The White Dragon God Emperor

By NotLaxr

11.2K 365 15

Jake Nicholson our protagonist finds himself a girlfriend and he goes on a date with her, however it turns in... More

Chapter One: Last Day With Humanity
Chapter Two: Longinus
Chapter Three: Divine Dividing
Chapter Four: Training Partner
Chapter Five: Feelings
Chapter Six: The Fated Encounter
Chapter Seven: OverBooster
Chapter Eight: Confession
Chapter Nine: The Favor
Chapter Ten: Training
Chapter Eleven: Raiding Game
Chapter Twelve: Party Crasher
Season One End
Season Two Start
Chapter Thirteen: Visitors
Chapter Fourteen: Excalibur
Chapter Fifteen: Holy Sword Project
Chapter Sixteen: The Proposal
Chapter Seventeen: Sword Of Betrayer
Chapter Eighteen: Blue Light
Chapter Nineteen: Hidden Past
Chapter Twenty One: Fight For Freedom
Season Two End
Season Three Start
Chapter Twenty Two: The Blight
Chapter Twenty Three: The Ritual
Chapter Twenty Four: Regained Power
Chapter Twenty Five: Team Vali
Chapter Twenty Six: Back To Her
Chapter Twenty Seven: Party
Chapter Twenty Eight: Loki's Mistake
Chapter Twenty Nine: Juggernaut Drive
Chapter Thirty: Summer Is Over
Chapter Thiry One: Eric's Past
Chapter Thirty Two: The Curse Of The Drive
Chapter Thirty Three: To Lose Someone
Chapter Thirty Four: To Reclaim Someone
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Chapter Twenty: Help

62 8 0
By NotLaxr

This is the intro I have for this fanfic I hope you enjoy roll it. Disclaimer I do not own Divine Music

I'm currently in the Grigori in my booth with an empty look and expression then I begin to look down. This is the only thing I have here and it's barely keeping me sane. "I don't know what I should do. Please, please tell me Akeno." The thing in my hand was a picture with me and Akeno in it smiling at the camera. I then said, "Can I please get out of here and back to my regular life so I can spend it with her." I then looked up and shouted, "Hey Vali can you at least change the scenery to Kuoh?" I got no response until. I see him floating down. "Why should I give you anything? All you did was steal my life away from me." "I know, it's not like I asked to be born, I shouldn't have been born, but I want to know why are you doing this to me if we're different sides of the same coin." "That is true but we are nothing alike we might as well be separate beings. Although I'm not heartless so I'll switch this scenery since you made a good point." Then I started falling backwards until I landed in a street and it was a street I knew. We were on the road to the school. I got up and started walking until I heard what sounded like a whisper, "Jake, Jake where are you?" I then got alert and said, "Who's there?" I got in a fighting stance as I then began to say, "Balance Bre-" I then grabbed my head in pain, "Aaaaaah aaaaaaaaaah god damn it I fucking forgot that I can't use my sacred gear. Then I heard the whisper, "If you want free, concentrate. Make sure you picture emptiness until you find a way to challenge Vali and beat him for control, then you'll find your way out." I then said, "Who are you?" I got no response so I did what the voice told me to do. I wanted to be free so badly I would try anything.

——————Scene Break Eric's POV——————

I'm currently walking through the hallways in school until I run into Rias and Akeno. Rias says, "Hey Eric." "Hi Rias. Hi Akeno. What's going on?" Rias says, "Perfect timing as usual." Then Akeno says, "So Eric I've been looking for you to see if you can come with me after school today." Then I pointed a finger at my face and said, "You want me?" "Yes it's important so be sure to show up." "Well alright then. Cya. Gotta get to class." I then started running to my next class so I wouldn't be late. I got there just in time too. The class began and it was boring. It was plain old history. The rest of the day was boring until I had to meet up with Akeno.

————————Scene Break—————————

I started walking up the stairs to a shrine and then I said, "Isn't going to a shrine. Like going to an away game for a devil." Then I hear, "Hello Eric. Thanks for coming." "Oh hello Akeno." Akeno was near the top in a shrine maiden's uniform for some reason. I then got out of my thinking as she began to speak, "Please forgive. I apologize for the sudden invitation." "Oh no problem though where's Rias?" "Right now she's finishing up the last of her meetings with Sirzech. She'll be right over after." "So does that mean you didn't have to be there too?" "No I did not, because I'm not her servant." "Wait what, I always thought you were Rias's queen." "Makes sense we have been seen more with each other because of Jake and you're right that I'm a queen but I'm not Rias's I'm Jake's queen." "Oh then what are you?" "I'm a half dragon, quarter human, and quarter Fallen Angel." "That's cool then what's Jake, "He was Half Dragon and Half Human his mother is human and his dad was a pure Dragon. But now he's basically fully dragon, near 100%, because he entered into a deal with another person which I'm not going to get into." "Okay well looks like we're here. Now what?" "Just wait." Then a huge amount of golden light appeared in the sky of a man that has soft features wearing golden armor and has 10 golden wings. I know this person. But sadly it's not mutual." He then says, "So this is The Red Dragon Emperor. Nice to meet you. I'm Micheal Of The Four ArchAngels otherwise known as the Chief of The Angels. Eric then said, "Hi Lord Michael we didn't really get to meet in heaven did we?" Michael then said, "Oh you're an Angel?" "No I am not but enough of that though let's go inside and get down to business." Now inside the building I'm sitting across from ArchAngel Michael with awkward silence until I felt something strange like be careful. Then I thought, 'God my skin is crawling and I don't think Michael is causing it.' Then a blinding light appeared before me. And out came that light was a sword. Michael says, "Behold young boy. This is Ascalon. This holy sword has also earned another name. Dragon Slayer." I then said, "Wow what a nickname." "It's a name the previous wielder quite capably earned. Many dragons fell to the power contained in this blade." "That explains why my body was feeling on edge." "Fear not Eric for this weapon was sent to you from on high." "Dude for real?" "For real indeed. For hope that you would assimilate it with your booster gear. However I have to be honest this sword was originally meant for Jake Nicholson but now that he has defected we were thinking you could use it." I could see in the corner of my eye that Akeno looked down a bit in sadness. Michael starts talking again, "I also wanted to give this to you for being the weakest host in history in hope Ascalon will help you in your time of need." I looked down saying, "Histories weakest. Well it's totally not for lack of trying ArchAngel Michael. It still really sucks to hear it though. But why give it to someone who is less of a human and more of a devil. Even though I'm a human I'm attending a school filled with devils." "Hear me child, time has come for all of us to work together or die trying. The Great War ended large-scale fighting but as you know it has small skirmishes." "So you call that fight with Kokabiel a small skirmish?" If this is allowed to continue all will be brought to ruin. It is entirely possible a different power could attack us in all the confusion." "A different power. Like what?" "There are more things than heaven and earth. That are dreamt of in our philosophy. This upcoming summit will provide us with a great opportunity." "For what?" "For The Three Great Powers to forge an alliance to put an end to years of senseless fighting." "To stop the fighting?" "It would not be the first time. Long ago we all came together and fought as one. We had to end the destruction caused by the red and white dragon's battle. I beseech you oh Red Dragon Emperor please help align the goals of The Three Great Powers." Akeno then said, "Now Eric this is the part where you accept his gift." "Oh right. If it'll help out, then sure." I then stood up and the sword floated to me then went from its vertical position to horizontal. "Assimilating a sword, is that even possible?" [The Sacred Gear follows the wants and needs of its host. If that's what you desire then it can be done] "Then let's get it done Ddraig. [Alright then. Focus all your thoughts on the Sacred Gear] "Done." With the boosted gear materialized Eric grabs the sword with the gear. [Match your wavelength to the sword] Now the sword is starting to glow a holy aura from the handle to the blade until the whole blade shines. Now Eric's sacred gear is shining its red aura too. Eric's eye suddenly twitch as then he screams, "Aaaaaaahh." The light then dies down as Eric stops screaming and looks at his sacred gear, his gauntlet's fingers now replaced with the blade of Ascalon. Michael then says, "I have done what I set out to do. And now I will take my leave." I then say, "No, hold on there's something I want to ask of you." "My apologies but I don't have the time child. I will gladly hear you out at a later date but for now goodbye." After he said that his wings unfurled and shined as he vanished into a star until that vanished to nothing. I then looked at my sacred gear still puzzled at the new sword.

————————Scene Break—————————

I'm now sitting down talking to Akeno. "So you came to the temple with Michael to do magic on the sword or what not." "Yes we conducted a ceremony here that tailor Ascalon's specifications to you." "Wow cool thanks a lot. Hey Akeno there is something I wanted to ask you about Jake." This got Akeno to look gloomier. "What do you want to know about him?" "From what everyone says it sounds like you and him are together." "You're right about me and Jake being together but it's not just that." Akeno then pulled down her shrine maiden's outfit a bit and Eric got flustered and looked away. But then Akeno said, "It's okay." I then looked back at her and I saw a weird thing on her chest. [Partner that is a mark signifying that she has a mate. Or as you would put it she's married] "What married?!" "Yes, me and Jake are married. I love him so much and I still love him even as he is. It hurts so much that I can't see him anymore. It hurts that he doesn't even acknowledge my existence anymore. I can barely take it anymore." Akeno then starts to break down crying. "It pains me so much that every time I see him that I really can't do anything for him. It makes me feel hopeless. I go to bed crying every night thinking that all of this is a nightmare that I'm going to awake from and everytime I get up I hope he's right there beside me. [I am truly sorry for your loss Mrs. Nicholson. You have my condolences even though you're my rival's mate. I will make sure that we will bring your mate back to you for Jake is one of the few White Dragon Host's I've come to respect even though I haven't met the person you're talking about. I respect him already. Plus I can't have him not at his best when we have our fated match] "Thank you Ddraig it warms my heart to know that you will help bring him back to me." [Of course] "I will also help you as a friend and as a fellow human me and Ddraig won't stop till he's back. But I can't do this on my own because, from the sounds of it you are Jake's only hope of returning." Akeno starts wiping her tears, "You're right I need to be strong and be there for Jake when he needs me the most." Then we hear a door open, "Hey guys I'm finally here but it looks like it's all over." I then said, "Yea, you did. But I got this. Booster Gear." The gauntlet materialized on Eric's left arm. "Now Ascalon." [Blade] Ascalon now materialized in the sacred gear. "Please put that thing away just being around it gives me the creeps." "Oh right, sorry. Anyways I'm going home cya Rias cya Akeno." "Bye."

——————Scene Break Azazel's POV——————

I'm currently sitting on top of one of the very tallest buildings in the UK as I look on to the city marveled at its beauty but then I hear, "I suspect you want me to attend that boring meeting with you tomorrow won't you?" "I'm actually surprised you even answered my summons Jake or what is your other name. You're in Jake's body but your aura's different." "I'm Vali." "Then to answer your question, that's right Vali. After all, you are the current White Dragon Emperor." "So Azazel what are the odds that we all go to war again?" "Heh just what I expect from you. You may not be Jake but you share his battle needs. You both are battle maniacs. Are you trying to live fast and die young?" "Why not, there's no point to anything anymore. I hate this place, I hate this era, I hate this world where god is dead, I hate this universe that abandoned me. I just want to fight." "You're The Vanishing Dragon alright." "There's nothing left in this boring world to interest me."


Here's the Outro song you fuckers. Hope you enjoyed the Chapter. Goodbye for now.

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