, "OH MY GOD MAN IM SO FUCKING HAPPY FOR YOU! FINALLY!" He says and hugs me.

Max has been encouraging me to ask her to be my girlfriend. It wasn't that I wasn't ready but just the timing didn't feel right. And I wanted to be sure that she felt the same way about me too. I pull back from the hug. "What made the timing?" He asks curious. "Max, her brother said that he was okay with us dating." I say to him. "Greatest timing ever! Did you do it infront of him?" He asks. "No! Just when he was gone." I say. Max nods approving and gives me a high five. Then Emma walks into the living room. "Hey Love." I say and let my head lean backwards and the couch so I can see Emma. She stands behind me and kisses me on my lips.

"Ugh just because you guys are together now you don't have to be so touchy and all!" Max says and turns off the tv. "You're just jealous!" I say as he walks out of the room. I turn back to Emma who is now sitting next to me. "Carlos and Charles were quite tired." She says laughing. "Oh yeah you called Isa and Charlotte?" I ask her. "Yup they were both already in bed, Carlos was almost begging Isa to turn off the phone and Charles was already sleeping on Charlottes chest." She says giggling. I laugh and picture them doing that. "Typical for them" I say laughing. "Shall we also go to bed? I'm quite tired." I say and get up. "Yeah sure!" Em says and gets up too.

We walk upstairs, we walk into the room and close the door. I pull off my clothes until I'm in my boxers. Em takes off her clothes and her bra and puts on one of my hoodies. It's quite cold tonight, I put on a blocked pattern pyjama pants. "Sexy." Em says as she gets comfortable under the covers. "Thanks!" I say and get under the covers next to her. She snuggles up to my chest. I wrap my arms around her, "I'm cold." She whispers, she's shivering. "Wait." I say and get out of bed, I have two of the same blocked pattern pyjama pants so I give the other one to Emma, it's to small for me anyways.

"Now we're matching." She says chuckling as she puts them on under the LN hoodie. "You're cute." I say and get in bed again. Em snuggles up to me again and falls asleep a little after. I kiss her hair, "night little one, I'm glad I can call you mine now." I whisper and close my eyes and dose off to dreamland. When I wake up Em is still snuggled up to me sleeping peacefully in my arms. I move some strands of hair out of her face. She is so cute. I see she is waking up. "Morning Sunshine." I whisper to her. She still has her eyes closed but she gives me the cutest smile. "Morning you." She whisper back and buries her face into my chest. I kiss her forehead.

I feel her smile into my chest. "How did you sleep sunshine?" I whisper to her stroking her hair. "Good thank you, and you?" She whispers back and looks up at me. She looks me in my eyes, I stare into hers and get lost for a few seconds. "Well mister Norris?" She asks laughing. "Hm? Oh sorry what did you ask?" I ask getting out of my trans. "How did you sleep." She asks still laughing. "Good!" I say and laughing with her. I kiss her, she kisses me back. I smile, 'this is just perfect' I think to myself. "what?" She asks. "Nothing." I say and kiss her again. I break the kiss and pull her on top of me. She is laying on top of me.

"What is your plan Norris?" Emma asks playful. "Oh just this" I say and lock my arms around her back so she can't escape. "Lan!" She says laughing trying to get out of my arms. After a minute she lays her head down on my chest. "I give up." She says. "That's what I thought" I say and kiss her hair. We lay like this for a few minutes, I let go of her. "IM FREE!" She yells laughing and gets up from the bed. I laugh hard and get out of the bed to. I grab some clothes and walk to the bathroom. I hear footsteps behind me, "what are you doing Verstappen?" I ask as I turn around to face Emma who is following me. "Oh you won't mind if I hop into the shower with you right?" She says smiling and walks past me into the bathroom.

'Oh I for sure won't mind that' I think to myself. "Okay alright then" I say laughing and lock the bathroom door behind me. When I turn to Emma she already is in her underwear. My jaw literally drops as I look at her. "What? I'm ugly I know." She says and turns away from me. "Oh no far from my love" I say and hug her tight from behind. I see her smile in the mirror as I bury my face into her neck. I kiss her neck and pull away. I take off my pyjama pants and underwear and hop in the shower Emma hops in right after. We shower for about 10 minutes and get out and dry ourselves off.

I tie the towel around my waist. Em wraps the towel around her body and grabs her phone. I'm curious what she is doing so I hug her from behind and look over at her phone, she takes a mirror picture of us. Wait here!

(Just pretend this is Lando)

She smiles and puts away her phone, we put our clothes on and walk downstairs. "Good morning you two." Max says with a grin. "Morning!" Em says with a smile and walks to the kitchen. "What did you do?" I ask Max who is sitting on the couch still with a grin on his face. "What? I just invited some people over for tonight! That's okay right?" He asks. "Yeah sure! Who did you invite?" I ask him and sit down next to him. "Aarav, Steve, Niran, Maria and Ethan." He says. "Oh just the squad! Sure, I'll inform Emma about it." I say and walk to the kitchen. "Hey Lan, Cereal?" Em asks as I walk into the kitchen. "Yes thank you! Max invited from Quadrant for tonight. Is that okay with you?" I ask her as I sit down next to her.

"Yeah sure! Sounds fun." She says excited and eats her cereal. "Okay okay, shall we go to the grocery store to get food for tonight and buy some drinks?" I ask her as I pour milk in bowl after the cereal. "Yeah sure!" She says and walks over to the dishwasher to put her bowl and spoon in there. "Okay! I'll text the lads what they want to drink." I say and grab my phone from my pocket.

Aarav, MaRia, Roomie, Steve, Ethan, Niran

Hey guys! Max said he invited you guys soo,
what do you guys want to drink?

Aarav: Tequila?

MaRia: Wine!

Sure! Anything else?

Roomie: BEER

Yeah yeah Max 😂

Ethan: 😂😂😂
Let's do some Bacardi Lemon also.

Steve: Did someone already say beer?

Roomie: yup I did!

Steve: ofcourse you did!

Sure! @Niran?

Niran: maybe some snacks?😂

Roomie: 😭💀

On it! 😂
Me and Emma will take care of all of this!

MaRia: Is she your gf yet?

Aarav: Yeah man! When are you gonna ask her?

Well Uhm, she already is......



Steve: Congrats man!

Sorry didn't think about it😂
It's since yesterday so not very long yet.

Roomie: See you guys tonight!

See you guys tonight!

Aarav: See ya!

MaRia: Byeeee

Steve: See ya guys tonight lads!

Niran: 👋🏻👋🏻

Ethan: bye bye


I throw my phone on the table and get up to put my bowl in the dishwasher. I see Em leaning in the kitchen counter watching TikTok's. She is standing with her back to me. I decide to scare her. I lay my hands on her shoulders. "Boo!" I say. She jumps up. "Lan!" She says laughing and turns to me. I place my hands on the counter and lean on them. My arms in between hers. I look in her eyes, she is already staring into mine. We stand there for a little, I move my hand and gently place it on her cheek. I kiss her softly on her lips. I pull back, she is a little lost. Her eyes go all over my face.

I smirk, "what is it love?" I ask her challenging. "N-nothing, I mean, Damn. You're hot when you do that you know that?" She says stumbling over her words looking down at the ground. I blush. "No I didn't." I say and lift her chin so she looks at me again. I see she is blushing to. I stand up straight and kiss her again. When I pull back she moves with me so we're still kissing. I pick her up, she wraps her legs around my waist. She wraps her arms around my neck. One of my hands are holding her up and the other on is on her back. I put her down on the kitchen island, I stand in between her legs. Her hands slide under my shirt. I breathe heavily, I love this.

I feel her smile against my lips. Her hands slide over my abs. We make out for a little. Before she can take off my shirt Max walks into the kitchen. "Fuck." I say under my breath. Em smiles, I laugh and still breathe heavily. Max looks at us. "Oh!" He says laughing. We laughs with him, I bury my face in Ems chest. "Don't worry, I'm gone." Max says and walks out of the kitchen with an apple. Em gently grabs my face and lifts it from her chest so I look at her. She kisses me again and pulls back. "We better get going to the grocery store." She says and jumps off of the kitchen island. "Yeah Uhm wait a second." I say, she looks confused and I turn a little red. "Oh, you got a little problem don't you." She says playfully squeezing my ass.

"Please don't." I whisper. "Why not? What ya gonna do about it?" She says and does it again. "You'll see that tonight Princess." I say. "Princess? That's a new one." She says and blushes. "Yeah, you're my princess." I say. She hugs me. "Em?" I say. "Oh yeah sorry!" She says and pulls away, I run to the toilet and do my thing. When I'm done I wash my hands and walk to the front door. "EM!" I yell from the door. "COMING!" She yells back and walks to me. "Ready?" I ask her and put my arm around her shoulder. "Yes!" She says, I kiss her forehead and we walk to my Ferrari. I open the door for her so she can get in.

I get behind the steering wheel and we drive to the grocery store. We get everything we need. We put everything in the trunk and I open the door for her again. We drive back home and put everything in the fridge. "Shall I help you cook tonight?" Em asks me as she grabs a snack from the snack drawer. "No need to Love." I say and take a bite of the chocolate bar she had grabbed. She grabs it from me again and eats it. "You're hungry huh?" I ask her laughing. She nods and throws away the wrapper. "Hey guys!" Max says as he walks into the kitchen. "Hey man!" I say. "Wanna stream for a bit?" Max asks. I look at Emma. "Go on! I'll entertain myself." Em says. "Okay!" I say and kiss her on her cheek.

I get behind my pc and start up twitch. Viewers start pouring in. "Hello guys!" Max says as he joins in. We just talk and do stupid shit. My camera is placed so you can't see over the back of my chair. Em walks into the room and stands behind my chair. We're playing F1 2021. "Oh come on!" I say as I spin into the wall. I feel two warm arms wrapping around my neck. I look up and look into eyes where I want to look in forever. "Hello Love." I say, I forgot to mute myself. The live chat explodes. "Man, you didn't mute yourself." Max says. I mute myself fast. I turn around so they can't see Emma, they can only see the back of my chair.

Emma's pov

Lando turns his chair around so the viewers only see the back of his chair. "Hey Love." He says and pulls me on his lap. "Hi" I say and wrap my arms around his neck. I'm a little tired. I'm sitting on my knees on the chair, my legs are beside his. "What are you doing love." He whispers as he strokes my back. "Just wanted a hug." I whisper and bury my face into his neck. My hair is up in a bun. "Okay." He whispers and wraps his arms around me tight. I sit down on his lap and get comfortable. "Ya wanna stay?" He asks. "Mhm." I mumble sleepy. He laughs, "okay, but the viewers are going to see this." He says. "I know, but it's only my back. And I don't have any clothes on that they can recognise." I whisper back.

"If you say so love." He says and kisses my hair. He turns his chair back and unmutes his self again. "Hey guys I'm back!" He says. "Is that your girlfriend? Yes that is my girlfriend!" Lan says laughing, I think he is reading the live chat. I close my eyes, I bury my face a little further into his neck. Lan laughs and kisses my hair again. His hands slide off my back and I hear typing and his mouse. "Shall we play another game?" Max asks laughing when he hops back on too. "Yeah sure! I cant race when she is here on my lap." Lando says laughing. I dose off to sleep a little after that.

I wake up to Lando yelling "OH COME ON! I WASNT EVEN POINTING THAT WAY!" I feel that my arm has slipped off his neck. I wrap it around his neck again. "Sorry love, did I wake you?" He asks and places his hand on my neck. "Doesn't matter." I whisper sleepy. "yes it does, I'm sorry. You were sleeping so peaceful." Lan says stroking my hair. I hear he clicks on one of the keys of his keyboard. I feel he turns the chair around again. He kisses my face where he can reach. "Lan." I whisper smiling, "come on love show me your beautiful face." He says. I lift my head from his shoulder and rub my eyes. "There she is!" He says and kisses my cheek. I get up, "where are you going?" He asks sad. He places his hands right under my ass.

"Grabbing something to drink, you guys want some?" I ask him and Max. "Yeah sure." Max says. "Yeah sure, I'll walk with you." Lan says and follows me to the kitchen. When we walk out of the game room I feel two strong arms wrapping around my waist. Lan let's his chin lean on my right shoulder. I grab his hands, he makes me do a pirouette, he stops me so I face him. I look in those dark blue ocean eyes. He pulls me into a hug, "are you okay?" I ask him. "Yeah why? Just a little tired." He says. "Take a lil nap babe, I'll cook diner." I say. "Hmm I don't kno- Wait did you just call me babe?" He asks and pulls away from the hug. "If you don't want me to call you that ye-" I try to say. "No no, it's cute love! I call you nicknames all the time." He says and kisses me.

We decide to cook diner together. "MAX!" Lando yells, but Max doesn't hear him. "I'll go get hi-" Lan says but he gets interrupted by me. "MAX!" I yell way harder then Lando. "WHAT!" He yells back. "Oh and he does hear you!" Lan whispers annoyed. "DINER, NOW!" I yell. I hug Lan, he kisses my neck. Max walks into the room. "I thought you said our diner, not your diner!" Max says laughing as he sees Lando and me hugging as Lando kisses my neck. "Funny mate!" Lando also says laughing and sits down at the table.

I go sit across from Max and next to Lando. We eat diner together, at around 7.30 pm we hear the doorbell. "I'll get it!" I say. Me and Lando were upstairs. I changed into blue jeans and a pink t-shirt. My hair is in a high ponytail. I run to the door and open it. There are Aarav and Steve. "Hey Emma!" They say and give me a hand. "Hey guys!" I say and shake their hands. "I'll go get Max and Lando." I say and walk upstairs. "Aarav and Steve are here." I say as I walk into Lando's room again. "I'm coming Love." He says without looking up from his phone. "Okay." I say as I stand infront of him. "Hey beautiful." He says and throws his phone on the bed. I cup his face with my hands.

I stroke his cheeks with my thumbs. He lets his head rest in my hands, he looks at me with that cute smile of his. I just melt. "Come one cutie, your friend are waiting downstairs." I say. "Yeah! That's right." He says and puts on another t-shirt. I walk over to Max' door and knock. "Yeah?" He asks. "Aarav and Steve are here." I say then I hear the doorbell. "And more!" I say and run downstairs to open the door. There are Niran, Ethan and Maria (Ria). "Hey guys!" I say and shake the hands of Niran and Ethan. I give Ria a hug. "Congrats on you and Lando!" She says as she hugs me. "Yeah!" All the guys say. "Oh thanks! Did he tell you guys?" I ask as I pull away from the hug.

"Yeah in the Quadrant group chat today!" Aarav says. "Cool! Well thank you guys!" I say and we walk to the living room. Max and Lando come downstairs. They hug everyone, they congratulate Lando and praise them for asking me. Lan puts his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him. I look up at him, he smiles down at me. 'Damn what this man does with me' I think to myself.


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