Attack On Titan Rebirth Chron...

By ArmandLukwichi

51 4 0

[Volume 3] "Attack on Titan Rebirth Chronicles: The Reiss Family" is a narrative set in the world of "Attack... More

Act 2
Act 3
Act 4
Act 5

Act 1

23 1 0
By ArmandLukwichi

"My descendants, fellow children of Ymir... hear me well. I am Karl Fritz of House Sina, the 145th king of Eldia and the last of its rulers. I have seen the horrors of war and the sins of our people. I have witnessed the suffering of the nations we oppressed and the hatred we bred. I have decided to end this cycle of violence and bring peace to the world. I have moved some of our people to this island, where we will live in isolation from the rest of humanity. I have raised these Walls made out of Colossal Titans born from air to protect us from our enemies and to seal our fate. I have used the power of the Founding Titan to erase the memories of the outside world from you, so that you may live in ignorance and bliss. But this is not enough. I must also ensure that this power will never be used for evil again. I must make a vow that will bind me and all of you who inherit my blood and my will. A vow that will renounce war and accept our doom. A vow that will prevent the Founding Titan from ever unleashing its wrath upon the world as its now only capable of being used by the true Descendants of Ymir and King Fritz... not those of our people whose ancestors merely consumed her blood... thus becoming tainted by Ymir's blood (Non-royal Eldians). A vow that will make us the sacrificial lambs for the sake of humanity. This is my final wish and my ultimate atonement. This is the vow of Karl Fritz."

Noah Reiss stood in the dimly lit chamber, the weight of his family's legacy pressing down upon him. The air was thick with anticipation, the scent of the serum in his trembling hands mingling with the eerie hymn chanted by the Reiss family. The ritualistic atmosphere seemed to dance with shadows, and Noah couldn't shake the sense of foreboding that clung to the air.

His aunt, Rita Reiss, was willingly chained down, her eyes reflecting a mixture of fear and acceptance. The chains that bound her seemed symbolic of the shackles that bound the Reiss family to their destiny. As the hymn echoed through the chamber, Noah felt a chill crawl down his spine.

The hymn was a haunting melody, a tribute to Karl Fritz and the three walls-Rose, Maria, and Sina-that sheltered humanity from the Titans beyond. The words were ancient, carrying the weight of generations rooted in a group that was a melting pot of different variations of Eldians that continued to grow during the Great War, each verse resonating with the somber history of the Eldian people. The chanting intensified, weaving a macabre tapestry around the impending transformation.

Ó, veggir sem vernda heilagt skjólið vort, Borg sem er sterk, af Fritz í steinum orðinn. Rosa, María, Sína í faðmlagi þínu, Skjólið okkur í þessum endalausa rúmi. Karl Fritz, í skuggum djúpum, Þitt loforð, eilíflega viðhöfum við.

Þitarnir ganga um, en inni við stöndum, Verndarmenn á fordómaðu, skiptingu landi. Erfð, glaum, hringurinn lokaður, Fjölskylda, fúsing, fórnin sæt. Eldsneytisblóð, arfurinn sárt, Bundinn við Titanana, í þessari endalausu keðju.

Grundvöld mætti, í þér hvílast, Gjallandi galdur Karl Fritz, eilífleg tengsl. Veggir sem skýlja, en leyndin ber, Í höndum titansins, sögur ósagðar...

- Reiss Family

[O, walls that guard our sacred haven, A fortress strong, by Fritz be graven. Rose, Maria, Sina's embrace, Shelter us in this boundless space. Karl Fritz, in shadows deep, Your vow, a promise, eternally we keep. Titans roam, yet within we stand, Guardians of a cursed, shifting land. Inherit, devour, the cycle complete, Family bonds, sacrifice sweet. Eldian blood, a legacy's bane, Bound to the Titans, in this endless chain. Founding power, within thee lies, Karl Fritz's echoes, the eternal ties. Walls that shield, yet secrets hold, In the titan's grasp, stories untold.]

Noah hesitated, serum-filled syringe in hand. He could feel the eyes of his family upon him, their expectations like a heavy cloak. This was the Reiss family's way, a twisted tradition passed down through the ages-a succession ritual that involved devouring one's own kin to inherit the power of the Founding Titan.

His gaze met Rita's, a silent exchange that held more emotion than words ever could. In that moment, Noah saw the burden she carried willingly, the sacrifice she was making for the sake of their lineage. It was a grim dance with destiny, a macabre ballet that had played out countless times before.

Noah's hands shook as he raised the syringe, the serum glinting ominously in the dim light. The hymn reached a crescendo, filling the chamber with an otherworldly energy. He closed his eyes, allowing the words to wash over him, intertwining with the drumming of his own heartbeat.

As the final notes hung in the air, Noah plunged the syringe into his thigh. The cool liquid seeped into his veins, a chilling reminder of the transformation that awaited him. The room seemed to warp and distort as the serum took effect, his body convulsing with an otherworldly energy.

The chains binding Rita who is rattled as she, too, felt the impending shift in the atmosphere. Her eyes met Noah's once more, a silent acknowledgment of the path they were both walking.

Noah's vision blurred as the transformation overcame him. The hymn, now a distant echo, melded with the guttural roars escaping his own throat. The world twisted, contorted, and then, in a burst of blinding light, Noah Reiss succumbed to the curse of the Titans.

In that eerie chamber, the ritual had played out once more, a macabre symphony of sacrifice and succession. The Reiss family's destiny continued its relentless march through time, leaving in its wake a transformed Noah-a pure Titan that consumed his loved one mindlessly by nature to be free of its constraints... to be "human" once more at the price of Rita who is crushed and decapitated as her neck stretched like flesh from prey leaving a red mess, he is now the inheritor of the power that bound their family to the ghosts of Karl Fritz and the walls that stood as silent sentinels against the Titans.

Noah stood amidst the lingering echoes of the macabre ritual, his eyes now glowing with the power he had inherited. The chamber, once filled with anticipation, now held a heavy silence. Rita Reiss's lifeless corpse lay before him, a stark reminder of the sacrifice demanded by their family's twisted legacy.

As Noah emerged from the Titan body, he felt the weight of the Founding Titan's power coursing through him. The eerie hymn still lingered in the air, but its tone had shifted, carrying an undertone of somber acceptance. The Reiss family's destiny had unfolded once again, binding Noah to the legacy of Karl Fritz and the intricate web of secrets woven within the walls.

Noah's gaze, now tinged with the gravity of his newfound abilities, swept across the chamber. His family members, witnesses to this grim spectacle, bore expressions ranging from stoicism to sorrow. The glow in Noah's eyes reflected not only the power he now possessed but also the burden he willingly carried for the sake of their lineage.

As Noah stepped out of the chamber, the air seemed charged with an otherworldly energy. The walls of the cavern, the very embodiment of Karl Fritz's vow, stood sentinel over the Reiss family's secrets. The legacy of Titans and sacrifice continued, an unbroken chain that connected them to a history buried beneath the surface and within Noah himself.

Noah's mind, now entwined with the memories of those who came before him, grappled with the weight of responsibility. The glow in his eyes flickered, revealing the internal struggle beneath the veneer of newfound power. The chilling realization settled in-he was now a keeper of secrets, a pawn in a legacy that transcended generations.

As Noah moved forward, the dimly lit corridor echoed with the haunting whispers of the Reiss family hymn. The shadows seemed to dance around him, a silent testimony to the tragedies and sacrifices that had shaped their existence. The chamber behind him held the remains of one sacrifice, while the path ahead hinted at the countless others that awaited in the labyrinth of their family's destiny.

Noah stood at a distance, his gaze fixed on his sons, Uri and Rod Reiss. The marks on his face and the glowing eyes with streaks of light escaping his pupils betrayed the transformation he had undergone. The once warm and loving father now seemed distant, a vessel of the power that bound their family to its tragic legacy.

Uri and Rod, still in their early teens, looked up at Noah, their expressions a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. They sensed the change in their father, the aura of authority and ancient power that now surrounded him. The walls of the chamber seemed to bear witness to the silent reunion, an unspoken acknowledgment of the weight that had settled upon Noah's shoulders.

Noah, the newly crowned King of the Walls, had once dreamt of a different fate for his sons. He had kept them away from the grim ceremony, shielding them from the monstrous truth that lurked within their family's history. But the newly acquired insight and understanding, bestowed upon him by the power of the Founding Titan, had reshaped his motivations.

As Noah approached, a subtle tension hung in the air. His sons, the two most precious beings in his world, looked at him with a mixture of awe and trepidation. The distance between them felt like an unbridgeable chasm, and Noah hesitated to embrace them as he once would have.

The glow in Noah's eyes betrayed the conflict within him. His subconscious alignment with Karl Fritz's will had altered the course of his intentions. Instead of being motivated solely by the desire to protect his sons, Noah found himself driven by the broader purpose that the King's will imposed upon him.

No words were spoken as Noah observed his children, his expression emotionless. The streaks of light escaping his pupils seemed to mirror the complex interplay of shadows and illumination within the walls that encased their world. The chamber held the silent tension of a father torn between the love for his family and the inexorable pull of a destiny written in the ancient hymn that echoed through the corridors of their existence.

Uri and Rod Reiss didn't make much of it for the time as a few months passed they started exploring more of their walled districts but under the watchful eyes of the Royal Guards. They traveled from North of Wall Sina down to South where Wall Maria lies... visiting all 12 districts excluding Mitras within 3 years.
As Uri and Rod Reiss continued their explorations within the walled districts, the watchful eyes of the Royal Guards accompanied them, ensuring their safety and maintaining a regal presence. The journey from the North to the South of Wall Maria became a transformative experience, exposing them to the diverse lives and struggles of the citizens confined within the colossal walls.

Rod, in particular, found himself drawn to the vibrancy of Wall Rose. Amidst the bustling streets, he encountered Alma, a woman who exuded both charm and a spirited demeanor. Her involvement in social gatherings and parties had been a source of joy until her inheritance dwindled, leading her to consider a servant role offered by Rod.

The dynamic between Rod and Alma unfolded with a delicate dance of attraction and unspoken desires. Rod, bound by an arranged marriage with a noblewoman, found himself captivated by Alma's outgoing nature. His charm and calm aura, though unsettling at times, created a magnetic pull that Alma couldn't easily resist. He had a weakness for women as a addicted womanizer. Nothing was particularly special about Rod Reiss other than his legacy and wealth which Alma grew accustomed to this fact as his facade faded.

As Alma entered Rod's household, the walls of propriety blurred, revealing a connection that went beyond master and servant. Rod's fascination with the citizens' plight deepened, as he realized the stark contrast between their confined lives and the freedom he once took for granted. The shared understanding of the Walls' limitations created an unspoken bond between Rod and Alma, an alliance born out of empathy for those trapped within the walls.

The trio continued their exploration, each district unraveling its own set of challenges and stories. The Royal Guards, observant yet discreet, witnessed the growth and transformation of the Reiss brothers as they navigated the complexities of their roles while making sure they don't step out of line.

Rod's arranged marriage, a looming specter over his burgeoning connection with Alma, added a layer of tension to their story. The walls, both literal and metaphorical, seemed to close in on them, mirroring the struggles faced by the citizens he sought to understand.

In the heart of this intricate web of relationships and societal constraints, Uri and Rod Reiss found themselves at the crossroads of duty and desire, with the fate of their family and the destiny of the walls hanging in the balance.

Rod's relentless pleas for his father's support in protecting the people from the Titans grew more fervent with each rejection. Despite Uri eventually surrendering to the parental decree, Rod persisted, undeterred by the mounting tension between him and his father. The frustration and desperation etched on Rod's face seemed to reflect the broader conflict within the Reiss family.

Noah, in a stark departure from his previous demeanor, remained indifferent to his son's impassioned pleas. The change in Noah's perspective and the way he perceived both the people and his family marked a profound shift in his character. His wife's isolation, a consequence of her feeling estranged, appeared to leave Noah untouched or harmed, as long as she remained within the boundaries of his expectations.

The imprisonment of Rod, a drastic measure taken by Noah, hinted at the deep-seated conflict within the family. The walls of secrecy and the unspoken burdens they carried seemed to exert an increasing strain on their relationships. The once warm and protective father now appeared distant and unyielding, his motivations shrouded in a newfound perspective that remained elusive to his sons.

As Rod languished in confinement, the isolation seemed to heighten his determination rather than quell it. The Reiss family, once united by a shared duty, now faced fractures and divisions that threatened to unravel the very fabric of their existence. The shadows within the walls whispered of secrets, and the consequences of unspoken truths cast long shadows over the Reiss family's destiny.

The air within their home, once filled with the hymns of duty, now crackled with tension and unanswered questions. Uri, observing the growing rift between his father and brother, found himself torn between familial loyalty and a yearning for a truth that remained elusive. The Reiss family, entangled in the intricate web of their own legacy, stood at the precipice of a revelation that could reshape their destinies or plunge them further into the shadows of their own making.

The Reiss Estate in Mitras

stood in silent grandeur, its corridors echoing with the weight of unspoken truths. Rod, having been released from his confinement, wandered through the estate's gardens where the scent of blooming flowers mingled with the tension that lingered in the air.

Spotting Uri by a tranquil fountain, Rod approached with a furrowed brow. "Uri," he began, his voice carrying a mix of curiosity and concern. "I've been released, but I can't fathom Father's actions. What's going on? Why the imprisonment?"

Uri turned, his gaze meeting Rod's with a hint of weariness. "Father's decisions have become more enigmatic, even to me," he admitted, the weight of unspoken worries etched on his face.

Rod took a moment before pressing further to change the subject to lighten the mood. "And you, Uri? Why haven't you taken a wife yet? It's not like you to shy away from responsibilities, especially in these times."

Uri's eyes, thoughtful and distant, reflected the complexity of his inner thoughts. "There are matters, Rod, that demand my attention," he replied cryptically. "Responsibilities, yes, but of a different nature. Something has shifted, and I find myself drawn to a path that diverges from the expected."

Rod's skepticism was evident. "A different path? Uri, we're entwined in the affairs of the walls, and now isn't the time for personal pursuits."

Uri's gaze held a mixture of determination and secrecy. "Rod, there are things I've discovered, things that challenge the very foundations of our beliefs. It's not a matter of personal pursuit but a duty to unravel the truth. I must tread carefully and understand the forces that shape our destiny."

Rod, torn between family loyalty and the urgency of Uri's revelation, sighed. "Uri, you've always been the rational one, but these secrets-"

"Are our burden, Rod," Uri interrupted, his eyes locking with Rod's. "It's time we confront the shadows that lurk within our family and the walls. There's a greater truth, and I can't ignore it any longer."

The garden, once a haven of tranquility, now resonated with the weight of unspoken revelations. The Reiss brothers stood at the crossroads, each facing their own dilemmas, as the tendrils of a mysterious destiny wound tighter around them, threatening to expose the secrets that had long remained hidden within the walls.

Uri leaned against the edge of the fountain, watching Rod with a mix of empathy and curiosity. "So, Rod, what was it like being stuck in that cell? Quite the change from our usual pampered lifestyle, huh?"

Rod, running a hand through his disheveled hair, let out a humorless laugh. "Yeah, you could say that. Never thought I'd see the day when I'd be stuck in a gloomy cell in our own damn estate."

Uri nodded, his expression understanding. "Must've been tough. I can't imagine Father's reasoning for that drastic measure when he didn't even give a valid justification."

Rod sighed, his shoulders slumping. "Tough doesn't even cover it. But what gets me more is the fact that Father, the man who practically raised us, doesn't feel the need to explain himself. It's like he's become a different person."

Uri's gaze turned somber. "Something's changed in him, and it's not just about our family duties. I can't put my finger on it, but there's an undercurrent of something more... something darker."

Rod nodded, his eyes reflecting the weight of his recent ordeal. "Yeah, and that darkness extends beyond just Father. The walls, our family, everything feels like it's closing in. It's unsettling especially with rumors of Titans in Wall Maria."

Uri, now standing beside Rod, placed a reassuring hand on his brother's shoulder. "We'll figure this out together, Rod. Whatever's happening, we'll face it as brothers."

A fleeting smile crossed Rod's face as he appreciated Uri's support. "Thanks, Uri. But enough about this gloomy topic. Got your eyes on something else?"

Uri's gaze shifted, a subtle hesitancy in his response. "There are things, Rod..."

Rod raised an eyebrow, a teasing smirk playing on his lips. "Ah, a man of mystery now, huh? Just spill it, Uri."

Uri chuckled, the tension momentarily lifting. "One mystery at a time, Rod. Let's navigate through this mess together, then we can swap stories when the time comes."

Years passed and The brothers, bound by blood and a shared history, found a moment of connection amidst the uncertainty that enveloped them. The garden, witness to their conversations, held the echoes of unspoken truths, waiting for the Reiss family's destiny to unfold.

In the depths of the crystal labyrinthine caverns beneath the Reiss Chapel, Uri found himself surrounded by the echoes of history. The walls, formed of hardening crystals, seemed to carry the weight of generations, each facet reflecting the stories and secrets etched within as they have bore witness to sacrificial ceremonies since before his birth.

As Uri traversed through the maze of glistening formations, he felt the resonance of the Founding Titan's power that lingered in the air. The whispers of the past reverberated, a haunting reminder of the complacency that had plagued the Kings of the Walls through the ages, from the First King to his father, Noah.

Determined to break free from this cycle of passivity, Uri stood in the heart of the crystal labyrinth, where the voices of his ancestors seemed to converge. The glow of the crystals illuminated his resolve, and a quiet determination settled within him.

"I won't let history repeat itself," Uri declared, his voice echoing through the crystalline expanse. "I will inherit the power of the Founder, not just for the sake of duty as King of the People, but to create a true paradise within these walls for all. A place where humanity can thrive, unburdened by the shadows of the past."

The crystalline formations seemed to shimmer in response, as if acknowledging Uri's vow. The labyrinth, a silent witness to the struggles of the Reiss family, held the potential for change, for a deviation from the well-worn path that had defined their history.

As Uri continued to navigate the maze, the whispers of the past transformed into a chorus of encouragement. The faces of his ancestors, etched in the facets of the crystals, seemed to nod in approval. The weight of the vow he made to himself became a beacon, guiding him through the shadows that concealed the secrets of the walls.

In that sacred space beneath the Reiss Chapel, Uri stood as a beacon of hope, ready to challenge the complacency that had defined the Kings of the Walls. The crystal labyrinth, with its timeless whispers, bore witness to Uri's determination to forge a new destiny, free from the constraints that had shackled the Reiss family for far too long.

In the Reiss household, the echoes of familial laughter and the pitter-patter of children's feet filled the air. Rod and Melanie, as a married couple, had welcomed a brood of five children into their lives, shaping the dynamics of the Reiss family.

Frieda, the oldest of the siblings, assumed a role of responsibility as she tenderly cared for her younger brothers: Urklyn, Dirk, Abel, and Florian. The Reiss household buzzed with the energy of growing children, their diverse personalities adding colour to the tapestry of family life.

Frieda, mature beyond her years, took on the mantle of an older sister with grace. In the span of ten years, the Reiss family had grown, and Melanie's love and care provided a nurturing environment for their children. Rod, despite the complexities of the world outside, found solace within the walls of his home, where the laughter of his children echoed the hope for a brighter future.

Urklyn, with his boundless curiosity, explored the world with wide-eyed wonder as the second eldest after Frieda. Dirk, a spirited presence, brought joy with his infectious laughter. Abel, the thoughtful one, observed the world around her with a discerning gaze. Florian, the youngest, she was a bundle of joy, a testament to the evolving chapters of the Reiss family's story.

As Frieda guided her siblings through the journey of childhood, the Reiss household became a haven of warmth and love, a stark contrast to the uncertainties that lurked beyond the walls. The family dinners, the shared stories, and the occasional squabbles created a sense of unity that defied the complexities of the world outside.

Rod, watching his children grow, found solace in the simplicity of familial bonds. The walls of the Reiss estate, which once held secrets and shadows, now bore witness to the unspoken stories of a family navigating the intricacies of love, duty, and the hope for a future free from the burdens that had plagued their lineage for generations.

The weight of Rod's internal struggles bore heavily on him, casting a shadow over what seemed like a content married life. The realization that his children would be bound by the grim fate of devouring him to inherit the power of the Titans gnawed at his soul. The prospect of a cyclical pattern of consumption and inheritance left Rod in a state of deep sadness and contemplation.

As Frieda observed her father's distress, she couldn't help but be affected by the palpable sense of despair that hung over their household. Rod's worries about the impending fate of his children and the potential collapse of the walls became a haunting presence that permeated the once joyful atmosphere.

Frieda, concerned for her father, sought solace in visiting her grandfather, Noah. The contrast in their demeanor was stark; while both shared an air of melancholy, Noah's stoicism presented an eerie calmness. Rod, on the other hand, grappled with sporadic emotional outbursts, revealing the depth of his inner turmoil.

In these visits, Frieda became a silent observer of the generational echoes of the Reiss family's struggles. The weight of the Titans' legacy bore heavily on each member, manifesting in different ways. The uncertainty of the future, coupled with the impending threats from both within and beyond the walls, intensified the internal battles faced by Rod.

The world's end loomed as a maddening possibility, a fate that seemed both imminent and elusive. Rod's erratic emotions mirrored the chaotic nature of their reality, where the fragility of their existence clashed with the desire for a future free from the shackles of the Titans.

As Frieda navigated the complexities of her family's struggles, the walls around them stood as both protectors and prison. The eerie calmness of Noah and the emotional turmoil of Rod painted a portrait of a family tethered to a destiny they could not escape, even as they grappled with the haunting inevitability of the Titans' legacy.

The Reiss household unfolded with a mix of familial bonds and the weight of responsibilities. Frieda, as the eldest, found herself shouldering the caretaking duties for her younger siblings-Urklyn, Abel, Dirk, and Florian. Melanie, their mother, immersed herself in the lavish lifestyle provided by the Reiss family's position, leaving the nurturing responsibilities largely to Frieda.

Urklyn, the second eldest and first son, carried an air of curiosity, while Abel, the third eldest, added a touch of femininity to the Reiss siblings. Dirk, the fourth youngest, toddled around the estate, a bundle of energy under Frieda's watchful eye. Florian, the youngest and a baby, found solace in her mother Melanie's embrace.

Amidst the complex dynamics, Melanie's role extended beyond motherhood. Screened by the Royal Government to secure the continuity of the Royal bloodline, she bore the weight of secrecy. The threat of execution by being thrown over the walls into the Titans' domain loomed as a consequence if she were to divulge the Reiss family's hidden truths.

As the Reiss home bustled with activity, Alma, along with other helpers, maintained the order within the estate. She attended to Rod Reiss's needs and ensured the rooms remained pristine, navigating the fine line between servitude and "friendship".

(Nearby Village, Wall Sina Interior)

Frieda, despite the challenges, embraced her role as the caretaker of her younger siblings. The echoes of duty, secrecy, and the ever-present danger outside the walls painted a complex portrait of the Reiss family. The grandeur of their lifestyle juxtaposed with the shadows of potential betrayal and sacrifice created an atmosphere fraught with tension and unspoken burdens.

Frieda, with a worried furrow on her brow, approached her grandfather Noah as he coughed blood, a sight that filled her with concern and fear. "Grandfather, what's happening to you?" she asked, her voice tinged with a mix of innocence and anxiety.

Noah, usually quiet and reserved, looked at Frieda with a contemplative gaze. He hesitated, a momentary struggle evident in his eyes, but then he decided to steer the conversation in a different direction. "Ah, my dear Frieda, the mysteries of life and death are complex," he replied, his tone holding a weight of both wisdom and weariness.

Frieda, not easily swayed, persisted. "But Grandfather, you're coughing blood. Something must be done! What can I do to help?"

Noah, his gaze softening, reached out to gently touch Frieda's cheek. "Child, there are things beyond our control. What I need from you is understanding and strength." He paused for a moment, as if contemplating how much to reveal.

Changing the subject, Noah asked, "Have I ever told you why the walls are named as they are? Wall Rose, Wall Maria, and Wall Sina."

Frieda, momentarily caught off guard, shook her head. "No, Grandfather, you haven't. Why are they named like that?"

A faint smile played on Noah's lips as he began to explain. "They are named after ancient rulers who once formed Royal houses that dominated the globe for a long time. House Maria, House Rose, and House Sina. The history of these houses is intertwined with the very fabric of our society, stretching back to times long past."

As Noah delved into the historical intricacies, Frieda listened intently, momentarily forgetting the concern about her grandfather's condition. The tales of ancient rulers, the foundations of their society, and the origin of the walls unfolded like chapters of a forgotten epic, adding layers of context to the world she had known.

Noah, choosing to share the weight of history instead of the burden of his own mortality, guided Frieda through the stories that shaped their existence. The echoes of the past mingled with the present, creating a tapestry of understanding that went beyond the confines of their colossal walls.

Noah, the weight of history in his words, continued the tale of the houses that once shaped their society. "A few hundred years ago, my dear Frieda, House Maria, House Rose, and House Sina waged a war that shook the very foundations of Eldia. House Maria, complacent with its power, faced discontent from House Sina, which grew annoyed by the lack of control over its members and the ever-expanding Eldia. Especially when the Attack Titan holder was prone to running off or be defiant." (His eyes glow for a few minutes before stopping after the end of this sentence) "What a troublesome Titan, vile and Evil... i enjoyed humbling and chaining it... the arrogance of Liberty."

"House Rose, usually neutral, harbored opportunists seeking to implement aggressive expansion. The seeds of hatred were sown, and House Sina, the weakest in terms of power, joined the feud, driven by the necessity of survival," Noah explained, his eyes reflecting the weight of those tumultuous times.

"The powerful Founding Titan belonged to House Maria, leaving House Sina at a disadvantage. House Sina, in a desperate bid to survive the clash between the two superior powers, entered the war. By the end of it, the underdog, House Sina, emerged victorious, but the cost was devastating especially when it came to capture the Titan that went Berserk and caused Anarchy," Noah continued, his voice tinged with the echoes of the horrors witnessed.

Frieda, shocked and wide-eyed, listened as the revelations unfolded. The scale of human cruelty, the toll exacted by the war, and the events leading up to it painted a grim picture of their history but it puzzled her how personally he is acting as if he was there. The realization that the conflict caused deaths equivalent to the population of Paradis a hundred times over during the span of those centuries left Frieda grappling with the magnitude of human suffering.

As Noah's words settled in the air, Frieda began to comprehend the complexities of their society, the shadows of the past casting a long and haunting presence over the world within the walls. The echoes of that war reverberated through generations, shaping the destiny of Eldia and the Reiss family in ways that were both profound and unsettling.

Noah, after sharing the tumultuous history of the three houses, looked down at Frieda with a faint smile. "So, my dear, which house do you think we belong to?" he asked, a gentle twinkle in his eyes.

Frieda, innocence reflected in her laughter, chuckled and replied, "House Sina, Grandfather. We belong to House Sina, right?"

Noah patted her head affectionately, nodding in affirmation. "Indeed, Frieda. We are descendants of House Sina, the survivors of a war that shaped the very walls that encircle us."

As Frieda absorbed this revelation, curiosity sparkled in her eyes. "But Grandfather, who were Maria, Rose, and Sina? Who was the mother of the sisters?"

Noah's expression turned pensive. "Ah, my child, that is a mystery lost to time. Maria, Rose, and Sina were sisters, and Sina is the mother of House Sina. The generations that followed shaped the world we know today. However, the identity of the progenitor, the mother of the sisters, is unknown to me. It seems to be a piece of our history that has been forgotten by time."

Frieda, intrigued by the gaps in their ancestral knowledge, contemplated the mysteries that lingered in the shadows of their lineage. The forgotten origins of Maria, Rose, and Sina cast a veil of uncertainty over their family's history, leaving them with fragments of a narrative that time had chosen to obscure.

Noah, his weathered hand gentle as he patted Frieda's head, stood up with a slight sigh. "I must make arrangements for a ceremony at the chapel, my dear. Farewell for now," he said, his eyes holding a mixture of affection and a weight that hinted at the solemnity of the task at hand.

Frieda, puzzled by the mention of farewell, looked up at her grandfather. "Farewell?, Grandfather, Why? What's happening?"

Noah offered a reassuring smile but remained enigmatic in his response. "Your father or uncle will elaborate when the time is right, my dear Frieda. There are things you will start to understand, and the chapel ceremony is a part of that."

With that, Noah left Frieda to contemplate the mysteries that surrounded their family. The air in the room felt heavy with unspoken truths, and the anticipation of what lay ahead hung in the atmosphere like a quiet storm, waiting to unfold at the hands of those who held the keys to the Reiss family's legacy.

Thanks For Reading

[ Part of Ymir's Legacy on the Continent known prior as Babel (By the Brits/Middle Easterners) then globally as Eldia and now Marley both super powers with the power of providence.]

(There are Two Sides to every story, Karl mostly knew one side but it was an ugly one coated in blood to enforce order or abuse power.)

"Die menschliche Verfassung"

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" 𝗟𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗜 𝗳𝗲𝗹𝘁 𝗜 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗲𝘅𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗹𝘆 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗱𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝗱𝗼𝗻𝗲." - 𝐘/𝐍 You are a member of the Ackerman Clan - an ancient...
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Like water is forced to flow and life is destined to fade, humans follow a strict path carved in stone ever since they were born. This curse is calle...
1.2M 49.6K 35
He loved you,proposed to you and did whatever a loving husband could do for the past four years of your marriage. His name is Levi Ackerman and you l...