๐ฉ๐จ๐ข๐ฌ๐จ๐ง - ๐ญ.๐ง

By urlocalsoftiejess

25K 479 227

"That'll kill you one day." "It'll kill you first though." More

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1K 22 8
By urlocalsoftiejess

Theo's POV


I woke up to the streaming sunlight through open curtains, I groaned quietly. My whole body felt like someone had trampled over it, my head didn't feel much better either.

Instantly I could tell I wasn't in my own room, for one thing, the Slytherin dorms didn't have windows that let in this much sunlight, and secondly I hated the colour yellow.

And if the yellow decor all over this room was anything to go by, I'd say I clearly didn't hate yellow enough for me not to go stick my dick in a Hufflepuff last night.

I shut my eyes tightly, the colour was vomit inducing and it reminded me why I stopped hooking up with Puffs in their room.

When I open them again I notice the blonde hair sprawled out to my left and rubbed my jaw with a sigh.

Taking in the sight of the girl sleeping beside me. It was the same Hufflepuff from the party, the one I had ended up with after Evie's little display with Aleksander.

The details of the previous night though were hazy, a mix of alcohol and desire clouding my memory.

Her name eluded me, but her appearance was a clear reminder of what had transpired, messed golden hair, marks on her neck and chest, both our lack of clothing, the scratch marks on my arms.

Gently, I extricated myself from the tangle of sheets and sat up, my hand running through my hair as I tried to shake off the remnants of a hangover.

The room was neat and orderly aside from our clothes that were strewn around carelessly.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up, my body protesting the sudden movement and quietly got dressed, careful to not wake the Hufflepuff.

Digging through a drawer I find parchment and a quill, scribbling down a quick note to leave for her.

I was a dick but not that much of a dick.

Thank you for the great night,

I hope you enjoyed yourself as much as I did.


Leaving the note on the beside table next to her I begin my quick exit, sneaking out the door, careful not to wake her.

The hallways are empty and quiet. From the way the sky looks when I peer out the windows, I can tell it's just after dawn.

Eventually I reach the Slytherin common room, it's messy with solo cups thrown all around it and stains and spills littering the floors and tables.

Internally I'm groaning, I can already tell that this will be a pain to clean up even with magic.

I stand in the middle of our messy common room, a testament to why Slytherins were known for our infamous parties.

As I survey the room, everything reminds me of a certain dark haired Slytherin who could or could not be pissed at me.

Seeing Evie with Aleksander shouldn't have gotten me as worked up as it did, I didn't have any claim over Evie.

We were just friends. Best friends. Nothing more then that.

Of course it would be a bloody lie to not admit that Evie was damn attractive, long wavy brown hair, eyes that were featured in every man's wet dream, pouty lips and a figure that I couldn't help but notice when we got back from summer this year.

These thoughts were some that I pushed into the deepest darkest crevices of my mind, I had undeniable whorish tendencies, every girl that I'd ever wanted I had at some point gotten.

Evie though, she was untouchable, unattainable.

I think that made me want her even more, the game of push and pull, cat and mouse always intrigued me and Evie was the biggest mouse in my life.

We constantly flirted, bantered and sometimes I had the strong urge to bend her over a desk. It was the sort of thing that would make me go mad with lust if it were another girl.

But this was Evie, so it made me question every single thing I knew.

For once in my life I needed to think with my head and not my dick.

I pushed the thoughts away, they weren't productive, and besides, I had just woken up next to another girl and Evie was definitely fuming at me for cockblocking her last night.

"Theo?" A soft voice calls from the stairs that lead up to the dorms, I instantly recognize it as Daphnes, while Pansys voice is sassy and sardonic, Evies is firm and strong willed, Daphnes was soft.

I turn to glance at her, flashing her a smile, "What're you doing up so early?" I question.

Daphne chuckles and motions to the nightmare of a common room still before us, "The house elves like me, and we need to clean up before Snape sees this." She hums.

Nodding, I contemplate my next question.

"So.." My voice trails off, "How mad is Evie?"

The brunette next to me sighs and pats my shoulder, "I think you'll escape unscathed," she admits quietly, "Evie was fairly drunk, I doubt she'll remember a lot of it,"

Before I could stop it, a breath of relief escapes me, "I really don't know what came over me." I tell Daphne truthfully, raising my hands in defeat.

"Hmm," Daphne hums, her eyes twinkling with something as if she knew something I didn't before she shrugs.

We fall into a comfortable silence for a while, trying to clean up as much as possible before Daphne calls in the house elves.

"Hey Daph," I say, "I'm going to go shower before everyone starts waking up, see you later?"

Daphne nods with a smirk, "Good, you reek of sex and hufflepuff." She hums before walking out of the common room.

I chuckle quietly at Daphne's comment as I walk out of the room towards the bathroom.

I stand under the shower, the warm water washing away my sins.

I usually liked to keep my drunk hook ups to a minimum, something about fucking someone who I haven't really talked to bothered the little moral compass I had but I couldn't really say no to a hufflepuff with her legs spread wide open.

Especially when I was hell bent on making Evie jealous for no reason other then I was admittedly jealous of Aleksander for no reason.

I wanted to smash his pretty boy face in for even looking at her. I even wanted to burn the tiny dress she was wearing at that stupid party.

I turn off the shower after a few minutes, my skin feeling refreshed and clean. As I towel myself off I can't help but wonder if I should go pay a visit to Evie.

After standing in the mirror and contemplating my choices for a while, I begrudgingly make my way to Evie's dorm room, not knowing what to expect.

The hallway is silent except for the sound of my footsteps, my heart is beating out of my chest, no doubt due to nerves.

I stand outside of Evie's door for a few minutes, taking a deep breath of courage before knocking on the door.

"Hello? Evie?" I call out.

A moment passed and I'm sure that she's grabbing her wand to hex me but then the door opens to reveal a still half asleep Evie.

Half asleep wearing nothing but one of my T-shirts. I recognized it instantly, it was a old Quidditch one that I let her borrow and never saw again.

Fuck that's hot.

"Theo?" She croaks in a raspy voice, "Why're you up so early and why do you look like you just saw a ghost?" She asks.

Without waiting for an answer she walks into her room, leaving the door open.

I'm frozen, I just stand outside her room for a moment before I take a step inside, my eyes darting around.

Daphne was obviously not here and I was assuming Pansy spent the night with Draco because as far as I could tell, it was only Evie in the dorm.

That made things a bit easier I suppose.

Evie turns and sees me staring at her in nothing but my shirt, she smiles at me and beckons me inside.

"Come in, The door's already open," she says.

The shirt was going to drive me insane, it feels as though it'll be permanently seared into my mind forever.

Evie closes the door behind me, and I'm alone with her in her room.

She sits on her bed and looks at me expectantly, her legs tucked under her.

"Why are you here, Theo?" She asks, her voice sounding raspy from the lack of sleep.

I swallow, "About last night..me interrupting you with Aleksander," I begin, "I'm sorry..I told you I wouldn't do that anymore and I keep doing it."

Evie stares at me for a moment, "Why did you interrupt us?" Her tone is more curious then anything, her brown eyes seeping into my green ones.

Her blunt question catches me off guard because truthfully I couldn't answer that question for her.

I didn't see Evie as anything more then as a friend so I wasn't sure where this possessiveness comes from at all.

"I don't really know," I say, "I was just...inconveniently there, I guess."

I bite and lick my lips in thought, my eyes drawn to Evie as her shirt rides up slightly while she stretches, offering just a tease of her upper thighs.

"So, what were you doing with Aleksander?" I ask.

I knew exactly what they had been doing, I was watching the entire interaction almost obsessively. In all honesty, I just wanted her to reassure me.

"We were just chatting," Evie says, with a shrug and a grin.

"Do...do I need to get rid of him?" I ask, with a teasing smile, though the question has a bit of truth behind it.

It would certainly be easy for me to do.

"Come on, you're not jealous, are you?" Evie asks with a grin, "You have plenty of girls."

I bite my lips, not wanting to answer her question.

"Jealous? Me? Never." I hum, my eyes darting up from her thighs to her teasing face.

She sends me a disbelieving smile, my best friend was was trying to goad me  and she was doing it quite effectively.

"So you're not jeal..." I trail off, my mind trying to process Evie's comment about there being plenty of girls.

I'm suddenly very aware that she's basically naked in front of me in my shirt, her bare legs stretched out and offering plenty of teasing to my eyes.

"Stop doing that," I say, "You know exactly what you're doing right now."

I move to sit down next to her on the bed, my skin feeling hot and my brain fighting with my lust that's screaming to touch her right now.

Evie chuckles quietly, "I'm only teasing you, Theo, I love this shirt and I'm just bored." She says innocently.

The worst part is that I truly believe she didn't know the affect she had on me. She thought that this was some funny joke.

My eyes travel down her body again, my mind starting to wander and I can feel heat travelling to my other head.

Fuck. Me.

I clear my throat, "I should go," I say slowly.

I stand up, and begin to back away, my eyes lingering on her once more.

Quickly she runs up and grabs my hand, tippy toeing she pressed a kiss on my cheek.

This was not doing my situation any favours.

"Bye Theo!" She hums with a grin, "See you later."

"Bye, Evie," I say quietly, turning to leave her dorm room.

The heat I feel is too much, I have to leave before I risk doing something I would regret.

As I walk out, I glance back at her dorm room one last time. My body is flushed, my mind is hot.

Evie Rosier was my personal pandoras box.

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