Blowing In the Wind

By VannahMontannah

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In her world full of trauma, entrepreneurship, loyalty, and insecurities, she finally decides to disappear fr... More

Welcome Home...Or Not
Stuck on Stupid
First Impression
Priorities Are Not Checked
The Lies You Tell
Trouble in Paradise
Making Up the Bed
Turn of Events
Key Exchange
Unexpected Run In
This Is It
Blowing In the Wind

Down in the Deep

4 0 0
By VannahMontannah

Three months have passed by and Jayson and Monti have really been enjoying each other's times since they've met. The chemistry between the two was phenomenal at this point, but they were not in a relationship yet. Monti had a feeling it may work out and this could be her best relationship yet if they went to the next level. She had hope in that, but of course she was still a bit scared from all of her other tries.

It's been a long day. It's now 6pm in the evening and it feels like it's been 48 hours already. Kourtney is stressed and distraught, Monti is still angry and furious, Tyren was just an asshole over all, Dandy and Gino are in a pinch, and Ryder is secretly helping Kourtney while she is homeless. The day has been crazy.

"I don't know what to do. I just don't know,'' said Kourntey.

"You can't just sign your name on the papers again?" Ryder asked.

"I'd have to wait a couple years to do that. I haven't talked to my uncle at all. I think he's blocked me so I blocked him too. I can't even believe this shit man! I lost everything. Everything! He didn't have nothing! I put in all the work and all the hours of building my whole entire brand and he didn't contribute shit! How can he just all of a sudden take my house? My house? I couldn't even take my car!," Kourtney cried.

"As much as I wanna say I don't care because you and my sister are no longer friends, I do kind of feel bad so that's why I'm helping out. I just can't let Monti know. How long do you need help?" Ryder asked.

"I don't know. At Least until I get back on my feet. I have my own hair business so that should be enough until I can get another place. That shouldn't be long, I hope, She said.

"Well until then you're gonna have to stay at my place. Just gotta stay low,"

Ryder continued the ride to his house while looking out to make sure no one was following him or seen him and Kourtney together. Ryder had something else on the side he does besides tattoos and IT work. He didn't tell no one about it because that's his business and he just keeps it that way.

"Look, I don't want you leaving here. If you have an appointment with your clients, send them here. Do not leave this house," Ryder said as he was opening the door.

"Why can't I leave?" She asked.

"Because we don't want to risk Monti or Tyren to see us together. Prevents us both from getting hurt," He said,

"So I have to be a prisoner?" She asked.

"Kind of." Ryder opened the door.

"This is crazy..."

"Now it's food here and you can eat it if you'd like or you can order food, that is up to you. I'm about to head out and handle some business. My parents aren't home right now so enjoy it while you can. Don't move," Ryder said.


Ryder left the house and hopped in his car and began to make a call.

"Yo," Said Ryder.


"Hey, look, I'm on my way to the drop. Is everything clear?" Ryder asked.

"Yeah. When you get there, wait for me. Don't do nothing. There's still some unfinished business I gotta handle before I come. What's yo ETA?"

"I'm about 10 out. You?" Ryder asked.

"Fifteen. I gotta do something real quick and imma be there,"



"I don't know Jayson. We just went out to eat. I want to go somewhere where we can have fun like an arcade," I said.

"Okay, I know a place downtown. We can go there. It got laser tagging, a food court, and games. I went there once and I had a good time. I'm sure you will too,"

"Okay. So when you wanna plan this date?: I asked.

"You free tonight?" He asked.

"Uh, let me check my schedule for today. I think I have two more girls. Hold on just a second," I said going on my computer. "Yup, I have two more ladies and I should be done by 7,"

"Okay. The arcade doesn't close until midnight. I'll be there a lil earlier than & because I wanna see your work. If you don't mind," He said.

"Yeah come on down. After my last client, Imma hurry and put on some clothes and we can go,"

"Okay, cool. Imma see you later," He said.

"Later. Now I gotta see what Imma wear. Nothing too exposing, just something cute and simple. After all it's an arcade we're going to,"

Some time passes by and I'm cleaning and getting ready for my last client for the night. She's new and she didn't ask for much, just a light look. Lola was her name. Cute. Some new clients can be picky and wanna change shit the moment I start and me being strict about my shit I don't change shit. You get what you asked for and that's final. Too many scammers are getting over on people these days and I don't have the time. I have never been scammed before and based on the shit I've seen, I can catch it.

I got a text message from Lola saying she was outside. I have a text-now number for all my clients. I find it to be professional. I'm supposed to get a shop but I keep procrastinating. I went downstairs to open the door and there she was. She was a very beautiful woman. She was a full figured plus sized female with a black curly bob, had big bloomy green eyes, a slim but chubby face, and full plump lips. Her nails looked freshly done. She had pink french tips on her fingers and toes, she had at least more than 6 tattoos, she has two nose rings, and septum, a dermal above her chest, a navel ring, a lip ring, and one on her cheek. Her outfit was a bit exposing. She had on a cute skirt set. The shirt was a crop with straps, and the skirt was a bit short with ruffles and the bottom. The color of the set was green with flowers and she had on white fur fox sandals.

"Hello," She greeted.

"Hey," I said.

She had the prettiest smile. Imma give her parents her props on this one.

"Hey girl, come in," I said.

"Thank you. You have a nice place,"

"Thanks. I try to make it look presentable," I said, locking the door.

"You did a good job. How long have you been into makeup?" She asked me.

"About 4 years. I just started this business a year ago. It's going pretty good,"

"I see. I just moved into a big nice place myself just down the area. I'm loving it so far," She added.

We headed upstairs to my room and into my walk-in closet. My closet is actually big enough to be a room so I just made it into a makeup room. She sat her things down and got comfortable in my chair.

"You ever thought about getting renting a place for your business?" She asked.

"I actually have. I just been procrastinating. That would be so convenient though,"

"Oh, okay. You have any siblings?" she asked.

"I have one brother. His name is Ryder. He's younger than me. You"

"Nah, I'm the only child. It's a miracle. I don't have to worry about watching after extra kids and cleaning up after their mess," She said.

"I understand. Even while he's an adult I still have to clean after his mess," I said laughing.

"I can't even imagine. So, you single?" She asked.

"Yeah. I don't trust men right now but I am going on a date with my guard up tonight," I said.

"Nah, girl, I totally get it. Not into relationships but still having your fun and keeping your options open,"

"Girl, my ex best friend set me up on this blind date. He's cool and all and he's offering to take me out, might as well take it. After all he's putting in the effort," I said.

"Letting the niggas do most of the work? I like it. You're a smart girl," She said.

"Yeah. Well, let's get started.

This is the most talkative client I've had. I never had a client actually keep a conversation like she did and it was actually nice. I feel like we could be good friends in the near future. She told me about her love life and I told her about mine and it's obvious I have the worst one. We have different interests which I love about people. I don't like to have too much in common with anybody else because that doesn't leave much space for us to try new things. We laughed the whole appointment and she was absolutely amazing. We exchanged numbers after I was done with her makeup. She promised to text me later on and I was looking forward to it. I think I may have been too friendly but I'll take my chances with this one.

"Hey baby, what you doing?" Said Lola.

"I'm taking care of something real quick. You get your makeup done?" He asked.

"Yeah I got it done. When you gone be home so we can get ready for the date?" She asked.

"Later on. You can get ready and Imma just pick you up. I can get ready at my homeboy house. We need to talk about something a little later. Wear something nice, okay?" He said.

"Yeah. Later,"


Ryder made it to the meet. He got involved with selling and moving drugs for well-known but small drug dealer. Ryder's job was to sell some and do a couple of missions. He's been doing this for a couple months and impressed the guy he's working for.

"Wassup," Ryder greeted.

"None. After this quest, I got a date with my lady tonight and I expect to make it to her. No bullshit, no gimmicks, no nothing.You know the drill. I already went to Smully about this shit. All you gotta do is drop off this bag across the street to the black SUV, let them check it, they give us the money, and that's it. Same thing as before. Pretty soon I can get you somewhere up in the business. You won't have to rely on cutting hair and your fancy computer job. I see potential in you, you just need the extra boost and the confidence. One thing we don't do is betray our boys though. But Ian gone get you involved until you're ready. There's still time to remove yourself if you not up to it, but like I said, I see potential," He said.

"Nah, I'm down," Said Ryder.

"Okay. Go over there and give this to the dude in the SUV and collect the money. It;s supposed to be 10 grand there. Make sure he counts it. If shit ain't right, you let him know what's up," He said, handing Ryder a gun.

Ryder took the gun and went over to the SUV. A muscular skinny man walked out of the car with a black bag. He placed the bag on the floor and counted the money. It was $10,000 as expected. He gave Ryder the money in exchange for the drugs. They were moving crushed fentanyl, benadryl, and cocaine.This was the real deal but Ryder's partner had knock-off versions of fentanyl and benadryl he made himself and laced it. He sells that on his own time. Ryder and the man went their separate ways and the other guy drove out the ally. Ryder placed the black bag in his partner's trunk.

"Wasn't so hard. Maybe you can handle even heavier shit. How about next week?" He said.

"Okay just tell me the time and the place and we can do this," Said Ryder.

"Imma holla at you later," He said getting in his car.



"Your makeup looks so beautiful, baby girl," Said Tyren.

"Thank you, babes. I think she will be my main makeup artist,''said Lola.

:Okay good, good. Look, I need you to do me a favor,''asked Tyren.

"What is it?"

"Uh, I need you to find out what Kourtneys' been doing. Find out her whereabouts. You need to hang around Monti some more and get some more details. I need to know everything about Ryder's family in case shit go left with him and if we can't get to him, we can get to his family. Can you do that?" Tyren asked.

"You know I can. I got Monti's number and we've been texting. I found out her family was in the military so that's something we gotta look out for. She told me her and Ryder are pretty close siblings and he used to play instruments in high school and he played football," Said Lola.

"My boys are student athletes, haha! Okay, okay. Did she mention Kourtney?" Tyren asked, drinking his wine.

"Yeah, she said her and Kourtney aren't friends anymore. They had a fall out. She said she got tired of Kourtney's behavior. Said something about her bailing on her the other day for some dude and left her at the restaurant with a stranger," Said Lola.

"I knew that bitch was with another nigga. I knew she wasn't with her all night!" Tyren said, shaking his head. " All she does is lie. Just lie!"

"It's okay. We got her house and all her assets," Lola said smiling.

"Yeah. She won't be hearing from her uncle anytime soon. I appreciate you for being here for me. I really needed that," Tyren said.

"No problem. Thank god for crooked lawyers," Lola said, raising her champagne in the air.

"Yes. Thank 'em,"

"We can start moving the shit through the house and we will be doing big business. If Ryder even thinks about leaving, he's got something coming towards him and his family. Once you in, you in," He said.

"His choices,"

"Yeah. I can give you everything you want and let you do whatever you want. Everything I do is for us, babygirl," He said, caressing her cheek. "Did she say what nigga she was with when she left?"

" She said some wealthy guy named Brandon. That's all she said,"

"Mm...we gone figure the rest out later on. Let's just enjoy our night out. And when we get home, be prepared," He said, winking.


"I've never been here before," I said looking around.

"This is my second," Said Jayson.

"You've taken a girl here before?" I asked, looking at him.

"...My ex-girlfriend. We came together, but that was 2 years ago," He said.

"Oh okay,"

"Hey let's just go and have fun, shall we," He said.

He grabbed my hand and we walked right up to the register to get in. They didn't play no white music either. This was a perfect mix of rap, hip-hop, R&B and alternative music. The vibes was 10's across the board. The light was a neon blue, the people were dancing and playing games, the food smelled amazing, and the staff was cool as hell. Jayson paid for the expensive pack and that came with access to all gameplay, $350 each on the game card, 3 free meals, 4 free prizes and 2 free skips so we can skip the lines. This pack was $55 for both of us. It feels so good when a nigga pays for everything whether you have your own money or not. All niggas ever bought me was food and new insecurities I didn't even know was an insecurity. I haven't been with a nigga in two years. I was 19 then and we were together for literally 9 months. I was dating a little while afterwards but they never went past that. I don;t know how things with Jayson are going to go but hopefully it runs well. I won't be surprised with whatever trick he got up his sleeve though. We decided to eat first before we had our fun so we went to the food bar. We both got our moneys' worth. After all, he paid $55 for these tickets and they come with hella free shit so might as well take all the damn food. We gave the cashier our ticket so he couldn't dock our first meal for the night. We proceeded to the table and sat in the back.

"I like this so far," I said.

"I'm glad you do. I remember you telling me about not going on a real date before so I figured I would take up that job. I hope it doesn't just stop right here though," He said.

"Well we just gone have to see," he said, smiling at me.

"Yeah,: I said, smiling back.

"When is your birthday?" He asked.

"May 31st,"

"Mine is in October," He said.

"Oh damn, you're a libra or a scorpio?" I asked.


"Gemini's and Libras are compatible in some way and I don't know how. Ya so wishy washy but we still fall for ya just like ya do us," I said.

"Well I guess we have that charm," He said.

"Okay don't get too into yo self,"

"You just hating," He said, nudging me.

"Nah I dealt with a couple of ya. I know cause ya are evil," I said laughing.

"I'm gentle, I don't know what you talking about," He said.

"Whatever. Imma be back I gotta go to the bathroom," I said, getting up to go to the bathroom.

"Hurry back so I can whoop you in some go-karts," he said.

I'm a beast in go- karts! Can't nobody beat me! I've won the last 4 times I've ever played. He gone see when I get back though. As I got done with my business in the bathroom I decided to check my phone and it was from Lola. She asked me what I was doing. Obviously about to have a good time lhh. After go-carts we can go laser tagging. Now that's another thing I'm good at. As I walked back to the table, he already had company. But it was another female. She was short, brown skin with a full figured body. Yeah she had all the hips, thighs, ass, but not too much breast. Her face was chubby and she had cat eyes...without the liner. Them sexy cat eyes that's just naturally on a person's face. It's hard to explain but she had them. At least now I know Jayson's type. I know Ima big girl but she had more body. I don't have much in the trunk but I have a lot going on too. I wonder who she is.

"Hello," I said.

"Hey. Monti, this is Gabby. My ex-girlfriend..." He said.

"Hey," She greeted.

"Hi," I said.

"So you two are dating?" She asked.'

"Yeah," He said.

"Oh okay. Well I should get going. It was nice catching up with you," She said while walking off.

"Why did you two break up?" I asked.

"She was going through a hard time and we had to break up. I was down with her through everything but life just took over. It started to take over me too. But she seems to be doing well," He said.

I saw how he looked at her as she walked off too. I looked as well but he's the one that should know better. You're on a date with me, not her. I guess I gotta look out for her tonight. UGH!

"Hey, let's go and play the go-carts," I said, grabbing my ticket.


As we're walking out the food area, I look over and she's staring at us from afar. She looked away though. Yeah she's definitely going to ruin the night.

We made it to the go-carts and we were next in line. There weren't many people in line for the go-carts though so this would go by quickly.

"It's not that many people here so it should go by quickly," I said.

"Yeah you right. I got number 2 since you wanna be number 1 so bad and shit," He said.

"That's because I'm a winner,"

"Whatever you say," He said.

As I was about to say something I heard a group of girls and it was Gabby and her three friends. Oh my fucking gosh, bro! My night is definitely ruined.

"Hey. Are you getting on too?" Jayson asked.

"Yup. You know how I am in this shit," She said smiling hard as fuck.

"Okay let's see what you can do then," He said.

I'm about to fucking kill this nigga. We were up next and she picked number 1. Now I'm officially pissed. I took number 3 but it's cool cause Imma still fuck everybody up. The ride began and we all took off. Gabby was winning, of course. But I'm not gonna go down without a fight. Jayson and Gabby just giggling and laughing while I'm back here tryna keep it together and shit. I sped up and I passed Jayson. He didn't say anything when I was ahead at all. But it's okay Imma use all this build in anger to win this race. I tried to speed in front of Gabby but she was too good. We were literally neck and neck. People were cheering us on and that kept me going for the most part. We had one more lap to go and I really wanted to win this so I had to go hard. We were almost at the finished line and I got a little ahead but she tried to beat me. Not tonight! I stepped on the gas pedal as hard as I could and I was far ahead of her. And I won the race. I looked back to see Jayson clapping and Gabby gave that disappointed but fake ass smile look. It's one thing to fuck up my date but you ain't ruining my favorite activity in the arcade. We all exited the go-carts and my next move was laser tagging.

"Let's go laser tagging next," I said to Jayson.

"Okay cool ya got free skips?" Asked Gabby.

Yeah. Come on, let's go," Said Jayson.

Him, Gabby and her three other friends went. I stayed behind. I watched as they all mingled and he didn't even notice I was gone. I ripped up my ticket and walked out the game area. I don't care what he does. I'm done with this shit.

"Alright, the rules are simple. No pushing, shoving horse playing, and fighting. Keep the vest on at all times and play fair. Go and have fun," The man said.

Jayson and Gabby went in. They were on seperate teams. Gabby, her friends and a couple strangers and Jayson and a few strangers. The game started and everyone was ready for game play. Jayson and Gabby's relationship lasted for almost a year but due to personal mental issues from each party, they couldn't continue. It's obvious they still had feelings for each other though.

"Gotchu!" Yelled Gabby.

"Damn," Said Jayson.

"You're quite the player," She said walking over to him.

"I guess you can say that." He said.

"We can just stay here and hide. They aren't gonna notice anyways," She said.

"Yeah," He said looking through the small peep hole.

"I'm actually glad to see you. I haven't seen you in a while," She said.

"It's nice to see you too," Jayson said.

"Here put my number in your phone," She said, grabbing his phone and locking her number in. "I texted myself from your phone, cool?" She said,

"Uh, yeah,"

"Okay. Games almost over,"

"Yeah I know," He said, shooting one more shot.

"You doing anything tomorrow?" She asked.

"Yeah I gotta go on campus for a couple things," He said.

"Can I come and meet you there,"

"Yeah," He said.


They had locked eyes and shared a small kiss. Jayson quickly jumped back and realized Monti was gone.

"Where's Monti?" He asked, looking around.

"I haven't seen her since we left the go-carts," Said Gabby.

"Monti? Monti?" He said.

He took off his vest and left the room.

"Jayson!" Gabby yelled out. "I fucked up didn't I? You just had to take over his date Gabby. You just had too," She said, shaking her head and rolling her eyes and sighing in frustration.

"Monti! Monti!" Jayson yelled. "Monti!"

He tried to text her but she didn't respond. He even tried calling her and no answer. He checked every single bathroom and there was no sign of Mnti. He went outside to see if she was outside but he didn't see her. Monti had left.

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