Detective prodigy

By MabuzEndri

101 15 0

A story of a young orphan girl who solves cases not even some of the best detectives can't solve. what will h... More

Character info
Chapter 1: A Detective Tale Begins
Chapter 2: A Solved Case
Chapter 3: A Detective Emerges
Chapter 4: Finishing a Dream
Chapter 5: Settling Into a New beginning
Chapter 6: Settling into a New Beginning 2
Chapter 7: Inching Towards Affection?
chapter 7.5: Cat incident
chapter 8: A Student Experience
Chapter 10: White City Case pt.1
Chapter 10.5: Lunch Date?
Chapter 11: White City Case pt. 2
Chapter 12: White City Case pt. 3
chapter 13: Looking Ahead to Saturday

Chapter 9: Working for Fun

4 1 0
By MabuzEndri

After the push ups are done, the teacher begins to speak again.

Teacher: Alright, let's get into the main part of today's lesson. We'll do some basic stretching first as it helps prevent injuries and also helps you build your ability to perform certain activities.

The teacher demonstrates some stretches that everyone has to do, including Emily and Marin. After the stretching is done, the teacher speaks again.

Teacher: Okay, we're now going to play a game to practice our teamwork, communication, and speed. The game is called 'Capture the Flag'. You all are going to split up into two teams, team 1 will hold the opposing team's flag and will have to defend it. Team 2 will try to take the flag from team 1 and bring it back safely to base. Once you get back the flag, you win. Are there any questions?

The class is quiet as no one has any questions.

Marin: How are the teams divided?

The teacher gives Marin a look, it seems that you'll have to decide amongst themselves.

Teacher: How are the teams divided? That's actually up to you. You two could just divide it between friends or you could divide it based on skill.

They then decided to draw lots with two numbers 1 and 2 and then divide the class using that

Emily and Marin both draw lots, Emily got a 1, so she's part of team 1. Marin got a 2, so that means she's part of team 2. Emily is on her left side, she looks over at Marin and smiles slightly. She seems confident in what team she belongs to based on her facial expression.

Marin: Well this'll be an interesting game *she thought to herself as the game then starts*

Each team takes their side of the game field, Emily and her team are on one side and Marin and her team are on the other side. Everyone's ready as the teacher gives the signal.

Teacher: Alright, the game starts now. Good luck to everyone.

Emily and her team, team 1 seem to be pretty confident as they prepare for the game.

~timeskip to sometime in the middle of the game~

Marin: Hey Mark catch *she says to a random classmate that's part of her team*

Mark catches the flag. Emily's team and Marin's team both start to move in their respective directions.

Emily's Team Member: Don't let them get away with the flag.

It seems like Emily and her team want the flag back.

Marin: Mark get the others and confuse them *she yells to him as she takes the flag from him and runs as fast as she can back to their team flag*

Mark: Okay got it! You two distract them for me!

Mark and one other person go to distract Emily and her team. Emily and her team look over to Marin and realize what's happening, Emily immediately starts running after her to get the flag back. She looks fast and she's not slowing down.

Marin: Faster *she thought to herself as she runs as fast as she can to win for her team as Emily chases her*

Emily is quickly gaining on Marin and she is now neck on neck with her. It seems like she's about to catch her as she stretches her arms towards Marin.

Marin slowed down at the right time and dodged Emily, she trips over herself and falls. She's now right next to Marin's team, but Emily still wants the flag back and she's very close to Marin.

Marin: Mark a little help here or anyone on the team

Mark: I've got you.

Mark immediately stops Emily from reaching Marin by stopping her from getting too close. Emily is now distracted and Marin can go back to her team flag and take the win. She then reaches and wins the game for her team.

There is a collective cheer from Marin's team members. Emily and her teammates look a little disappointed, but they still smile.

Teacher: Congratulations team 2, you won this game. You must have been amazing in your teamwork to manage to win this game.

After a few more games physical education class is over as Marin and Emily continue through their other classes it's now the end of the day and they are walking back to the dorms.

Emily: It sure was a fun day, we had some interesting lessons and a really fun day in Physical Education.

Emily looks at Marin with a smile on her face.

Emily: How was your day, Marin? Was the day as interesting for you as it was for me?

Marin: Yeah it was I wonder what our third day of class would be like, also I checked the schedule and information form we were given and I saw that we had a job board what's that all about anyway

Emily: Oh, right, the job board, that's a thing that the school provides so that students like us can work during their free time during the weekends and on holidays. They allow us to search for jobs nearby, so you can earn some money before Christmas to buy even better presents. I think that's a good idea, we could work to earn some extra cash.

Marin: Wait are there detective cases or mysteries there too *she says with the excitement of a puppy*

Emily: Haha, there may or may not be, I mean, it won't hurt to check the board, you never know what you can find. So you're getting a bit excited now, huh? Well, let's go find that board.

Marin: Yeah let's go now! *She says excitedly*

Emily: Haha, that's the spirit. Right, let's hurry to the job board. It's over there!

Emily quickly starts walking over to the job board, Marin follows along.

They then arrive near the job board as Marin sees tons of different jobs sorted by category and difficulty and on one corner are detective cases which interests her the most.

Emily: So, we're here. This is the job board you were talking about and the detective cases look very interesting.

Emily points to one case, the header says "The White City Murder," Marin notices that it is a medium difficulty case.

Emily: Should we choose this one? What do you think?

Marin: Yeah I wanna really improve my detective skills and you were really helpful last time.

Emily: No problem, that case was nothing for me. Now, should we get involved in this White City Murder case? *Emily seems quite interested in this particular case.* I have to admit that I'm interested in improving my detective skills as well. So I also want to take part in this investigation with you.

Marin: Wait you have detective skills I thought you focused on medicine

Emily: Well, I do have medical skills, but I've got detective skills too. I work in my spare time during the weekends to try and improve my detective skills even more. I guess you could call it a hobby of mine.

Emily takes the case flyer with her. She reads the page and her eyes light up.

Emily: Well we're definitely taking this investigation. It sounds really interesting.

Marin: Yeah let's go do it well probably tomorrow since it's already night time now

Emily: Yes, we'd have to investigate it tomorrow or another day since it's already night. But it'll be fun, I've got nothing else to do tomorrow so this will help kill some time.

Marin: Good night Emily

Emily: Goodnight Marin. Hopefully we'll have a blast with this investigation tomorrow.

Emily seems really pumped up about this investigation and she walks back to her dorm.

Marin: Yeah see ya tomorrow *she says as Marin goes to her dorm room where Felicia is already asleep in her bed as she now sleeps in her bed as well.*

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