Blowing In the Wind

By VannahMontannah

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In her world full of trauma, entrepreneurship, loyalty, and insecurities, she finally decides to disappear fr... More

Welcome Home...Or Not
Stuck on Stupid
Priorities Are Not Checked
The Lies You Tell
Trouble in Paradise
Down in the Deep
Making Up the Bed
Turn of Events
Key Exchange
Unexpected Run In
This Is It
Blowing In the Wind

First Impression

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By VannahMontannah

"Ryder?" My mom said as she knocked on his door.

"Yes, mom," He answered.

"How you feeling?" She asked.

"I'm cool,"

"Look, uhm, I'm sorry about yesterday. But there are rules you're gonna have to follow if you wanna continue to stay here. I get tired of Maria calling me telling me about  your antics. If you want to do what you want, you need to do it somewhere else. I am not trying to put you out and I never was. I was just saying that that is the best option. I mean for god sake Ryder there are kids next door. Did you ever think about that?"

"No," He admitted.

"Ms. Maria doesn't know what to do with you anymore and neither do me and your dad,"

There was a long pause before anyone else could say anything. Ryder knew everybody was right but he wasn't ready for the truth. Ryder has too much freedom and that's the issue. He doesn't know when to stop doing fuck shit. Ever since he got a lil dip on his chip he hasn't been able to sit the fuck down somewhere.

"You've had too much freedom and I think that's where me and your dad went wrong," She confessed.

"You guys are always at work. Dad is just a flat out bitch," Ryder said.

"Aye! You can curse all you want somewhere else but it ain't gone be in my house in front of me lil nigga! You can stop that right now!" Mom yelled.

"It's true! You're just too blind to fucking see it! I wouldn't be surprised if you allowed his behavior in the house," Ryder said.
Mom slapped Ryder across the face. Ryder was getting away with too much shit. Like I said, too much dip on his chip.

"That's for me to handle mother-fucker! I will deal with him the way I want too... you have gotten besides yourself and it stops here. Get the fuck up out my house and come back when you've got some goddamn sense!" Mom said.

She was extremely upset with Ryder's behavior. But that didn't stop Ryder from leaving. He packed a few clothes and stormed out of the front door. He got in his car and went for the road.

"What happened?" Dad asked.

"He's lost his damn mind. He's had too much freedom and it ends here. I can't with him right now. We haven't been in our kids' lives that much and it's not good," Mom said.

"I agree. I'm still fired up from the fight yesterday," Dad said.
Deep down inside Dandy wanted to confront Gino about his cheating but she was afraid to break her family apart and lose everything they had built. She didn't wanna lose the house, the cars, the love, her family, and the memories. She was emotionally, physically, and mentally invested in the marriage. She had known about the cheating for a year. She first found out when she stopped by his job for a surprise visit when she had seen him engage with another woman in his surgery room. She doesn't know how long he has been cheating but she is for certain it was a long while. Gino on the other hand doesn't have too much sympathy as his excuse is "men will be me" and that is absolutely correct because men ain't shit but fucking headaches to begin with. Fifteen years of marriage down the drain.


"Come on Monti! You've been in the bathroom for two hours!" Kourtney complained.

"This is my bathroom," I said.

"Yeah but girl I just need to touch up my hair and makeup," Kourtney said, frowning.

"Just a second!" I yelled.

"And how long is a second?" She asked.

"As long as I allow it to be!" I said.

I walked out the bathroom and Kourtney stormed past me. I let it slide cause I am not tryna argue with a bitch tonight and I actually wanna have a nice time but I am not about to tell her that. These men better be looking like Shawn Wayans in his young days and have Rihanna money the way she described these men.

"Girl, how do these niggas look?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"You have to see for yourself," She answered.

"Nah, if these niggas is ugly, I will be leaving and caring my big ass to sleep," I said.

"No, Monti, they aren't ugly. I thought you didn't care about looks," She said with a confused look on her face.

"I don't but I ain't tryna embarrass myself either. I care about the personality but my boundaries and standards have gone up," I said, shaking my head.

"I understand that. Look," She said, sitting next to me on the bed. She held my hand and looked me in the eyes. "I want you to have a nice time. If you don't then I will take all the blame for the night. You don't have to be with them or talk to them after the date because that is your decision. I know how hard it is to get back out of your comfort zone and talk to other guys. I'm married but I still know. I just want you to have a nice time and feel free. Okay?"


"Now...come on and let's have a good night," She said, smiling at me.

She finished her light makeup and her hair. By the time she was done, it was time for us to go. We drove in our car of course. I told her to park her car in my garage just in case Tyren may be lurking around. I am a bit excited but at the same time nervous as fuck because I don't know this man's type and I don't know how he look. I'm a big bitch and I do not need no insecure nigga feeling some type of way about me. Like they all do. Never been posted, never met no one's family, never been appreciated, never been taken on a nice date, nothing.

I'm embarrassed at myself half the time but I try to remember it is all in the past. I know I look good but will I look good enough for him? I'm not really the insecure type but when it comes to guys, I overthink. They are the most confused sex ever, I'm not no sloppy body girl though so I should be fine. Kourtney is happy as hell though. She hasn't been this happy since she got engaged and I really hope this one works out for her but she needs to get her priorities together. I'd much rather her get divorced before dating but this type of stuff happens all the time when married people date others when the relationship isn't good anymore. I don't want that for my future at all.

We arrived at the place around 7:45. The date starts at 8 so I hope they aren't too far from the restaurant.

"Are they here yet?" I asked Kourntey.

"Yeah they are around the corner and should be pulling up,"

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked.

"What's wrong?"

"I just don't wanna have a bad time. I hate being embarrassed," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Oh don't be like that. Just relax. Everything is gonna be okay,"
I took a deep breath and exhaled dramatically. This is my first time on a date in about 8 months and knowing me I just know something is bound to mess up like always.

"Okay they're here," She said, all excitedly.

"I guess it's showtime,"

I got out of my car and I saw two tall men walking in our direction. One of the tall men was brown skin with long black locs, he was skinny, he had a stubble beard, a thin mustache, brown eyes, and perfectly angled cheekbones. His fit was a white muscle shirt, black khaki, skeet pants, and silver velvet dress shoes. He had a gold rolex, a gold chain, and one ring on each ring finger.

The second guy was taller than the other. He was a bit darker too. Now I hope this is my man. He had beautiful dark chocolate skin, his hair was in a high puff. It almost looked similar to a cloud. His hair was cut real nice, he had brown eyes, big plump lips, he was very muscular, his beard was combed out, he had a beautiful shaped face, and his thighs were nice and thick. His fit for the night was real chill. He wore a black basketball jersey and it complimented his arms a lot. He must work out a lot. He wore some black jeans and he wasn't sagging either. He had some black and red air jordans. I don't know which number or kind I just know the brand. He had on a watch, he had one earring, and a silver chain.

"Hey!" Said Kourtney, as she hugged the skinny guy.

"Wassup," He responded, hugging her back.

"Wassup with it," The tall dark skinned man said to me.

"Hey," I responded, returning the hug.

He smells so good.

"I'm so glad ya came. Hey, this is my friend Monti. Monti this is Brandon and that is Jayson," She said.

My date's name is Jayson. So Mr. Skinny is Brandon. Jayson smiled at me. Jayson has a small gap in his teeth. Jayson just got even more cute. Jayson is a beautiful human being.

"It's nice to meet you," He said smiling.

"It's nice to meet you too," I said, smiling back.

"Okay let's go in and start eating! I'm starving," Kourtney said.

Brandon grabbed her hand and proceeded to the restaurant. Jayson grabbed mines and our hands locked. So far so good. There was a couple ahead of us and it seemed like they were trying to get their reservations.

"It's under Jones! How the fuck can ya not see it? I paid damn near $300! Where's the manager cause this is ridiculous?" The man said in front of us.

"I will go and get him. Rodger can you please assist the other guest?" The waitress said.

"Coming," Said Rodger.

"Yeah because this is about to get crazy in here if I don't figure out what the hell happened to my reservations," The man said.

"Okay, how many?" Rodger asked.

"I actually have reservations set for 2," Brandon said.

Wait, we are sitting separately?


"Brandon Wilkes,"

"Right this way," The waitress said.

"Wait, we're sitting at different tables?" I asked.

"Yeah girl. I should have told you but I didn't know how you'd react," Kourtney said.

"Kourtney I–"

"Look, don't worry about it. It will all go well," She said while leaving to her table.

"Just great," I said.

"I wasn't aware either. I thought we were sitting at the same table. It's supposed to be a double date,''said Jayson.

"My friend comes up with a lot of damn surprises at the last minute," I said.

"So does my brother. I guess we're in the same boat,"

The waitress came back for us. But he kept glancing at me.
"Okay, is this another reservation?" He asked.

"Yeah. Jayson Wilkes,"

The waitress couldn't keep his eyes off me for some odd reason. Does he wanna go on a date too?

"Right this way,"

Our seats weren't too far from Brandon and Kourntey. They were already getting close. I see she met her match.

"I'm Roger and I will be your waitress tonight. I will be back with your menus," He said walking off.

"Thank you for taking me out. I appreciate it," I said smiling.

"No problem. Kourtney said she had a girl for me and I was like okay I'll see how it goes. I'm a gentleman anyways so I treat all ladies with respect," He said.

"I wish that's how all men act," I said chuckling.

"I guess there has to be a balance for people to make mistakes and to learn from them. The world may never know but that's my theory. What would a perfect world be like with no mistakes? That's like saying everything on the planet should be free," He said.

"It should," I said.

" Think about it. If everything was free, via rent, car notes, clothes, food, and all that other stuff, imagine how there wouldn't be enough for everyone. Everyone took all the cars then some people are left to walk. Everyone took all the houses and apartments, then some people are left homeless. There has to be a balance. Now I do find it funny how we were all put on this earth for free but we gotta exchange money to live like how?" He said.

We both started laughing and I agreed on that. It did make a little bit of sense. However I wish my rent was free. I glanced to my right and Roger, the waitress, quickly looked away. Okay, I've had it. What is with that man?

"I don't know why he keeps staring at me," I said, chuckling.

"He probably likes what he sees. I would continue staring too but I wouldn't make it obvious," he said.

"You are not slick," I said, laughing.

"I'm just being honest, that's all. I'm usually shy on these types of dates," He said.

"I am too. I haven't been on a good date since my last go 'round,"

"What happened?" He asked.

"That's not important," I said looking the other way.

There was a moment of silence for the awkward moment. I didn't wanna ruin the night explaining my failed relationships and situations. He would get bored and won't talk to me ever again.

"So...what do you do for a living?" He asked.

"I have my own makeup business," I said.

"Aw, the next James Charles?"

"*laugh* Yeah but minus the sexual allegations,"

"Man is weird for that," He said laughing.

"Hi, I'm Roger. I'll be your waitress for the night. Here are your menus. I'll be back in just a second. Again, my name is Roger, and I am your waitress," He said as he glanced at me.
I think this dude has a huge crush on me. He hasn't stopped looking at me since we came in. I think it's making Jayson uncomfortable but we just met each other so I don't think he's taking it seriously. We probably won't even exchange numbers after this.

"So you in school too?" Kourtney asked Brandon.

"Nah. I was in school but it wasn't going well so I left. But hey my brother is doing just fine so he motivates me to do better. What about you?" He asked.

"No, I'm not in school. I never saw myself in college. I actually do hair. I install wigs and color them. I do sew-ins, braids, quick weaves-I do it all," She said.

"Do you retwist hair as well?" He asked, smirking.

"Yeah," Kourtney answered, chewing from ear to ear.

"Well, maybe I can set an appointment and you can do me a favor," He said, looking Kourtney up and down as if he was trying to seduce her with his eyes.

"All you gotta do is just call me and I'll do the job," Kourtney said, leaning in while staring in his eyes.

"This date just got better. How about tomorrow?" He said.

"Your hair is already done," Kourtney said, running her fingers through his locs.

"I can style it for me and maybe I can style yours," He said.

"I don't know. You might wanna come back," She said, turning her head the other way, her mouth scrunched to the other side of her face, putting her hair behind one ear.
"I mean that's the point of having clients. Am I wrong?" He asked.

Okay. We already saw this coming. We knew where Brandon and Kourntey's night was gonna go. They are perfect for each other. Both on the same type of timing. I don't know if they will get serious later but we will see.

"So. My dad and my mom bought me the house and I pay the rent. My house is peaceful and well decorated. I will switch my shit up every other day because I like to have different aesthetics, you know? Maybe you could come and see it for yourself one day," I said.

"I'm down for that. Just let me know. Let me give you my number," He said, holding his hand out for my phone.
We exchanged numbers, something I was not expecting at all. But I don't think he'll abuse my number. I actually like how this is going so far. Nothing weird has happened and I'm actually enjoying company from a male for once. I'm not gonna say too much though because shit can change. So Imma just shut up and let things flow.

"Okay are we ready to order," Roger asked.

"Yes. I will have the New York Strip, medium well. Lobster mac and cheese, and chardonnay," I stated.

"I will have the t-bone steak, stuffed chicken breast, french fries, and red blend," He stated.

"Okay...that'll be about 20 minutes, okay?" Roger said.

"Yeah," I said.

"Okay, I'll be back shortly," He said, walking off.

The night went on for another hour or so. Talking to Jayson made me think I knew him for a long time. He knew how to keep a conversation going and wasn't boring. But that's how a lot of guys are at first and then they want to break character. I just hate that my mind is fucked up and I can't seem to put nothing past any man. I'm too damaged. My anxiety is slowly creeping up. I need to try and stay calm before I ruin things. But hey, I'm just speaking facts. Can't blame me. I don't have time to talk to 20 different men so don't include me in that "women cheat more" category. One at a time for me.

"Hey, I gotta go to the bathroom, I'll be back," I said.

"Okay, I'll be waiting.

All this talking I've been doing I forgot I had a bladder. There should be no way a conversation is that good. I went and did my business but somehow, someway, Roger is by the door to the ladies room when I walk out.

"Hey, I know it's weird but I just had to let you know that you are very beautiful. I know it's rude to say because you have a boyfriend and all–" He said before I stopped him.

"That's not my boyfriend. I don't have a boyfriend. This is just a blind date. But thank you. I noticed you've been staring at me a lot," I said, chuckling.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I get a lil nervous around women. I don't get much play. I mean just look at me," He said.

Roger was a big guy, about 300+ pounds. He was brown skinned, had a chubby but slim face, full lips, and dark, medium long locs. He had a small gap in his teeth. He may be a couple inches taller than me but he wasn't short.

"Uh, what's wrong?" I asked, smiling nervously.

"I'm a big nigga," He said laughing.

"Nothing is wrong with that. There's plenty of girls out here who don't care about your weight. I'm sure she's out there," I said.

"Okay. Well, what about you?" He asked.

"Uh, well, I mean I think personality is more important than anything. I mean but who isn't attracted to looks? That's a lot of people," I said.

"So, you don't care how I look?" He asked.

" You look fine. Hey, just build some confidence. You got there," I said, trying to walk off.

"Hey, uhm, can we exchange numbers? We can just be friends,''he asked.


He formed a big smile and I saw the entire gap. He wasn't ugly, he just had no confidence. He looked fine to me. Everyone is different.

"I'll talk to you when I leave work," He said.

"This is your only job?" I asked.

"No. I work at a home depot by my house. That's full-time while this waitress shit is part-time. I try to keep myself busy because I don't have time and let my thoughts take over. Getting too depressed and shit. I took up whatever," He explained.

"I totally understand. But I gotta go back to my date. Nice talking to you," I said waving and walking off.

"Ah, you're back. I was starting to get lonely,''he said.

"Nah, I was just stopped by the waitress. I was telling him if you gain some confidence, I'm sure you'll get you a nice lady," I said, sitting down. "I'm full now. I don't think I can drink the rest of this wine,"

"I am too. Plus I gotta get home and get ready for school tomorrow. Midterms are here and I need as much last minute studying as I can get," he said, taking out his wallet.

"Okay, are you guys ready to check out?" Roger asked.

"Yeah," Jayson said.

Roger gave us our receipts, but Jayson had taken them both and put his card in the folder. I was gonna spend my own money but since he's paying, why not take advantage of it? The food was really good but I know I won't be back here for a while. Spending this much on food is a kodak moment and a once-in-a-blue-moon thing.

"Thank you. I usually pay for myself," I said.

"I'm just being a gentleman. I had a nice time anyways. Despite the waitress flirting," He said.

"Oh, he was just flattered by my looks. Typical guy shit," I said.
"Yeah. Hey, where's Brandon and Kourtney?" He asked.

I looked over to their table and they were gone. They probably went somewhere to fuck. I know Kourtney like the discoloration of my inner thighs and from meeting Brandon for a couple minutes, I knew what type of timing he was on too. She better not have left me here even though I was the one driving. This is why I don't go out with her like that Because she's so fucking careless and irresponsible sometimes. That's why I'm always so hard on her.

"I'm gonna call her. I'm sick of this shit. She can be careless sometimes like what the fuck," I said, pulling out my phone to call her. But when I turned on my phone, I got a message from Roger. I'll answer that a lil later. Right now, Kourtney is about to get cursed out.

Me and Jayson left the restaurant  and stood outside as I was calling her.

"Hello?" Kourtney answered.

"Where are you guys at? We are looking for ya," I said, frowning.

"Oh we left. We are on our way to the Four Seasons Hotel," She said.

"I'm sorry what?" I asked.

"The Four Seasons Hotel. Brandon got a room for us. Kind of last minute but I know my night bout to get even better," She said laughing.

"Kourtney, you left me here and didn't even tell me you were leaving. What kind of friend does that?" I asked.

"Calm down girl, my location is on. You can see where I'm at," She said.

"Girl, you don't even know this man like that. Why do you do this to yourself, Kourt?" I asked.

"It's for one night. Or maybe even more. I'll be back," She said.
"Aye, ask her, did he take the car?" Asked Jayson.

"Did ya take the car and leave Jayson?" I asked.

"Oh, girl, can you take him home? I'll send you gas money. Please and thank you. I gotta go. Later," She asked before hanging up.

After tonight, I will not be speaking to Kourtney after a while.

"Well, looks like Imma take you home. They left and to go to the Four Seasons Hotel to go fuck each other senseless," I said, rolling my eyes and walking to my car.

"Brandon can be so damn dumb sometimes. He does this all the time," Jayson said.

"What you mean?" I asked, stopping in my tracks.

"He always books a hotel beforehand and gets any girl he can get. It's usually before he goes on dates and he'll book a room for the night. I should have mentioned it earlier but the girls usually don't mind and it's not my business. But I see you really care about her so I thought I'd tell you," He confessed.

"So he doesn't have any feelings for Kourtney?" I asked.
"Well they just met each other. But later on, he'll just ghost them and won't speak to them. It's rare Brandon finds a girl he actually likes. I haven't seen him in a relationship in three years," Jayson said.

"Well, hey, you know what? Kourtney is just gonna have to find out on her own. She's engaged anyways. They never even got around to the damn wedding. Her nigga cheats on her left and right. She won't even leave. I worry about her sometimes but I can't keep worrying if she doesn't wanna be helped. I pray for her but that's all I can do," I said, sitting down on the hood of my car.

"I'm sorry. I know how you feel. Brandon doesn't wanna be helped either. I try and try but it's only so much you can do for people, you know?" He said.

"Yeah. This is exactly why I didn't wanna come here. I knew her plan was off. I'm always getting involved in her shit. I didn't even know we were gonna sit at separate tables and now she left with a stranger. No offense," I said.

"None taken," He responded.

"Ugh! I'm just so stressed out! I need to go home. Let's go," I said.


The drive to Jayson's house was nice and subtle. He had more small talk, listened to some music, and even exchanged some. I'm still not getting my hopes up for no man. But his first impression was impressive

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