The Original: Twilight Saga

Von True_Genesis

27K 722 153

What happens when an Original Immortal Tribrid suddenly finds himself in the world of Twilight without a clue... Mehr

Chapter 0: Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Thanks For The Support But...
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Not A Chapter
Chapter 16

Chapter 5

1.7K 47 20
Von True_Genesis

Hendrichalviola enjoy the extra chapter, I didn't have any plans on posting this now... Enjoy

Chapter 5: First day of school... Ever

Fork High School

A complete waste fucking of time

Finally, School started

Alistair hated it, Emma didn't, their thoughts and moods already differed.

While Emma did her best to drive while hiding her excitement, She let her long white hair free and it touched her back So everyone would see she belonged to Alistair, her eyes had a silver hue just like his, But they came off as brother and sister, But she'd change that she doubted people would even remember her now, Not only did she have different features she looked more beautiful, But Alistair's handsomeness overshadowed hers, Even with a frown he still looked extremely handsome.

He wore a white shirt black shorts white socks black palms wearing sunglass to hide his eyes for the time being, He wasn't going to dress seriously for something as insignificant as school, There was a major difference and that was his long hair now looked shorter, He didn't cut it, But he used magic to make it shorter with an Illusion charm, He also tried making all his eyes silver colour but for some reason, he couldn't change his eye colours unless he was using his supernatural abilities, but now his hair was short, extremely stubborn and unruly he didn't bother to dress it properly, he finally looked his age, Handsome face befitting a 17-year-old.

Emma drove a Porshe 911 gift from Linda, Alistair felt she was enacting revenge in her way by supporting the other members of his family, Cause after he refused to go to school because he didn't have any documents, Linda showed up the next day with his birth certificate, She told him his fake family origin story and how he got adopted by Emily, Alistair couldn't see any holes in the information here.

He also realized she had friends in high places and he was going to use that sooner than later.

The two parked across the parking lot And noticed they were a bit late, as the parking lot was filled with kids, the moment they came out of the car they already had the attention of the entire crowd, no one was generous with their gazes they scanned everything from the porshe Emma and Alistair came out of, to their clothes, their clothes, Emma wore a simple black Jean and one of Alistair's black shirts, Her little frame helped the clothing to completely cover her figure but they would still see an outline of her beautiful curves.

After Emma got out of the car, she threw the car keys to Alistair who lazily snatched them off the air and placed them in his pockets in a smooth motion, Emma came to hug his hands between her chest later and then proceeded to walk into school.

Under the gaze of everyone else, they followed them with their eyes till they walked into the school doors.

"Who are they?"

"Did you see their ride?"

"Since when did we have models in our school?"

"They looked like siblings yet they acted like they were dating kinda like the Cullens"

"Did you see the guy? his eyes! They were Silver and Blue"

"Maybe that's why he wore sunglasses"

Alistair from inside the school clicked his tongue, He could hear everything they said, Emma liked the attention already, The way they saw through his glasses he shouldn't have wasted time going to the mall to get these shades.

After the stunning scene, The students turned their heads to face a red pickup truck.



"Wait that's Emma?!"

"Isn't she the chick whose elder sister was a vampire town crier?"

"Yes and her boyfriend is also her foster brother, Alistair Goldling "

"What type of last name is Golding anyway?"

"Even if his name was Matt, With a face and body like that he-"

Alistair and Emma could hear the gossip, curses and even praises they were receiving from the cafeteria, They sat in their corner where they could see the entire room, with just the two of them.

"You know these guys are clowns" Emma had been scaring off crowds that wanted to approach her and her mate.

"Hmm?" Alistair noticed and felt something strange.

More students entered through the back door and they looked different all of them in pairs there were six of them.

A blonde-haired girl with a frown on her with a buff male with black hair who was smiling, he looked carefree.

A dirty blonde guy who looked to be in pain and a girl with the same colour of hair looked energetic but her eyes didn't leave her partner's face.

The remaining two didn't have their pair and they walked behind the rest, One of the two was a male who had brown hair and smiled a bit when he passed a brown hair girl's table and the other one was a girl, who had short, Spike brown hair, He wouldn't lie all of them were handsome and beautiful in their own right but why did the last one that girl makes his heart beat faster?

"Rosalie Hale and her partner Emmett Cullen, Jasper Hale and his partner Jasmine Cullen then there's Edward Cullen and Alice Cullen who are both single." Emma snickered she was already a student at the school so she knew about the Cullen family.

Alistair who didn't hide his gaze "Why is Edward glaring at that brown-haired petite girl?"

Emma shrugged "It might be love at first sight like you and me" She hugged his shoulder.

"We aren't dating, Plus our first time meeting wasn't romantic I just asked you for directions" Alistair shut her down she was getting bolder with her advances lately he feared one day he would enter his room and see her waiting for him naked... He wasn't backing down though.

"We aren't dating... yet" Emma shrugged, she could cuddle him anytime she wanted that was progress.

Emma now noticed Edwin was also glaring at Alistair.

"Why is he staring at you? Is he Gay?" Emma asked and suddenly the entire Cullen table burst into loud laughter except Edward whose glare worsened.

"Hm? I don't swing that way, Tell me more about Alice." Alistair asked as he started directly at her, She blushed not that anyone could see it because she was pale.

Emma didn't think much about the question "She's bubbly, fairy-like and cute, I heard she loved chess." It seemed she held a favourable opinion of the girl.

"This is the only person you've ever spoken highly about since those bakers." Alistair found it weird.

"Well, I used to have a crush on Alice, but I found a bigger fish, And this fish has a bigger dick which I shall enjoy someday, Why are you asking about her anyway? You see what you like?" Emma just admitted she is bisexual, Alistair didn't care about that instead he just nodded "Strangely enough, Yes, I do see what I like."

Alice blushed again, He knew they could hear him, He didn't expect to meet 6 vampires in the school on his first day.

He would make a charm to prevent eavesdropping later.

"Alistair let's leave, Edward is still staring at you he has to be gay! He rejected every girl but he has been staring at you, Why are you so handsome either way?!" Emma got up and pulled Alistair out of the cafeteria doors and Once again the Cullens burst into laughter at the white-haired girl's confidence.

"I can't read their minds, Even the brown-haired girl" Edwin confessed and he went back to staring at the brown-haired girl.

"Alice is that your mate? Your name even rhymes; with Alice and Alistair " Jasmine who rested in her partner's body said.

"I know I am a guy, But that guy is the most handsome person I've ever met," Emmett said and Rosalie elbowed his stomach.

"And Emma was always the comedian," Rosalie said enjoying the fact someone made her laugh this morning.

"Yeah, Why is she different?" Jasper asked, No one knew the answer.

"Yeah, did something happen over the summer?" Alice asked.

The Cullens kept quiet at some point to think at some point, they were all familiar with Emma and Emily; they are humans who figured out the existence of vampires, and it made them a target, they, mostly the girl Jasmine Alice and Rosalie often protected Emma in school from bullies and horny boys who picked on her or when some vampires almost killed her, Alice is the only one who did it openly which was why Emma developed a crush.

While the Wolves killed vampires who tried to kill them.

Their Lunch ended and they went back to class.

Biology class~

This was one of the few classes Alistair didn't have with Emma, He walked into the class and Saw Alice sitting alone in the corner of the class, She waved at Alistair and signalled to the empty spot beside her while going to meet He bumped into that weird girl with brown hair He gave a slight wave and apologized to her before me he left.

Alice grinned showing her slightly sharper canines and welcomed Alistair as he sat " Hello"

Now he was here she felt anxious.

"Hey," Alistair sat lazily his eyes were covered by his glasses.

Alice reached out and took them off staring bewitched by his beautiful eyes.

"Beautiful," Her voice hitched and she smiled.

Alistair just looked at her curiously,

She is bold... Noted

"I'm Alice, nice to meet you, Alistair."

"Word travels fast." Alistair sighed.

"What? Nobody would shut up after seeing the most handsome person... Ever" When Alice says, He is the most handsome person she has ever met she means it, Vampires, were Alluring and all of them had charms to reel you in, but Alistair was greater than that, It felt like she was staring at someone with an open wound she was hiding the fact she couldn't resist him.

"Thanks, you shouldn't talk about me when you aren't a bad eye candy yourself." Alistair scanned her, there wasn't a trace of lust in his eyes only appreciation.

Alice felt like her body was bare in front of him, There was a gentle sensation in her body just from being stared at, Her sense Zeroed only focusing on the most important person to her in the room, Alistair.

She resisted the urge she had to tackle him to the ground, Alistair saw that glint in her eyes, Vampires here were lonely creatures, vampires from his world had the choice to fuck around as they pleased but they were different when they were in love even the Mikaelson were slaves to their feelings of love.

"Alice, Is everything okay?" He placed a hand on her forehead, and as expected she was cold she tried to flinch backwards but she brought back her head and enjoyed how warm he was.

"You're cold..." Alistair questioned his actions, Did he just use an excuse to touch her?

Was he a pervert now?

"Hmm" Alice wouldn't lie she enjoyed his warm hands on her head, She already deduced he wasn't a vampire since he wasn't cold like her.

Alistair pulled back his arms and didn't say a word for the rest of the class, he was questioning his actions, He felt the urge to do things he normally wouldn't do with her.

Alice took it the wrong way, He was restraining himself from touching her, but she took it as he was irritated by the fact she was different, and she felt saddened, Her bubbly expression disappeared and she continued the class stealing glances at Alistair, She saw Edward who looked to be irritated by the girl he was sitting with.

But Immediately the bell rung, Alistair and Edward jumped up and left being the first 2 to leave the class they had the same thought in mind,

'I'm going to transfer out of this class!'

They were going to change classes, But they were both shut down, when they turned and were about to leave the attendant's office, Alistair saw Alice staring at him and Edward saw the brown-haired girl.

This was the perfect time for Alistair to realise the gay guy close to him was going through the same thing he was going through.

'Oh, So it's like we're mates?' Alistair realized he didn't think of ever finding a mate since he already had Emma and Emily connected to him via their souls he also wondered 'Does that mean Emily and Emma weren't my soul mates?' One of the reasons he didn't think of anything wrong with him at first was because he believed something as cliche as a soulmate or imprint wouldn't work on him, Since even Emma and Emily's souls only connected to his when he used his version of the Sire-Linking spell, But since he knew the issue, he could always sever their bond... But he didn't want to.

"Alice wait." Knowing what was happening to him he didn't have to avoid her, She was already leaving with Edward when he called her back, She froze and her body trembled.

"Hey, Darling."

But Alice didn't react fast enough and Emma already dragged him through the hall, Leaving Alice to stare at his back while Emma spoke to him.

"So how was your first day of school?" Emma asked as the crowd gave way for them, And they left for the parking lot.

Alistair thought of his Time with Alice and smiled, he wasn't in a hurry to get used to this new feeling "It wasn't that bad, I met a really interesting person" Emma frowned.

Alice who had a downcast expression smiled and regained her bubbly expression.

He called me interesting!!

That much was progress.

It didn't take long for Emma to add the dots and she turned back to see Alice who smiled widely while going to meet up with her siblings.

"I'll kill her." Emma pouted, She wasn't going to kill someone she once had a crush on, Alice had defended her from bullies some time ago when she was still weak.

Alistair sighed Emma was a beast, Foxes were naturally cunning, and Emma was just as bad, She'd have gotten revenge on some students in this school if Alistair didn't restrict her abilities.

"You won't" Alistair denied her permission to kill anyone unless it was necessary for now he was going to go home and sleep, That was the best thing to do right now, sleep, He was getting stronger and stronger these days and he was tired of it, it seemed the fact he hadn't taken blood halved his overall powers, His power was now past what he originally had so much that he didn't know his capabilities.

"Whatever, I'm telling Emily." Emma got into the car while Alistair got in and drove out.

On his way out of the parking lot, he saw Alice who waved at him excitedly.

Alistair gave a thumbs-up and continued driving he gave a little chuckle when Emma threatened them with a glare.

"Aye yo Cullens, I got my eyes on you!"

Even Alice was shocked a bit, They didn't know she wasn't a normal human since she still had a beating heart they thought she dyed her hair and wore contact lenses.

"So, anything to say about your crush?" Although it was nice that she now had a mate, the unpredictability that was embodied by the white-haired boy was simply too much.

"He's nice and friendly, but also very reserved, my guess was he isn't used to showing his true emotions and his response to anything that makes him emotionally responsive is to consciously withdraw his emotions." Alice listed what she learned from her one class of staring at his face.

"So is he a threat?" Rosalie asked.

"No, He is friendly, but he prefers a small circle so I'll invite him and Emma to sit with us tomorrow," Alice said smiling like she was on cloud 9.

"But is he a vampire?" Edward asked

"No, he touched my forehead earlier and I could feel his warm hands, Plus you would have noticed he had a heartbeat if you weren't too busy trying to not eat that new girl Bella Swan" Alice teased and suddenly everyone was over Edward laughing at him.


Time skip

It was evening and everyone was eating dinner consisting of purely Steak and sauce, while Linda sat at the table too but instead, she drank blood from a glass cup.

"So how was your first day of school?" Linda asked Since it seemed they probably wouldn't talk about it on their own and she and Emily were curious.

Alistair took some seconds to digest she was the one asking him but before he could reply Emma already did.

"It was sweet, But some whores were after him and he is mate with my crush."

Emily raised her eyes at Emma's reply she had given up on telling the vixen to mind her words.

Emily knew of Emma's crush "Alice Cullen. She's your mate?" Emily turned to Alistair who innocently munched on meat.

"You know her?" He wondered how Emily knew her, he didn't mention the name.

"Yes, She saved Emma from being raped one night some time ago and Emma turned into a fan girl," Emily said before she added, "She was the reason Emma started training and fighting"

Alistair just turned to her with a smile "Oh, So Alice Cullen motivated you to become stronger?" He had to imagine how alone she must have been to crush on her saviour.

"Cullens?" Linda perked up.

"You know them," Emily asked.

"Yes, they're vegetarian vampires," Linda said she licked her lips clean of the blood on it before she began to speak.

"They are vampires who don't feed on humans instead they live solely on the blood of animals, they are also the main reason, my... husband couldn't kill you till summer. They knew the vampires wanted to kill you two because you threatened to expose us" Linda explained and Emma and Emily painted the Cullens in a new light.

"Regardless they protected you, And in doing so they are somewhat insulted amongst other vampires," Linda said before she continued drinking blood.

"Oh, So the Cullens helped us? Should I cook and invite them" Emily suggested.

Emma immediately shut her down "They are vampires they don't eat, or do you want to give them your blood?"

"What? No one is touching what and whom belongs to me." Alistair declared he wasn't going to say more, but Emma and Emily nodded.

"I still want to thank them regardless."

Emily stubbornly said; she felt gratitude for the people who protected her when she couldn't do it herself.

"Fine, I'll set up a meeting with your saviours once I trust them enough." Alistair decided when they finished eating.

Alistair was about to get up and leave when, Emily called him back, She packed all the hair and moved it to the left side of her neck, exposing her right.

"Are you leaving without dessert?"

Alistair found it hard to resist.

'He didn't even think twice' Emma corrected.

Alistair didn't resist at all, He was beside her sister in the blink of an eye and his fangs were in her some seconds later.

Alistair wouldn't lie, he was slowly loving this.

'A man could spend another millennium in the arms of these two... Or three.'

Next day~

Another day the duo of white-haired supernatural were in a black Enzo Ferrari flagship, Alistair drove and Emma was his passenger, They were a bit late since Alistair had to compel a certain officer with the name Swan to get past a speeding ticket.

The Cullens came after they did with two different cars, Alice was riding with Jasper and Jasmine while Rosalie and Emmett drove in a separate car, and Edward was nowhere to be found.

The moment they parked their car, Alice made her way to Alistair.

"Hey," She waved and smiled brightly, If she had a functional heart it would be beating miles per second; her siblings followed behind her pulling all the attention to the most beautiful and handsome students in school.

"Birds of the same feathers flock together"

"Alistair is still the best there though."

"If I had known Emma would be this hot someday I would have approached her years ago."

Other students had a lot to say about the new group consisting of the Cullens and Alistair.

"Hey, where's Edward?" Emma asked she wanted to annoy him.

"Probably hiding from that brown-haired girl he was eyeing yesterday" Alistair answered the question, and it wasn't far from the truth.

"Why though? Is he shy? Or is it the first time he isn't experiencing gay love." Emma received a smack on the back of her head courtesy of Alistair and Rosalie elbowed Emmett who was about to burst out laughing.

"Don't encourage her."

"He won't be coming back for a while," Alice answered.

"We know but why?"

Emma was as curious as a fox but sometimes she didn't know when to back down... She never backs down.

"Bella's blood right? I noticed he was resisting the urge to do something to her throughout biology class yesterday."

Alistair's reply shocked them, they already knew he wasn't what he seemed to be but they didn't expect him to just admit to the fact he knew about them.

The Cullens minus Alice immediately got on the defensive.

"That won't end well for you"
Alistair just smiled and shook his head, not at all scared of the potential 1v4 he would have fought.

*bell rings*

"Alistair let's go, we've got general maths." Emma dragged Alistair away "You can always talk to your mate during lunch." Emma blew a kiss to Alice she liked the girl but that wouldn't stop her from killing Alice if she took her precious alone time with Alistair away.

She left the Cullen relatively shocked.

"Could he be a werewolf?" Emmett asked

"No Werewolves are territorial, there's no way those dogs would let another wolf into their territory." Jasmine shut down the opinion

"Just who or what exactly is he?"


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