By craftydevvil

20K 429 888

temporary cover, will change later (or never BAHAHA) PLZ DONT BULLY ME... There is NO PHIGHTING BOOKS EVER. A... More

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✨ Lightblox ✨

1K 26 11
By craftydevvil

gruhffh there isn't much said about her but I LOVE HER SO MUCH SHE IS BOOGER NUMBER ONE!!

I know that Traffic sees her as his little sister so I think maybe she hangs out with a lot or perhaps "lives" with him (difficult cause he is homeless) so Traffic keeps her in the library with Ghosdeeri

I also headcanon that the reason Lightblox has the helmet is because she gets sick super easily. She's immunocompromised

They are also gonna be heavily OOC

Requested by; N/A


      "Do you have to go?" Lightblox whined as she clung onto Traffic's leg, who was trying his best to get his bag ready. "Ya know I travel a lot. I'll be back in two weeks, don't worry," Traffic assured her. Instead, all he got were more whines and his leg being held hostage.

      Lightblox kept a tight grip on him. Traffic always traveled and sometimes never stayed for long before moving to his next "job". That meant Lightblox was stuck here in Crossroads with Ghosdeeri, who was also known as "Miss No Fun". She was only known as that because she was careful with Lightblox and did what Traffic told her to do when caring for the little demon and more.

      Lightblox wasn't the healthiest. In fact, she was declared immunocompromised when she came out of the Spawn. She had asthma on top of that so it didn't help her case when it came to making sure she kept safe. The last thing Traffic needed was a deathly ill sister on his hands.

      So to combat the diseases, Lightblox wore a helmet that let her horns stuck out. It was the most adorable thing ever, she looked like a little alien. Traffic felt proud of himself as he was the one to raise such a cutie.

      However, this condition also meant she was doomed to keep away from other kids. Traffic couldn't risk letting her go play with others. Let's be honest, a lot of kids were disgusting and they had no idea where they've been. Probably in the corner picking their nose.

      "Can I come with you this time? Pretty please?" Lightblox begged as Traffic put on his bag and began to walk across the room, Lightblox being dragged with him as she clung to his leg still. "I'm going to Blackrock where it's cold and nah so friendly. Perhaps if it was Playground or Lost Temple, I would reconsida," Traffic told her as he sat on the library couch and grabbed his shoes.

      Using his number one tactic to get squirmy little boogers off his feet, Traffic reached down and began to attack Lightblox with tickles in any spot he could get to. It worked like a charm as Lightblox squealed and wiggled away from his assault, giggles and little pleads to stop coming from her.

      Traffic grinned and gave her a moment to breathe. He took the moment to put on his sandles, which he was wearing socks with. What a monster.

       Standing back up, he hovered over Lightblox and grinned down at her, "Okay, squirt. Better give me a hug bye bye!" Groaning, Lightblox got up and rammed into him, knocking the air of Traffic for a second. Lightblox squeezed as tight as she could around him, but Traffic beat her as he picked up the little demon and shook her around.

      Lightblox screamed and giggled as Traffic even spun her around. It gave her the feeling of flying, which she was still trying to do. Lightblox had been blessed with wings of her own, but she was still very much a weak flyer.

      Traffic put her down and gave her a gentle pat on top of the head. "Ya be good for Ghosdeeri, okay? No tryna fly without her watching, got it?" Traffic ordered. The pout that he got was adorable and also the confirmation he needed.

      Grinning, he crouched down for one last hug, "See ya, little bug." Lightblox whined and gripped onto him, not wanting to let go. However, Traffic peeled her off and gave her one last pat goodbye.

      As Traffic reached the door, he turned around as he forgot one thing. Tilting his head up, he yelled into the library, "SEE YA GHOSDEERI!"

      He quickly left before Ghosdeeri had the chance to race over and give him an earful for screaming in her library. Lightblox giggled as she watched Ghosdeeri enter and look around for Traffic so she can tell him off for yelling. However, all she found was a cute little demon.

      Sighing, Ghosdeeri let it go and walked over to Lightblox. Lightblox knew what was coming and prepared for it. "Now that it is just us two, how about some friendly reading to pass the time and brighten your mind?" Ghosdeeri offered.

      Lightblox lightly kicked her feet, not liking that idea. She looked up at Ghosdeeri with those guilt tripping eyes. "Could we maybe go outside? Please? I'll be extra careful!" she pleaded. Ghosdeeri sighed and shook her head, "I am sorry, little one. You have health issues and I do not want to risk getting you sick."

      The little sad whine and sad look Ghosdeeri got nearly shattered her exposed heart right there and then. However, she stayed strong, "Reading is just as fun! Words being turned into pictures in your head, the knowledge you get from each page! What could be better?"

      Lightblox grimaced and mumbled her answer just enough for Ghosdeeri to hear, "Going outside to play for once..." That made Ghosdeeri cringe inside. Lightblox used to love reading! Perhaps those times were just Lightblox pretending.

      Even if Ghosdeeri wanted to, she could not allow that with Lightblox being such a high sick risk. "I'm sorry. It's for you own-" Ghosdeeri was cut off as a customer walked in, the bell above the door alerting her. Patting Lightblox's shoulder, she assured her again, "Do not worry, these next two weeks will be fun! Now, go and pick out something to read. You can use my comfy chair."

      Ghosdeeri shooed Lightblox on as she walked over to the customer and greeted them. Lightblox was just about to go and find a boring book to read when she noticed that Ghosdeeri was distracted. The front door was unlocked and nothing but that little bell was in the way. Perhaps she was skinny enough to squeeze through the door without alerting Ghosdeeri?

      That was a genius idea in Lightblox's mind. Maybe Ghosdeeri wouldn't even know she went out for a bit. Making sure Ghosdeeri was distracted, Lightblox snuck over to the door and began to go full on spy mission mode.

      Lightblox reached up for the handle and began to try and pull. However, the door was heavy and she had little noodle arms. She couldn't just swing it open and hit the bell. That would defeat the purpose of being sneaky.

      However, she couldn't even get it open. It was like Ghosdeeri made this with pure metal just for something like this. Lightblox was losing time. If she gets caught, Ghosdeeri is going to put her in timeout. Maybe she will even call her brother!

      Just as Lightblox was about to risk it and pull with all her might, she quickly stepped out of the way as a demon walked inside. They looked down at Lightblox and apologized. They then held the door open for Lightblox to leave. Well, it wasn't exactly the plan but it worked.

      Thanking them, Lightblox left and fled onto the streets like a domesticated cat managing to escape the house for the first time. Lightblox felt wrong for escaping like this, but they always refused to even take her outside. It was her time to shine and she would be exploring this place top to bottom!

      Lightblox raced away from the library and to a completely different area of Crossroads. The place was big! There were many sounds and posters. Graffiti covered the walls each time you turned around. Then there was the smells, those beautiful smells.

      It made Lightblox's stomach growl. She was starting to regret not eating lunch before making her grand escape, but maybe taking a little peak wouldn't hurt? There was many things to see, so maybe she could oogle at some treats.

      The first place Lightblox wandered into was a small little bakery. There was demons all around using the free wifi and enjoying the treats they bought. The place was super cute and pink, just like Lightblox! It made her feel right at home.

      However, she was mostly interested in the display case full of yummy treats and goodies! Racing over to it, she stared into the glass and right at all the delicous baked goods. There was cake slices, cookies, donuts, and cupcakes. They seemed to sparkle in Lightblox's vision as she stared deeply at them all.

      What caught Lightblox's eyes the most were the cinnamonrolls. They were still so gooey and the icing was still dribbling down them. The smell rolled off and towards Lightblox, who's stomach rubbled violently for the delicous treat.

      Her hands pressed against the glass, almost as if in a hope to phase through it and grab one. Lightblox did not possess that power though, so she could only imagine one being in her hands.

      Lightblox's day dreaming was cut off as an older looking guy, probably nearing his 50's, walked over and gruffly spoke to Lightblox, "Gonna buy something?" Lightblox backed down and cowered away. He sounded mean and was not in the mood to play around.

      When Lightblox shook her head "no" at his question, he got a bit angry. "Then quit smudging the display case!" he growled, nearly making Lightblox run away before a sweet and gentle voice appeared.

      "Now now, Donut. Don't be so mean! Look at her, poor thing is hungry," a lady came up to the front after hearing some commotion. Donut, the guy who was just about to boot Lightblox out of there, turned and began to argue, "Cake, we aren't a charity. Do you know the amount of brats I get each day coming in here to hound us for free stuff?"

      Cake, the lady demon, argued back, "You shush! We sell plenty to give away a couple of treats! Besides, I think she really likes your cinnamonrolls." The two bakers looked down at Lightblox, who was back to staring at the cinnamonrolls.

      Groaning, Donut caved in, "Fine! Give her one, but just this once!" He was just about to walk away when Cake grabbed him and dragged him back, "Nuh uh, you are going to give it to her." Donut groaned, but he had no choice but to listen, otherwise she will be angry at him.

      Grabbing the tongs, he grabbed the biggest cinnamonroll of the bunch and placed it in a little box. He closed it up, put a sticker on it, and handed it to Lightblox with a plastic fork. "Just this once, brat," Donut growled. "Donut Danger..." Cake nudged him as a little warning all while using his full name.

      Lightblox took the box and held it. It was still warm and the smell that came from it was wonderful. Letting out the biggest smile she could muster, Lightblox bounced in joy and began to thank the two of them profusely, "Thank you! Thank you! You are the best! Thank you! Thank you!" Lightblox took her prize and scurried back outside so she could eat it.

      Donut watched the youth go and couldn't help but let a little smile crack against his seemingly grumpy expression. He was not spared as Cake leaned into him and pointed it out, "I see a little smile! I see one! Someone has a new favorite customer!" Donut pushed hand away as she poked at his mouth, "No! I do not! Besides, a customer pays! That was a little thief!"

      "She stole your heart!" Cake teased him. Donut huffed and wrapped his arms around her, "I'm pretty sure that was you that did." Cake giggled and leaned into him, Donut doing the same.

      Meanwhile, Lightblox had found a good spot to munch on her treat. It wasn't far from the bakery and she had the whole bench to herself. Looking around to make sure nobody was close to her, Lightblox clicked the side of her helmet and let the glass retract. It parted three ways as to not snag on her horns.

      Lightblox opened the box and drooled at the sight. She was tempted to just slam her face into it, but she had restraint. Unwrapping her fork, Lightblox dug right in and gobbled it up. She was barely savoring it before she swallowed it down and went for another bite.

      Frosting and cinnamon began to cake against her mouth as she ate, the gooey core being the last thing she would snag. As she stabbed the core and shoveled it into her mouth, Lightblox felt like someone was watching her.

      She looked around, only seeing demons minding their own business and not paying any mind to her. Lightblox swallowed down the core and licked her lips as best she could of her meal. She used her hand as a napkin, then cleaned it with her tongue. She did not want to waste a single bit of the sweet treat. She was even tempted to lick the box.

      However, she chose against it. Lightblox closed her helmet up and closed the box, leaving the dirty fork inside. As she got up, a boy pushed her, making her drop the empty box. Lightblox whined and sat up, only to see a little street gang consisting of three boys no older than herself standing over her.

      "Sweet! You got something from that bakery with the mean old man! Let's see what you got!" the ring leader, the one that pushed her, took the box and opened it, expecting some treats. He was left very disappointed to see that it was already eaten. "Man! You ate it! You barely left any icing!" he complained while the other two boys began to growl at Lightblox.

      Lightblox whimpered, her time on being outside becoming not so great. If she knew she would run into goons like this, she would of chosen to stay inside with Ghosdeeri. Now here she was, three angry boys standing over her.

      "You should of left some for us! We'll make sure you'll remember for next time-" the ring leader was just about give Lightblox the beating to remember when a tall and familiar figure stopped him right in his tracks. He and the other boys backed away in fear as Ghosdeeri came to the rescue.

      Lightblox scrambled up and ran under Ghosdeeri's legs, afraid of the little gang. One of the boys began to mock Lightblox, "You got your mommy to save you? Weakling!" Ghosdeeri tapped her staff, warning the boys. "Prideful, aren't we? That kind of attitude is what gets youngsters like you killed. I am not one against killing children if it means protecting my dear Lightblox," Ghosdeeri warned.

      The little gang knew a serious threat when they heard one. They ran away in total fear that Ghosdeeri was going to kick their butt. That was an easy victory that Ghosdeeri could get used to.

      "Lightblox? Are you okay?" Ghosdeeri crouched down and placed her hands on Lightblox's shoulder. Lightblox nodded, she was only a bit shaken up. Ghosdeeri sighed in relief. "Good, I'm glad you are. Now, why were you out here all by yourself!? You could of gotten snatched, maybe even killed!" Ghosdeeri began her worrisome rants.

      She quickly stopped as little Lightblox began to sniffle and cry, Ghosdeeri's harsh words getting to her. "I-I just wanted to look around!" Lightblox cried out, her helmet fogging up. Ghosdeeri looked at the little demon in sorrow. She had no idea she was hurting Lightblox more than she was protecting her.

      Reaching her hand over, Ghosdeeri opened Lightblox's helmet so she didn't start slobbering on it. Bringing Lightblox close, Ghosdeeri held her and pat her back. "I am so sorry, I shouldn't be keeping you locked up in the library. I promised Traffic I would watch and protect you. I promise to do better," Ghosdeeri promised.

      Lightblox kept on crying, not knowing how to feel. Perhaps she could use this to her advantage?

      "I-Ice cream?" Lightblox sniffled, beginning to calm down. Ghosdeeri sighed, she was being manipulated. She couldn't say no though. "Okay, ice cream," she caved in. "Yay!" Lightblox cheered as she used the sleeves of her sweater as a tissue. Looks like Ghosdeeri was doing some laundry tonight.

      Picking up Lightblox, Ghosdeeri took her to the closest place that had ice cream. It wasn't the best in the world, but it was better than nothing.

      Lightblox was still put in timeout, but Ghosdeeri only had her sit there for a few short minutes instead of reading a whole book like she would usually have Lightblox do. The two spent the two weeks having fun instead of sitting around reading boring books about taxes like Ghosdeeri usually does.

        When Traffic eventually returned, Lightblox just gave him a little hello before returning back to Ghosdeeri so she could finish their painted nails. It left a deep and sad pit in Traffic's heart as he didn't get his usual big hug, but he got over it in favor of doing nails with the girls.

      Lightblox was a huge health risk, but that didn't mean she deserved to be kept in here like she's a prisoner. Ghosdeeri would do better. She would be a cool big sister.

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