A Very Good Place To Start

By rantsofapenguin

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Ian and Lea grew up together as best friends which means that nobody can tolerate his philanderings and assho... More



248 16 29
By rantsofapenguin

She first hears the sizzling of a pan as she steps out of the elevator before the smell of aromatics being sauteed reaches her and guides her to the kitchen where the sight of Ian cooking while the baby is safely stowed in a carrier near the counter but far enough from the stoves to be safe. She smiles upon seeing the two, with Ian–ever the meticulous man in the kitchen despite his humongous size– making sure to check on the baby every once in a while to make sure he is alright.

"Hey," he greets her and she waves at him before making a beeline straight to the baby carrier where Mason immediately giggles at the sight of her.

She smiles at the little and coos, "hey Macy." Carefully, she unstraps him from the carrier and holds him in her arms where he immediately snuggles against her chest. "Tamy is here, love," she tells him and she walks to the stool across Ian.

"I'm cooking pork sinigang," he tells her and she grins. Every once in a while, when he actually decides to not be an asshole, he's actually a pretty decent human being... and pretty good cook too. And while Lea's favorite is simpler than most of the dishes he can whip up, he still makes it a point to cook sinigang for her every now and then— like today.

"OH!" she exclaims when she remembers something. The three-month old tries to look at her and she assists his head so she can kiss Mason's forehead. "Hey, baby boy," she says gently (and if someone asks Ian, he'd say so uncharacteristically of her). "Do you know who I met today? Mamu Bel!" she tells him and the baby giggles. "That's right! And do you know what she told me?" By this point, even Ian is looking at her, curious as to what Lea's mom said as well. "She wants to see you. That's right!" She blows a blueberry against the baby's stomach that has him giggling before pressing on, "Mamu Bel wants to see the one and only Mr. Mason." She then turns to look at Ian who is grinning already. "Mom is asking if we can go over sa bahay tomorrow for lunch. She's cooking daw." She never thought it would be possible for him to grin even wider.

"Siyempre! Si Ma pa ba? I miss Mama Bel's cooking."

She glares and scoffs at him, looking like she is about ready to fight him (as usual). "Bakit ka excited? You are a chef," she reminds him but as is typical of him, he shrugs and continues to season the stew he is cooking with pureed tamarind.

"Just in case you forgot, that is if you have also forgotten the resto's name, Ma is still the original cook. Her paella is to die for!" he declares and refuses any protest coming from her knowing that she isn't that much big of a fan of the Spanish dish.


"You're here again?!" Six-year-old Lea exclaims when she sees Ian arrive. No, she's not irritated. She's not mad either. She doesn't exactly despise his presence. Okay, so maybe she'd admit that he's her best friend and they have loads of fun together but she knows that he has a tendency to be a little arrogant so she's taken it upon herself to put him in line. Sometimes, that means being a bit rough.

"Princess, that's not very nice," her mother, Isabella, berates her and turns to welcome Ian with a hug. "Hi, sweetheart,"she greets as the boy clings to her in a bear hug.

Ian turns to look at Lea with a shit-eating grin that is so quintessential of him. She crosses her arms and harrumphs causing him to stick his tongue out at her.

"Alright, is anyone hungry?" Isabella interjects and Ian waits not another second to respond with a resounding me. "Alright, let's go to the kitchen."

Lea sighs visibly and pulls on Ian's hand as they trail after her mother who always entertains the two of them in the kitchen (never the dining because they are messy, messy kids). Lea leans towards Ian's ear and says, "it's a good thing you came. Mama won't keep on telling me to eat her food."

Ian stares at her in confusion. "You don't want Mama Bel's food? But it's the best in the world!"

Lea tuts. "That's why you're here, so you can eat instead of me," she says and beams. Ian doesn't put up a protest, he's not about to when the primary reason why he went to visit is Isabella's cooking. Playing with Lea is secondary, although he would never tell her that.

The helpers assist the kids to the highchairs where a plate is laid out on each of their sides.

"Mama?" Lea calls.

"Yes, love?" Isabella replies without taking her eyes off the wok she is handling.

"Can I have scrambled eggs?"

Isabella pauses to look at her daughter. "But honey, I made Paella."

"Plleaaaaase," Lea insists, which is responded to with a sigh.

"Alright," Isabella concedes with a sigh and calls for another helper to prepare the request. "What about you, Ian? You want scrambled eggs too?"

The little boy shakes his head. "I love paella!" He declares which makes both Isabella and Lea smile, the first one because the boy is much too vocal of his love for the food she prepares, and the second one because she gets to evade the dish without much fuss.

"Good one, you should come here again tomorrow," Lea whispers to Ian with a thumbs up, which he returns with enthusiasm.

And returns the day after... and the day after... until he's become Isabella's little kitchen helper. All the while, little Lea is pleased with herself– she's got a playmate and a best friend, and someone who likes eating the food her mama makes so she doesn't have to.


He parks his car in the usual spot before turning off the engine and helping Lea and Mason off the car. He carries the carseat while Lea leads them into their family house (although honestly, she doesn't even have to. He knows the way to the kitchen all too well).

They are redirected to the dining room by a helper before they reach the kitchen. In there are Lea's parents. Javier is settled at the head of the table while Isabella is fussing over the dish placements.

"Hi, hijo!" Javier greets the two of them happily, all ire from the maling akala that earned Ian a blackeye all forgotten. "You're here. Have a seat," he invites and stands up to meet them. But of course, as per usual lately, his attention is immediately caught by the little one in the car seat. "Hello, sweet boy," he greets and crouches a bit to see the little one better. "You are growing bigger and bigger every time Papu sees you."

It doesn't take long for Isabella to join in on the party. She gives both Ian and Lea a hug before retrieving the little one from the confines of the carrier, which if his coos are anything to go by, renders him well pleased.

"Mamu is very happy to see you, yes I am," she tells the baby in a sweet, small voice which makes both Ian and Lea smile. They have been the subject of that voice once upon a time on different occasions.

Lea and Ian settle on their assigned seats (Ian spent quite a large fraction of his time in this house growing up, of course he has his own chair). Isabella refuses to put down the baby so she sits on her chair while carrying him. They say grace and the feast (Ian would insist to call it that, ever the admirer of Isabella's cooking) begins.

"Ma, this is so good. Walang kupas," Ian comments after swallowing a mouthful of the scrumptious paella.

Isabella chuckles. "Naturo ko na sa'yo ang recipe niyan, ah?"

He shrugs. "I could never cook it to be as good as this."

Lea rolls her eyes. Ian is a rightful asshole, he definitely is. He is a big jerk to people he doesn't know but in this house and around Isabella, he could never say anything rude, and has never ever done so. He is practically a son to her own parents, especially her mother because with Ian, the phrase the way to a man's heart is through his stomach holds very much true. He is just plain and outright in love with her mother's cooking that growing up, he'd more or less eat lunch there every chance he gets. Between him and Lea, he is the one with more interest in the kitchen hence how he ended up managing the restaurant while she is in charge of their fathers' construction firm. Quid pro quo.

Javier clears his throat and all eyes land on him. "Mga anak, ano ang plano niyo?" he asks and they all know what exactly he is referring to. What exactly do they plan to do with Mason?

Lea wipes the sides of her mouth with the napkin before turning to her father. "I'm going to help Ian with Mason. He cannot do this alone. Besides, Mason is a sweetheart. It wouldn't really be a chore at this point," she says plainly and returns to eating.

The look and smile Javier and Isabella share elude her and Ian.


"Come on, babe, say it after me," she whispers to the baby who seems fascinated with her hair. His tiny fists are clenched around a bunch of her hair and she's tried to pry it away from his mouth multiple times in the last ten minutes.

It's just the two of them for this morning, Ian had to attend to something at the restaurant.

"Tamy," she whispers again and again to the baby. "Tamy."

There is a bet between her and Ian on what the baby's first word is going to be. Certainly, there is no way she's going to lose against him so there she goes, trying to get the baby to call her name first. "Tamy."


She's home late and about ready to throw her heels away after a day of scorching heat down the field. She was out inspecting their project all day and was too busy to even try checking in on the boys she left at the condo. The lights automatically turn on as she enters the unit and she goes straight to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

It is already eleven in the evening which means Mason is already asleep so she'll just have to bawi the next day to the little boy the next day because with him, bedtime is difficult so there is no way she is even going to try to kiss him goodnight and risk waking him up. Instead, she checks on him but when she enters Ian's room, the sight that meets her surprises her— in a good way.

Mason is fast asleep but not in his crib. He's sleeping on top of Ian's chest and she could swear that something inside her snapped at that moment and made her want to climb into bed with the two. Is this what making a family looks like? It's a question she doesn't entertain but it's there at the back of her head, it's been there all this time, she supposes but tonight, while the two are asleep along with the rest of the world (or most of the world since Makati doesn't really sleep), she smiles because she has the answer, perhaps she's always had it.


Over the past few months, enduring sleep deprivation that often leaves them both groggy in the mornings, their shared journey has yielded countless joyous memories, all thanks to Mason. The little one unfolds before their eyes, growing at a remarkable pace, frequently surprising them with new milestones.

On a bustling Saturday evening, the restaurant buzzes with the usual dinner rush. Amidst the flurry of orders, Ian's phone remains prominently displayed, a reminder from Lea that any Mason-related emergencies require his immediate attention - even the restaurant staff is in on this understanding. The device emits a beep mid-order, prompting Ian to hastily check it, only to be met with a sense of disappointment.

"Damn it!" he exclaims, garnering attention from those around him.

"Chef, okay ka lang?" a concerned staff member inquires.

Ian lets out a sigh, signaling for everyone to return to their tasks. He retrieves his phone and revisits the message.

And there it is, Ian! Watch this!!!

Accompanying Lea's message is a video capturing the remarkable moment when Mason triumphantly rolls over for the first time. Despite the clamor of the kitchen, Lea's jubilant voice cuts through, brimming with excitement. Ian experiences a twinge of regret for not witnessing the milestone firsthand, yet he remains thankful that Lea managed to capture it. His child has achieved a seemingly simple feat, yet to his heart, it's an incredibly significant moment.


As Mason continues to grow, one responsibility that remains constant is his monthly check-up. Their schedules now primarily revolve around the baby, and they've established a connection with Lea's friend, Mason's pediatrician, who assists them whenever they have questions or uncertainties. One aspect that Ian dreads is when it's time for his son's vaccinations. He can hardly bear to watch as the needle pierces Mason's chunky thigh, which invariably leads to a resounding cry filling the room. He feels a deep sense of defeat, knowing that his child must endure such discomfort.

On vaccination days for Mason, Lea takes on the responsibility of holding him, as Ian isn't quite up to the task. All Ian can manage is to scoop Mason up once the band-aid is in place and soothe his child to cease the tears. Of course, it's also Lea's chance to playfully tease her best friend.

"Are you crying?" Lea inquires when she notices Ian wiping his eyes.

"No!" He protests, even though he's genuinely pained to witness his son's distress. "Napuwing lang ako!" Lea and the doctor exchange knowing glances before breaking into laughter. "Akin na nga si Mason." Ian takes him. "I'll see you outside." Once outside the door, the two women share a laugh, and the doctor provides Lea with some guidelines to follow until the next check-up.


As Mason reaches his fifth month, both Lea and Ian find themselves caught up in their demanding schedules. Mariana, Ian's mother, proposes the idea of hiring a nanny for Mason. However, Ian feels uneasy about having a stranger in their penthouse. He wishes his former nanny hadn't retired, as he would have considered asking her to return, but he doesn't want to disrupt the old woman's retirement, especially since she's like family to him.

On days when they're truly overwhelmed, they rely on the help of either Lea's parents or Ian's parents, depending on who's available (and most of the time, they are). The one who finishes work early takes Mason to their parents' house and later brings him back to the condo. It's a tiring and time-consuming routine, considering the infamous EDSA traffic, but they prioritize entrusting Mason to the care of people they trust.

Ian's schedule is usually hectic during dinner service, so he's deeply appreciative of how Lea fully embraces her role as Mason's Tamy, especially during the evenings. One particular evening, when Ian returns home and enters the condo, he's greeted by the soothing sound of Lea's voice. She's singing to Mason as she lulls him to sleep. It's a heartwarming sight that Ian cherishes, knowing that her melodic voice can easily calm anyone into a peaceful slumber.


Lea awakens to the sound of the blender and immediately turns her gaze to the crib beside her. It's empty, causing her to spring out of bed in a hurry. She had been certain that Mason had slept in her room that night. She heads out and discovers Ian already busy in the kitchen, with Mason in his carrier atop the kitchen island.

"Good morning, Tamy!" Ian greets her, and the baby's eyes widen at the sight of her.

Lea approaches them, showering the baby with kisses on his hair. "Why are you up so early, my love?" she asks, settling onto a stool near Mason.

"I think it's you who woke up late," Ian remarks, sliding a cup of coffee over to her.

Lea yawns. "I had to finish up some work last night while this little guy fell asleep. How about you? Ang aga mo gumawa ng ingay dito."

Ian chuckles. "Did you forget? His pediatrician gave us the green light to introduce him to solid foods. I'm blending some sayote."

As soon as Ian reminds her, Lea feels wide awake. "Oh my goodness!" She reaches for Mason's tiny arms and raises them playfully. "Yay, Macy! Are you ready to eat?" she asks. Mason responds with happy coos of his own, almost as if he understands the excitement, and they share a giggle.

Ian readies his son's first meal, and Lea, ever the documenter of their journey, promptly sets up the camera to capture yet another milestone in their little man's life.


She is frantic. Ian is on a business trip to Singapore for a week and he just left two days ago. She doesn't want to worry him sick and have him flying home in a jiff but she could really use some help at that moment. She is packing some essentials into the baby bag while calling the family driver to pick her up from Ian's condo. Mason has been fitful, lately, but today, he is not okay. He has been crying nonstop and just an hour ago, he started heating up and it worries Lea because she's never even had a sick baby before. She called her pediatrician friend and she suggested giving the baby some Children's Tylenol and if the fever doesn't go down, she might as well take him to the hospital.

Call her praning but she doesn't even wait for the medicine to work. She gives Mason tylenol and swaddles him before carrying him downstairs where a car waits for them. Lea hands the bag to the driver and hops into the backseat. The drive to Makati Med is not long but to her, it felt like forever.

The car parks outside the emergency bay and they are met by the doctors who immediately tended to Mason.

"Is he going to be okay?" she asks the doctor who finally finished the preliminary diagnostics.

The doctor smiles at her. "Mommy, the baby is teething kaya nilagnat. He will be okay pero we will keep him here overnight nalang for observation."

She heaves a sigh of relief. "I was so worried," she confesses and rushes to the side of the baby who has finally fallen asleep.

The doctor nods and says, "It's okay, Mommies get worried about their babies all the time. It's part of the process," the doctor assures her and leaves with a kind, warm smile.

Lea's focus shifts to Mason that she doesn't get to think about the semantics anymore. Who needs semantics anyway? Why should she dwell on it when her actions echo what her heart knows to be true anyway? Maybe she is Mason's mommy in every way that matters.


It has been a fairly relaxing day for her– no shitfaced incompetent asshole to scream at from the firm, no urgent meeting to attend, no problem to fix. It's just her and Mason hanging out at the condo by themselves with a Mozart vinyl playing on a turntable in the background since she read somewhere that it helps in developing the baby's brain. She is munching on a snack Ian left for her when the unmistakable sound of Facetime rang from her phone. She retrieves it and sees her older sister's name on the screen.

"Hey, ate! You called. How's Boston?" she asks in succession.

"All good. How are you?" goes the voice from the other end of the line.

"I'm good. Other than the sleepless nights lately, I've been great."

"I heard about your set-up with Ian." She hears her sister's wary voice and she sighs.

"Ate, it's all good. Mason is a sweetheart, you will agree with me once you meet him."

"But you can't spend the rest of your life looking after him and that manchild you call bestfriend. You have your own life to live, Lei." Silence follows and then– "The offer in Boston still stands."

She sighs deeply. She knows exactly where Lorna is coming from. Her sister is merely concerned, she means no harm but while what she says does bear sense, Lea cannot exactly just remove herself from their situationship. It's not easy to just up and go.

She is silent in contemplation while her sister tries to wrangle out a response from her when she hears Mason giggling while pulling at a plushie and she smiles. She smiles softly and gets reminded why she cannot–but more than that–do not want to go. Mason turns and smiles at her and that's all the affirmation she needs.


She is sure she is not feeling well. It started out as slight body malaise but now, she cannot get up altogether. Really, there is no one else to blame but herself for missing the schedule for her flu shot. She reminds herself to not do that again because she seriously hates being sick and confined to the bed when it is not her choosing.

Her phone rings and she picks it up. "Hello?" she says groggily and then the face of her sister on the screen morphs into worry.

"Lei? Are you alright?"

"Yea," she says with a hoarse voice. "I got flu lang."

"Where are you? Don't tell me you are still working while sick? Nako Lea, tama na yang pagiging workoholic mo muna. Nagkakasakit ka na oh," her sister scolds and she would've retorted with something sarcastic if it weren't for the hacking cough that courses through her body.

"I'm not at work."

"So where are you? Are you home?"

It's funny how she nods without much thought as if it's instinctive to do so before saying, "At Ian's."

With Lea down because of the flu, Ian is left to hold the fort down. While looking after Mason who looks like he's about to throw a tantrum because he wants to see Tamy, he cooks her favorite chicken soup.

"My! My!" Mason tries to say and run after him using his walker when he sees Ian approaching Lea's room.

"No, Mace. I'm sorry. Tamy is still sick," he tells him and barely escapes Mason as he tries to enter Lea's room.

"Hey," he whispers as he closes the door gently, cautious not to startle her.

She lifts her head a little from the pillows and squints at him. "Get out of here! Baka mahawa ka and get Mason sick pa!" She scolds him.

"Eto naman, don't worry, dalhin ko lang naman sopas mo dito," he says and makes a show of pulling the rolling tray table by the bedside. "Ayan, I made you your favorite soup and added some saltines na rin para magkalaman 'yang tiyan mo," he tells her and tries to check her temperature but she swats him away.

"Sige na, thank you but go out na. Mason can't have the both of us sick," she tells him and he follows through which is why he misses the smile that graces her lips.

She pulls out her phone and sends him a text: Thank you

While Ian is a lot of things and she means that in a derogatory manner, he has his moments too. Ever since they were little, when it comes to her being sick, he has always been very attentive to her needs. Maybe some things just do not change.

Her phone rings and when she answers, the videostream shows him the growing little boy calling her My, my and trying to reach her through the screen.

Maybe some things did change, after all. They have Mason now and she has to admit, it's way better now that they do.

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