Soul Path

By Keplerski

99 15 9

When 457, a regular blue-collar soul collector in the Reaper organization, comes to work one day, he's forced... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12


19 2 2
By Keplerski

As the sun shines through the gaps in the blindfolds it just magically manages to hit your eyes making you groggily sit up in bed and stretch.

When your joints finally snap into place you slowly get up out of bed and waddle your way into the bathroom.

Dropping your pyjamas on the floor, You turn on the shower head and step into the shower.

a yawn escapes you as the warm water runs down your long hair and olive toned skin.

As you wash yourself the sound of birds from the outside grows ever louder and the sun shines even brighter.

When you finally finish up you step out of the shower and dry off your body.

Walking over to the mirror you start combing your jet-black hair, the sun hit it just right where the purple ends of it shine brightly.

You then pause for a second staring at your reflection "Damn I look good." You say as your flex your muscles in front of the mirror

However, you're interrupted when you hear a yawn from the back of your head.

Two purple skulls that are attached to your head slither their way up your left and right shoulder, resting on each shoulder.

"Oh? Did you survive the night? I was hoping I suffocated you under that pillow today" The skulls simply hiss at you in a drained manner without even being able to lift their heads.

With a roll of your eyes, you throw on a pair of boxers, make your way around the apartment from the kitchen to the bedroom and so on.

That Is until you're drinking a morning cup of coffee and you feel a tap on your right shoulder and looking over a skull is looking towards the clock.

"Huh, it's 9:40.... OH FUCK ITS 9:40!" you almost drop your cup as you scramble to your wardrobe to put on some cloths.

"Why didn't you warn me!? Now we're gonna be late!" The skulls simply giggle at your panicking.

Ignoring them you throw on your clothes and make your way toward the door "Okay, headcount, me?"

The skulls hiss.


They hiss again.


Once again.


And another.

"Bribe for being late."

Their silent this time.

"Right, we're poor. Okay so we got everything important."

As you are about to leave one of the skulls smacks you in the back of the head and faces the door.

It hisses in answer "Mask? Oh, right mask!" You run back inside and pick up the bony white skull mask

Putting it on you start running towards the office.

As you run through alleys and roads the building becomes bigger and bigger. until your standing in front of a giant made of glass and steel.

Taking a deep breath, you head for the front door.

Opening the door and pocking your head through you scan the area.

"She's not here sweetie" A voice from behind almost makes you jump out of your skin in fear.

Turning around Daisy sits at the front desk as usual.

You take a deep breath and step inside "Jeez Daisy you can't be scaring me like that, what if you'd been hurt."

Daisy simply laughs "Oh, sweetie I know you wouldn't ever hurt."

" of course, I wouldn't, who are we kidding." You both laugh at each other.

"Oh my, well you'd better go before Jessica does come around here."

"Oh, damn your right, see you Daisy."

"Bye sweetie, join me for tea sometime."

You simply wave as you run down the corridor.

However, when you turn the corner, you hear a terrifying sound. Heels on tiles, your body reacts before your brain, and you throw yourself behind a pillar in the corridor.

As the sound gets closer you catch your breath in your throat and try not to get found out.

But then like a final boss rpg a shadow loom over you, Slowly turning your head toward the figure, You see an outline of a person, and as your eyes adjust you see who it is.

Jessica, your boss.

Her blonde hair glistened in the white hallways and her green eyes stand out even more, however having more muscle tone than most men throw it off.

"What are you doing 457?" She asks curiously.

Liking facing a wild gorilla you slowly get and raise your hands in defence "Calm beasty calm."

At these words she folds her arms, and a vein shows up on her forehead, looking like it'll pop any second "I'll ask you again, what are you doing. Were you late again?."

"What, me? No, I'm never late."

She gives you a sceptical look before rubbing her temple "You know what, I don't care. honestly, it's good I found you" She says as she lowers her arms to her side.

However, all you heard is the last part, and with a cocky grin you say "Oh? Did Jessica miss me already, I know I'm hard to resist but show some restraint."

After you're done gloating you look at her and see she has the most disgusted look you've ever seen plastered across her face "You really shouldn't make faces like that, you might get wrinkles, well on top of the ones you already have. Can wrinkles stack?"

You say with a giggle, however, Jessica simply sighs at your answer

When you're done giggling at your own joke Jessica says "I need you for something, come with me."

You scratch the back of your head and start slowly backing away "Now see, normally I would but-."

Jessica cuts you off "No, you wouldn't."

"Okay I wouldn't, but this time I have a really good reason."

"No, you don't."

However, you're already far enough away that you can turn around and walk away.

What you couldn't predict is that she'd grab you by the collar and start pulling you along the corridor floor.

Seeing there's no escape you resign yourself to your fate and let It happen "Quick question, why did it have to be me?"

She's silent for a second "No particular reason, you were just the first person I saw."

You want to answer, but arguing would only bring pain, so let's avoid that.

"Is this necessary?"

"Very much so" Jessica replies flatly.

You in turn cross your arms and let yourself get dragged along

After a while of silence, you decide to break it "So where are we going?"

"The twelfth floor"

Sweat starts trickling down your back, swallowing hard You turn towards her "Do we have to go there?"

"Yes, why? Did you do something?"

You scoff at her answer and speak "No, I'm honestly offended that you could even think that. I'm an innocent person."

Hearing this she turns her head toward you and throws you a sceptical look

"...partially Innocent person." you say with a nervous chuckle.

She rolls her eyes and continues to drag you along.

After a while, you finally reach the elevator and she drags you inside, still sitting on the ground and her holding your collar you ask "You know I have my own two legs, you don't gotta drag me around everywhere."

"I know, but I don't trust you won't run away."

You put a hand on your chest and let out an exaggerated gasp "How could you ever think that!?, I'm a responsible person."

"You blew up two floors of the building with a coffee machine!!"

Elevator music fills the small space after her scream until you find the courage to say "....well, it didn't have a Latte option."

Her grip squeezes around your neck almost making you choke. However, you were saved by the ting of the elevator.

Jessica lifts you onto your feet and strolls out of the elevator.

But before going further she tilts her head towards you and says "If you try to run ill beat you to death with your legs. "

"....edgy emo much?" You laugh loudly at your joke; however, Jessica doesn't find it as funny and just strolls forward.

You follow her, carefully watching every corner, and turn.

That is until Jessica enters a room and right before you do too a voice boom from behind.

"457 IS THAT YOU!?" Slowly turning around, you see a fellow worker standing at the end of the line of cubicles, he's so mad that you can swear steam is coming out of his ears.


you enter behind the metal door while still in the doorway "No i dont, but please, enlighten me 679" You say with outstretched arms.

He starts running towards you, looking for a tackle

However just when he's about to make contact you slam the door in his face

When you hear a second thud after the door you spin around and start humming.

"Completely innocent, huh?" Jessica says with a smirk as she leans her hip against a metal table in the room.

You simply shrug in answer and giggle "Guilty as charged."

"You know you'll get knocked out one day for being such an annoying guy."

"Bold of you to assume that hasn't happened already. Kinda surprised you haven't done that yet."

"Oh please, sometimes you can be annoying, but you're not so bad."

"Was...was that a compliment!? Do I get a gold sticker now?."

She lets out a small giggle "Sorry but I used up all of them on 808."

A single tear falls down my cheek and I slam my fist into the wall "That bitch!" You turn back around, sigh in frustration and fold your arms in a fit.

Once you're done being a baby, you scan over the room, it being just a bunch of steel tables, on which are big servers and monitors next to them "Anyway, what are we doing here? The place looks almost abandoned."

Jessica doesn't answer your question, she simply shouts out "707!"

Suddenly a loud thud can be heard from the front of the room and the sound of someone scrambling to their feet

Then from behind one of the servers emerges a petite woman with a messy bun and brown eyes

She waddles over until she's in front of us "707, it's nice to see you again, this is 457" Jessica says introducing you.

"Oh? 457? The one that you've told always does an amazing job on his soul harvests"

Jessica tries to keep a calm composure as she answers "I never said that 707."

"Now hold on hold on, let her speak" You say as both you and 707 laughs at Jessicas expense

Throwing her a secret high five you both turn toward Jessica.

"Well, aren't you two lively for your first meeting?"

"I guess we just have that kind of energy, you wouldn't get it, Jessica".

"Yeah Jessica" You say as both of you cross your arms and stand back-to-back.

Jessica simply sighs and rubs her temple "Now for the reason we're here."

"To give me a medal?" You ask.

"No" They both reply nonchalantly, which stings even my pride a little.

"You probably haven't heard but 9455 recently got demoted down to the front desk of sublevel 7"

A little shocked you ask "9455? That kiss ass, how did he get demoted?"

707 looks up at you and answers "Well apparently he got a bit brutal with a soul he was harvesting, to the point it didn't want to leave and got taken away by angels."

You scratch your chin at the answer, it's not uncommon this happens but to lose this badly?

"Anyway, how and why does that interest me?... I refuse to testify in court, I know my rights".

Ignoring your comment Jessica starts fidgeting with her fingers and eventually says "Well....we need to distribute his hours evenly, and most of it done, but some souls are leftover."

You stare at her for a few seconds in disbelief Then a sly grin spreads over your face and you lean back on one of the tables "So, you need me?"

Jessica doesn't answer and simply looks away

"Come on~, just say it"

707 puts her hand on your shoulder and says "Hey maybe you shouldn't push it too far."

You meet her eyes and say "I'm at half mast, I NEED to hear this."

Silence fills the room as your gaze falls on Jessica.

"I....need you" Jessica looks away and lets out an exasperated sigh.

After she regained her composure, she looked back at you "Now for the reason we came here" She says while holding her hand out towards 707.

Turning to face her you see a machine now lays on one of the metal tables.

A very...ominous looking ahh machine.

"Uhhh, what is this?"

With an almost evil smile, Jessica replies "Oh, this little thing? It's a new method for transferring data" She says as she slaps the machine a smiles.

"...why are you smiling like that Jessica?" You say while slowly backing away.

"Oh~ don't you worry about it, just do what 707 says" She says while looking at 707.

Giving a simple thumbs up the doc walks over, grips your hand, with the strength of a silverback guerrilla, and slams your hand on the bottom side of the machine.

She wraps a leather strap around your wrist.

And a couple of seconds later you feel a strong sting.

Snapping your hand away, you send the machine flying through the air as it was still attached.

You are about to demand an answer as to what that was when you hear a laugh from behind.

Turning around, Jessica is bent over the metal table and slamming her palm into it as she laughs.

Through the bouts of laughter, she says "Oh, my lord! You screamed like a bitch."

You turn your attention from her when you feel a light jab on your wrist.

Looking over, 707 is patting it down with a damp cloth to control the bleeding.

She might be really sweet to not laugh at you- Ah no, when she raised her head, she looked like she bit into a lemon and was trying to control herself.

When they both eventually get a hold of themselves Jessicas take a deep breath before saying "Now I'll give a mission bri-"

Her words are cut off by a beeping coming from her pocket.

Pulling out her phone she quickly scans the notification before groaning.

"Oh no, something wrong Jessica?" You say with a grin.

"The higher-ups are asking for a meeting with all the floor bosses."

"On no, that sounds horrible, Jessica has to do her job!"

She sends a glare your way, but you simply smile and wave.

Rubbing her temples, she looks towards 707 and speaks "You see what I gotta deal with 707?"

Simply shrugging you answer "It isn't my fault your all business and no fun."

"I....I can have fun."

"18th-century style parties don't classify as my type of fun Jessie."

"Aww and I was thinking of inviting you to one."

"If I wanna experience the 18th century, I have to just talk to you for five minutes."

Jessica turns towards 707 "You see what I have to deal with? Jokes alone make me want to throw him through a window."

"Oh, please, you know I am not so bad."

Suddenly, 707 speaks up"457, you might not want to make her angry anymore, or that vain on her forehead might pop."

Jessica looks at her in shock "You? against me?!"

"Oh, good one, high five!" You have to lower your hand a little so she can reach it, but she does eventually reach it. Jessica, however, only pouts in front of us, and we giggle at this side of her.

"Haha, whatever, just debrief him, 707. I have better things to do," she says as he turns around to leave.

"Bye-bye! Kisses" You send a kiss her way before she leaves.

Jessica slams the door, and you turn your attention back to 707, who's turned back towards a computer.

"So, question."

Without looking your way, she answers, "Shoot."

"Do you work alone here?"

She giggles slightly "Oh, good heavens, no, there are 30 people in this room right now."

You spin your head around to find said people, but see no one. "You sure you got the right prescription on those glasses of yours? Ain't no one here."

"Oh, they are; they are just too scared to come out."

A little shocked at her answer, you ask questionably, "Scared? Of what?"

Lifting her index finger from the computer, she points at you

"Me? But I haven't done anything to them."

She ponders on your answer "Well, the tech department is highly looked down upon by both the tracker and collector departments; it sometimes even leads to physical confrontations."

"Damn, I had no idea."

A moment of silence fills the room until it's broken by 707 "Of course, their also afraid of you specifically."

"They weren't part of that incident with the vending machine on level 88, right?"

"There was an accident on level 88."

"What? No! Of course not. Who told you about that?"

She simply laughs at your answer: "No, they're scared of you because you had to use the prototype machine."

A little surprised, you ask, "How is that their fault?"

"Well, it's because someone," she says, pointedly snapping her gaze at a printing machine behind which, for a second, you could see someone's head poking out, "spilt their coffee on the machine where your mission data was stored, so we had to resort to using a prototype method."

"Ahhh, so that's what that pricking machine was for?"

"Yup, once you find the spirit you're looking for, you can pull up the data the tracking department managed to dig up about them."

"Oh? Well, this sounds like an interesting machine. The pricking is unnecessary,  though."

"I have to agree, but it is still a prototype, so we need guinea pigs to test it out on."

You join her in laughter but soon stop when her words sink in: "What?"

"Hahaha, don't worry about it," she says, patting your shoulder.

Silence once again fills the room, but you decide to enjoy it and just sit on one of the tables

And so, you do, for a long while, falling into an almost trance.

That is, until you hear a coffee mug smash against the ground. Looking up, you see one of the techs standing above it, staring right at you.

Feeling a little awkward, you raise your hand to wave but seeing this, he scuttles away, almost like a cockroach

You stare at the spot where the tech was, pondering a question and rubbing your chin "So, 707, I have a question."

Again, without looking up, she says, "Mhm."

"If you're also a tech, how are you not afraid of me?"

She looks up from the computer and back at you with a smirk. "Oh my, that's your first good question today."

Dismissively waving your hand, you say, "Yeah, yeah, just answer the question."

Thinking about it for a second, 707 eventually says, "I think it's mainly because I used to be a collector, Reaper."

"You did? Then how did you end up as a tech? I thought job swaps weren't allowed."

With a smirk, she says, "Well, to younger reapers, they aren't, but ancient reapers are different."

"You're ancient? It doesn't show."

"Hah, I'll take that as a compliment, but I've been a Reaper since 3000 BC."


Silence falls between you two as she lowers her glasses to throw you a condescending glare

Trying to recover, you stutter out, "I mean, you don't look a day over 5000."

With a sigh, she turns back to the computer and gets back to work.

The air gets so thick that you could scoop it with a spoon.

Trying to break the awkwardness, you ask, "So why did you quit being a collector?"

After a moment of silence, 707 breaks away from the computer to look at you

"Is it because you don't like humans?" You add on. However, she's a little shocked at this.

"No, actually, it's the opposite. I love humans; they are all unique and quirky and most of them are sweet, especially the children, I quit because I couldn't see them suffer."

Before you have a chance to respond, 707 hits you with a question in return: "So, 457, what are your thoughts on them? Can't be all that positive, since most Reapers hate them; I mean, how can you not like children!?"

"Careful, words like that can get you on the FBI watchlist, as to your original question." You laugh at your joke for a while, but stop to ponder her question. You try to say something, but you stop yourself. Stroking your chin, you take a while to gather your thoughts.

"I think it depends on the person you ask. Some might say it's because they are corrupt and nothing is ever enough for them; others might say it's because they're the scum of the earth, killing millions of innocent animals, even themselves, by destroying their environment. While others might simply say it's because they make our job that much harder, they're never able to simply accept the fact that their dead and move on with their lives."

After a moment of silence, 707 looks you in the eyes and asks, "Are those the actual reasons other reapers have, or are they yours?"

You are about to rebut her, but you catch your tongue, as what you want to say is too mean. Even for you, with a shake of your head, you say, "None of your business."

"If you want to talk about it, I am always here."

"Thanks, but no."

"You su-su."

You turn towards her and give her an almost pleading look; she slowly looks over you and gives a slow nod, patting you on the arm before slowly turning her attention back to the computer.

You sit in silence for what feels like an eternity; only the sound of 707's fingers hitting the keyboard is audible

Breaking the silence 707 asks, "Don't you have some work to do, 457?"

Getting into the swing of things again and with a laugh you answer "Sure do, but I wanna postpone it as much as I can."

"You sure you wanna do that? Jessica might come back soon."

You were already at the door before she had time to finish her sentence "Good point, I'll be going."

Just as you are about to leave, she calls you back "Ah 457 wait for a second, I just got some kind of email from Jessica."

Sweats start to trickle down your neck as the stress begins to swell up.

"Wow okay, I'll just abbreviate what she said 'I know damn well 457 is still there, tell him to get to the training floor for rookie combat basics."

You stare at her in silence and she adds "I'm sorry, you heard the boss."

Falling to your knees and raising your hands to the heavens you shout "THIS IS TOO MUCH WORK."

"Weren't you on paid leave for 2 weeks?".

You look back towards her for a second before back up to the sky "ITS TOO MUCH WORK FOR MY FIRST DAY!"

After a while of hysterical crying, you blow your nose and get up to leave and 707 says with a soft chuckle "Good luck on your assignments today 457."

You don't answer but simply wave as you walk out the door

Unfortunately, your flashbanged by the white corridor and fluorescent lights in the corridor because of the contrast from the tech room.

As you try to navigate the corridor through the blinding white lights you feel yourself bump into something

"Excuse me Brah."

"You're excused" You say as you turn your head back to the person "And I'm not your Brah."

You stare at the figure, or at least you think you do, I don't fuckin know you're blind right now .

Once the white starts fading you see that before you are two members of the recon department, you can tell by their leather uniforms.

One has a giraffe skull mask while the other has a meerkat mask.

"How about you watch where you're going, Collector" Giraffe says with a sneer.

"Oh, how preposterous of me my lord, how can this lowly servant bump into the king? How can I make it up to you, would you like me to cook your dinner " You take a step forward.

" To Iron and fold your clothes" You take another step forward "Or"

You say as you pull back your black coat revealing your grey vest, white shirt and red tie.

Giraffe looks at you in disgust "These collectors are always disgusting."

They turn around and walk of

"Oh, my king! Please don't leave this humble servant!!" You fall to your knees and cry out as they walk away.

When they turn the corner, you burst into laughter followed by the skulls also giggling

Standing up you wipe off your knees and you both continue laughing as you get into the elevator and go up to the 15th floor.

When the doors open the skulls wipe off the tears from your eyes and pull the mask back down.

Walking into the corridor you start making your way toward the training room.

To the right, however, you see the changing room, and inside 808 getting changed with his cat mask on.

Seeing you he waves but you in turn flip him off, For the gold stickers.

You then push open the doors and enter the training hall.

*And that's all for now folks, thanks for reading this shit (all 3 of you XDD) I'll try and keep regular upload schedule of every Saturday-ish if I can and if I feel like it. Anyway, yeah enjoy your week! I sure as hell won't, bye bye~ goddamn I'm tired, too much coffee*

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