Elfen Lied: The Diclonius & T...

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(Y/N): "Let there be....Carnage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" My name is (Y/N) (L/N) Parker and I am... Daha Fazla

Friends & Supervillains
Prologue 01: Dark Nightmare Future
Prologue 02: New Life
Chapter 1: Trigon's Death/The Good Life Of Family
Chapter 2: The Horn Girl/Carnage Is Out
Chapter 3: Nyu Or Lucy?
Chapter 4: Director Kurama/Maple House
Chapter 5: Another Diclonius
Chapter 6: Protect Kaede/Raven (Lemon)
Chapter 7: Parasite V.S Carnage
Chapter 8: Carnage In Metropolis Part 1
Chapter 9: Carnage In Metropolis Part 2
Chapter 10: The Livewire Team
Chapter 11: Dating With Lois Lane
Chapter 12: Secret Reveal/Lois (Lemon)
Chapter 13: Kaede's Rage
Chapter 14: Adopted Nana
Chapter 15: Carnage V.S Metallo
Chapter 16: Kaede (Lemon)
Chapter 18: Chief Kakuzawa's Death
Chapter 19: Red V.S Blue/Nana (Lemon)
Chapter 20: Family Happy Day
Chapter 21: The Truth/New Enemy
Chapter 22: Carnage Beat Grundy/Friends
Chapter 23: Devil Bounty Hunters (Lemon)
Chapter 24: Legion Of Superheroes
Chapter 25: A Hero or Monster?
Chapter 26: Two Clowns/Supergirl (Lemon)
Chapter 27: Superboy Prime V.S Carnage
Chapter 28: Lex Luthor's Dead/Carnage V.S Black Orders
Chapter 29: Brother Blood's Death
Chapter 30: Thanos V.S Carnage/Epilogue
Special Chapter

Chapter 17: Carnage's Rampage

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3rd POV:

Back to Kurama.

When the director Kurama was saw that young man caught on the video that was walking with Lucy, and Rachel. He was sure if he found that Lucy is alive and then it took a few days that someone who saw the young man going into the store. When they quickly gathered to arrest him and then something else was killing them...tear them all apart off and they are surely dead.

When he was going back to his office on land, Kurama had data bases to searched and then one of the man was showing up the picture to him right away.

???: "His name is (Y/N) (L/N)....and he was visiting from the United States, his host visitor center is right here in Yokama." He said to him.

Kurama know this was gonna be easy and then he said.

Kurama: "Cancel his visa and the police will pick him up and hold him until we will get there." He said.

???: "Bur sir, won't that be exposing us?" He asked him.

Kurama: "Do it! He knows Lucy...and he can led us to her." He said.

Time Skip Later.

Back to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "This is the place where these son of bitches stay here." He said to himself and make (Y/N) was stood on the rooftop's building and he was stare down at the place where the island that where Kurama and the others who are in there and he was plan to do is...kill the rest of these motherfuckers and then he will find Kurama and the other too that he will hunt them down.

Rachel: "Are you sure that we are going to do this?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Yep." He said to her and he was got up from the ground and make him was kneel there and he take a look at the island and the building where the project was totally made and this make (Y/N) with Rachel are going to rampage on that place. Then (Y/N) wear a black leather jacket with red line on his shoulder and chest too also (Y/N) wore grey long sleeve shirt, black hat, black leather pant, blue jean pant, and black leather shoes too.

When (Y/N) was turn his head to look at Raven and then he was gave her a nod that the two of them are going to do this right now and make them both were turn their heads back to look at the building of this Kurama for what he called Project Diclonius. Thanks for Eddie who tell (Y/N) about the information of that place and where it is like he just going there and killing all of these motherfuckers by himself and Rachel was do the same thing too.

The two of them were disappeared right away and they both were heading out to the building...there was 4 securities are guarding on the island from the building rooftop and they both were stood right there and chilling little bit then (Y/N) was appear behind one of the securities and then he grab him and break his neck then he just killed him. When (Y/N) turn his head to look at the other security notice (Y/N) who was turn his head to look at the other security notice (Y/N).

When he was about to press his trigger of the gun about to shoot but (Y/N) use his tendrils wrapped around at him and then he throw the bastard to the sky and make him was screaming out and then he was landing down on the ocean. Then (Y/N) turn his head to look at the two securities over there and they both heard a screams from the other security and then they both saw (Y/N) and they got their guns out about to shoot but out of nowhere there was two blast blow the heads of these two securities and kill them both.

The two of them were fall down on the ground and they both are become lifeless and death then (Y/N) with Raven turn their heads to look at each others and nod their heads.

(Y/N): "Raven, you go the other way find Kurama and the chief too...and me go inside there and slaughtering all every last one of them." He said to her and make her nod her head and she was transform into a crow right away and she was flying up there and she was made it inside the building.

Then (Y/N) was jumped down on the ground and make him turn his head to look at the front and he was going to transform into Carnage right away.

Time Skip Later.

In the building.

When the scientists are just chilling and doing their own works right away and they both were doing their own business but before they are working and they heard there was an alarm going up right away. This make the scientists are confuse about what happened and then out of nowhere there was an blow from the building the walls was drop down on the ground and then some scientists were surprise and they both fall down on the ground and they were turn their heads to look and they saw there is something else here and it is hiding in the smoke from the shadow.

Can you feel that?

Ah, shit

Oh, ah, ah, ah, ah

Oh, ah, ah, ah, ah

oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Drowning deep in my sea of loathing

Broken your servant I kneel

(Will you give in to me?)

It seems what's left of my human side

Is slowly changing in me

(Will you give in to me?)

They both have no idea what is that and then...the soldiers were arrive right on the time and they both got their submachine guns MP5 with them and they got their submachine guns that they aim their weapons at the darkness place. When the nightmare has begun...and the best nightmare for what (Y/N) gonna release his thunderous roar toward at the soldiers.

(Y/N)/Carnage: "*ROAR*"

Then (Y/N) was let out a terrifying roar at the soldiers that the soldiers who are surprise and they both were shooting their weapons at (Y/N) and the guns are shooting at (Y/N) and it doesn't work like that and (Y/N) use his tendrils were stabbing all every soldiers and make him was tear them all apart off. Then (Y/N) use his right arm shapeshift into a beast mouth and then (Y/N) aiming his flamethrower dragon mouth and opened it out and he was burning all these soldiers and killing them all like one by one.

Looking at my own reflection

When suddenly it changes

Violently it changes (oh no)

There is no turning back now

You've woken up the demon in me.

Get up, come on get down with the sickness

Get up, come on get down with the sickness

Get up, come on get down with the sickness

Open up your hate, and let it flow into me

Get up, come on get down with the sickness

You mother get up come on get down with the sickness

You fucker get up come on get down with the sickness

Madness is the gift, that has been given to me

When (Y/N) was burning all the scientists and soldiers and they both were screaming out in pains by burning them alive and then (Y/N) was walking to there right away and he was smash through the door and let him to enter the living room and the alarm sound is keep going....then (Y/N) was begin to walking like badass and the soldiers were arrive right on the time. They both saw (Y/N) and they start to shooting their weapons at (Y/N) and then he know the other soldiers were right behind at him and they start to shooting at him in behind.

When (Y/N) was walking toward at the soldiers and he just open a hole from his chest and release some bullets shooting at the other soldiers in the back behind and make them all got shots by the bullets. Then (Y/N) was walking and he just keep moving forward to them right away and these soldiers are getting fucked up right now that they both have no idea how they are fucking up.

Soldier 1: "Fuck, what the fuck is that thing?!?" He shout out and they were keep shooting at (Y/N) and it doesn't work like that and then (Y/N) grab one of the soldier and lift him up from the ground and he throw the soldier to the other soldiers and knock them down then (Y/N) use his right arm shapeshift into a whipfist and he throw his whipfist at these motherfuckers and killing them all.

I can see inside you, the sickness is rising

Don't try to deny what you feel

(Will you give in to me?)

It seems that all that was good has died

And is decaying in me

(Will you give in to me?)

When he was ripping them all with his whipfist and then he was kick the other soldier who was shooting him and send him to the wall and then he got stabbed by his tendril and then he throw the soldier down on the ground and you could hear the bones snapped. Then (Y/N) turn his head to look at the other soldiers who were tried to running away and (Y/N) use his tendrils begin to stabbed them in the back through their own chest and lifting them up from the ground and he throw them to the wall of building.

It seems you're having some trouble

In dealing with these changes

Living with these changes (oh no)

The world is a scary place

Now that you've woken up the demon in me

Then (Y/N) was use his right arm shapeshift into an mace and then his left arm shapeshift into Warhammer and he begin to smashing them into bloody pulp and he was begin to massacre all every last one of these fuckers. After (Y/N) was keep killing and smashing them and then he change his both arms turn into another weapons that he was got it in his hands and that is...claws and blades.

Get up, come on get down with the sickness

Get up, come on get down with the sickness

Get up, come on get down with the sickness

Open up your hate, and let it flow into me

Get up, come on get down with the sickness

You mother get up come on get down with the sickness

You fucker get up come on get down with the sickness

Madness is the gift, that has been given to me

When (Y/N) begin to slashing and keep killing all of these motherfuckers then (Y/N) switch his left arm turn into a mass muscle and he was begin to use his tendrils wrapped around at them and ripping them all like nothing. Then (Y/N) was turn his head to look over there and he saw all every soldiers are here arrive by themselves and then they got their weapons with them and then (Y/N) smirk up and he use his tendrils have a knives out from his tentacles and begin to shooting all of these knives begin to stabbing at them.

No mommy, don't do it again

Don't do it again

I'll be a good boy

I'll be a good boy, I promise

No mommy don't hit me

Why did you have to hit me like that, mommy?

Don't do it, you're hurting me

Why did you have to be such a bitch

Time Skip Later.

Agent 1: "SIR! SIR! We are under attacked!!!!!!!" He shout out.

Kurama: "Attack?!? By who?!? Lucy?!?" He asked him.

Agent 1: "No, it's....the red monster...the red creature is here!!!! He killing all every soldiers and scientists!!!!!" He shout out and make Kurama was surprise and heard of this and then Kurama need to pack everything up right away and he doesn't want to be capture or anything else. When Kurama was got everything up already and then he was walking out of here but then before he with his 3 securities are going to escape and out of nowhere there was a blast shot at the security in the back of his head and blow up.

Kurama: "What the?!?" He shout out in surprise and then three of them turn their heads to look over there and they both saw Raven who was stood right there.

Raven: "You aren't going anywhere...." She said.

Security 1: "S-She's another Diclonius!!!!!!" He shout out and then the two of them were shooting their guns at her and she use her power to block the bullets and she said.

Raven: "I am not...Diclonius." She said and she use her magic to blast the two securities and blow them up right away and then the two of them fall down on the ground...only one left is Kurama and he was surprise and then Raven land down on the ground and she said.

Raven: "You are Kurama, aren't you?" She asked him.

Kurama: "Yes, w-what do you want-" He tried to said and got punch by her and knock her down on the ground and then she was gonna need him alive right away and she will not kill him and she need to bring this motherfucker to (Y/N) and let him torture this fucker.

Back to (Y/N).

After (Y/N) was done killing all every last one of these motherfuckers and make the bodies of these soldiers fall down on the ground and then all of them are dead by (Y/N) was totally terminating all of these motherfuckers. Then (Y/N) turn his head to look all around for what he did is....56 soldiers and securities got killing by (Y/N) and torn them all by him.

(Y/N)/Carnage: "Let there be....CARNAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out.

Why don't you

Why don't you just fuck off and die

Why can't you just fuck off and die

Why can't you just leave here and die

Never stick your hand in my face again bitch

Fuck you

I don't need this shit

You stupid sadistic abusive fucking whore

How would you like to see how it feels mommy

Here it comes, get ready to die

(Y/N)/Carnage: "*ROAR*"

Oh, ah, ah, ah, ah

Get up, come on get down with the sickness

Get up, come on get down with the sickness

Get up, come on get down with the sickness

Open up your hate, and let it flow into me

Get up, come on get down with the sickness

You mother get up come on get down with the sickness

You fucker get up come on get down with the sickness

Madness has now come over me

To Be Continued.

Okumaya devam et

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