Minecraft Story Mode Season 1...

By Crystal34345

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**COMPLETED** "That glow... That enchantment is the work of a very old group of builders. A group so old they... More

Info - Episode 5
Episode 5 - A Year Later
Episode 5 - A New Adventure?
Episode 5 - Where Are We? Is This Skyblock?
Episode 5 - Sky City... Also Who is The Founder?
Episode 5 - Jail Life Can Be Hard... Also The Eversource Is...
Episode 5 - Mission To Stop Aiden
Episode 5 Final - The New Era Of Sky City
Info - Episode 6
Episode 6 - A Portal To Mystery
Episode 6 - Meeting The Other Guests... And The Host Maybe?
Episode 6 - Well Gang, It Looks Like We Got A Mystery On Our Hand
Episode 6 - Interrogating The Suspects
Episode 6 - The White Pumpkins Strikes Again
Episode 6 - Idenity's Come Out In The Open, Don't They?
Episode 6 Final - Crystal and Lukas vs. The White Pumpkin
Info - Episode 7
Episode 7 - A Rescue Mission Begins
Episode 7 - One By One, They Disappear To Be Replaced.
Episode 7 Final - A New Leader, An Old Seeking Revenge
Info - Episode 8
Episode 8 - Access Denied
Episode 8 - PAMA
Episode 8 - Harper, The Old Builder
Episode 8 - The Secret Lab And The VR Headset
Episode 8 - Into PAMA's Core
Episode 8 Final - Lukas vs. Crystal, The Defeat Of PAMA
Info - Episode 9
Episode 9 - The Games, Older Builders, And An Old Rival
Episode 9 - The Deals
Episode 9 - Start Of The Games
Episode 9 - Hadrian's Little Secrets
Episode 9 - An Explanation
Episode 9 - The Final Game
Episode 9 Final (Season 1 Final) - Home Coming

Episode 7 - To Where and Back Again

286 5 6
By Crystal34345


"Previously on Minecraft Story Mode..." Ivor's voice echoed in the distance.

In the treasure room in Beacon Town, the group looked at the enchanted flint and steel. "That glow... That enchantment is the work of a very old group of builders, a group so old that they existed even before the Order of the Stone!" Ivor explained to the group.

The scene changed to Crystal lighting the portal to Sky City. But they were all knocked back, the flint and steel flying out of Crystal's hands and rolling away.

The scene then changed to them being in the portal hallway, walking down it while looking at all the portals.

"That's... Not what I was expecting..." Jesse's voice echoed as it faded to black.


We entered the portal hallway again, trying to get the slime out of our hair and armor. "Oh, god... Why is there even a slime world?" Jesse asked, getting the last of his slime out of his clothes.

"Yeah... Portal Ten... A bust," Lukas commented, pulling out his journal and writing something down.

"Worst... Portal... Ever..." Ivor hissed, wiping the slime off him as he glared at the portal.

"At least it wasn't something like a fire world," Petra pointed out, emptying slime from her helmet onto the floor.

"Don't jinx it, Petra," I replied, squeezing the slime out of my long hair.

"Regret on not getting a haircut?" Jesse smirked, nudging me in the side.

"Oh, be quiet. At least I looked great like those. I look ugly with short hair," I replied, glaring at him as I tried to get the last of the slime out. "Ugh... I can't get rid of the last of it..."

"Here. I got it," Lukas said, coming over to my side and getting the last of it out.

I blushed while I felt Lukas touching my hair, gently along with it. "T-Thanks Lukas," I thanked him, smiling once he finished.

"No problem," he replied, smiling back.

We heard Winslow meow and I looked down, watching him shake the slime out of his fur. "Guess he didn't like that world either," I commented.

"Seem like it," Lukas agreed.

"At least I can agree with that cat with something," Ivor muttered.

Petra set a hand on her hip. "Right. Since that didn't go to plan, what portal are we heading into next?" she asked.

"Crystal, it's your turn to pick," Jesse stated.

"You assume I can make good decisions. How bold of you to assume," I joked, turning around and walking down the hallway.

"Yeah Jesse, think you made the wrong choice," Petra joined in, the four following close behind me.

"Oh, ha, ha Crystal. Don't do that to me. You're judgment is fine and you know it," Jesse stated with a small playful glare.

"Oh, I'm sure of it," Ivor responded.

We went past a portal before I stopped at one that had a white glow but was surrounded by purple wool. "Okay, this one. This is the one I've chosen," I said.

"You sure? Because I don't know if this'll be the portal home," Lukas questioned.

"Lukas, my child. You'll never know if it is if you don't try it," I answered.

"I guess you do have a point," Lukas replied as Winslow hopped onto his shoulder, meowing in agreement.

"Let's just hope it isn't a fire world or another slime world," Ivor replied, walking through the portal.

"Yeah. No kidding. Just a normal-ish world would be fine by me," Petra agreed, following Ivor.

Jesse sighed, rubbing his face. "Here we go again..." he muttered, walking up to the portal. Before he went through, he looked back at us. "You three coming?"

"Yeah," Lukas said as he and I joined Jesse.

"Agreed. We better hurry before Petra and Ivor get at each other's throats," I commented before the three of us walked through...

And everything went dark.


My consciousness returned to me while I tried to lift my eyelids. I lifted my hand to rub my face but I felt that instead of my hand, it was a soft, smooth object touching my cheek.

'Okay... That's not normal...' I thought to myself, my eyes opening fully.

I looked around and spotted I had awoken near a forest by some mountains. "All good signs so far," I muttered, using my hands to push myself up, but I froze.

My hands... Weren't hands... They were hooves.

"Oh, for Celestia's sake..." I muttered, spotting a pond close by. I walked over to it and spotted my reflection, and it wasn't human...

It was a pony... I was a pony.

"Ah!" I screamed, falling back onto my bum. Looking back at the rest of my body, I noticed my armor was still on me but I had wings on my back. (̶A̶n̶d̶ n̶o̶ h̶o̶r̶n̶ i̶n̶ s̶i̶g̶h̶t̶)̶.

I looked to my left and spotted my friends on the ground, also ponified.

Jesse looked normal but he was still a pony, just with no wings or horn. Lukas had wings just like me and both Petra and Ivor had horns.

After a lot of stumbling, I made my way over to my brother, who was still blacked out. "Jesse, Jesse, wake up," I said, poking his face.

Jesse groaned, slapping my hand- hoove away from his face. "Crystal, what happened...? Why are you poking me?" he groaned, opening his eyes, and started at me in confusion. "Hey, pony? Where's my sister? She was just speaking before... Hey, why do you like her?"

I face-palmed with a groan. "I understand why you can't tell the difference because of the whole... Change. But it's me, Crystal!" I said, causing his eyes to widen.

"Ah! Pony talking!" Jesse shouted, leaping up. He froze, looking down at himself. "AH! I'm a pony!"

Petra, Lukas, and Ivor woke up with a start. "What's going on?!" Ivor shouted, going to rub his eyes but froze when he spotted that his hands had turned into hooves.

"Chrissy? Jesse?" Lukas questioned, standing but immediately falling down as he looked down at his own hooves.

"Guys?" Petra questioned, looking over to us but froze when she spotted us. She glanced at Ivor before looking at herself. "AH! WHAT ARE WE!?!"

"Ponies... I thought that was obvious," I replied, tilting my head.

"It is, Crystal..." Lukas started saying, slowly getting up and walking over to us, stumbling slightly. "It's just the fact that we're ponies is the part that's freaking us out,"

"Yeah... Turning into ponies wasn't even on my bucket list," Petra agreed.

"I find this fascinating..." Ivor commented, walking over to us with ease. "Going through a portal and transforming into something different,"

"I guess..." Jesse said, rubbing the side of his head.

"Oh crud..." Lukas muttered, tripping over as his wings popped out.

Winslow meowed, rushing over to check if he was okay. I steadied him while he touched his feathered wings. "Wow. Wings... And horns," Lukas started saying, looking over to Petra and Ivor. "I don't think we're regular ponies,"

"What we need to do is find a town, or city, or something. Find someone to explain where we are and help us get him," I stated.

"Good idea," Petra replied before we started walking down the path.

Though to be fair, we had trouble walking because... You know, we weren't used to walking as ponies. "Ugh. This is so needlessly complicated," Jesse groaned, stumbling slightly.

"I'm sure we'll get the hang of it in no time," I reassured, giving them small smiles as we walked up a hill.

"I'm having no trouble," Ivor answered, looking smug, and walking smoothly just as much as I was.

Petra tripped over her own hooves as Winslow walked next to her, knocking over Lukas, the two falling to the ground.

"Well, some of us aren't," she grumbled with Jesse helping her up.

Lukas groaned when his wings popped out again. Winslow leaped onto his back, meowing. He smiled, standing up with my help as he folded his wings back. 

I looked between the four, sighing. "Don't worry, guys. I'm sure we won't stay like this for too long. We just need to find a town. That's the most important thing," I stated.

The four looked at each other before looking back at me. "I guess," Petra muttered.

"I guess it's clear enough... But I hope we're not like this for as long as we have to be," Jesse groaned.

"Agreed," Lukas agreed as we arrived at the top of the hill.

"Well, I for one want to take as much time as we can. Who knows what interesting treasures this world could hold," Ivor commented with a smirk, stroking his beard.

"Oh, for the love of Celestia..." I muttered, shaking my head.

"Hey, look! There's a town," Petra pointed.

We looked to where she was pointed and spotted a town in the distance. It seemed rarely large enough and it was within walking distance, along with their being a castle, which means royalty.

"Huh. Didn't think a town would be this close," Lukas commented.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get to that town!" I shouted.

We ran down the hill, heading toward the town as fast as we could. When we got to the entrance, we noticed two ponies coming down the path. One had a disappointed look on their face while the other was pulling a wagon behind her.

"Excellent! Maybe we can ask for their help," Ivor stated, walking over to them.

"Ivor, maybe we should let Crystal or Jesse-"

"And he's not listening," Petra commented, cutting Lukas off.

"Come on," Jesse said, motioning us to follow Ivor.

"Hello there, fellow ponies!" Ivor shouted, stepping in front of the two.

The two ponies exchanged a look. "Uh, hi?" the purple one greeted.

"What is he wearing?" I heard the blue one mutter in a whisper, smirking.

"Listen here ponies, my friend and I need help because we're lost. Is there someone who can-"

I covered Ivor's mouth. "Heh. Sorry about Ivor, he likes to run his mouth," I apologized.

The purple one waved it off. "It's fine. I know somepony like that," she said.

"Let's back it up. Hi, I'm Crystal and this is my brother, Jesse. And these are our friends, Lukas and Petra. You two already met Ivor," I introduced.

"Nice to meet you all. I'm Startlight Glimmer and this is Trixie," Startlight introduced themselves.

"Hi... Are you five new in Ponyvile?" Trixie asked.

"You can say that," I replied.

"Listen, we need your help," Petra said, stepping up to them.

"Why would you need our help?" Starlight questioned.

Jesse looked over at me, wondering what to say. I mouthed to him 'Tell the truth'. He sighed, looking back at the other two ponies. "I don't know if you'll believe us, but we're actually trying to find our way home. We've been hopping in and out of worlds and we landed here when trying the latest one. Now we need to find the exit portal out of here,"

"You're right. That does sound hard to believe," Trixie bluntly stated.

"But... We can still lend you a helping hoof. My friend and mentor, Princess Twilight, knows way more about portals and stuff like that than I do. If you want to find your way home, she's your pony," Starlight explained.

"Oh, thank goodness," Lukas let out a sigh of relief.

"Do you think you could show us the way?" Petra asked.

Starlight smiled. "I can do you all one better. I can take you to her. Follow us," she said and she and Trixie started leading us into town.

"Well, at least we might be able to get out of this world faster than the White Pumpkin one," Ivor commented as we followed Starlight and Trixie.

"Please don't jinx it, Ivor," Petra pleaded as we walked into the town. 

"Welcome to Ponyvile," Starlight said as we started walking through the town.

The five of us looked around, slightly in awe of the town. "Cute town," Lukas commented.

"Literal naming," Ivor stated before Jesse nudged him in the side.

Some other ponies looked in our direction but soon went back to what they were doing. I looked around with a smile on my face. "This seems like a lovely place to live in," I stated.

"It can be," Trixie replied, rolling her eyes slightly.

"But it is, though," Starlight agreed with me.

We got to the center of the town when Starlight stopped, watching a pink pony bouncing around. "Hey, Pinkie Pie!" she called, running over.

The pony, Pinkie Pie, paused and turned around to face Starlight. "Hey... You," she greeted Starlight.

Starlight looked down, rubbing her leg. "So... You're properly wondering why I'm back so soon," 

"Where were you?" Pinkie Pie asked, causing Starlight to look at her confused.

"I... Went to my old village... For the festival," Starlight stated, taking a step back.

"Oh, sounds fun! How was it?" Pinkie Pie asked with a huge grin.

"It was kind of a disaster. I came back early because I freaked out," Starlight explained.

"Oh, sounds awful! Bye!" she waved before Pinkie hopped away.

Starlight watched Pinkie leave with confusion as we walked over to her. "That was... Strange," Starlight commented, looking over at us.

Trixie used her magic to unhook herself from her wagon while also taking off her hat and cloak. "Isn't she always strange," she pointed out.

"She seems... Lovely," I commented.

"Yeah, but not like that," Starlight replied.

"Well, that's... Odd. And that's saying something," Lukas stated.

"Agreed. She seems like what Crystal would be if she wasn't so calm and reserved," Ivor said.

I looked at him in shock. "Ivor!" I cried while Petra laughed.

Starlight looked over and spotted two more ponies. One had a light yellow mane and the other one had a purple mane. "Hey!" Starlight called, walking over to the two. "I'm back early,"

"Oh... Welcome back," the purple mane one greeted.

Trixie, Jesse, Lukas, Petra, Ivor, and I walked over to join them. "Have you two noticed Pinkie acting a little strange?" Starlight asked the two.

"Pinkie Pie always acts strange," the yellow mane one replied and the purple mane one nodded in agreement.

"Told you," Trixie responded with a smug look.

"Anyway, I wanted to talk to all of you. Things didn't go the way I thought they were gonna go at the Sunset festival," Starlight started saying.

The purple mane one looked at Starlight with concern. "What happened?" she asked.

"I kind of freaked out and ran out of the village," Starlight explained.

I was expecting them to seem concerned or a little sympathetic, but they just straight up laughed in her face. "You freaked out and ran away from a festival. Ha! That's the funniest dang thing I've heard all day," the yellow mane one said, nudging her friend in the side.

"Oh my, let me guess. The decorations were terrifying!" the purple mane one guessed before they started laughing again.

The seven of us exchanged a look while they continued to laugh. "Wow. They seem to be great friends," Petra commented in a whisper.

"Agreed. Why would someone like Starlight hang out with them," Ivor agreed in a hushed whisper.

After a few seconds, two winged ponies came down and landed next to the two. One whispered something in the purple mane's ear before they turned to us with blank expressions on their faces.

The rainbow-haired one pushed the yellow-maned one away while glaring at us. "Hello, ponies. We need Rarity and Applejack. Very important friendship business," she stated.

The four started walking away from us but the rainbow-maned one paused, flicking her tail back at us before she followed them.

"Wow. Such charming friends you have," Jesse commented sarcastically, causing me to nudge him in his side.

"Maybe they're having a bad day?" I suggested but it came out more like a question.

"I have to say, I'm really not impressed with your friends as the rest of Equestria is," Trixie commented. "And I doubt they are either,"

"I need to talk to Twilight," Starlight muttered before she ran off toward the castle we saw earlier.

"Whoa! Starlight, hang on!" Lukas called out.

"Wait for us," Petra yelled before she, Lukas, Jesse, Ivor, and I ran after her.

We stopped in front of the doors to the castle and Starlight tried to open them with her magic. "It's locked?" Jesse muttered in confusion.

"That's strange. It's never locked," Starlight informed us before she knocked on the door. "Twilight? Hello?"

A peephole opened, revealing someone who glared at us. "What do you all want? Twilight's very busy," he told us.

"Spike, I really need to speak with her. I also have ponies that need to see her," Starlight informed him while we waved behind her.

Spike rolled her eyes. "Make an appointment. She's a princess after all," he snarked at us before he shut the peephole.

Starlight looked shocked, confused, and hurt while the rest of us exchanged a look. "He's charming," I stated, trying to lighten the mood.

"All of these ponies you've introduced us besides Trixie have been unpleasant so far," Ivor pointed out as he rolled his eyes.

Starlight knocked again. "What's wrong with you? Why are you being so-?"

She was cut off as the door opened with a magenta aura of magic and she stepped back, revealing Spike on a stool while a purple-maned pony with wings and a horn (who I can guess is Twilight), walked over to us.

"Rude? I think a certain dragon didn't get his nap today," Twilight snapped, stamping her hoof on the ground.

Spike hopped off the stool, dragging it away. "Yeah, right. Whatever," he grumbled, walking away.

The six of us walked inside, watching Spike walk away while we looked with confusion. "Sorry. He's been acting a little off all day. I think he missed a meal or something," Twilight explained, glaring over to Spike.

"He's not the only one. Every ponies acting a little strange today," Starlight agreed.

Twilight looked nervously as she looked away slightly. "Yes. It's definitely been one of those days," she said before she looked toward me and my friends. "Who are these ponies?"

"Oh, these are my new friends. Crystal, Jesse, Petra, Lukas, and Ivor. They need your help," Starlight introduced us to Twilight.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle. Princess of Friendship. What can I help you with?" Twilight asked us.

"Well, you see, we came here from a different world. We went through a portal and ended up here. We're trying to find the exit portal but Starlight suggested that you might know a little bit about portals, so she brought us to ask you," I explained.

Twilight suddenly looked interested. "You came from another world?... Interesting.." she muttered, scratching her chin. "Well, I'd have to consult my books, but we can discuss this further tomorrow. You're welcome to stay here tonight,"

"Thank you, Twilight," Jesse thanked her with a relived smile.

"That's... Too kind," Petra mumbled, stepping back and narrowing her eyes.

Twilight nodded before she turned back to Starlight. "Anyway, how are you?" she asked.

Starlight looked down with a defeated look on her face. "Not great actually," she started saying, looking up and stepping toward Twilight, who stepped back. "You're properly wondering why I'm back from the village so early?"

"I didn't wanna bring it up, but yeah, it did seem strange. Did it not go well?" Twilight asked.

"The town's ponies kept asking me things like they expected me to be in charge again! But being a leader is the last thing I shoulder ever be. So we left... Very suddenly... In a literal puff of smoke," Starlight explained before she looked away sadly.

Lukas stepped forward and set a hoof on her back, rubbing it to comfort her. Winslow meowed, leaping onto her head.

"Wow. You should definitely never go back to that village," Twilight stated, giving us a cute smile afterward.

We looked at her in shock. "What?" the six of us said in unison while Winslow meowed.

"If you were worried about they thought of you before. It's properly way worse now. I'd cut my losses!" she told us.

Starlight rubbed her light hoof with uncertainty. "That's... Surprising advice coming from you," she said, the six taking a few steps back.

"Trust me. I'm the Princess of Friendship. You don't need those ponies you can always make more friends," Twilight stated, bragging slightly before giving us a huge smile.

A door opened behind her and the rainbow-maned pony popped out, motioning for Twilight to come over. "Ah! Speaking of friends, if you'll excuse me, important business to attend to," she said before she ran out of the room, through the door that was open.

Spike appeared, giving us an 'I'm watching you; look before he ran after Twilight, the door shutting behind him.

We stood in silence for a few seconds, wondering what just happened. "Come on," Starlight started saying, walking down the left hallway. "I'll show you all to your rooms,"

The five of us followed Starlight but stayed far behind, but not too far behind. "Is it just me or did Twilight seem like she was hiding something," Lukas asked us in a whisper.

"Yeah. Not how I'd picture her after the way Starlight described her," Petra agreed, waving her hoof around. 

"I have a bad feeling about this," Jesse muttered while I glanced back, staring at the door Twilight and Spike left through.


It had turned nighttime and the five of us, plus Winslow, were in our room. Good thing it had five beds so it fit all of us.

We were all doing our own thing. Ivor sat at the window, looking outside. Petra was pacing back and forth. Jesse sat on his bed, playing with his hooves. And both Lukas and I were sitting on his bed, reading a book each while Winslow sat next to us.

"None of his makes any sense," Petra said as she continued pacing.

I looked up from my book. "The fact that we're ponies or the fact that Twilight was nothing like Starlight described?" I questioned.

Petra paused her pacing to look over at me. "Uh? Both?!"

"Well, I for one, think there's a plot unfolding," Ivor stated as he turned to look at us.

"Ivor's right. Something strange is going on," Jesse added, getting under his covers.

"It doesn't help that my hitman fingers have been tingling ever since we arrived in Ponyvile," I agreed.

"And you didn't say anything?!" Ivor exclaimed, waving his hooves around.

"It didn't come up in the conversation!" I snapped back, hopping off Lukas' bed and walking over to my own.

"To be fair, she has a point," Lukas said, setting the books on the bedside table.

Petra sighed, pausing her pacing and walking over to her bed. "We can talk about this more in the morning. It's getting late," she said as she got under her covers.

"Agreed," Ivor mused, hopping off the windowsill and walking over to his bed. "A good night's sleep will do us some good,"

Lukas got under his own covers. "Been a while since we've had a good night's rest," he said as Winslow curled at the end of his bed.

"Well, I hereby agree to that," Jesse said before he closed his eyes, falling asleep quickly.

I chuckled at my brother before I got under my own covers. "Yeah. Goodnight, children," I said, putting my head on my pillow, closing my eyes, and falling asleep.



I stepped toward my bed, using my magic to lift up the covers. "'Cut my losses...' That can't be right..." I muttered, getting into bed and lowering the covers back on top of me.

I turned off the lights using my magic and I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Opening my eyes again, I noticed I was back in my old village. It was nighttime along with it being foggy. The decorations from the Sunset Festival were still up while I looked around the village.

Suddenly, doors opened and ponies started walking out. "Hey, I just wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier," I tried to apologize but they just ignored me.

Party Favour started walking past so I tried to get his attention. "Party Favour... Can you hear me?" I tried, waving my hoof in front of his face, but he just kept walking and ignoring me.

I looked down, dejected about him not responding to me.

"I told you, you could never speak to them again!"

I looked over to the fog with widened eyes while Pinkie, Applejack, Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Rarity emerged from it. "What are you all doing here?" I asked, taking a few steps back.

"Making sure you do what I said! I'm your teacher, aren't I? Didn't I say never come back here?!" Twilight shouted while she and the girls walked toward me.

I started walking backward, trying to get away from them. "Yes, but, that just doesn't seem right. You aren't acting like yourselves," I replied, stopping in my place as I took a deep breath.

"Something is wrong!"

I paused when I heard Princess Luna's voice echo around me. A gust of wind flew past and into the girls, causing the to disappear. "A dream... This is another dream," I realized.

"Starlight Glimmer..."

I looked around when I heard Princess Luna's voice again, hoping to spot her. "Princess Luna?" I called.

"Starlight Glimmer!"

"Princess Luna, where are you?" I yelled before Princess Luna appeared in the moon, seemingly trying to pull herself out while trying to hold on.

"Starlight Glimmer, there is no time! You must get help!" she shouted. 

"What? What are you talking about? This is just a dream!" I pointed out.

"Not here, in the waking world! They've taken my sister and I! It's worse than the last time. Your dream called to me and I was able to break through. You must find help!" Princess Luna yelled as it looked like she was being pulled back but hung on.

"What are you saying? Whose taken you?" I asked, wanting to know more.

"Be careful who you trust. You need all the help you can find. The Changelings have returned, they-"

Princess Luna was cut off when she was pulled back into the moon by two Changelings. "Princess Luna!" I shouted in fear, staring at the moon with widened eyes.

I turned around and started running away, only for the ground to disappear from under me and I was pulled back into the light. 

I woke up gasping, trying to calm myself down. "They're back!"


"Ah! Starlight!"

I woke up with a start, seeing Starlight in the middle of the room, breathing heavily. "Starlight...?" I muttered, noticing everyone else up while I rubbed my eyes. "What are you doing in here?"

"Yeah, what are you doing in our room?" Petra agreed, crossing her hooves.

"In the middle of the night!" Ivor yelled, glaring at the girl.

"I thought we were going to talk in the morning," Lukas pointed out, practically getting out of bed.

Jesse yawned, struggling to keep his eyes open and not fall asleep. "Can't we do that in the morning... Not now. We've only been asleep a few hours... And we haven't had a good night's sleep in ages..." he muttered.

"I know it's late. I apologize. But I need your help with something," Starlight told us.

"Help? Why do you need our help?" Ivor hissed, throwing the covers back and leaping out of his own bed.

"And why do I have the feeling this is going to pull us into another live-or-die adventure?" Petra commented.

"Maybe But it's important, I think-" Starlight started saying but stopped herself, narrowing her eyes at us. "What was the first thing Ivor said to Trixie and me when we meet?"

"What?! You woke us up just for that?!?!" Ivor shouted, glaring at the pony.

"Just answer the question, Ivor!" Starlight told him, walking up to him.

Ivor sighed. "'Listen here, ponies. My friends and I need help because we are lost. Is there someone who can-' And then I was cut off. Are you happy?" he said.

Starlight breathed out a sigh of relief. "Yes. Thank you. I just needed to make sure you guys weren't... One of them," she told us.

"One of who?" Jesse hissed back.

"A Changeling! I think they've taken Princess Celestica and Princess Luna!" Starlight yelled quietly.

The five of us exchanged a confused look. "Whose Princess Celestia and Luna?" Petra asked.

"And what's a Changeling?" Lukas added.

"Oh, for the love of..." Starlight muttered before she took a deep breath. "Celestia and Luna are the rulers of Equestria, and a Changeling is a creature whose can, well, change into anypony or anything. They feed off the love of any creature,"

"Oh... That doesn't sound good," Jesse commented.

"Good? Good?! Is that all you have to say?!" Starlight exclaimed.

"Sorry. We just found out about these things," Petra stated.

"But what can we do to help?" I asked, wanting to know how we could help.

"I'll explain in a bit. But I need to find Trixie. Come on,"


Once we got out onto the balcony, Starlight used her magic to have us float down to the ground below and we landed in the bushes.

We peeked our heads out before we crawled over to Trixie's wagon, where she was properly asleep inside. Starlight knocked on the door. "Trixie? Trixie, it's Starlight, Crystal, Jesse, Petra, Lukas, Winslow, and Ivor. Are you awake?" she asked, putting her head against the door.

Winslow meowed, hopping off my back and onto Starlight's, where he started purring. "Aw, he's kinda cute," Jesse commented with a small smile.

"Is that honestly all you have to say right now? We apparently have bigger problems to deal with right now!" Ivor shouted to Jesse in a whisper.

"I wouldn't be surprised if Trixie was asleep at this hour," Petra stated.

"Of course, Princess Celestia. I'd love to perform for peanut butter crackers," we heard Trixie sleep talk from inside the wagon.

Starlight glared at the door before she started knocking harder.

"Trixie! Wake up!" she yelled.

The wagon shook for a moment before fireworks went off, causing the six of us to jump up in fright as Winslow screeched, leaping off Starlight's back and running into a bush. 

We looked around in fear once the fireworks stopped, worried that someone would wake up from the noise and come to check it out.

Trixie opened a window, coughing as smoke came out of her wagon from all the fireworks that went off. Once she stopped, she looked over at us with a sleepy gaze. "Starlight and... Others? What time is it?" she asked, rubbing her eyes to get the sleep out.

The six of us walked up to her. "It's late, we know," I apologized.

"And we apologize for waking you up so late," Lukas continued.

"Trust me, we've already chewed up Starlight for it," Ivor added.

"Listen, I think I figured out what's wrong with my friends," Starlight informed her.

Trixie yawned. "I have a whole list of things that are wrong with your friends. We can go over it in the morning," she said, pulling the window down and disappearing back into the wagon.

"Are you serious?" Jesse stated in a flat tone while the rest of us looked annoyed.

Starlight looked more annoyed than all of us. "No! Trixie! We're in danger!" she shouted, using her magic to bring Trixie outside.

Trixie sighed in defeat. "Okay fine! Aside from lack of sleep, how are we in danger?" she questioned.

"I relate to that," Lukas commented.

"I think that-" 

Starlight cut herself off, suspiciously narrowing her eyes at the pony. The rest of us caught on quickly and did the same. "What did you tell me never to tell another pony?"

Trixie looked even more annoyed now than before. "Starlight, if you and your friends woke me up to play guessing games-"

Trixie was cut off when Starlight slammed her hooves into Trixie, getting up close to her. "After we left my village: What did you tell me to never tell another pony you said?" Starlight repeated.

Trixie sighed before she grumbled back something in response.

"Oh, for slime-blocking sake! Trixie, this is serious. There's no time for this!" Petra yelled.

Winslow came over and stood next to Lukas, staying close to him. "What did you say?" Starlight asked again.

Trixie pushed Starlight back, narrowing her eyes at us. "That even Trixie's made mistakes. Okay, are you happy?" she hissed at us.

We sighed in relief. "Yes," Jesse, Petra, Lukas, Ivor, and I replied in unison.

"Yeah, Sorry, we just had to make sure you weren't... One of them," Starlight whispered.

"One of who?" Trixie whispered/asked back.

"A Changeling... Whatever the hell these are," Ivor answered.

"I think they've taken Princess Celestia and Princess Luna," Starlight informed.

Trixie's eyes widened in shock and fear. "What?! Are you all sure? I mean, what do you... We have to tell Twilight!" she hissed, grabbing Starlight.

"I was wondering about that. Why didn't we go to Twilight?" Petra asked.

"If I'm right, then it's too late for that," Starlight replied, causing us to exchange a worried look.


The first chapter of the extra Episode is up.

I'm back from my break, everyone!

To be honest, this is the longest of not only this book but the first one as well. Sitting at over 5,000 words.

This'll only be four chapters before we move on to the Episode 7 of MCSM (Or Episode 8 in this book)

I know this is a weird tonal shift for the book, but it'll make sense soon.

You don't have to continue reading this part of the book, but it'll have context later down the line.

The next update will be out between 20th-25th of August. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this and for now, keep dancing in the moonlight and keep making the UwU, bye.

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