delicate | taylor jewel โœง

By belqyal

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"Isn't it delicate?" oc x taylor jewel wlw !! <3 enemies to lovers slow burn More



995 25 3
By belqyal


— "Where are Susannah, Laurel and Steven?" I asked.

"Well Susannah and Laurel went to go get some coffee from Starbucks, I don't know where Steven is though" Belly awnsered my question.

"Oh yeah Steven went to the corner store to get some of Jules' favourite snacks" Jeremiah announced.

"He is?" I interrogated.

"Jules he is like obsessed with you" Conrad confessed.
"Conrad shut up-" Belly brushed aggressively against his shoulder.
"What I mean he is telling the truth..." Jeremiah commented.


I actually couldn't believe what I was hearing.
Steven Conklin is obsessed with me?

I would be happy but there's just one issue.
I've been losing feelings for him lately. Maybe it's because I haven't seen him in a while or maybe it's because I gave up liking him.

I haven't liked a guy after Steven which is really confusing to me. At school I find some guys pretty but just not pretty enough for me to like them. It's probably just a phase I'm going through because I have a hatred for men.

"We're home!" Laurel and Susannah open the front door and close it right after.

I hurry down the stairs barefoot and run towards them to give them a hug.

"Oh my god Jules you've become so tall and pretty!" Susannah compliments me.

"How are you, honey? Are your parents doing okay? Everything good with school and at home?" Laurel asks me.

"Yeah everything's great!" I smile. "Where's Steven?"

"Steven is here!" Steven yells. He came home through the backyard. Typical.

"STEVEN!! Hi!!!" I run up to him and hug him tightly. He lifts me up into the air and spins me around.
Once he lets me down I look at him deep in the eyes to catch feelings.

I couldn't.

I don't know why I couldn't. I mean I usually did. Steven Conklin finally likes me back and I can't like him back now and I don't know what reason that is. I've been waiting for him to like me back so many years and now that he does I suddenly can't because I haven't felt any attraction to any men for over 1 year?!? Pathetic feeling.

"I think today would be an amazing day for a family dinner!" Susannah requested.
All of us agreed.

The moment she said that her and Laurel immediately went to the kitchen and started cooking for tonight.

| at the family dinner

I had some casual clothes on. Nothing too special just a black dress. I wore a little bit of makeup too.

"You look really pretty tonight, Jules" Steven smiled at me.
"Thank you, Steven" I smile back. That was actually really nice of him, but still not enough for me to like him romantically.

We all sit down at the table. On my left there is Belly and on my right Steven. Infront of me is sitting Conrad and next to him Jeremiah and Susannah. Laurel is sitting next to Susannah at the end of the table.

Susannah made us this delicious steak. It was so good I couldn't stop eating. Susannah's food never fails to surprise me.

"So Jules, how was school this year? Any cute boys you're talking to at the moment?" Susannah asked.

"Oh school is fine and no not at the moment." I awnser.
"Well I'm sure you'll find someone that will take care of you just great." Belly says looking at Steven.
Conrad giggled a little.

"Steven! How's your love life right now?" Jeremiah asks with a grin on his face

"I don't like anyone right now dude." He says and looks at me to see my reaction even though I honestly couldn't care any less.

"Susannah, the food is so good!" I changed the topic real quick before it became really awkward and silent.

"Thank you honey, I'm glad you like it!" She said.

"So Jules, there's a bonfire coming up on Tuesday, which is in two days and we were wondering if you wanted to come with us." Jeremiah announced.

"Belly, will you go?" I asked her.
"I don't know yet. Maybe. It depends." She said.
"Well I don't really want to be alone so I'll only go if Belly does." I tell everyone.

"We can go together if you like. I can keep you company." Steven immediately replied.

Shit, how do I reject him kindly? I'm sorry but I can't handle one on one time with a boy I've liked before and now I suddenly don't it's gonna be weird.

"It's okay! I don't want to be a bother. Plus I really want to spend some one on one time with Belly." I excuse myself.

Steven nodded and looked kind of sad.
I didn't want him to feel bad about this.

"Maybe we can do something together another time!" I add up.
His face lightens up again.

After that I hear the door open.

"Surprise!!" A familiar voice said.

I immediately knew who's voice that was.

"TAYLOR!!" Belly shouts and stands up from the table to hug her.

Taylor fucking Jewel.
God this will be a long summer.

I try to cover up my face with my hands so she doesen't recognise me, but I guess that didn't work.

"What is she doing here?" Taylor looks at me with a disgusted look.

"I honestly have the same fucking question for you, Jewel." I stand up from the table.

"Oh shit dude" Conrad says to himself smiling a little while sipping from his glass of wine.

"Okay enough!!" Laurel says. "Taylor go unpack your bags and come sit with us."

"Honestly I would rather spend three weeks in my room than sitting here at a table with her." I say loud and clear.
"Jules-" Steven grabs my arm but I ignore it and head upstairs to my room.
I close my bedroom door and lay on my bed.

Belly follows me upstairs and knocks on my door. "Hey it's me. Can I come in?"

I stand up from my bed and open the door for her "Come on."

"So you wanna tell me why you are still so mad at Taylor?" She asks me.

"Listen, she has a big ass hatred against me and she's just always hanging out with boys and shit. It's annoying."

"Jules, be honest with me. When was the last time you really hung out with her and talked with her like a normal person?" Belly interrogated.

"Probably like two and a half years ago. Why does that matter?" I awnser her question.

"Two and a half years. Jules, people change. Taylor changed. You changed. So much can change in two and a half years. Especially people. Taylor is so sweet when you get to know her better. It's just been a long time since when you guys had a normal decent conversation, trust me. I've known Taylor for such a long time and even I realize that." Belly comforts me, which I found so sweet and kind of her.

"I know it just kinda hurt when I saw her make out with the guy I liked for such a long time and the only thing she told me is that everything is always about me when it's not because it's always about her. She's the one that always gets all the male validation, she's the one who is always the main character and I just feel like a side character next to her.

After our fight we had a huge competition on who is better. I would check her instagram account ten times a day. I always thought to myself why is she so pretty and why can't I be like her? I don't know why I'm feeling like this and why I care so much." I vent to Belly.

She straight up hugs me. "Can you promise me you will just be at least a little kind to her just for the summer holidays not to become this huge drama?"

"I'll try." I tell her.

"Thank you." She smiles and hugs me one last time.

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