The White Dragon God Emperor

By NotLaxr

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Jake Nicholson our protagonist finds himself a girlfriend and he goes on a date with her, however it turns in... More

Chapter One: Last Day With Humanity
Chapter Two: Longinus
Chapter Three: Divine Dividing
Chapter Four: Training Partner
Chapter Five: Feelings
Chapter Six: The Fated Encounter
Chapter Seven: OverBooster
Chapter Eight: Confession
Chapter Nine: The Favor
Chapter Ten: Training
Chapter Eleven: Raiding Game
Chapter Twelve: Party Crasher
Season One End
Season Two Start
Chapter Thirteen: Visitors
Chapter Fourteen: Excalibur
Chapter Fifteen: Holy Sword Project
Chapter Sixteen: The Proposal
Chapter Eighteen: Blue Light
Chapter Nineteen: Hidden Past
Chapter Twenty: Help
Chapter Twenty One: Fight For Freedom
Season Two End
Season Three Start
Chapter Twenty Two: The Blight
Chapter Twenty Three: The Ritual
Chapter Twenty Four: Regained Power
Chapter Twenty Five: Team Vali
Chapter Twenty Six: Back To Her
Chapter Twenty Seven: Party
Chapter Twenty Eight: Loki's Mistake
Chapter Twenty Nine: Juggernaut Drive
Chapter Thirty: Summer Is Over
Chapter Thiry One: Eric's Past
Chapter Thirty Two: The Curse Of The Drive
Chapter Thirty Three: To Lose Someone
Chapter Thirty Four: To Reclaim Someone
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Chapter Seventeen: Sword Of Betrayer

93 9 0
By NotLaxr

This is the intro I have for this fanfic I hope you enjoy roll it. Disclaimer I do not own Divine Music

Akeno and I woke up at 12 pm. Akeno said, "Dang Jake I'm sore from the mark you gave me along with other stuff." Author said, "whoa whoa whoa let's keep it pg-13 -ish." Akeno said, "Ugh fine, you're no fun." Jake said, "She's right you know, stop being a buzzkill." Author said, "Sorry no can do, carry on though this story is getting juicy." A tick mark appeared on Jake's head screaming up in the air with his fist raised, "IT WOULD'VE BEEN JUICIER IF YOU MINDED YOUR OWN BUSINESS." "Oh well deal with it." Jake then said, "I'm going to kill you one day." After Jake said that he calmed down as he breathed in and out and then he turned to Akeno and then he sees the fruit of his labor his dragon mark is now on top of Akeno's chest above her breasts.

Jake smirked as he pointed a finger at it saying, "Look something's right there what is it." Akeno looked down and Jake flicked his finger up. Akeno said, "That was really mean Jake." As she said this she pouted with fake anger. I then said, "You'll be fine." We tried to get up but Akeno said, "I'm still sore from last night." "Want me to carry you?" "That'll be nice." I then scooped up Akeno in a princess carry as I said, "We should go shower first." After said shower Akeno started feeling better after I healed her. I don't specialize in healing so it took awhile, but it was done. We then went out to the kitchen as I said, "Sit on the couch and watch some Netflix. I'll be making lunch since it's 12:53." "Okay." I finished making lunch and we ate it then I told Akeno, "I have something to do so I'll be going to the Grigori." "Alright have a safe trip."

——————Scene Break Irina's POV——————

"Damnit why is Xenovia and Kiba so fast." A psychotic voice said, "Isn't it past your bedtime little lady?!" "You, Siegfried." I got into a sword stance I learned from the church and had my mimic sword turn from an arm band to a katana. I charged forward to Siegfried as he just blocked it and then I tried a leg sweep and he jumped and avoided it. Siegfried said, "Excalibur Rapidly." Siegfried then had the speed of a knight which increases speed by ten times. I just got cutted down and I fell to the ground the last thing I heard before going unconscious was a dark commanding voice, "Leave her alive and take the Excalibur. She'll be perfect bait." I then blacked out.

——————Scene Break Akeno's POV——————

I wake up with Jake not at my side which kinda saddened me, but I knew it was important for him so I let it go. I got in the shower to get all cleaned up. Then I got dressed in our uniform and I was not happy, it was Monday today. I opened my door and I saw Asia making breakfast for us saying that, "I've always wanted to learn how to cook do you think you could help me Akeno?" "Sure but I'll have to do it in our free time we got school soon." "Sure" she said excitedly. We walked into the school a couple of students were shocked that Jake wasn't there beside me. I heard them saying, "Yes she finally left The King of Kuoh." That was Jake's nickname after we transferred here and I liked the name. We both entered the classroom and two girls came after me, "Dish, what happened between you and Jake. Did you guys really break up?" "No we didn't break up, we're actually closer than ever Ashley. Also Jake went back to America for a little while, because he had friends and family he wanted to visit." Katie then said, "Well why didn't he take you?" "He offered but me and Asia refused. We wanted to still go to school and didn't want to burden him." Thankfully they both bought it. I can't tell him he went to the Grigori. I'll look crazy. Class after that continued normally until it was the end of the day and Rias called for an ORC meeting and me and Asia went in.

—————————Scene Break—————————

We are in the ORC club room and Asia said, "Are you sure?" I said, "So does that mean Kiba contacted you?" Rias said, "Nope not even one time. Good news though is that the two he's with are pretty skilled. I figure they can take on a stray priest if they run into one." In a depressed tone I said, "Sorry if I made things worse." Rias said, "You didn't, but I couldn't sit around waiting for him to contact us. We had to act. Koneko and I sent our familiars out to search around town for us. Oh sounds like my familiar found one of them I'll prepare the magic circle to teleport."

—————————Scene Break—————————

We teleported to a side road and we saw a woman with bat wings sticking out of her head I assumed it was Rias's familiar. She was holding Irina's unconscious body. Asia yelled out "Irina." She ran to Irina's body. To use her twilight healing to heal her. She started as she said, "Can you hear me?" Irina woke up and made a noice that sounded like she was in a lot of pain. I said, "What happened to you? Where are Kiba and Xenovia?" Irina said, "I don't know. They got away." "Got away from what?" "I hunted them down. I was too slow. I couldn't get away. He was too strong." "Who's he?" "Please be careful." And with those final words she passed out. "IRINA." Then in front of me I saw a icy blue light. Sona, Tsubaki, and Sachi came out of it. "Hey guys." Rias said, "That you so much for coming Sona." "Of course, I came right after I received your message." Sona then said to Asia, "The damage is pretty bad isn't it?" Asia said, "Uh yea. Twilight Healing isn't strong enough to restore consumed stamina." Sona looked down and said, "It's okay I have the equipment to treat her at my house." Sona turned her head and said, "Tusbaki." She said, "Right." Tsubaki picked up Irina and teleported from there to Sona's house. I then said, "So does that mean Kiba and Xenovia are okay for now?" Asia said, "Yea." Sachi then asked, "So how is your rear doing?" "Yea it was fine after Jake healed it hours later. Sorry you had to go through all that. My bad." "It's cool but what the hell happened?" "We just got here too so we have no idea." Then I felt an enormous amount of holy energy near me and I saw everyone clenching there chest. Sachi said, "Uh what is this in my chest." I said, "No way." "Well, well, well would you have a lookie at what we have here. If it isn't we all took the Bait Club. Welcome all of you. SO MANY DAMNED DEVILS." I said, "Thought it was you." He then said, "Asia Argento." Asia flinched at being recognized by the stranger. He continued, "The traitor nun that gave her soul to the devils. How much do you love your new life as devil scum?!" Rias then stuck her arm out and Sona jumped over everyone in a front flip and she stuck her arm out. They both generated their magic circles. He said, "Whoa whoa whoa hold on. Don't kill the messenger alright someone wants to talk to you red." Both Rias and Sona deactivated their magic and Rias said, "Then where is this someone?" Then before we noticed while he spoke a fallen angel magic barrier had been deployed. Siegfried giggled and said, "My booossssss." We looked up to see a man flying with 10 black wings. Koneko said, "Fallen Angel." I then said, "And he has 10 wings. He's of the leader class." He then spoke in a strong voice, "It is a pleasure to meet you daughter of the house of Gremory. I am Kokabiel." "The pleasure is all mine I'm sure and please call me Rias." she said this with her arms folded. "So you're the leader of the dark angels. It's nice to put a face with a name." Kokabiel said, "Your crimson hair is quite breath taking. Just as lovely as the scarlet haired Devil King. Even the facial expressions are similar. That is absolutely nauseating." Rias said, "Thank you. Is there something you would like to discuss with me or are you here to review my appearance? Not that I'm rushing you. Though it is nice to see a leader so close up." "I'm thinking I'd like to do a little damage while I'm here. Starting with this institution and moving on to the rest of the town." "Why would you want to harm our school?" "I figure if I do so Sirzech will have to emerge to help out his sister. What do you think?" "If you choose to do that then you will be starting the war between God, The Fallen Angels, and The Devils all over again." Kokabiel just laughs and says, "Better then when I thought stealing the Excalibur's. I thought that Micheal would have came after me, but what I got were some amateur exorcists and two pathetic holy sword users. Honestly it was disappointing." I then asked, "So wait that was your goal?" Rias said, "You actually want to start a war." He said, "Yes, YES. After the first, 3 way war ended I was so bored there was nothing to do. Azazel and Shimize were being so passive about when the next one would start." Koneko and Asia asked, "Who is Azazel?" Rias said, "He's the General Governor of all Fallen Angels." Koneko said, "Sounds like a good guy to know." "Not only that Azazel busy being distracted by impending wars. He's also spends time collecting something called the sacred gears. He always gets completely immersed in his collections." Koneko then shouted, "So stealing the holy swords wasn't enough for you guys. You also need to steal sacred gears too." "No need to generalize. Also I have no interest in the Gears. I realize the potential for them but I have what I need. Azazel will want it. I'm sure he would love to add a devils toy to his collection." Rias said, Like anyone would hand over their sacred gears to him." "Fallen Angels, Gods, Devils they're just barely in a state of equilibrium. Which means I CAN START A WAR AT ANY MOMENT WITH JUST MY OWN TWO HANDS." Rias said, "You're a complete war maniac." "Ahah Obviously, why do you think I'm using devils this time? I've got you Rias Gremory, Lucifer's sister. And I also have Sona Sitri, Leviathan's sister. I have no doubt that there is an abundance of power hanging over the school the two of you attend. It'll make for a perfect war zone. I know I will enjoy it immensely." Sachi said, "That's insane." I said, "Yea by you mean insane totally F-ed up." Siegfried laughed maniacally then said, "Don't you just love it when he lets his psychotic side shine." He giggles again and said, "I'm getting excited for war too." He says while gripping his exorcist jacket. "And look I even have toys to bring to the party." He then opened his jacket. Koneko says, "Holy swords." Sachi then said, "Does that mean all the swords he has are Excaliburs." I said, "That's what it looks like." Siegfried starts talking, "The fun part is every one of them is in hyper state and ready to be used. And I scored this holy sword of mimicry Excalibur mimic. It was a gift from that sweet little girl in pigtails." Kokabiel starts talking, "Oh don't be so surprised. What don't you say little sister of the devil king. NICE TIME FOR A WAR NOW ISNT IT." He then made a magic circle shooting small light spears at us. Rias shouted, "Leave now." She made a defenseive magic circle as they fled and I stayed back. To put up another barrier with Sona and Rias. Then after a few seconds the fallen angels barrier was lifted. He fled and Sachi said, "I couldn't see where he went." Koneko was up in a tree and said, "I saw him go that way." She said while pointing at the direction of the school. "They're headed toward the academy." Asia said, "They're gonna destroy the school." Sona said, "Guys they said they were gonna start at the school, but it probably won't be ending there." "Rias said, "True." Sona continued, "Not telling what he'll do but it would be very easy for a Fallen Angel of that magnitude to wipe us out." I said, "Like the whole town?" I then pictured the town getting blown up and saw Liz getting killed as well. "This is bullshit. Don't fuck with me Kokabiel try it and I swear it'll be the last thing you ever do." Rias said, "We got to go to the school now before it's too late."

—————————Scene Break—————————

We then see the school yard with a weird magic circle with Valpur near and he said, "This'll be fun." When he said this a beam of holy energy shot up into the sky. Xenovia noticed it being miles away ontop of a building trying to search but found what she was looking for. We see Valpur talking again back at the school, "Today all my dreams finally come true." Then we see Kiba looking at the light in the club room with the window open. Then Kiba narrowed his eyes in determination.

—————————Scene Break—————————

It's now night like 9 and we are at the school while Sona's peerage is using their magic to make a magical barrier over the school to prevent magic from getting out and damaging the surrounding areas. Sona's says, "We've put a protective barrier around the school if nothing drastic happens it should keep anything within it from getting out here." Rias said, "Thank you Sona so much." "Understand that this will only work if conditions remain the same." Rias says, "Got it." Tsubaki teleports here and I say, "Tsubaki how it Irina doing?" "She is doing fine she's out of harms way thanks to her healing." She says while pointing at Asia. I say, "Where's Xenovia and Kiba?" Sona says, Alright go in. I'll contact your brother to be here to help out with Kokabiel." "Alright Sona." "He should be here in an hour so stall." "An hour huh should be a fun hour." We walk in and see a massive holy circle with other 4 vertical circle on top of it. Asia says, "What's that?" I say, "Don't know but it isn't good." Kokabiel says, "It seems like the four Excaliburs have been made into one. That is just so Valpur you know. So is big brother on his way yet? Or is it Serafall instead?" Rias says, "Right now we're the ones you are fighting. That's all that matters." Kokabiel snaps his finger and it generates a ball of light around his hand. Then it turns into a yellow light spear with 3 purple rings in the middle of it, not on it but surrounding it. Kokabiel throws it and it blows up the gymnasium. "UGH this is so boring I need a diversion." I said, "No way. I've never seen a light spear that big before." "Since you came all this way to see me. I guess I should let you play with my favorite pets." A beam of light shot down onto the ground. It summoned a fallen circle and created a hole and flames came out of it. We see a shadow in the flame with 3 heads growling at us. The creature stepped out of the flames. Rais said, "Cerberus?" I then said, "Living in the gates of the underworld. It's the watchdog of hades." Asia said, "So it is true he's real what are we gonna do?" "Rias then said, "Bringing him into this world is forbidden, let's send him back. Akeno and Koneko." We both said, "Right." The Cerberus shot flames out at us while we were flying. I then used ice magic to freeze the flames. To my surprise it worked. Rias then shot a ball of destruction at Cerberus. He fell over on his back. Then the second Cerberus came and Koneko jumped in the air and kicked its head. Then I shot lightning at the Cerberus Koneko was hitting. The two Cerberus shot flames at us again but as small projectiles this time. Then I hear Asia scream. I then thought 'A 3rd one?!' I try to rush over but I couldn't make it. That's when Xenovia cut one of the Cerberus heads off and saved Asia. Rias said, "I'm glad you're here now." Then Xenovia jumped and killed another Cerberus and we're left with one more. Me and Rias nodded and Rias formed a barrier around Cerberus and I shot an immense amount of my holy lightning in there and Rias trapped the magic in there constantly hurting the beast until it died. However the Cerberus that Xenovia first killed was still alive and it regenerate its lost head and went after Asia again. That's when it got impaled by swords. Kiba had shown up. Rias then said, "Kiba made it." I said, "Awesome." Kokabiel said, "Awesome is a bit of a stretch." Rias shouted, "Take this." And she fired a giant ball of destruction at Kokabiel. Kokabiel just held his hand out and took control of the ball of destruction. He threw it towards the ground. And it eviscerated the tennis court. "Impressive look how much stronger you got with a little motivation. Sexy and fascinating as well." We hear from Valpur, "It is complete." The magic circle he was attending to suddenly shined bright and out of the light was one sword. Kokabiel says, "Now I get to have the massive power of the result of the combination of the four Excaliburs but it'll make the ground collapse in 40 minutes. That's a sweet trade off huh?" "So that power is what you used to make the ground collapse?" Valpur said, "I suggest you leave this area, because it'll be gone soon." Kokabiel said, "If you want to save this pitiful town you'll have to defeat me." He then lets out his wings and he shouts, "READY RIAS GREMORY?!" "I'm ready." She then flew up and shot a huge ball of destruction at him again. Then I tried to shoot lightning at him. He caught both mine and Rias's attacks. And he smashed them both together and created a huge sphere above his head then he threw it at Rias. I got over there and conjured a protection spell with her and it just broke it. Me and Rias got messed up. We fell to the ground and Asia tried to heal us. I saw Kiba go towards Valpur.

——————Scene Break Kiba's POV——————

"Valper Galilei I'm a survivor of the holy sword project. Or more accurately of those who you tried to kill. I was able to live, because I was reborn as a Devil. I refused to die, because I knew. One day I would avenge the death of MY COMRADES." I then rushed Valper. But I got nearly hit by a light spear. Thankfully, Koneko saved me. I was knocked to the ground. I heard Valper say, "Siegfried use the holy sword to decimate this place. I'm getting bored." "I would love to." He then looked at me and said, "You know all the fancy Excalibur's with all those specs. I just got one as a gift. So who wants the pointy end of this bad boy first?!" Xenovia then got in between him and the group. She tried to slash Siegfried but he dodged and said, "Too slow. Have you met, say hello to the Chopper Rapidly. So fresh, such an amazing Excalibur. This thing can make anything happen." I got up and then I saw Siegfried clutching his face and he said, "My face you scum bitch. I'm going to tear you apart for that." His sword then glowed a holy aura. And his sword elongated towards Xenovia and he missed because Xenovia jumped. "It's not just mimicry, you know, it's a nightmare. His body then made a mirage. Making 12 of him appear. He jumped to slash her as he said, "This is the Excalibur nightmare. DAHDADUNDADUN How do you like it, princess?" He then said, "Transparency." The top of his sword became invisible. The mirages came at Xenovia and she blocked all the incoming attacks. She jumped back and said, "He can use all their abilities of all the swords that were combined." "Alrighty folks." He said while pointing his sword up and all the mirages went back into his body. "I can't defeat this guy on my own." I then got up off the ground and I began panting as I heard Valper's voice, "I heard about you. They said one of the subjects had escaped." He then laughed, "You just survived only to live as a lowly devil. I'm actually grateful to you and the others. You taught me what I needed to know on how to complete the project." I said, "Complete it?" "The subjects we used didn't individual have enough of a particular gene required to wield the holy swords. So when I realized that fact I came to a conclusion. So all I did was remove the gene from the kids who carried any of it." My eyes widened. "Then I found a way to combine and crystallize the genes." He then pulled a crystal out from his pocket and said, "This is the correct quantity of the gene and it's also the last made from those pathetic little brats." Siegfried laughed and said, "The other guys they tested the crystal on died half way through because they were too weak to take all genes from them. If you think about it that way. You're fighting one of a kind. Xenovia noticed the crystal and said, "Holy sword users receive a blessing something like that is put in their bodies. A gene deficiency that must have been what they have been using them for." Valper spoke again, "Those hypocrites excommunicated me and shamelessly use my research. Typical church behavior. Of course we're talking about Micheal I bet he took the genes from his subjects but didn't bother killing them." I said, "There was no reason to kill us either. How could you." "You were used nothing more than material for a top secret project. We had what we needed what were we supposed to do." "We believed what we were doing was for god. We bore everything because of that fate. And then you threw us away, like trash." Valper then threw the crystal at me and he said, "Here why don't you take this. I no longer need it. We've gotten to the point where we can mass produce higher quality crystals. No marters required." I picked up the crystal. And I had flash backs of everyone getting gassed. "Run Away." "Save Yourself." I then cupped the crystal in my hands. "Gone. How many? How many lives did your blessed research cost?" The crystal started glowing in my hands. "How many deaths did it take." Figures started to appear out of the crystal. Akeno then said, "It seems like people." Rias said, "It's probably all of the combined powers present as well as his trembling heart must have let the souls out from the crystal." I said, "I prayed and wondered why was I the only one. Why me it wasn't fair for me to survive. There were kids with bigger dreams than mine that wanted to live more than me. It was a mistake. Someone better than me should have made it out of that nightmare." I then feel something warm around me and I opened my eyes. I looked around and I saw my comrades. Then a little girl tugged on my sleeve and I turned around to look at her. All she did was smile at me. Then they all vanished and started surounding me as spectral forms. A girl said, "It's okay." "Let's all gather together." A boys voice said, "Take us in it's time." Another girl said, "You don't even have to be scared. Even if there is no god." "Though god maybe watching over us." Another boy said, "Though our hearts may forever be one." I started tearing up and closed my eyes and said, "Yes." Then all the spirits went into my body. Kokabiel said, "So you have peaked." Akeno says, "What's that mean." Kokabiel says, "It happens when the thoughts and wishes of the user oppose nature. They go against the natural course of beings in this world. The Sacred Treasure peaks or as it's also known. The Balance Breaker." I then open my eyes and said, "My comrades, they never wanted me to wish for revenge. They wanted me free, but I'm not I need to destroy the evil in front of me. Then no one else will have to suffer." I then summoned my sword and said, "No one but you." Valper screamed, "Help me, priest." He jumped and said, "Yes I'm here." Siegfried jumped in between me and Valper. Valper said, "Hah your still such a little boy. You should have let yourself die with the rest of them." Rias said, "Don't waste your friends feelings." Akeno says, " You can do it Kiba." Koneko says, "I want to see blood." I said, "Thank you." Siegfried says, "Gross, another scene from gag me Gremory now my skin is starting to crawl and it's creeping me out. I can't take it anymore. I need to hurry up and kill you. Yes that'll make it feel much better." I said, "Time for a new sword. Dear comrades who's souls have merged with mine. We shall overcome this together." I lifted my sword in the air above my head and its aura started glowing blue. "All our dreams that were stifled now come true." White and Black aura starts surrounding the blade. Combining to what it seems. "I'll make a sword for Rias and all of my fallen friends." "SWORD BIRTH GO." The Black and White auras fuse into each other then went into the blade changing it. "It's The Sword Of Betrayer. A sword bested with both holy and demonic powers try and stop me."


Here's the Outro song you fuckers. Hope you enjoyed the Chapter. Goodbye for now.

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