I Can See You

By HaruAutumn

36 16 0

Lyon and Paris are cities in France. But for some it is a name, specially for Lyon. He is a World Champion in... More



2 1 0
By HaruAutumn

I run back inside the museum. "Hey! ID here first." The guard shouted and I stop on track and look for my ID.

"Here." I run towards the portrait. The famous portrait of Lyon Robert that was taken before.

"Excuse me, wheres the painting here?"

"It is on the other side of the museum, turn to left if you see a blue door just get in there the painting you been looking for is there."

You see all the wisest women had to do it this way
'Cause we were born to be the pawn in every lover's game
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail
Strategy sets the scene for the tale
I'm the wind in our free-flowing sails
And the liquor in our cocktails

When he got there inside that one door. There are people passing by going to different pictures and there are people reading the stories in each of the pictures there.

When he was close to the painting, there were nine people there who were also looking at the painting.

When he got closer, he was surprised that the painting was still the same. Then the person next to him will speak but it's not Lyon.

When the tourers had finished, a man came up to the painting wearing a cap. Then it will say, "thank you."

She looked at the man and saw that Lyon was alive. He smiled at her, "I remember you."

Her eyes widened because she knew that voice and her friends knew.

They leave the museum together and then they will go to the restaurant where John, jaden and rein are waiting there.

When they entered the door of the restaurant. "Lyon is alive! That's him, isn't he?" The three who were at a round table murmured.

As Lyon approached. John was fine with him when he sat down. "Good Evening." Lyon greeted the three. Paris followed him.

"A-ah Good evening too Mr. Robert." Replied by John, Jaden and Rein at the same time.

They are few because they know the truth. "Shall we order first?"

While they waited for the order there was a deafening silence.

"Ah.. that's why we're having dinner because we all know what happened.." The three nodded.

Jaden sighed. "Also sorry if we messed up your time."

"All I want to get is justice... you helped me achieve that, you did too much."

I laid the groundwork and then just like clockwork
The dominoes cascaded in a line
What if I told you I'm a mastermind?

After we had dinner we went back to the museum a few hours before it close. "So I guess this is the last time?"

We all nod at him. We bid our farewell and watched him got back in the portrait.

"Thank you and Goodbye." Lyon waves at them before proceeding to go back in his time.

One last look, and I smiled. We managed to make it. He's not in pain. I still cannot believe that my favorite F1 driver is alive in a picture. I still cannot process all the things we did.

The books written about him changed, I looked at the painting for one last time.

It was still Lyon Robert, but this time. He was happy celebrating his F1 championship. He was smiling.

While sprinting towards the back door I collided with someone and I stood up quickly and help the person.

"I'm really really sorry. I wasn't looking on my way. Sorry." I told the person while they're shaking off the shirt to remove loose dust from it.

"HEY!" The guard caught our attention. Luckily we ran out fast enough, "stop it right there!" He shouted making us stop at our track.

When he reaches us. The guard talks in his walkie talkie thing and more guards showed up.

Jaden and Rein runs to the door and hits the alarm distracting all the guards. I run to John and we met the other two at the exit.

As they run away from the guards the portrait that once told a tragic story is now changed into a winning and happy picture.

It is another weekend for the team."are you ready for the race?" John's engineer asked, worried about the mindset of John.

The engineer helped him put on his seatbelt and steer in.

As everyone got into the line up position.

The internet went wild after a new photo from the museum is posted on its page.

"The cursed photo of Lyon, 2001"

It was funny that after all they did, they cannot change what was written. Everything else failed, but one thing is for sure, Lyon got the championship before he died at the same position, same reason and same time.

It is true that we cannot change what is in the past. Thats what Paris learned in this journey.

"Are you okay?" The race ended and it was Jaden who asked me. I give him a flat smile.

"You know, we cannot change it anymore, but atleast we kept a good memory of him with us." He put his arm around my shoulder.

While Jaden led from the start, Deniel didn't need to do too much to win, and after a brush with the wall pitted early for new tyres, John's race followed a similar story.

The idea was with fresh rubber they'd easily make their way through the field back to the right positions to win the title.

But, Yas Marina is not a track set up for overtaking, or at least it was not in 2014.

As John and Deniel caught Luca Penn's Renault on lap 18, passing was just not on the cards.

For the next 37 solid laps, Penn tried to overtake the Russian driver. It was a tense, nervous fight.

Up front, John could do nothing other than just keep driving to victory, but Deniel's fight with Penn just kept going on and on.

That simple pass never came. Deniel was stuck finishing seventh and Jaden was the champion.

"Hail the new Champ! Jaden and its 2-1 for Minardi with John coming home with 2nd place!"

We made it Ly! For you this championship happened because of you. Watching them from afar, Lyon was happy for what has happened after getting the justice.

The portrait that was so painful just to look at is now a beautiful memory for everyone. They might not change, but they tried and Lyon got the justice he always wanted.

He's still the champion during his time despite the fatal crash that took his life.

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