Mr. Popular and Me

By Rayven_Fox

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Evan is a student that everyone avoids, Waeland is the most popular in the school, aka; Mr. Popular. Evan isn... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Christmas Special

Chapter 24

151 5 0
By Rayven_Fox

Evan's POV

I sat patiently on one of the several benches at the park, waiting for Waeland. After Waeland left my house the other day, Samantha and I continued to talk about her plan for a surprise date. To be honest, it didn't seem like a total surprise to me, I just told Waeland that I had to tell him something important and to meet me at Shute Park at eight, around the time that the sun was already setting. I figured that would be the best time since we could talk and eat a little before the stars came out.

Samantha told me that Waeland has a secret obsession with outer space, she suggested taking him to a planetarium. But I don't really like crowds all that much, and I know that I should be thinking more about Waeland than myself, besides, whenever Jake came in and stopped us from... Whatever we were doing, I heard Waeland mumble something under his breath about us not being able to be alone. So, I thought that stargazing outside by ourselves may be a better idea for him as well. Plus, even though he hides it really well, I can still see the slight irritation he has on his face when he hangs around his friends. So I thought maybe he would also want a break from the crowds. I'm not completely thinking about myself here.

At first, I thought stargazing seemed kind of girly or whatever, but after I ran through the idea with Samantha, she said that it was a great idea and to go with it. She also told me a few of Waeland's favorite foods that I could make for him. To my surprise, Waeland likes vegetables a lot more than meat. Since he's a jock and all, I thought that he would be more into eating stuff like steaks and burgers, but nope. I was wrong.

"How long are you going to stare into space before you notice that I'm here?" Waeland's husky and slightly rough voice questioned as he smirked in front of my face, bringing me out of my thoughts.

Crap, how long as he been here? And how long have I been ignoring him? That's rude as hell, I invited him out here and I didn't even notice that he had appeared.

"Uh, sorry, I was just thinking," I apologized as I looked him over. He looked hot as always, he was wearing a tight black shirt and dark blue jeans that hugged him just right in all the right places, I shook my head, trying to get those types of thoughts out of my head. But it's so hard, especially after all of the things that we have been doing lately.

"Oh? What about? Me?" He drew closer, the smirk on his face growing with every step closer he took to me.

"What? No, shut up." I lied, standing up from the bench I was sitting on.

"Mhm, sure you weren't," He replied, obviously not believing my lie, which made me sigh. "Anyway, what did you want to tell me? That is the reason you told me to come out here after all." Waeland gasped before I could even speak, taking a guess at why I called him out here. "Are you going to break up with me?" He asked with a pout and gave me the cutest puppy-eyed look I've ever seen. Not even kids looked that cute when they pulled out that look. Somehow, Waeland does everything better.

I quickly shook my head at that idea, where did that even come from? I didn't give off any of those signals... Did I?

"No, where did that idea come from?" I asked, curiously. I want to know why he would think of something like that, I may find Waeland annoying at times, but I'm really starting to like him. I don't really have a reason to break up with him. Unless he gives me one.

"Well, you said that it was important and that you had to tell me in person, so my mind kind of wandered..." He mumbled, his eyes trailing down slowly.

I sighed and shook my head before taking his hand and leading him a little away from the park towards a patch of woods. As I lead him through the trees and bushes, he kept asking where we were going, but I ignored his questioning. He'd find out so enough himself.

One we were passed the small forest, we came upon the meadow where I had placed a picnic blanket and I basket with the food that I had made in it with a few drinks. And not alcohol, I will never drink that stuff again. Not after what happened last time anyways. Even if it did lead me to kiss Waeland. Which lead to more kissing... And hopefully more.

"So, this is what you and Samantha were up to." He said with a grin and I spun my head around to look at him. Waeland knew Samantha and I were up to something? Did she tell him?

He must have seen the look of confusion and shock on my face because he quickly added more to his statement.

"I'm not stupid Evan, Samantha always tells me what she's up to, and always lets me in on it unless it involved me in some way. At first, I thought she was playing a prank on me, but whenever I came over to your house, as soon as I was leaving you grabbed your phone and started to talk to Samantha. That's how I knew you two were doing something." Waeland said with a small shrug. "You should have been smarter Evan." He finished with a grin and I just stood there, slightly shocked. Well, he's a lot smarter than I gave him credit for. Then I pouted in realization that Waeland, the moron, had just told me to be smarter.

I quickly stopped though once I saw this look on his face, that practically told me he was calling me cute over and over in his head. I decided to change the subject.

"So, what do you think of..." I trailed off, still not totally used to saying the word 'date'. But luckily Waeland finished it for me.

"The date?" He asked with a smile on his lips. "I think it's really sweet."

I smiled, actually happy that he doesn't hate it. I continued to pull him along with me until we were sitting on the blanket that I had already placed down for us. He eyed the basket curiously and opened it before I could do it for him. I watched as his face went from one of curiosity to one of happiness.

"Samantha told you a lot about me, didn't she?" He asked as he picked up the container of potato salad. I thought that was a weird thing to be a favorite food, but he seems to really like it.

"She did, you don't really tell me that much," I told him with a small shrug.

"That's because you never ask me anything," He said with a playful glare as he waved a fork in my face. It's true, I never really ask him anything. Maybe because I was never really curious about him and the things he likes before. Now I am though.

After Waeland and I finished all the food I made (meaning mainly Waeland and I only eating a few bites), we just laid on the blanket and stared up at the stars while we talked about random things. Like what our favorite things to do are, and our favorite foods and a few other things as well. Even though I already knew most of his favorite things because of Samantha. Not to my surprise, Waeland's favorite thing to do is to play video games other than sitting outside or taking a walk at night. When I told him that my favorite thing to do was watch documentaries, he just laughed and called me old. I didn't find it funny so I just pouted at him. He's so mean.

"So, if you're the football captain, how come you aren't playing football right now?" I ask I've actually been thinking about this for a while now. I'm not really a sports guy, but I was just curious since he never really talks about it.

"That's because I only play fall football." He answered quickly and turned his head to face me. I already had my face turned towards him, but as soon as I saw him look at me, I looked away again, back up towards the starry sky. I heard Waeland chuckle lightly beside me. "Why? I never really thought you were into sports. Seeing as you don't play any."

I shrugged, "I'm not into sports, I was just curious is all." I told him, but he gave me a look as if it was supposed to mean more.

"Aww, are you disappointed that I haven't invited you to any of my games so that you can watch me be all sexy as I play?" He said with a fake tone of disappointment before laughing.

I reached over and slapped his arm, "No, one, that's way too cliche. Two, I wouldn't go even if you did invite me."

"You're too cruel, Evan," He whined and I just shook my head at him.

We laid there for another few minutes in comfortable silence. This is so peaceful and relaxing, maybe I should do this more often. I never really thought just laying outside under the stars would feel so nice. But then again, it could just be because I'm here with Waeland. I have to admit, I really do enjoy spending time with him. Despite hating him at first.

"Are you having fun?" I ask him finally, breaking the silence between us, even if I did like the silence.

"Lots of fun." He said with a big goofy grin on his face. I smiled at his answer, I'm really glad he's having fun. And I'm really glad we can both have fun without having to do something rowdy and loud.

"So, Mr. Obsession-with-outer-space, what's your favorite constellation?" I ask, assuming he has one.

"Scorpio," He replied quickly and I raised a brow slightly at how fast he had answered.


"Because it's my horoscope sign," Waeland said with a shrug, that makes sense.

"Can you point it out to me?" I ask, not taking my eyes off of the stars.

"My, you're asking a lot of questions today." He said with a small laugh, kind of like he was avoiding the question.

"Yeah, but I thought you wanted me to ask more about you," I fired back.

"Fair enough..." He mumbled as he scanned the sky and pointed to Leo constellation, which made me laugh. Does he even know where it is? I reached my hand up to his and pointed to where Scorpio actually is.

"It's actually right there," I corrected him. I'm kind of surprised he didn't know where it was considering Samantha talked about how much he loved stars and stuff. Honestly, I only know because I did some research beforehand so I wouldn't look like an idiot if he asked me anything.

"Yeah, I knew that," Waeland said, unconvincingly. Before I could respond though, he grabbed the hand that I was using to direct his arm and intertwined our fingers together. I smiled a bit at the warmth of his hand against mine. "You know, I really like your laugh, you should laugh more." He said while he continued to hold my hand, I'm kind of glad he hasn't let go yet.

"I don't ever really find anything funny," I reply dryly, without really meaning to.

"So you don't find me funny?" He questioned with a small pout.

"Oh, you're funny, just not in a laughable way," I say seriously.

"Then in what way?" Waeland asked as he let go of my hand. I felt kind of sad as the warmth of his hand left mine, but I didn't show it. I didn't respond to his question either. Not really knowing how to respond exactly. "If you don't tell me I'll make you tell me." He suddenly said as he rolled on top of me and pinned my wrists down to the ground, while he sat just below my hips.

"How is pinning me down going to make me tell you?" I asked while raising an eyebrow at him. Even though I don't have an answer, I want to keep pretending like I do to see what he's going to do.

"Because" He started as he leaned down and brought his mouth close to my ear as he continued to whisper. "I'll continue to do things to you until you tell me or you're begging for mercy." His lips brushed softly against my ear as he spoke, causing the heat to creep up to my face. I honestly don't see myself giving in or begging for mercy, but something about him being so close to me gets me excited. Almost like I want him to do something to me.

"I'm not telling you," I force out, despite being slightly choked up from his closeness.

"Fine then, your fate is sealed," Waeland said with a smirk as he slowly started to move his hands up my sides, causing me to shudder slightly. I don't know what I expected him to do, I just really didn't expect him to do what he did next.

I burst out into a fit of laughter as Waeland started to tickle me. I tried pushing him off of me, but he's stronger than me. And I'm weaker in my current state of being pinned down and tickled. I kept laughing as I continued to try to get him off of me anyways but to no avail.

"Okay, Okay! I'll tell you!" I managed to get out through my stream of laughs. I watched as he grinned and stopped tickling me after a moment. He gave me a minute to settle down and once I could breathe again I answered him. "I don't have an answer, I honestly don't know," I told him truthfully.

"Oh, you." Waeland started as he moved his hands to my side again to tickle me once again. But before he could, I reached and grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to me as I smashed my lips against his soft, warm ones. The only time I initiated a kiss was when I was drunk, but now that I'm not drunk, this just feels so much better.

Waeland got over his shock in less than a moment as he slid one of his hands away from my side as it slid up into my hair. My lips moved in perfect sync with his as I wrapped my free arm around his neck to pull him closer to me, not wanting him to break away from the kiss anytime soon. I let out a small gasp when I felt his strong arm snake around my waist and squeeze my ass with his hand. It was a weird feeling and it sent shivers through my whole body, but I loved it. I love the feel of his lips against mine and him touching me all over.

I let out a low moan as he tugged me closer by my hair, and I licked his lower lip in response, asking for entrance which he immediately gave me. After a small battle with our tongues, I let him take over since he probably has more experience with this thing. Besides, I like letting him take control of me at this moment.

He pulled away after a moment and I let myself try to follow him as I whimpered slightly at the loss of his lips on mine. But not a second later I felt him kissing along the side of my neck. I tilted my head to the side a little, giving him more access to my neck. I felt him smirk a little against my skin as he continued to explore my neck with his lips. I thought I wouldn't like this as much as him kissing my lips, but I really did like it a lot. I loved the way his hands roamed all over my body and how his warm breath felt against my cold skin, even though it felt to be on fire with the way he was touching me. And his scent was also really sending me off the edge, all I could smell, feel, and think about was him. It was all about Waeland at this moment. And all I want is Waeland. 

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