Drop Dead Gorgeous

By ValkyrieJade19

12.3K 642 349

Valkyrie Cain has been shunted back to the 1600's by time traveller, Herman Grave while on a mission to track... More

A Werewolf and China Sorrows
Time Travellers and Burgers
Cliffs and a Diner
A Little Birdy and an Academy
The Cafeteria and the Shunter
The Boulder and a Piece of Paper
A Voice in her Head
Seducing and Swimming
The Walk and a Challenge
The Dance and Revenge
Engulfed and Intimidated
We Live and We Plot
Valduggery Fluff
Just Friends
The Abduction and Sable
Ride to the Rescue
Help is on the Way
Preparation and Jewellery
The Plan is in Motion
Confiding in a Surprise Friend
Regrets Tanith and the Werewolf
Apologies and Randy Clarke
Death and Chaos
Back to the 21st Century
The Key
The Ugly Truth
Wake up Valkyrie!
'Until the End'
The Unbelievable Truth Behind the Werewolf
Argeddion & Darquesse
The End of Argeddion

The Dance

287 20 13
By ValkyrieJade19

Valkyrie was having trouble keeping her feelings from bubbling out of control. They were sitting in the carriage (how she missed the Bentley) and were on their way to the school dance.

Sitting next to her was Skulduggery, Asaria, Dexter, Ghastly and Tanith. They were all chatting excitedly, but Valkyrie was mainly quiet, thinking to herself. She wasn't going to let that son of a bitch Grave get in the way of her having a good time tonight, and that was a promise, one she hoped she could keep.

Valkyrie stepped out into the warm night, and Skulduggery took her hand in his. Together, they walked towards the doors of Reinstone Academy. The front door was open, and decorations were lining the hallway. Skulduggery led her down the corridor, to the room at the end. The Gym.

I guess it's big enough, Valkyrie thought to herself.

They walked through the double doors and directly into a happy atmosphere. Decorations were covering the roof, and drinks were on tables with chips and dip. On the dance floor, people were dancing already, songs being sung by a singer. Valkyrie smiled.

"This looks amazing," she said. Skulduggery grinned.

"It does. Not as amazing as you though."

Valkyrie turned her head to look at him.
"You flirting with me again?" She asked.

"You said to never stop, and I'm not stopping," he replied, pulling her in close and kissing her full out on the lips. At first she was surprised, then she let herself love it. The kiss was full of passion that Valkyrie had kept hidden for so long, and their tongues battled for dominance. Valkyrie found that her hands had gotten lost in his hair, and she was pulling him towards her, her heart bursting with love and determination.

Don't stop, she thought. Please let it go on forever.

Valkyrie felt Skulduggery's hands on her hips, holding her close, kissing with as much passion as she was. Valkyrie was unaware that the whole room had fallen silent. All too soon, as broke away, gasping for breath. Skulduggery was too. She laughed softly, and he smiled.


"Good job," she said, beaming.

"You too."

Valkyrie heard clapping, and turned to see that everyone was cheering for her and Skulduggery. She could see Asaria, grinning from ear to ear. Ghastly was clapping loudly, and Louisa was almost squealing. China stood there at the other end of the room, her blue eyes casting an icy glare that made Valkyrie's spine tingle. Skulduggery put an arm around her waist, and they walked onto the dance floor together.


The night had been amazing so far, and Valkyrie was having the time of her life. Asaria kept winking at her, and every time Valkyrie would roll her eyes and smile. She saw Louisa and Anton making out in the corner at 9:00, and Asaria and Dexter kissing behind a curtain. She tried to pour all her feelings into her kisses with Skulduggery, knowing that they were probably going to be her last chance to express her emotions before she was forced to carry our Grave's plan. How evil the plan was, how horrid, devious...


Valkyrie tried her best to not think about the time traveller or his plans as she danced a waltz with Skulduggery, noting how his green eyes stayed locked on her face the entire time. She would never she his future skeleton self again, and the last thing they did was argue and fight. That made it a whole lot worse.

The 21st Century:

Skulduggery paced back and forth in front of Ghastly's desk, his skull bowed in thought.

"Come on Skulduggery. It's been weeks," Ghastly said. "You probably just have to face the fact that she's not coming back."

"She is coming back," Skulduggery muttered.

"When? Tomorrow? Next week? Come on Skulduggery she's not on holidays."

The detective kept his head hung low as he stopped to look out the door.

"What if I never see her again, and the last thing we did together was fight?"

"At least she would still be that feisty, determined little fighter you knew."

"Stop talking in past tense."

Ghastly sighed.
"You're hiding it from yourself, and you know it. You know for a fact that she's gone, you just don't want to admit it to yourself."

"It's only been a few weeks. We have to keep looking."

"Cassandra Pharos still can't see anything in her visions, still that dark, heavy presence that she says is hanging over us."

Skulduggery started pacing again.
"You really aren't going to give up are you?"

"No. And there's nothing that you can say or do to stop me giving up on Valkyrie," Skulduggery snapped, storming out the door and slamming it behind him.

The 1600's:

And still Valkyrie partied. By now her and Skulduggery had retreated to the bathroom. Valkyrie wanted to make the most of this night, to express her love for Skulduggery. China wouldn't be happy, she never was, but Valkyrie didn't care. Skulduggery was hers. At least for the night.

"Skul?" She asked as his lips caressed her neck.

"Mmm?" He murmured.

"Your given name?"

He laughed.
"No way."

She sighed irritated. He looked at her face.
"Why do you want to know so much?" He asked.

"I'm curious."

"Typical. They always are."

"Why don't you want me to know?"

"I don't like it."

"I'll like it no matter what."

"You won't like this one."

"I will, I promise."

He thought for a moment to himself.
"Nope, still not telling you."

Valkyrie sighed and moaned as his hands found her hips and he kissed her neck.

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