Blowing In the Wind

By VannahMontannah

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In her world full of trauma, entrepreneurship, loyalty, and insecurities, she finally decides to disappear fr... More

Welcome Home...Or Not
Stuck on Stupid
First Impression
Priorities Are Not Checked
The Lies You Tell
Trouble in Paradise
Down in the Deep
Making Up the Bed
Turn of Events
Key Exchange
Unexpected Run In
This Is It
Blowing In the Wind


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By VannahMontannah

"How far is that from Sacramento?" Ryder asked.

"Six hours," Said Kourtney.

"Six hours? Why didn't you say that beforehand? Now we have to go back around and pack for this six hour drive!" Yelled Ryder.

"I figured I'd just pay for everything on the way! I still have money!"

"It doesn't matter, it's the principle. A common courtesy would have been good enough so I can plan ahead of time. Dammit, Kourtney!" Ryder said while making a u-turn back to the house.

"I'm sorry! I didn't even think straight,"

"You never fucking do! That's why we're always in some shit and now you dragged my brother in this mess. If you ask me you both are stupid," Said Monti.

"Nobody asked for your opinion!" Kourtney fired back.

"I didn't need the validation. Especially from you,"

"Can't you just let it the fuck go already?! If you want an apology I will gladly give it to you!"

"It won't even be genuine enough for me,"

"Then shut the hell up!" Kourtney said, looking back at Monti.

"Girl please you better turn the hell around,"

"And if I don't?" She asked.

"Then you will be on the mother fucking highway hoe!"

"Aye, aye, aye! Stop!" Said Ryder.

"You know what, you're such an inconsiderate bitch! I don't even know why I'm here in the first place!" Monti said, rolling her eyes.

"I don't know why either,"

"Why do you guys hate each other so much?" Asked Ryder.

"She left me all alone on our double date for some stranger and left me with his brother. I didn't know where she went or nothing! The next day she called me after SLEEPING with the guy and I told her about herself and she told me hoe insecure and fat I was which was pointless and low of her to do. The real insecure bitch is her! But whatever," said Monti.

"Did you say that?" Asked Ryder.

"I did but I said it because everyone is always mad at me. Everytime. And it was in the moment. I've been meaning to apologize but it would have been pointless to do,"

"You didn't care because you was with that nigga Brandon! He probably tossed you to the side already,"

"No he didn't. We still talk,"

"That's just about how far you gone ever get with him,"


The ride back to Ryder's house was silent. Tension was the main event at this very moment. Monti and Kourtney still have some animosity towards each other and Ryder was stuck trying to figure out how he was going to make it through this trip with two ex-best friends. Kourtney promised to pay for the trip which includes gas, food, possibly a motel stay, and extras since the trip is for her. Monti didn't want her paying for any of her things so she was going to pay for her own things. Ryder was already exhausted. How can two long time friends just break up and completely hate each other like this?


"I fucked up man," Jayson said, while exhaling smoke from marijuana.

"Did you even like the girl?" One of his friends asked. (Travis)

"I did. I still do but I don't know if she wants to talk to me. She's super fucking upset at me right now," said Jayson.

"Let me see how Monti looks again," Travis said.


"Hmm...she's not ugly but she is big, man," He said.

"Monti looks good, what you mean?" Another one of his friends chimes in. (Ernest)

"Why do ya care so much about how she looks? These are the girls I chose," Jayson siad,

"True but you can do so much better though. Sure, Monti got the looks, but she weighs more than you!" Travis said laughing.

"And?" Jayson asks.

"Bro you're being such a dick right now," Micheal says.

"Right. Me and Gabby had so many memories but it ended for a reason. I still can't believe I caught her with Jamal though,"

"Oh yeah that was crazy," Said Micheal.

"What did she even see in that nigga? He wears thick ass glasses for a living looking like Aurthur," Said Travis.

"I don't know but I ended up forgiving her for it. But I wasn't all that perfect either. I became busy overtime. And she had other issues going on. It wouldn't work. But when I met Monti, she brought out the fun side of me, the soft side, and she made me smile a lot! She was so fun and charismatic, and sweet, goofy, expressive, and assertive. But I got caught up," Jayson expressed.

"Don't we all? Said Travis.

"At the end of the day, it's all about what decision you make. You don't need validation from us," Ernest said.

"Me personally, I'm choosing Gabby. Sure she cheated, but the girl is bad, attractive, and you guys have a deeper connection," Said Travis.

"Monti is attractive as well. Ain't yo mama fat my nigga?" Jayson said.

"Yeah. Just the other day you said how she couldn't breathe while opening the refrigerator. And you have the nerve to talk about another woman's looks?" Micheal said.

"But that's my mama," Travis said.

"It don't fucking matter, dude. Stop being such a bitch. A lil extra ain't gone hurt nobody," Jayson snatching his phone.

"Anyways, man, it's all about your decision. But all Imma say is, if Travis influences any of your choices, you need therapy," Micheal said, shaking his head.

"Ugh! This week has just been off man. I was doing so fucking fine that day. I didn't have her Instagram, snapchat, I didn't have her number, I didn't have anything! I wish we went on a different day," Jayson said.

"Well, it's also about self control. You knew you were on a date and you disrespected her," Micheal Said.

"I didn't know Gabby was gonna be there!" Jayson spoke.

"It really doesn't matter if she was gonna be there or not though. You can with one girl. There should have been no reason you were entertaining two then end up leaving alone. See you let them old feelings catch up and you fell for it and you took that opportunity to talk to your ex again. This is what hella niggas do so I don't even wanna hear it," Micheal spoke.

"You think she's gone wanna talk to me though and hear me out?" Asked Jayson.

"A lot of girls are willing to hear some niggas out. It's worth a shot," Ernest chimed in.

"You sure you want a fat bitch though?" Travis asked.

There was a bit of silence in the room...before Jayson charged across the living room and started to choke Travis. Travis started to choke and so he threw a punch at Jayson which made him fumble back and fall on the glass table. Travis was coughing uncontrollably and trying to gasp for air. Jayson was too hurt to get up from the fall so he groaned in agony.

"Yo, Travis, you need to get out. Now, bro!" Ernest demanded.

"Ya gone take this nigga side because he simpin' over soem random bitch he just met?" Travis said.

"Travis, what the fuck is wrong with you? Yo own mama is big asf!" Said Micheal.

"That's m mama nigga, watch yo mouth!"

"Fuck all of that man. You up here disrespecting a whole 'nother woman, man. You need some serious help. For real!" Said Micheal.

"That doesn't even count!"

"It's still a fucking woman, Travis!" Screamed Micheal.

"I'm outta here, man! Fuck ya'll!" He screamed before storming out the house.

"Aye, man, you alright?" Micheal asked, helping him up.

"Yeah, I'm cool," Jayson said.

"You can't keep doing that when niggas talk about yo girl in real life. People is crazy out here. Show no remorse. None," Ernest spoke.

"He ain't no fucking body, bruh," Said Jayson.

"Yeah, but it don't matter some niggas react differently and come back. Just gotta think next time. He probably lowkey like the girl anyways. You know how some niggas be cap n'," Micheal said. "Probably saying that shit so he wouldn't seem like he was interested. A lot of men love big women but they ain't gone say that shit,"

"This entire situation is fucked up. I'm not tryna end up like my dad and my brother. That shit is for the birds. It's lame as fuck! I've always been nice and sweet to everybody and ya know that. I just don't know how to fix it even if I did reach out to her, what else is there to do?" Jayson spoke.

"Well, try calling her right now," Said Ernest.

"What if she don't answer?"

"Go to her house. And if she isn't there, try again. That's if you really want her attention again," Ernest spoke.


By this time, they were 3 more hours from Kourtney's uncle's house, but the ride was dead silent. You could drop an earring on the carpet and you'll be able to hear it. Monti was in the back texting her friend, Roger, she met a while back at the restaurant, Kourtney was asleep, and Ryder was focused on the road. The radio wasn't even on.

Monti checked her phone and saw three missed calls from an unknown number while her phone was on DND. She didn't recognize the number but for them to call back to back it must be important or someone she knew. She didn't hesitate to call back and waited for a response.

"Hello?" Someone answered.

"Hey, did someone mean to call me. I received three missed calls from this number," Monti asked.

"This is Monti, right?" He asked.

"Yes, who's speaking?"

"Oh, hold on just one second," He said before disappearing for a moment.

"Monti," A familiar voice answered.


"Monti, please hear me out," He pleaded.

"Uhm sir I gave you a second chance and what did you do? You went back to that bitch. And she's a bitch because she knew about me," Monti said.

"Yes, I know. I know, Monti. But I am here to make things right. Can you please give me a couple of minutes please?" He begged.

"A couple of minutes of what?" She asked.

"To apologize to you, to explain what happen, and explain how I want to make things better between us,"

"Didn't you do that when you came to my house the other day and you still had contact with her?" She asked.

"That's what I wanna talk to you about too,"

"Nigga, you have 60 seconds and I'm hanging up the phone and once the 60 seconds are done,"

"That day you caught me on the phone with her, she called me and she broke things off. She didn't want to continue what we had because it was already broken. She also apologized to you and the way she acted. Now about me. I am really, truly, deeply sorry and I wholeheartedly apologize for my actions. I should have never even allowed her back in my space like that. I know we had something special but we moved on and she actually did me wrong when I was with her. I ;left her because she was into someone else really hurt my feelings and it tore me down and made me feel like I was shit. I guess she was trying to finish what we couldn't. I do enjoy my time with you. Especially when I came to your house to apologize for abandoning you. You're right I was stupid and dumb I had no business paying any mind when I was with you. I have never felt better with any girl besides you. I know that's an overused saying, but I actually mean that. I talked about you all the time, hearing you talk would brighten up my day, I loved your laugh, I miss the long phone calls. I love how you carried yourself and I just want you back," He confessed.

"Your 60 seconds are up," She said.

"Wait, wait! What about what I just said?"

"Jayson, listen, it's been three months with no communication. I don't know what you could have been doing. For al lI know, you could have been talking to other girls. You probably already have another girl but you just miss me. I don't know what you've been doing," Spoke Monti.

"After you stopped talking to me all I've been doing was preparing for my tests and graduation. I haven't had the time to date at all actually. Especially around this time of the year when I'm close to my big day. I can't just sit down and mope, I have to occupy myself. I have not been serious with any other girls. You can even go through my phone, my emails. My messages, anything, like it don't even matter," He said.

"You can be saying all of that and still be lying. I know all ya tricks. It's ridiculous,"

"No, Monti, I'm serious. I'm dead serious. I wouldn't even be calling you after all this time. I was sitting here for an hour contemplating on calling you. I even have witnesses,"


"My home boys. I was telling them the same stuff I'm telling you,"

"Boy please. Your homeboys could just be sticking up for you,"

"Monti, I know you have been hurt numerous times. But, I am not playing any games. All I want is your forgiveness. If you do not want to continue where we left off, that's fine. But I just want your forgiveness," He said.

"Yo, Monti, we about to stop to get some food.," Said Ryder.

"Jayson, I will call you back later. And your number wasn't blocked, I just deleted it and forgot the number. Bye," She said before hanging up.

"Who was that?" Ryder asked.

"Some nigga I met a couple months back and this is the second time he messed up! I'm sick of men for real. But enough about me. Where are we eating at?" She asked.

"Probably at that small diner right there,"

"Hopefully it isn't racist," Kourtney said.

"I mean we'll see for ourselves. I'm hungry as hell and this is the closest we got," He said.

He pulled up to the diner and parked in the third spot. The diner was all white with a red logo that read "Honey's". They all walked out of the car and headed inside the diner. Entering the diner, there were half blacks and half whites. Just enough to feel a bit comfortable. Right? They went to the far side of the diner and settled there. It was soft jazz music playing in the background, a strong coffee smell, and a sizzling grill.

"What's his name?" Ryder asked.

"Who?" said Monti.

"The guy you was on the phone with,"

"Jayson. No one important anyways. Call himself tryna apologize to me but I don't know if I accept it or not. I hung up before I did. Niggas gone be niggas though,"

"Not every nigga,"

"Until a nigga ain't gone fuck with my feelings, maybe I'll believe it! Until then, all niggas can shut the fuck up. I said what I fucking said," Monti stressed.


"Yeah, whatever,"

"Hello, my name is Macy. I will be your waiter today. I have your menus here. I will be back in just a few," She said before walking off.


"I'm sitting across the street at the gas station from the diner they at," She spoke.

"What are they going though?" Tyren asked.

"I don't know. Must be somewhere a few hours from now and I don't think I have that much time left. All I know is they have bags packed. I don't know if I can continue to follow them,"

"Stop being such a cry baby ass bitch and do the mutha' fuckin' job Lola! Damn! I'm giving you this good ass lifestyle and you being ungrateful as hell right now!"

"I'm not! I ain't your ex! Don't be talking to me any kind of way,"

"Girl shut the fuck up and do the damn job. I could have another one of my bitches to do it. Do you want that?"


"That's what the fuck I thought. Imma call him and see what the fuck is up. He was supposed to do a stop for me today. You calm the fuck down," He said before hanging up.

Ryder's phone began to ring. He looked at the caller ID and was pissed.


"What's wrong?" Kourtney asked.

"Fucking Tyren,"

"Tyren? What the hell is going on?" She asked.

"Hold on. Yeah?"

"What's up with you? You was supposed to do a drop for me today. What happened?"

"Oh shit, yeah. Uhm, I got caught up in some things. I'm headed to Sacramento right now. Me and my sister. A big family emergency regarding my mom and my dad," He said.

"Mmm, sure you are not hiding anything?" Tyren asked.

"No." Ryder said.

"Okay. But just know one thing Ryder. I'm not stupid. So I hope you being honest with me. You know the rest," He said before hanging up.

"Why would you tell him where we headed? He has people down there and he's gonna be watching us! We have to watch our backs! You need a new phone!" Kourtney said.

"Why are you even talking to Tyren?" Asked Monti.

"Look, I got into some dealings with Tyren for some money and now he depends on me to do a lot of shit for him because I'm still practically new and I need to gain his trust,"

"Are you fucking stupid? You know what he could do to you?" Kourthney said.

"And I'm not losing you over some fucking drugs," said Monti.

"I already been with him for almost four months now. I can't just back out. Besides, I wanted grown money. I wanted a bag for myself and to make a way out of my situation. Hate being seen as the nerdy nigga all the fucking time. Hate being treated like a kid,"

"That's because you act like one. Now he's gone be tracking us and shit!" Monti said.

"We have to get going. Now!" Kourtney said, getting up from her seat and running to the car.

The others followed as they were looking over their shoulders just in case. Ryder started the car up and sped off onto the road. Lola on the other hand followed after but kept a good distance. Whenever she would get too far away from them, she would just look at the GPS and continue.

Lola sometimes regrets the things she does for Tyren because he's disrespectful and started treating her just like Kourtney. At this point, she was only in it for the money and the lifestyle. He talked to her like she's a random female off the street and she didn't like that but she also didn't wanna get on his bad side. Pretty soon she may be replaced.


"How much longer do we have until we reach Sacramento?" Monti asked.

"Two hours and thirty-seven minutes,"

"He's probably following us right now as we speak!" Kourtney yelled. "This is so bad, like literally. So bad.."

"Well, if I didn't tell him he would have already had a bounty over my head. Like the nigga has fucking problems!" Ryder yelled.

"I don't know about you guys, but who is this girl following us? She's been riding behind us for the past hour before we stopped at the diner, and I see her again," Monti said.

"Well we haven't crossed a main road in a while. Maybe they're just tryna get to another exit or something," Ryder said.

"With Tyren on our ass, I'm a bit cautious now,"

"Maybe we're going to the same location. Tyren ain't that fast now," Ryder said, shaking his head.


"We need to get to a main part of a town somewhere. We need to disable all of our social media accounts and take down our business sites! Now! Prevent him from getting more access! And me and you need new phones," Kourtney said.

"Wait, if I get a new number, Tyren is gonna suspect something," Ryder said.

"You knew what the fuck you were getting into when you offered to help look for my uncle! I've been trying to find him since the day I got everything taken from me and to be honest, I think he's dead. But I don't care Because I'm gonna see what t he fuck is up. You had no business messing around with Tyren! He's a dangerous man! Got you moving his drugs taking his money. Hell yes he's gonna boss you around and wanna know your every fucking move! So disable the damn social media accounts and get the damn number changed," Kourtney stressed.

"...I can deactivate my social media but I cannot change my number,"

"Ryder! We are already in too much fucking shit! Just change the damn number!" Monti yelled.

"No! I can't, okay?"

"We're so dead..." Kourtney said, slouching in her seat.

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