Against Everything Else

muse365 által

458 23 5

"Come on now, we're just having some fun.'' My body felt frozen and the tears started to fall as I thrashed a... Több

1. The Alley Way
2. Stuck with You
3. You're an odd little one
4. The Circle Crest
5. Get Your Fucking Hands off of Her
6. Please Stay
7. It looks better on you
8. Butterfly
9. Suit Jackets
11. Soft Spot
12. Cared For
13. Just a Friend

10. Insomia

23 1 0
muse365 által

Avery's POV

He sat me on top of the bathroom sink, his hand holding my face ever so gently. After leaving the lounging room, Vince had taken me straight to his room. Safe to say his room was much like his personality.

It was dark and dimly lit, with a big emphasis on the black and grey type of aesthetic which made it feel almost mysterious and reserved. But at the same time, it somehow felt warm and cozy, and not at all like how I thought it would be.

"Who did this you butterfly?" He let go of my face and took a step back, leaning against the wall behind him to look at me. His arm folded against his chest, making his biceps bulge out from underneath his black dress shirt.

"Um.." He gave me a look and I swallowed back my answer.

"Why won't you tell me?" He pushed himself off the wall and placed his finger underneath my chin, lifting it up so that I was looking up at him. "Hm?"

"I don't want them to get in trouble." My eyes never left his as I spoke.

"Them? More than one person did this to you?" He crouched down so that we were eye to eye. "Avery, I'm going to ask you once more, who did this to you?"

"You have to promise me something though." I started, my fingers fidgeting with the hems of my shirt nervously. He raised his eyebrows at me but nodded anyway.

He placed his hand on mine, holding it in place.

"You can tell me, baby."

''If I tell you, you have to promise me that you won't shoot them." He let out a chuckle making me pout and furrow my eyebrows.

"Why do you say that?" His voice was filled with amusement.

"Because every time you guys seem to get angry, a gun is pulled out." He smiled and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, neither denying nor responding to my comment.

"Why do you guys always do that?" He remained silent so I continued, "Why are there so many people here and why do you guys always have guns on you?"

"I can't explain anything to you yet. I know you're curious but I just can't give you an explanation right now." I frowned and pushed his hand off from my thigh as I hopped down from the bathroom counter.

'' I'm tired." I lied taking off his suit jacket that had swallowed me up earlier, and handed it back to him. "Thank you for worrying about me, but I'm going to head back to my room. Goodnight Vince."

I left before he could respond. 


I sighed and leaned against the headboard of my bed, my hand clutching the sides of my face gently.

I just wanted to go home.

Tears welled up in my eyes and I brought my knees to my chest, hugging it for comfort as everything flooded out. I pushed my head down and hugged my knees tighter as my chest heaved up and down. 

I didn't make a sound. I couldn't. My body just moved on its own accord.

There was a soft knock on the door and my heart froze, but still, I couldn't stop the tears that were raining down my bruised cheeks.

The door opened, allowing the light of the hallway to enter my room. Vince walked in, dressed casually in some sweatshorts and a loose black shirt. At the sight of him, I dug my face in between my knees, hiding it from him. 

I don't even know why I was crying. 

It just happened.

I felt my bed dip as he sat down beside me. His arms wrapped themselves around my body, his warmth engulfing me entirely as he placed me on his lap, turning me around so that I was facing him. My hands now covered my face, refusing to let him see me at this state. Again.

His hands rested against my own, pulling them away slightly. He sighed, wrapping his arm around to rest against my back and pushing it gently so that I was now leaning against his chest. He rubbed my back with one hand, whilst the other just held me. 

"It's okay butterfly, just let it out of your system.'' 

I sobbed more, this time the sounds finally left my mouth and I cried harder than I could ever imagine. A lot had happened the last few days and I never sat down to comprehend it. And now it just exploded.

We stayed like that for what felt like hours. It didn't feel weird, it didn't feel wrong even though I barely knew him. It felt warm, it felt loving, it felt right.

I sniffled and pushed myself away from his chest, and looked at him. Even in the dark, I could see his chocolate hazel eyes and the small stuble that was begining to grow. 

"I'm sorry." I brought my hand up to wipe my eyes, gathering myself together again. "I don't know what happened."

"Don't." His hand made its way to my hair, running through it softly. "Don't apologise for your feelings."

"I- what?" 

"Don't apologise for having feelings or feeling your emotions. Shit I don't know i'm not good at this." I let out a small giggle, making his own lips lift up into a smile. "What?"

"I just find it funny that you're such a big, scary guy and yet here you are trying to talk about emotions." It was cute. But I could never say that to him.

"You think i'm scary?" 

Did I say something wrong?

''Just a little." His smile fell back to a thin line, but he kept playing with my hair. "But right now you're not. You should be like this more often. Feel your feelings and all.'' I waved my hands around mockingly.

He chuckled softly, and took his hand out of my hair, letting it rest against my back once more. Tingles erupted in my stomach as I felt his thumb caress gently on my lower back. We stayed like that for a few seconds before he got up from my bed, making his way towards the door.

"Go put on something comfy, i'll meet you outside." 


He turned to look at me, the light from the hallway now shining on his face perfectly. 

"I figured it might be hard for you to get some sleep, especially at this hour." I glanced down at the clock, and my eyes grew wide. It was already 5:40 in the morning. I had barely slept. 

"Come on, I know a place. I'll wait for you outside."

I got up and quickly changed into some cotton shorts and a black tee. Vince was leaning against the wall, waiting for me. He gave me a small smile and handed me a black jumper. 

"Here, it's gonna be cold." 

I grabbed it and beamed up at him. "Thank you."

I followed behind him as we made our way to the garage. My hands fumbled with his black jumper nervously. How do I bring it up to him that I lost his other jumper?

"What are you thinking Butterfly?" We stopped in front of a black motorbike and I could swear to you, my eyes almost flew out of its socket. 

"There's no way." He chuckled and proceeded to take out two helmets, placing them on the seat of the bike. 

"Before we get to that," He took the jumper out of my hands, "Arms up."

I gave him a puzzled look, lifting my arms up slowly and cautiously, only for him to pull the jumper over my head and arms, till it englufed me entirely. 

"I told you its gonna get cold." He grabbed a helmet and crouched down closer to my height, placing it on me gently. Again, my body erupted into tingles and butterflies or whatever you call this, as he leaned closer towards me, adjusting the straps of the helmet so that it was tight and secure enough for me. 

I didn't even realise I was holding in my breath till he stood back up into his full height, and hopped onto the bike. 

"There's no way." I repeated, as he began to strap on his own helmet. "Vince, I can't go on that. Can't we just take like one of the other million cars in here?" 

He chuckled and lent his hand out towards me. "It's not that bad. Come on, we gotta get there before the sun rises."

I looked at his hand and then back at him. "Nuh-uh." I shook my head and stepped back.

"You have two options butterfly, One, you get on the bike yourself or Two, I come over there and then you get on the bike. You decide." He put the key into the engine and looked back at me. "Five." 

I gulped, pulling at the sleeves of the jumper.


"Please! There's other cars h-"

"Three. Your choice butterfly."



I quickly ran over towards him, hopping onto the bike as he laughed. 

"That wasn't funny." He revved the engine making me scream as it echoed loudly inside the garage. 

"That was." 


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