The Wilted Rose

By Zach42799

69.4K 1.7K 535

Y/N Rose was the son of Qrow Branwen and Summer Rose, and the oldest child of the Rose family. Due to Qrows'... More

Character Bio
Prologue: Beyond Repair
Chapter 1: One tiny problem
Chapter 2: Forehand or Backhand?
Chapter 3: Not without a fight
Chapter 4: Revival
Chapter 5: Initiation
# FUCKIN 3!!!
Chapter 6: Lonesome Road
Roy Winchester/Arsenal Bio
Chapter 7: Indebted
Chapter 8: Welcome to Mantle
Chapter 9: Uncovered
Chapter 10: The Rescue
Chapter 11: Outlaws At Last
Chapter 12: Tremors
Chapter 13: Trust
Chapter 14: Sticks And Stones
1K! Thank You Guys
Chapter 15: The Foundry
Chapter 16: Premonitions
Chapter 17: Death
Chapter 18: Rebirth
Chapter 19: Too Far Gone (Vol.0 Finale)
Chapter 20: Train Ride (Vol. 1 Prologue)
Chapter 21: Sisters
Chapter 22: The Lucky Ones
Chapter 23: Ghost
Chapter 24: Quiet Night
Chapter 25: Protector
Chapter 26: Calm...
Chapter 27: ...Before The Storm
Chapter 28: Lifeline
Chapter 29: Who I Am (Vol. 1 Finale)
Chapter 30: Costly Mistakes (Vol. 1.5 Prologue)
Chapter 31: Critical Care
5K reads!!!
Chapter 32: Testing
Chapter 33: Your Greatest Failure
Chapter 34: Guess Who's Back
Chapter 35: Progress
Chapter 36: Fix Me
Chapter 37: A Silver Bullet
Chapter 38: Should've Known Better
Chapter 39: The Road To Hell Is Paved In Good Intentions....
Chapter 40: Closeness
Chapter 41: Back In School
Next Red Hood Outfit Vote/Closed
Chapter 42: The Much Needed Talk
Chapter 43: The Company We Keep
Chapter 44: Prophecies (Vol. 1.5 finale)
Chapter 45: The Bookstore (Vol. 2 Prologue)
Chapter 46: You Atlesian Joker
Thank you Wattapad....
Chapter 47: Keep It Simple
Chapter 48: What's the plan?
Chapter 49: Fatherly Love
Chapter 50: Something I Cant Let Go Of
Chapter 51: I Hate When I'm Right....
Chapter 52: Takedown
Chapter 53: Goodnight Princess
Chapter 54: Too Much To Lose....
Chapter 56: Concept Of Subtilty
Chapter 57: End Of The Line
Chapter 58: Nothing I Wont Do
Chapter 59: You Have Achieved Nothing
Chapter 60: Three Simple Words (Vol. 2 Finale)
Bonus Chapter: Your Scars Are Beautiful *Lemon*
Chapter 61: Demon (Vol. 3 Prologue)
Chapter 62: Round One
Chapter 63: I've Got Nothing For You
Chapter 64: Round Two
Chapter 65: We're Talking Aren't We?
Chapter 66: The Vault
Chapter 67: Breaking Point
Important Notice/updated
Chapter 68: Firing Squad
Chapter 69: Nightmare
Chapter 70: Better Tomorrow
Important Notice Pt. 2
Chapter 71: The Easy Part
Chapter 72: Do Or Die
Chapter 73: Failure
Chapter 74: Two Options
Chapter 75: Bad Joke
Chapter 76: House Of Cards
Chapter 77: Bid Farewell
Chapter 78: Everything That Came Before
Chapter 79: Recovery
Chapter 80: Someone's Got To Stay (Book 1 Finale)
Book 2 is out now!

Chapter 55: Between Wants And Needs

390 13 14
By Zach42799


8:00 PM

140 Days to the Fall

Y/n Pov

The night of the dance was here. I will be the first to admit that this was well out of my comfort zone. I had never been to anything like this before. Nervousness was creeping up on me. Simple concerns became huge problems. Was the suit and tie enough? Should I dress up more? Would Weiss like it? It was pretty simple worries compared to normal ones, but they felt just as important.

This was something that I would ask Weiss about since this is something she's used to but according to Yang, she cant see me nor can I see her until we get there. Something about making it more of a special evening. It being Weiss' birthday, I absolutely wanted to make sure that it was the best it could possibly be. We haven't gotten too much time together as of late with the prep work for the dance.

Of course there was also the end of the dance.... That was something I was looking forward to.... Since we agreed to wait, it's been constantly in the back of my mind. The excitement making it hard to concentrate on anything else. It also didn't help that we had agreed to wait after things started getting heated....

Yang: Y/n, you look great! Weiss is going to love it.

Y/n: Does it though? It's uncomfortable and restrictive....

Yang: It's a suit, Y/n.... A suit that you ran to the store last minute for because you were scared of disappointing Weiss.... Of course it's not going to be a perfect fit.

Y/n: Yeah but-

Yang: Y/n! You look fine. Not as fine as me but meh~

Y/n: Mhm... Lone-

Yang: Say it and your going to be limping into that ballroom!

I laughed at Yang and she picked up my shoe and threw it at me. I caught it and sat on the bed next to her. I'll be honest, I didn't think Yang would go for a white dress. Yellow was always her color for obvious reasons. It was strange to see her wearing something other than bright yellow. I got my shoes on and stood up looking myself over in the mirror.

Yang: See! You look fine.

Y/n: I... Guess...

Yang: Y/n... She's gonna love it.

Weiss Pov

Same time

Ruby: Weiss... He's going to love it!

Weiss: But what if he doesn't!? It's too late to change into another one!

Ruby: I doubt that there's anything you could wear that he wouldn't like....

I sat in front of the mirror examining everything about my dress. I've looked over it at least a dozen times and I'm still not sure if there's something wrong with the dress or if I'm just overthinking. I've been to plenty of balls and dances but this is the first one that I'm nervous for. Y/n can't be having a hard of a time as I am, can he? I shook my head and sighed. It doesn't matter if there's anything wrong with the dress anyway. It's too late to change.

Ruby: You know, I heard from Yang that Y/n ran to one of the tuxedo stores this morning because he didn't want to disappoint you.

Weiss: Really?

Ruby: Yeah! I'm sure he got something you'll like, just like I'm sure that dress is something he'll like.

Weiss: I.... Guess your right....

I took another look at my dress, only this time feeling more confident. Ruby was wearing a red dress with black seams at the bottom. It was something that Yang had bought for her when she picked up her dress. Knowing Ruby, she would have went in her hood. Come to think of it, knowing Y/n, he's probably going to be wearing something in his colors like Ruby is. I let my imagination run wild for a moment and I was certainly not disappointed....

Ruby: ....Weiss, what's with that face?

Weiss: NOTHING!!!

Y/n Pov

Yang and I were walking to the ballroom. There was no point in putting it off, especially since the alternative was just a dress shirt, and put simply, I didn't drop five hundred Lein on a suit to not wear it. Though despite the discomfort that I felt wearing the suit, it was made doubly so because I didn't have any of my weapons. I felt naked without them but I was positive that I wouldn't need them. It's just a dance, what could possibly go wrong?

The walk was short especially since Yang and I kept up our banter the entire way. I wonder how everyone else is faring tonight. I'm almost certain that Blake was going to come tonight. After Blake and I concluded out reintroductions, Blake headed straight to their room. Speaking from experience, that would have been the best sleep she's ever had. As for Ruby, supposedly, she almost woke Blake up because of how excited she was that Yang and I got through to her.

Everything was on track and ready for tonight. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to this, if only a little. Just like the night Weiss and I spent together a week ago, tonight was going to be for us. Making it to the ballroom, we entered to see most of if not all of the student body here. From first to third years, everyone was enjoying the work that Yang and Weiss put into planning this. I didn't see anyone that I recognized at first glance but I'm sure JNPR is coming if their not here already.

Yang: I'm going to stick around the front and greet people. Go and have fun.

Y/n: This isn't exactly my definition of fun, though....

Yang: It will be when Weiss gets here.

Ain't that the truth... I walked into the sea of people. I was feeling a mix between self-consciousness and displacement. It was weird being somewhere so.... Normal. Sure you could argue that school was normal, but normal ones don't teach you how to combat giant monsters. I tried to keep myself towards the edge of the crowd.

The other students laughing and dancing, spending time with their friends... Then there's me.... A fish out of water. I figured that I should just head to the balcony that overlooked the lower courtyard. It looked like there were no students there and it was away from the loud music. Walking up the stairs, I opened the glass door, stepping out. The breeze cool and the air clear.

It was nice feeling the evening breeze blowing through my hair. Having the moment to myself, I took out my cigarettes and lit one. While I was waiting for Weiss to get here, I could blow off some steam. I had barely lit it when I was interrupted by Pyrrha. She was wearing a red dress that matched her hair.

Pyrrha: You know that's not good for you.

Y/n: There's a lot of things that aren't good for you. Picking fights with Ursa, Nevermores, and Beowulfs are good examples.

Pyrrha: Well that is true....

I went ahead and just put the cigarette out. I didn't want the smoke to bother her. I put the cigarette back in the pack and just took a second to relax. I looked over at Pyrrha and saw that she was upset about something. Well, can't have that since everyone else is having a good time.

Y/n: Something wrong?

Pyrrha: No, I'm fine. It's just.... I've tried everything....

Y/n: What do you mean?

Pyrrha: With Jaune.... No matter what I do, he never seems to really see me....

Y/n: Oh.... I see.... Have you tried just telling him to his face?

Pyrrha: I can't do that!

Y/n: Why not?

Pyrrha: Because he only has eyes for another....

Now I really see the problem. I wasn't ignorant of Pyrrha and her attraction to Jaune. He was a lovable but tone deaf idiot who couldn't see what was in front of him. As for who he's interested in, I have no clue.

Y/n: Well maybe you should try anyway. Jaune is oblivious. He probably hasn't even realized.

Pyrrha: You think?

Y/n: Maybe. Talking goes a long way to fixing problems. Fixed one of mine not too long ago.

I looked over my shoulder and saw none other than the man in question. I tapped Pyrrhas' arm and pointed at Jaune before walking towards the door Jaune just came through. This was a private conversation. Hopefully Pyrrha gets the happy ending that she's looking for tonight. Whatever happens depends on her.

Jaune: Before you go, Weiss was looking for you.

Y/n: She is? Where?

Jaune: Last I saw her, she was playing with some flowers near the punch bowl.

Y/n: Thanks Jaune.

Jaune: ....Treat her well....

....Ok.... With that.... What ever THAT was, I walked downstairs to the dance floor. It didn't take long for me to find Weiss. I stopped in my tracks and stared at her. She was stunning in that dress. It was perfect for her. I snapped out of it and walked up behind her. She didn't notice that I was here yet.

Y/n: Hey Princess.

Weiss snapped up and turned. She paused as she looked over me. I felt a little worried that she didn't like the suit. All I could do was wait until she was done. It felt like a eternity before she finally spoke.

Weiss: You look so handsome....

Y/n: And you.... You look beautiful....

Both of us sat there red in the face. The world and everything else falling away as we focused on one another. I smirked playfully and held out my hand. All self-consciousness disappearing in a instant.

Y/n: How about it Princess? May I have the first dance of the evening?

Weiss: You can have all the dances this evening.

Both of our smiles grew as Weiss took my hand and I led her to the dance floor.

Ruby Pov

10:33 PM

As the hours passed, I found myself walking up stairs aimlessly. Doing so in stilts is a nightmare. I had so far spent the entire night by the punch bowl. I had to have looked completely lost because professor Ozpin came to talk to me. I looked forward to the dance but I didn't really think about what dressing up like this would be like.

This being the first time I've been to one of these, I thought it would be like in the movies. The stilts alone prove that movies do not translate to real life. After the long and treacherous climb up the stairway of doom, I hobbled along while holding the railing for support. After tonight, I have a new respect for Weiss. How she can stand to wear these all the time is beyond me.

Yang was looking over the railing at all the students. Blake was the only one I've seen her dancing with tonight and she surrendered Blake to Sun fairly quickly. I knew Yang was looking forward to this just as much as Weiss so why was she just hanging back? It wasn't like Yang to be content to take backstage. I made my way to her, Yang seeing me coming fairly early on. Despite being alone, she seemed unfazed and even comfortable just watching over the other students.

Yang: You know.... I think we really needed this.

Ruby: Yeah. You and Weiss did a great job planning it too.

Yang: Aw! Thanks sis! But out of the two of us, Weiss did the most.

Both of us found Weiss and Y/n in the crowd. Weiss' white dress a perfect contrast to Y/ns black suit jacket and red dress shirt. It's only now that I realize that Y/n and I share the same colors. We also noticed that despite how well Y/n handles himself at almost everything else he does... He really cant dance....

Yang: *Giggle* I guess dancing wasn't included in moms lessons on "How to be a badass".

Ruby: It's nice. He looks.... Normal. Happy.... Completely different from when he first got here.

Yang: Yeah.... He's changed a lot over the years... But it's nice to see the big brother we remember....

Ruby: I'm glad he's back.

Yang: *Sigh* I guess we better enjoy it while we can though, it's back to work tomorrow.

Ruby: I'm sure we can handle whatever gets thrown at us.

A section of the dance floor started to get a little more rowdy than the other. Yang and I bent over the rail to see what it was. Neither of us expected to see what we saw. There's a lot of things we've seen since coming to Beacon.... This was a new one....

Y/n Pov

The song Weiss and I were dancing to ended. Both of us enjoying ourselves, even if I apparently can't dance. I figured that dancing would be like fighting. Its all about proper footwork. Turns out, it's not. Dancing is a hell of a lot harder than fighting. Even still, Weiss and I enjoyed ourselves.

We walked to the punchbowl and grabbed us a drink before sitting down. That's when we noticed Jaune wearing something rather peculiar. I never would have pegged Jaune as someone who was into that kind of thing but hey, to each their own. At least Pyrrha looks like she's having a good time now.

Weiss: I certainly didn't expect to see that tonight.

Y/n: You and me both.... At least their enjoying their selves.

Weiss: That's true. Hey, weren't you supposed to be preforming something as a punishment tonight?

Y/n: I am, but until Ozpin or Goodwitch says something about it, I'm putting it off.

Weiss: That's a shame. I was looking forward to seeing what you had planned.

Y/n: It's something that I put a lot of work into so hope you'll like it.

Weiss and I watched as JNPR danced. The coordination was impressive. Almost so that I honestly suspected that they planned this out tonight. I doubt that to be the case but it was a funny thought, none the less. Weiss was enjoying it, I was enjoying it, and everyone else was enjoying it, so points to them.

Weiss: After their dance, that's going to be a hard thing to beat. Think you can do it~?

Y/n: Pft. I KNOW I can do it.

Weiss: Then I look forward to seeing it.

Weiss smiled brightly and beautifully. It was moments like these that make everything worth it. There's almost nothing that could have ruined the moment. Unfortunately, one of the few things that could came in the form of Ironwood. I saw him making his way over and internally sighed. Of everyone who would be here, why the hell is he?

Ironwood: Miss Schnee, a moment of your time please.

He wasn't asking. I opened my mouth but was beat to it by Weiss.

Weiss: Yes sir. I'll be right back Y/n.

Weiss stood up and followed Ironwood. And just like that, I was back to being a fish out of water. Weiss was the only person that made this feel right. I leaned back in my chair and found another thing that soured my mood.

Mercury and Emerald were on the second floor, looking down on the dance. I know that my face twisted into a scowl when my and Emeralds eyes caught. She smiled innocently while being anything but. I broke eye contact and stood up. I needed to step out for a second. At the door, I ran into Ruby.

At least I have someone who is pretty good at making people smile. Between Ironwood pulling Weiss away and seeing Emerald and Mercury, a smile is what I need right about now. I opened the door for Ruby and she stepped through first with me following. My evening with Weiss crumbling with the next thing I saw.

A woman running along the roofs of Beacon academy is never good. Especially when what their wearing looks like something the League would wear. That was concerning since the last time I saw the League, it was after my run in with a explosion followed closely by a door to the gut. I glanced at Ruby and sure enough, she sees it too....

Ruby: You see that?

Y/n: Yup....

Ruby: You think it's trouble?

Y/n: *Sigh* Yup....

Ruby: Should.... We do something about that....

And with that, I was beyond furious. I was now trapped between wants and needs. I WANT to walk back inside and steal Weiss back from Ironwood. I NEED to stop whatever the hell that is. My fists clenched as I looked back into the ballroom, the door still wide open. My eyes found Weiss in the crowd with Ironwood. My emotions running rampant, before finally I took a deep breath and released. The choice had been made....

Y/n: ....I'm sorry Weiss....

Red Hood Pov

Ruby and I split off. I was going to grab whatever I could while Ruby would go take a look to see if something was actually wrong. I didn't have time to get changed nor did I have anywhere to put any of my weapons. Not even my knife could be reliably held in this suit. At least not without running the risk of stabbing myself that is. Instead I opted to just grab my mask so that should things get out of hand, I could do what needs to be done without risking discovery.

The risk was high tonight. People had already seen me in the suit so it would be easy to make a connection, but the alternatives are doing nothing, or going without it, and if I need to solve the problem my way, I would still be discovered. Better to try and mitigate that risk as best as possible, even if it changes almost nothing.

Going in unarmed was not the best idea but openly toting around weapons while Atlas was around was a great idea if you were trying to get arrested or shot. At least Rubys' scythe was concealable for the most part. On the way out though, I did grab a umbrella. It wasn't really a good weapon but anything is better than nothing at this point. Besides, Neo makes it work, why cant I?

I hid the mask as best as I could while heading in the direction the figure was. It wasn't hard to deduce what the target was. The Transmit tower was the only substantial target in that direction. If they were heading for Ozpins office, they'd be heading the opposite direction. I kept a steady pace, keeping a eye out for any soldiers or authorities in the area. Last thing I needed was to be caught out right now.

That is until I got there.... Ruby had taken the more direct approach of just going there and calling her locker to her. It wasn't how I would have done it but seeing a body on the ground, I don't think that subtlety was on the table anyway. Ruby grabbed Crescent Rose and immediately deployed it. I put my mask on as I walked past Ruby.

I took a second to check on the sentry that was laid out. He was breathing so that was good. I picked up his weapon and found that it was a ID locked weapons. Weapons that were on the more expensive side were nowadays. Don't want your own weapons to be used against you should they end up in a enemies hands. A good idea that made things harder for me. I placed the weapon back down beside him before standing up.

Ruby: Is he....

Red Hood: No, he's still breathing. Gonna have a headache when he wakes up though.

I walked into the tower and found the floor littered with bodies. Unlike the one outside. There were both unconscious and deceased mixed amongst themselves. It was efficient, I'll give them that. I made my way past the bodies, not minding that I was stepping in blood from the less fortunate of the bunch.

Ruby was more hesitant and careful of where she stepped. We didn't have the time to be wasting. The dead can't be helped, the living can, and those of them that are still breathing would surely want whoever did this taken down. If not because it was their job, then because of their slain comrades.

Ruby finally made it to the elevator. Stepping in, I noticed that she was disturbed with what she saw. Come to think of it, I don't think she's ever seen a corpse. The only place that she could have was at the docks all those months ago but given her reaction here, I doubt that she saw. I pressed the button for the control center. It makes the most sense to either go there or to the archives. I figure I have a fifty-fifty chance of guessing right. Ruby kept glancing over at me questioningly before finally choosing to speak.

Ruby: How do you do this?

Red Hood: Do what?

Ruby: How are you so calm. How are you ok with what we saw in there?

Red Hood: I'm not ok with it. Thing is though Ruby, you can't help the dead. But you can make sure that whoever did this doesn't get to add to the body count.

Ruby: You have your mask on, does that mean.... you intend to....

Red Hood: Depends on if the Huntsman way works or not.

I tapped the point of the umbrella on the floor. The ride up was long and was beginning to grate on my nerves. Why would you have a tower so damn tall and have the elevator take forever to go up? Maybe I was just irritable since tonight would certainly not be the perfect night Weiss wanted....

Ruby was still sending glances my way. I was starting to really wonder why. I tapped the umbrella a little harder and turned to her. Ruby yelped a little as I did. The intention obviously wasn't to startle her but I really wanted to know what was on her mind.

Red Hood: Why do you keep glancing at me? Is there something wrong?

Ruby: Nonono! Its just.... You look.... Awesomfullness....

....That's not a word.... I glanced at the wall of the elevator. The shiny metallic surface giving off a reflection. Cant deny it.... I did look good.

The elevator finally arrived, sounding a light ding as the doors opened. I shook my head and I cautiously stepped out. At first glance, there was nothing out of the ordinary. It looked like a normal office space. Ruby followed taking a look around herself.

Ruby: Hello? Is anybody there?

Before Ruby could go any further, she stumbled. I glanced down and saw the problem. I cant imagine stilts to be the easiest to walk in. Before I could suggest her to just take them off, the figure from before slowly stood up from their cover. Ruby and I both focused on her. I recognized the bitch immediately. Cinder wasn't doing a very good job hiding her identity.

Red Hood: Don't really have any room to say, but it isn't a masquerade party down there. Take off the mask or I'll do it for you.

Before either of us could react, she swung a vile of Dust, littering the air with it before crystalizing it into several sharp spikes. Ruby quickly reacted, ready to defend as the spikes were flung at us. Ruby used her scythe to shatter all the spikes before catching the head of her weapon and firing it from the hip. I dashed over the cubicle to flank.

As I approached, Cinder stepped back and using the Dust from Rubys' ammunition created two crystalline short swords. She spun away from me, trying to slash at my abdomen as she retreated. Ruby chose that moment to jump in. Using the recoil from her rifle, she launched herself between Cinder and I, swinging her scythe down into the floor.

I pressed, swinging the umbrella like I would my sword, hoping to at least keep her occupied enough for Ruby to land a hit. Ruby and I kept the pressure on, before I realized something different. Cinder was fighting defensively. That wasn't something that she never did. If the bodies, both unconscious and dead, indicated anything, it was that she was trying to hurry.

I pressed on, hoping that if nothing else, we can hold her here until whoever she's expecting to come gets here. Her discovery here itself would be a win. She gets seen in here and the computer techs scrub the computers while investigators try to figure out if it was something to do with the computers or not.

I swung the umbrella and managed to get a solid hit on Cinder. She stumbled back and I noticed that her leggings started to glow. So her clothes were infused in Dust. That's how she was hiding her semblance. Cinder came in with two strong swings of the short swords, the Dust she was using igniting the air as the blades passed. I stepped back away from her swing.

Even missing, the flames burned. My suit charred across the chest. Now the suit was ruined.... I reeled the umbrella back to smash the point into her gut but she moved to the side and swung her swords again, this time aimed at the umbrella. She chopped the damn thing clean in two. Lesson learned, don't bring a umbrella to a sword fight.

I threw the handle of the umbrella as Ruby came in swinging. Cinder flipped back avoiding Rubys' strikes. Ruby stumbled again because of the stilts and Cinder capitalized on this. Her swords merged into a bow as she jumped and she nocked three arrows. The bow wasn't aimed at me. It was aimed at Ruby.

Without hesitation, I petal burst into Ruby as Cinder loosed. I yanked Ruby out of the way, both of us barely avoiding the explosions and fire that came from the arrows. I got up and looked back only to see Cinder gone. Looking down, I saw Ruby paled as she stared at the flames that were left behind. Before anything else could happen, the night ended the worst way it possibly could have.

The elevator doors opened to reveal Ironwood. With the room in tatters and Ruby on the ground, his first move was to pull his pistols and point them at me. There was nothing I could really do. I had no weapons. There were no vents to petal burst into, though that would give me away anyway. I looked down at Ruby and concluded that even if I attempted to fight or run, the way she is now, she would get caught in the crossfire. Reluctantly, I raised my hands. A single name falling from my lips.

Red Hood: Ozpin....

Y/n Pov

2:14 AM

I was laying on the brick slab that they call a bed, waiting patiently for Ozpin to bail me out. This was a long time coming. It was only a matter of time before I ended up in a cell. At least they let me keep the mask. Granted, I told them that it'd blow up if they removed it the wrong way. It was a lie but no one wanted to risk losing a hand. They almost had a knight do it when Ozpin stepped in. Now all I have to do is wait until he can get me out.

My mind was solely focused on Weiss. I didn't even want to imagine how upset she has to be with me right now. This was meant to be her night and I just couldn't leave well enough alone. Now I'm sitting in a jail cell wondering when or even if Ozpin can get me out. I should have been with Weiss but instead I'm sitting here under armed guard. The more I thought about it, the angrier I got at the situation. The fact that they never removed my cuffs and over tightened them only adding fuel to the fire.

Every fifteen or so minutes, an armed officer would do a round, making sure that the people here in lock up weren't doing anything they weren't supposed to. This guy looked like he's seen it all by now. I can only imagine. I've heard how people get when they're locked up. Hell, the pungent smell of feces' coming from down the hall tells me that at least one of the stories of what people do are true....

Having been here for a few hours now, I can reliably say that I will never surrender myself again. This is probably the worst thing I've experienced in quite some time. As the officer was coming back past my cell, I heard the door near the entrance open. It's not like I could press my face against the cell door to try and see because it was a electrified energy field. Touching it would send a hell of a jolt through you.

I sat up on my brick slab, my back aching slightly. I had gotten a little too used to the beds at Beacon. I didn't have to wonder long about who was coming before I saw Ozpin, Goodwitch and Ironwood. Ironwood was looking mighty pissed. Good because so was I. He deactivated the cage door, letting me free. I didn't get a word out before Ozpin dictated what was going to happen.

Ozpin: I negotiated your release. Go back to the dorm. We will speak of this in the morning.

Y/n: ....Can I at least get the cuffs off?

Ironwood reluctantly ordered the jailhouse officer to remove the cuffs. I would have something smart to say had the cuff not been cutting off the circulation to my hands. With the cuffs off, I rubbed the bruised skin, trying to ease the discomfort. I wasn't going to argue with what Ozpin said nor was I going to pick a fight with Ironwood... Yet.

All I wanted was to just go back to my room and figure out a way to make this up to Weiss.... Provided I can even fix this.... The walk back was agonizing. All I could do was just accept that I fucked this up and make sure that it doesn't happen again. Making sure I was alone, I hid my mask and walked into the dorm.

Going straight to my dorm room, not bothering to check on Ruby. She had her team at the moment and facing Weiss was not something I was ready for at the moment. Walking into my room, I found it eerily quiet. Was it always like this? Or maybe it was because I expected the night to have a different ending.... A happier one....

I just sighed, going into the bathroom to take a shower. Just that few hours stuck in that cell made me feel dirty. Then there's the ash, oh, don't forget about the fucking ash.... I finished and didn't bother getting dressed again. I didn't bother setting a alarm. I didn't bother to do anything other than place my mask on the desk next to my bed.

Tonight was supposed to be a good one, but I went and screwed it up. You could argue that Cinder was to blame but really it was me. I could have just left it alone for one night.... But that wouldn't have been right, now would it? I crawled in bed, not caring to do much of anything but wait for morning to come and whatever it brought with it....

A/n: *Sigh* I guess due to a handful of you wanting the lemon I mentioned, I'll do it at the end of the volume since I couldn't fit it in here with the context of the story. It will be a stand-alone chapter for whoever doesn't want to read it and I'm sorry in advance if it's cringe....

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