Zodiac Signs

By Niki_Malik

93.8K 1.9K 634

Welcome to my zodiac book! A book where you can learn about your zodiac. Not all my posts. More

Your zodiac flower
Zodiac Birthstone
Zodiac Career
Most to least likely to understand a joke the first time
Most to least likely to walk into a wall
Most to Least likely to picture you naked during a inappropriate time
Most to Least likely to take charge in the bedroom
Most Likely to
why we can't stand the sign
Mtl Emotionally unstable
The signs on their period
The zodics in love
Mah Zodiac
Have a hidden strengh when provoked
Mtl to murder the one they love
"Cautious is my middle name" squad
The "nice booty"squad
Most to least likely to fight you for the last cookie
Most to Least Likely to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse
Most to Least Likely to do Something Illegal
"Tells it Like it is" Squad
You Will Remember
Most Stubborn
Experts at Seduction
Battery Percentage
The Signs Proposing
Zodiac Women React to Proposal
The signs drunk
You're an Instrument Babe
The Zodiacs in Horror Movies
The Zodiac Bands
The Signs as Languages
Eye Color
Disney Princess Zodiac
Signs as White Mom Names
Best Place to Live For Your Zodiac
The Signs Pregnant
The Zodiac Accents
Ways the Signs Show Anger
Greek God/Goddess on Mount Olympus
Zodiac Party
Tom and Jerry
Wattpad Authors Note
The 'Queen' Squad
The "Annoying af But You Still Love Em" Sqaud
The "Seems Harmless But is Actually Terrifying When They Get Mad" Sqaud
The Zodiacs and Squads
StarBucks Drinks
Love Story Gemini (M) Libra (F) *Requested*
Libra and Capricorn *Requested*
Aries (F) and Scorpio (M) *Requested*
Aries (F) and Libra (M) *Requested*
Dear Zodiac Lovers,
Pisces (F) and Scorpio (M)
Not an Update But Please Read!!!!
Gemini (F) and Scorpio (M)
Virgo (F) and Sagittarius (M)
Halloween Costumes
Who Would Die In the Titanic?
Once Upon a Time
Pretty Little Liars
The Vampire Diaries
Tumblr School
Movie Genre
Meet the "Soulmate"
Signs as Kahoot! usernames
The New Zodiac Sign
Power Couples
The Type of Friend
Places in the House
How to Know if They're Attracted to You
Call vs Text
Yearbook Superlatives
Signs as White Dad names
Signs as Hogwart Houses
Types of Girls

Ice Cream

762 26 10
By Niki_Malik

Aries: Rocky Road
Taurus: French Vanilla
Gemini: Amaretto
Cancer: Strawberry
Leo: Mint Chocolate Chip
Virgo: Chocolate
Libra: Napoleon
Scorpio: Cookie Dough
Sagittarius: Butter Pecan
Capricorn: Cookie N Cream
Aquarius: Coffee
Pisces: Cake Batter

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