Yandere One Shots

By A_non_ym_ous

57K 1K 368

One shots for when I'm bored and have quick ideas. All these stories have darker themes and plots, most if n... More

The Arena
The Arena P2
Into The Abyss
Once Upon A Dream
Hack N' Slash
Hack N' Slash Pt2
Revenge is Sweet
Truth Hurts
All The Kings Men
Step Into My Parlor
Touch Tone Telephone
Into the Water
The Willow Maid


3.7K 44 21
By A_non_ym_ous

F.Team Captain x JV.Reader

{P.S very inspired by the show YellowJackets}
{Lots of gore, gagging, generally gross}

   With a tired sigh, she pulled her backpack out of her locker, getting ready to go home. Practice had left her... tired to say the least.
   Though she was no softball pro, making JV at a school like hers was still a feat... of course, there was varsity, but at this point they were at royalty level; all of them with D1 scholarships or multiple schools vying for their skills. It was no wonder they were going to Nationals for the fourth time. It'd be the seniors last year, and they weren't leaving highschool without that trophy, that's for sure.

   Luckily, the coaches had allowed the senior JV girls to come on the trip too, to watch if they wanted to. Y/N decided to go, couldn't hurt to take a little 'school spirit' vacation for her sport; besides, she'd just hang out with her friends anyways.

    "Hey Y/N!"
    Her mind was drawn out of her thoughts at the sound, turning her head behind her to see none other than... Danica Vales.
    She was the queen of this sport. Team captain and star pitcher for varsity, her batting average being out of this world and her grades nothing less than godly. Not only that, but her looks were perfect. Never did Danica have a bad hair day, never did she lose her glistening tan and her face was just plain beautiful. She was the ideal teen dream; what the guys wanted, who the girls wanted to be.

  And for some reason... she was talking to me?

    For a second, the h/c stared like a deer in the headlights (honestly surprised Danica even knew her name), while the brunette just stood waiting for an answer with a bright smile- all her teeth perfectly straight and white.

   "Oh!- Hey!" Y/N managed to stumble out, awkwardly standing, very different to Danica's confident posture.
   "Hey! So, I know the flight for nationals is tomorrow and all... but there's a party going down at the lake tonight. You down?" She asked with a tilt of her head, making her ponytail swish.
   Y/N blinked, bewildered by all of this- other girls in the locker room watched just as shocked. Danica Vales talking to Y/N L/N? It was a crazy thing to see, especially since nobody even knew who Y/N L/N was.

   "Uh- yeah! Sounds good." Y/N shrugged, trying to act casual and hide her nervousness in talking to such an influential girl.
    "Perf! See you there!" Danica grinned, giving her a wave before walking away with a bounce in her step.
    "When did you get friends in high places?" Molly, the second baseman and friend Y/N had made through playing, snickered.
    Y/N shrugged and gave a breathy laugh, finishing grabbing things. "Right now, I guess. I've only talked to varsity girls a few times- nonetheless Danica fuckin' Vales." She shook her head in disbelief, Molly giving her a clap on the back.
   "Well, maybe she's seen how good of a catcher you are, yanno?" Molly laughed and Y/N snorted, rolling her eyes.
   "No way. I'm child's play compared to Trisha."

    Trisha; another big name. Catcher for varsity and all around the last bitch you wanted to mess with. She stood at a hefty 6'2 and every bit of it was filled with muscle. Plus, her arm was stronger than everyones... and it most certainly correlated into how hard she could punch. Plus plus, her and Danica had been besties since freshman year; Trisha was like Danica's damn body guard.
   So, in short, there was no way she was recognizing Y/N when Trisha was in the picture.

   "Anyways," She sighed, walking out of the locker room with Molly, "the party will probably be fun. Wanna come? It'll be boring by myself." Y/N asks and Molly gives a nod with a grin.
   "Hell yeah! Free alcohol is a yes from me any day."

    Easy as that, the two girls went home, got showered up and ready for the party. Both of course dressing nice for the boys that were sure to be there... you know, 'teen girl' stuff.
   When the two got there, music was blasting from a speaker in the back of someone's truck and beer was in coolers all around while everyone mingled around the shore, a few drunk guys jumping off the small pier for show.

    Molly and Y/N headed down to the shore, the lake reflecting the moon nicely. It'd be serene if not for all the drunken teenagers. 
   The two quickly grabbed a beer and started drinking. Neither wanted to go too overboard with the flight for nationals being tomorrow but... things easily down spiral.
   'I'm just going to have one' turns into to two... then so suddenly you've had three; next thing you know, you've hit five and are chugging down the sixth.

    A drunken giggle came out Y/N's mouth as she was lead away by some boy, her lips turning into a pout.
   "But I wanna partyyy!" She whined, weakly trying to pull her wrist away.
   "C'mon, this'll be more fun, I promise." He grinned, pulling the girl behind a tree and some brush, pinning her against the bark.

    His hands made quick work of getting under her shirt, and she gave a drunken grumble, lazily smacking him while still barely holding onto her beer.
   "Heyyyy... no touchy touchyyy..." Y/N pouted as he went back, this time successfully pulling off her shirt, leaving her in just her bra over her top.
     "Oh don't be a stick in the mud, we're just gonna play a little game." He snickered, ogling her breasts while a hand went up to squeeze one.

    The drunken girl didn't like this game, but was too hazy to do much, seeing as she could barely stand by this point. "But I don' wanna play... I wanna party..." Y/N mumbled as his hand went to the waist and of her pants.
   "It'll be fun babe, trust me."

   "She said she doesn't want you, asshole." A different voice hissed, this one female.
    Y/N groggily looked over, seeing none other than Danica... her figure highlighted by the truck lights from the party, the alcohol in Y/N's system making the headlights look more like a glow; Danica looked like an angel...
    It was the first time Y/N had ever seen the girl mad, and even then she was still pretty. Her downward lips and furrowed brows were perfect as ever.

   "Would you fuck off?" The boy hissed, pulling his hand from Y/N's pants.
   "Look douche face, get the hell away from her before I snap your fucking dick in half, you hear me? And don't think I won't!" Danica snapped back, now in his face and jabbing her finger against his chest.

    The boy stayed silent for a second before rolling his eyes and muttering something, promptly leaving.
    She rolled her eyes and huffed, before looking to Y/N with a softer look. "You good, girl?" She asked, gently placing her hands on the drunken girls shoulders.
   Y/N gave a sloppy nod before laughing. "Didn' mean to get dis drunk..." She slurred, leaning heavily against the tree for support.

    Danica just snickered and shook her head. She was surprised, Y/N was always a pretty responsible girl. Fairly good grades and was essentially the little team captain for the jv even if they didn't officially have one... Dani respected that. Admired it. Funny, how she could look so highly at someone for things that she herself had accomplished ten fold.

    "You looked like... an angel..." Y/N said randomly in barely a whisper, looking deeply into Danica's green eyes.... Noticing how there were flecks of gold and brown that outlined her pupils. The things you notice while drunk, huh?
"I've been... looking... at you for a while... Y/N... you know that?" Danica said quietly, her cheeks a flaming red as she leaned closer to the drunk girl, not knowing why she felt now was the time to say this.

"Meee? Nah..." Y/N chuckled, back to her chipper, drunk self. "Yourrr... Danica... Danica Vallllesss... I'm just... Y/N." She mumbled, her words mixing together.
"No, your not." Dani replied firmly, cupping her cheeks. "You're... you're so much better than me and you don't even know it..." She tucked a piece of h/c hair behind her ear, looking at her fondly.
The pounding in her chest was hard to ignore... especially since Y/N just looked so.... kissable right now... Dani knew it was wrong, that it didn't fit any social quota, but it was what she was feeling and she could barely resist it. She was always too shy to try and talk to Y/N, her feelings getting the better of her every time she tried but... they were talking now and it was wonderful.

But of course, every wonderful thing had to end, and that end always came too soon for Danica.
She watched as Y/N's eyes began to close and the girl started to fall into a drunken slumber right in front of Dani.

With a sigh, the brunette looped her arm under Y/N's shoulder, letting her lean.
"I'll get you home..." She whispered, before hesitating... and placing a little peck on her cheek, proceeding to haul her up the hill to the parking lot, getting her into the passenger seat.

Y/N's alarm blared, causing her to flinch out of sleep and slap the thing to to turn it off.
"Fuck..." She muttered, placing a hand to her forehead as it began to ache... hangover.
With a groan, she flipped onto her back and stared at the ceiling, trying to recall the events of last night but... after the fifth beer everything was a blur, just bits and pieces... but for some reason, Danica's name rang through her head.

With another whiney groan, she forced herself out of bed and began to get dressed for the flight, her bag being packed the day prior.
Softball required punctuality, so Y/N was ready to go in only a half hour and at the airport right on time.
The massive group of girls were lead through the airport by the varsity coaches, and all got on their flight soundly- the entire plane being booked out just for them.

Molly pulled her blanket over her body, before looking at Y/N. "How you feelin?" She asked.
"Hangover." Y/N mumbled, taking a sip of her coffee.
"Ah, shit. Sorry man. I lucked out, I'm feeling pretty good, must've slept it off." Molly shrugged, but Y/N just knew it was because she had a higher tolerance.
"Did you have to drag me to the car?" She laughed, not remembering how it went down last night.
Molly shook her head. "Actually, Danica ended up taking you home," she shrugged, "weird as that is."

Her face scrunched up. "Really?" She asked, looking down at her coffee. "That is weird. Nice of her, but weird."
Molly gave another shrug. "Yeah, I dunno. She was probably just being nice; maybe felt obligated. Yanno, she is team captain, looking out for people is just her thing."
Y/N nods. "Yeah, guess so."

     As the plane takes off, Y/N turns on her music and closes her eyes, drifting off for most of the flight....

    The headphones placed on her head were thrown off by a large bump, smacking Y/N out of sleep.
   Now alert, she sat up straight and looked around to see everyone panicking....

    Panicked screams and yelling filled the airplane, a loud banging sound making Y/N's ears hurt- before the masks fell down from the ceiling.
   Numbly, she grabbed a mask, placing it over her face- before feeling someone's hand squeeze hers.
    Looking over, Y/N could see Molly gripping her hand with white knuckles, tears pumping out of her eyes.
    Y/N just stared, before looking past her to an open window, watching as the trees were strangely close...

   Her mind was reeling, not knowing what to do, so she was an eery amount of calm while her heart beat in a panicked way.
   Molly continued to cry while Y/N's eyes stayed fixated on the trees, the sounds around her numbing as she watched them go down; feeling like she was witnessing her own death.

   The last thing she felt was the plane slamming into the ground and her head smacking into the seat in front of her, the world going dark.

    "Y/N!" A familiar voice yelled, a stinging feeling on her cheek making her open her bleary eyes, the world fuzzy around her.
   "Thank fuck." Molly sniffled, cupping Y/N's face.

    Y/N sat up numbly, looking around. "What... what..." She mumbled, seeing girls scattered everywhere as well as plane wreckage, the smell of fuel and smoke thick in the air while a pine forest surrounded them.
   Shakily, she rose her hand to her forehead, hissing as her fingers pressed into a gash, only making her migraine worse.

    "I don't know what we're gonna do." Molly said with a shaky breath, shellshocked from the entire thing. Y/N gave a shallow breath, watching as Trisha helped a different girl pull a very obviously dead coach out of the wreckage of the plane, the girl in hysterics while Trisha had a disturbed look on her face...
   Y/N stared at how his leg was twisted wrong and a piece of metal stuck out of his face, never having seen gore like that before.

   "Not end up like him."

    After the wreck, the girls had come together, Danica and Trisha taking charge. For the first week, they survived on what was found in the plane... but that was gone fast. After that, foraging became a needed food source.... But that was few and far between. The only set of berries they found ended up being poisonous, killing the jv girl who had eaten them. Hunting was the next option, using tools made from wreckage scraps. This didn't fix the problem, as the consistent venison, turned into a single squirrel or rabbit- maybe the occasional bird, which did not feed almost twenty girls.
   Then, came the first snow. Starvation had already set in, but now, the cold had too.
    Conflict quickly arose... and the varsity team had begun hoarding any and all food from the jv, leaving them not a scrap and not a single thing for warmth.

    Huddled together, the six jv girls shivered, trying to regain warmth with each other... watching the varsity girls argue with each other around the fire, covered in some furs as well as layers of clothes found in the luggage...
   "F-f-fuck them..." Molly muttered with chattering teeth, leaning further into Y/N.

     Y/N watched as Dani and Trish seemed to be explaining something to the rest of the group... the whole thing had taken an almost ritualistic turn.
   Danica and Trisha both wore bones from their kills on their heads, a deer skull on top of Dani's and a bone necklace on Trisha's; this signaled their rank. It was a primal sort of government, a cruel one where only the strong survive... the jv were not viewed as strong.

    The two leaders looked over to the freezing girls, giving a nod before walking towards them.
    "We're sorry for how we've treated you... for kicking you out..." Dani said slowly, in a kind voice.... Something was odd, though. There was a certain hunger in her eyes something akin to lust not starvation. It made Y/N uncomfortable.
   "Come to the fire, we don't want you to freeze to death." Trisha sighed, her face as cold as the snow, her tone monotone. She had never been an emotional person before but... she was numb now.

    The six jv girls looked to each other, one named Natalie getting up quickly. The other five decided to follow suit... cautiously walking over to the fire.
   "Sit, please." Dani said, sitting on the ground in line with the other varsity girls who had circled around the fire, patting the spot beside her. Y/N frowned and slowly sat next to her, but couldn't deny that the warmth from the fire was heavenly.
    Once the jv girls were settled, Y/N noticed how everyone was staring at them like they had three heads... it was creepy.

     Y/N watched Dani give a nod, in the corner of her eye watching Trisha pull something from her pocket. With furrowed brows, she looked over- watching her plunge the hidden bone shiv into Natalie's neck, blood spraying everywhere as a gurgle sound came from the girl.

    "What the fuck!?" A different jv girl screamed, attempting to run away before Trisha promptly grabbed her and pinned her.
    Y/N scrambled to her feet- what the fuck are they doing!?
    She went to run, before feeling a grip on her arm, looking down to see Dani staring at her wide eyed with her fingers curled around Y/N's wrist.
    For a second, they just stared at each other, before Dani wordlessly released her wrist, mouthing the word 'go.'

    Y/N did not waste a second, and grabbed onto Molly's arm. "Let's fucking go!" She screeched, dragging her friend, sprinting away into the dark, snowy woods.

    Her feet were taken out from under her as Molly suddenly fell- Y/N looking back quickly to see a different varsity girl had jumped on top of Molly, trying to stab her with a shiv fashioned out of plane metal.
    "Get off!" Molly screamed, holding the girls arms as the knife got closer to Molly's throat.

    "We've gotta eat, bitch!" The girl hissed, pushing harder onto Molly.

     Y/N looked around quickly, before seeing a large stone. With panicked breaths, she grabbed the stone from the snow, and ran over to Molly's attacker- slamming the stone into her head.
    The varsity girl let out a shriek, falling off Molly, her head reeling.
    Y/N made sure to not let her back up- slamming the rock into her skull again, this time blood spurted out.

    Third times a charm-

    The rock came hurtling down and smashed into her head again... leaving a bloody mess, her head now concave and her blonde hair soaked with blood.

   "Fuck." Molly whispered, seeing the sight.
   Y/N's hands shook at what she had done... blood splattered across her face and her hands red.
   She cleared her throat and drew in a breath. "Take her shit, we've got to go." Y/N whispered before yanking the fur coat from her body as well as her zip up jacket, while Molly took her makeshift knife.

   They gave one last glance to the fire, the captured jv girl screaming and crying, before bolting away into the woods.

    After that night, Y/N and Molly had hid in the dark, watching as they skinned and ate Natalie, as if it was a five course meal. Y/N felt ashamed that her stomach clenched with want as her body cooked over the flames.
   One of the other jv girls had been caught as well, the two tied to a tree and gagged... presumably the next meals. Treated like livestock as they were fed the scrap from Natalie's body...

    The varsity girls had gone full fucking crazy, eating Natalie's meat like it was just beef... laughing and singing after they had eaten, thanking Dani and Trisha as if they were gods for their meal.
   It was especially horrible when they sat and gnawed on the dead girls bones, sucking out the bone marrow.

Molly and Y/N left after that night... trying to find shelter, food. But it was no use. The snow was getting deeper, the wind colder, and their stomachs emptier.
"Y/N... we're gonna die out here." Molly whispered, huddled up beside her as they shivered against the harsh wind, hiding behind a clump of boulders.
"No... n-no we're not." Y/N replied quietly, her tears freezing to her face. She just wanted to sleep... but sleep meant death.

"Is that...?" Molly questioned between chattering teeth, her eyes narrowing at the sight... seeing light. Moving light. It dawned on her that it was a torch.
"Oh fuck-" Y/N muttered, starting to get up- before Molly was torn from her side and pulled away.

"Molly!" Y/N screamed, unable to see where she had gone because of the white winds that only let her see a foot in front of her.
Y/N could only hear her screams... screams that were tossed and thrown across the sky, not giving Y/N any sense of where she had gone.

Y/N turned in circles, trying to see where her friend went- before she was shoved to the ground, powder snow pillowing into her face.
"We've been looking for you fuckers." A familiar voice said.

Y/N scrambled to get up, but a foot was pressed into her back holding her down. The girl grabbed Y/N's hair tightly, her other foot placed near Y/N's face as she pulled her head up by a fistful of hair.
She looked to see Trisha's face, unable to move from the position.
"You know, Dani wanted me to keep you. Sees somethin' in you but... all I see is meat." She hissed, tightening her grip. "And I'm fucking hungry." Trisha growled, before yanking Y/N up by the hair, forcing the smaller girl onto her knees.

Trisha harshly grabbed Y/N's wrists and tied them together with some poorly fashioned rope made of God knows what.
Y/N had always knew Trisha was strong but... she severely underestimated how much stronger she got in a situation like this.

The taller girl pulled Y/N up, dragging her through the woods... the wind had died down, making the visibility a little better- but Y/N could tell Trisha was finding her way back by the small notches in the trees.
Sooner than later, the two were at the crash/camp site, her stomach clenching since she never wanted to see this again.

Her eyes flicked over to Molly who was tied up to a tree with a different jv girl- screaming and crying, pulling against the tree... while the other girl just stared at the ground with a haunted look. Maybe she knew she was next.

    Suddenly, Y/N was shoved forward into someone, her eyes being pulled from the tied up girls.
   "This was the one, right?" Trisha asked.
    The h/c stumbled away from whoever she'd been shoved into, looking up to see Danica.
    "Yes. This one." Dani said uncannily calm, gently grasping Y/N's arm.
    "I don't see why we don't just eat her." Trisha grumbled, causing Danica to glare slowly.
    "Because." Dani replied, before pulling the jv catcher away, leading her towards a tent (more like a makeshift tipi) made of deer hide.

    Danica's gentle grip suddenly turned into a shove so hard, Y/N went stumbling into the fur floor of tent. Before she could even try to get up, Dani straddled her hips with her back facing
Y/N, quickly fastening a rope around Y/N's ankles, then turning back with a bright smile, taking her deer skull mask off and placing it to the side.

    "Oh Y/N... you must've been so cold..." She said slowly, crawling towards the girl.
    Y/N did her best to shuffle away, but couldn't escape Dani's hands cupping her cheeks softly, her acrylic nails now chipped and her moisturized skin now calloused.

   "Don't touch me!" Y/N yelled, trying to pull her face away, but Dani only tightened her grip, a mocking pout on her lips.
   "Why? Because I'm crazy? Because I'm a killer...? Because I ate someone?" She asked in a fake shocked voice, as if those things weren't horrible.
   "Yes!" Y/N snapped in return. That was exactly why she didn't want her to touch her!

    A glint of insanity flashed across her eyes, widening to an uncomfortable extent while her smile stayed rigid. "I'm surviving, Y/N." She leaned closer, tilting her head. "Cant you see?"

    Y/N was disgusted by her delusion, not knowing how she thought this was okay. "I'm surviving too! But I didn't become- a fucking psycho cannibal!" She hissed.
   Dani only laughed softly, shaking her head. "You killed someone too, Y/N. Bashed her fucking brains in with a rock- with your bare hands! Then left her for the maggots to eat." Dani said with a predatory tone, her nails digging into Y/N's cheeks slightly, making her cringe in pain. "At least I have the decency to make it quick... and use their bodies for good. Their sacrifices were not in vain..." She sighed softly, her smile now weirdly gentle, as if it was a beautiful thing.

    "I only killed her to!- to..." Y/N stopped, trying to reframe her sentence, her brows furrowing.
    "To survive...?" Dani questioned with a smug look, making Y/N glare.
    "...to survive." She agreed reluctantly. Either way, they were on two entirely different plains of killing.

    The two went quiet for a second, Dani just looking adoringly into her crush's e/c eyes. "Before we left... you're cheeks were so plump and rosey... so... cute." She smiled warmly. "But now... you're pale and... god, so skinny. I want to change that..." Dani mused before letting out a giggle and suddenly planting little kisses up her jaw, leaving Y/N flabberghasted- what was she doing!?

    "I miss... the comforts of regular life but... this? Oh... it's... so much better..." Dani twirled a strand of Y/N's h/c hair around her finger, laying beside her, whispering in her ear. "Being the it girl was fun and all but... it's so entirely unfulfilling... well, that was until I started to focus on you..." She giggled. "But we were worlds apart... there'd be so many complications with us dating... but now? Now... there's no one to tell us anything... and I can focus on you and only you if I want." Dani rambled on, leaving
Y/N's mind spinning.

   "Dani- what the fuck are you saying?" She hissed, earning a sickening little giggle.
   "I'm so madly in love with you, Y/N... and I'm happy to be stuck here with you... in these woods... it's truly a dream come true, don't you think?"
   Y/N's eyes narrowed into slits, her stomach swirling in disgust when more kisses were planted on her jaw. "No it's not a dream come true- you are just utterly insane, Danica, and being out here lets you act however you like." She retorted, getting a genuine pout this time.

   "You're just hungry, that's why you think that." She huffed, sitting up. "I'll be back." And with that, she left the tent... leaving Y/N to wonder about what she was going to bring back.

After a few minutes, Danica came back into the tent, the hide flaps closing behind her. In her hands was a slab of wood, some form of meat on the plank... though, Y/N could guess what it was.

With a soft smile, Dani got on her knees beside Y/N, picking up a piece of meat. "Open your mouth~" She hummed.
Y/N scowled, her stomach betraying her and growling at the smell. "What the fuck is that?" She asked quickly, praying it was venison, rabbit, something- but she knew it wasn't.
"Well... I won't lie to you. But, I can't really remember her name, I just know she was your left fielder." Dani said nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders as if there wasn't human remains in her hands.
Y/N eyes went wide. "Her name was Anya." She said quietly, her voice breaking. A sour taste filled her mouth, unable to comprehend that the walking, living, breathing girl was now meat on a plate right in front of her.

"Well, you need to eat." Dani replied, pushing the cooked flesh towards her mouth.
Y/N cringed and pressed her lips together tightly, jerking her head away- causing Danica to frown. "Y/N. Don't be difficult. Either you eat or I force it down your throat, it's your choice." She said in a lower tone, staring into Y/N's eyes with a stern look.

Y/N didn't budge.

Dani sighed, and set the piece of human flesh down. "The hard way... why'd you have to pick the hard way?" She grumbled, before roughly putting her hands on Y/N's mouth.
The h/c tried to struggle, but Dani just pushed her head into the ground, her hands prying Y/N's jaw apart from her top set of teeth.

She let out a scream as Danica's fingers looped over her bottom teeth, forcing her jaw down, leaving her mouth wide open.
"Good girl." She chirped, feeling as Y/N tried to close her mouth- but was unable to.

Her hand reached for the meat with her free hand, grabbing a small piece before placing it in her mouth- hoping she'd just swallow.
But no, Y/N stayed strong and closed her throat, letting the meat sit in the back of her mouth, her tongue desperately moving to try and get the human flesh out.

Dani let out a frustrated grumble, before pressing two fingers onto the flesh, forcing it down her throat.
Y/N gagged and choked, tears bubbling out of her eyes as the brunette continued to force the meat down, her fingers feeling like worms in her esophagus.

With a sputtering cough, she swallowed the piece of Anya, and Danica pulled her fingers from Y/N's mouth.
She let out a cry, feeling guilty and ashamed that her stomach enjoyed the forbidden meal.

Dani kissed her forehead lightly, watching as tears slid out of Y/N's pretty e/c eyes.
"I know you don't like it, baby, but your body does... and I want your body healthy..." Dani cooed slowly, kissing a few of her tears away... before she grabbed another small hunk of Anya's flesh.

"...I can't have you starving on me, dearest."

{This was deffie my longest one so far. Hope you guys enjoyed :)}

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