By marpetcuncher

232 16 0

The girl I've had a crush on sense seventh grade finally knows who I am but somehow we ended up in a fake rel... More



9 1 0
By marpetcuncher

It's Friday now. I'm in the weight room and of course Brandon has to be a fucking dickhead.

"No I'm just saying you shouldn't be in here, your distracting my boys."

"If I'm distracting you then don't look and when you call them your boys it sounds like they run a train on you."

"Listen I get it your sad and trying to loose a little baby weight but you don't have to do it in here."

I walked up to him and got in his face.


"Distracting your self and trying to look good so you can be a dirty whore again."

I didn't even say anything I just punched him. He stumbled back and looked back up at me pissed.

"You bitch!"

He tried to hit me and I blacked out and just beat his ass. I'm pretty sure I hit a few of the other guys too but I didn't come to until I was walking through the locker room door.

I went straight to the bathroom and washed my bloody knuckles off before going out and setting up for practice.

"We are starting to practice for the comp so watch the video, then me and soph will do it and then we will all practice it till you get it."

We were on our second practice all together when the door swung open.


"It wasn't me I didn't do it!"

Soph bit back a laugh and everyone looked at me and then my aunt who was dragging two bruised and bloodied boys in.

"You have five sec-"

I didn't let her finish I just ran. I heard someone chasing after me so I sped up running onto the big field.

I tripped over something and rolled to a stop laughing.

"Damn you run fast." Briar said leaning over me.

"I didn't know who was chasing me so I kept running."

"I yelled like four times."

"Oh... Woops."

She pulled me up to my feet.

"God damn what did you do?" She said looking at my hands.

"Well it started with Brandon and I kinda blacked out."

"Is nia here?"

"No she's with my mom."

"Come on, I'm taking you somewhere."

We walked to the parking lot and she brought her bike.


"Shit go go go."

She took off out of the parking lot. She stopped at a light and turned to me.

"When I stop push on here and then just lean with me when I turn."


We went for a good fifteen minutes before we got stuck at a red light. She reached back putting her hand on my leg.

"You good?"

"Yeah, where are we going?"

"You'll see we're like ten minutes away."

"Wow. How did you find this?"

"Just driving one night."

"It's beautiful."

"So I've noticed you are more irritable lately, which is completely understandable but I think you should get it out."

"And how do you suggest I do that."



"Scream. Let it all out, Caterina."

"Don't. Call me that."

"Then scream. Come on I'll do it with you.

"So you feel any better?"

"No I feel more pissed off and I kinda wanna punch something."

"Do it."

I walked over to a tree and punched it, immediately regretting it as bark got stuck in my already cut up knuckles.

"Yes ty?"

I turned around and saw briar on the phone.

"Fuck okay I'll be there in five."

"Where we going?"

"Get on we gotta go."

We pulled into some sketchy apartments.

"Come on I'd rather you be in there with me than out here."

We walked in and a boy who looked a little older than us handed her a pill.

"Where is she?"

"We locked her in the bathroom."

She walked over and kicked the door open tackling a woman to the ground and shoving the pill down her throat.

She got up and held the door shut.

"The fuck just happened?"

"She's uh schizophrenic."

"I don't know what happened, she isn't supposed to take her meds for another hour. She rushed out of her room, started choking me out saying I told them where we were and they were gonna kill us."

"That's the alien one."

"Her meds may not be working anymore, when was the last time she got checked?"

"She hasn't been to a doctor in five years, that's when she got prescribed the pills."


"I mean you can see where we live we don't exactly have the money for that."


I took 200 out of my wallet and gave it to him.

"Take her to the emergency room and get her signed up for disability checks. Do you work?"

"Yeah at the movies."

"Okay used what you need to from disability for groceries and shit and save the rest and do whatever you've been doing for rent. With what you save from disability checks you should be able to afford appointments every few months."

He rushed over and wrapped me in a tight hug.

"Thank you so much, both of you."

"It's all good Ty you know I'm always here."

"Yeah well your girlfriend is a genius and she is extremely helpful."

"Oh we're not dating but thank you for calling me a genius."

"You have no idea how much this money is going to help. I will take her later once the meds kick in but again that you so much."

"We gotta go but call me if you need anything else ty."

"I will see you later bri love you."

"Love you too."

We got to her apartment and I slumped down on the couch.

"So who is Ty? And the lady."

"I grew up with him, I used to sneak him into my room so he could shower, they were homeless pretty much his whole childhood."

"That's... I don't even know. How did you meet he's obviously a little older than us."

"A park, probably not the smartest or safest  thing to invite a random kid you met at a park to climb through your window but he's good people."

"I can tell, I hope his mom gets the right meds schizophrenia is so fucked up. I don't even understand how brains are capable of making things look that real."

"Yeah she will, he's been trying to save up but every time something happens and then he's back down to nothing and he won't take my money."

"Can I stay here tonight? I don't really wanna deal with getting yelled at yet."

"Yeah that's fine. You can stay here anytime."

"So where are we in the whole fake relationship."

"On Monday we are officially fake girlfriend and girlfriend."


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