ugly words [UsUk]

By fuglychan

74.3K 4.1K 3.8K

England found the only way to talk to his crush was to start some senseless argument. It was working pretty w... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (pic on side!)
Chapter 12
Chapter 14 - Sincere Apologies, Readers
Chapter 15
Temporary break
Chapter 16

Chapter 13

3.6K 234 172
By fuglychan

"You can have that room." America's voice was coarse and raspy, having just gotten home. He hadn't drank his nurse suggested water yet due to Lithuania's all over the place mind.

"Thanks, America," he thanked as he set his stuff down in his room. "Stop acting as a host, though. I'm supposed to take care of you."

Surprisingly, they'd let America come home since he was only getting more uncomfortable in the hospital. His weight improved and he had been eating more. Under his release, he was required to have a stay at home nurse, and Lithuania quickly volunteered.

"I'll go make you lunch," he smiled. His head turned to the side as he heard the door bell ring. "Shall I go answer it?"

"You're a nurse, Lithuania," he laughed, "You're acting like a maid. Awfully long time since I've seen you like that."

Lithuania pulled open the door to see France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Nordics, Switzerland (and, shocker, Liechtenstein), Austria, Hungary, Prussia, the rest of the Baltics, basically everyone except for the one America wanted to see.

His patio was pretty full of peoplw, so Lithuania went ahead and invited them inside. "We all wanted to throw a party to celebrate you coming home!" Finland cheered. Sweden leaned past him and handed Lithuania a box that was most likely a present for America.

"Lithuania-san, what are you doing here?" Japan inquired. A few others looked over at Lithuania and asked the same thing.

"I'm his stay at home nurse," he replied, "I only have to make sure he eats, which he's been doing. Hey, Mister America! You have visitors!"

America turned from the corner and took a gasp at all of his guests. "Is Engl--"

"America! I'm so happy to see you!" Before anyone else, Canada jumped forward to engulf America in a hug. "How are you?"

The greetings continued for a little while before Prussia suggested they crack out the decorations for the party. And by decorations, he meant the beer piñatas.

Countries had a high tolerance with beer since it's not heavy in the first place. However, if France and Spain got into the wine, things would get bad quickly. Happy drunks, fortunately.

He looked around the party at all the people. It was a bit..... overwhelming. All of them were partying, but he didn't feel included. "You missed Halloween, America. Sealand was looking forward to trick or treating with you," Canada reported. Canada, Sealand, and Prussia were all pretty close. They had a "unnoticed" club or something, I think. Any ways, none of them get included in meetings so they got the chance to hang out with each other.

"Mister America Sir! Are you okay?" Everyone stopped to turn around to look at Ukraine's sudden screech. Blood was streaming out of his nose, splatting on the ground.

America's hands flew up to cup his nose. He looked down at his feet and started to go look for a tissue, but everyone crowded him instead. "I'll get a napkin," Russia said before walking off.

It....... it felt weird. Russia handed him a bunch of soft tissues and slowly dabbed his nose. Lithuania gave him water, and Germany lent him his hand sanitizer.

He felt.... taken care of. And he liked it.

He didn't enjoy people swarming over him in the hospital and crying - that upset him. But, this, this felt nice to him. Attention isn't always bad.

Yet, there was someone's attention he really wanted but couldn't get.

That's when he took the care to ask, "Where's England?" When no one replied, he'd looked around at all the faces.

And then it dawned on him.

No one invited England.



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