Too young to be this Wild (li...

By TrayceeStewart

35K 940 676

How would the linked universe be if wild was younger and started guarding princess Zelda at age 8 and was in... More

Meeting the wild child
Meeting the gang
Introductions are something
First bath in 100 years
We found people!
Whats a Lynel?
Definitely a wild sick day
Awwwwww Legend <3
Let me out!!!
They still worry
Big brother instincts
Slow down what now?
Sidon is my wild childs Bestie
Your how old?
"Turn that frown" "upside down!"
It is my pleasure
Thank Hylia... oh thank Hylia
I can tell because I care
You Let A Eleven Year Old Cook?
Oh -- I Killed Him!
For How Many Days?
What do you know?
Ummm you didn't kniw?
Massage From The Sky
You Will Be Known As "Champion"
Wakey Wakey Eggs And Bakey
Wandering Curiosity Crew! What Mask?
You Dont Need To Be Punished
Catch You Guys Later... Right?
Why him!?
Papa and Momma
Halloween special 

Sidon, Sidon, And Sidon?

678 24 32
By TrayceeStewart

Little Wild (Times POV)
I suddenly turn around to see Wild push away from Twilight, pull out his slate, and disappear into a turquoise blue. I look at Twilight in the eyes as he looks at me guiltily. "What. Happened." I ask in a serious tone of voice. "Well... Wild gave some information about... something so I was asking him about it and I guess he didn't like the question?" Twilight says scratching the back of his head. I sigh. "Ok we need to have a serious discussion about little Wild." I say looking at everyone as they come closer.

"We can't treat the kid like we treat our Wild. The boy is a lot younger then our Wild and he has different needs. You guys have been treating a child like a adult and the pressure has finally gotten to him. We also have to talk about our wording around him, Wind when you were asking about his chain and you said that the suspense was killing you? I think he took that literally, he's just a child and he also seems to be mentally younger then his age." I say as I look at everyone in the eyes.

They all nod and Warriors raises his hand. I sigh "yes Warriors?" I say as I rub my temple with my index finger and thumb. "Umm how do we work with kids? I've only messed with soldiers." Warriors says as he slowly puts his hand down to his side. The others nod there head and look at me... this will take some time to explain.

Itty-bitty Wild (Sidons POV)
The smaller version of Link fell asleep in my arms, or cried himself to sleep. I pick him up and take him to my room. What should I do I think as I hold him close to my chest. I then look around my room. There, it's the old stuffed animals that Mipha used to sleep with. I hold Link with one arm and some stuffed animals in the other as I set them on the bed, I then see the sand seal plushies that Riju sent me and place them on the bed as well. I then set Link down and he slowly wraps his arms around a big barn dog plush with one blue button eye and the other one is black. I coo at him before taking off his shoes and then heading to bed.

Big Wild (Sidons POV)
I lead the chain to there sleeping quarters and ask them if they need something else, everyone says no but Link who is rooming by himself looks at me as if he wants to ask me something. When everyone leaves he walks up to me and places his hands on his hips, trying to seem calm and collected before dropping it as if wanting to approach a different way. "Umm so my Sidon always gives me a hug before I go to bed, sooo like, I know your not my Sidon but can you..?" His question gets stuck in his throat so I just wrap him in my arms. I feel him pull me in closer as if he is soaking in my warmth.

I may of noticed my shoulder get a bit wet but I decided not to mention it. Once he lets go I place my hands on his shoulders. "Next time you don't have to ask." I say with a wink and Link giggles before waving to me and leaving.

Once I get to my room I collapse into my bed and let out a sigh, it's been a stressful day and I'm ready to hit the hay. I quickly take my shoes off and turn my lights off before falling into a nice 'peaceful' sleep.

"Where am I?" Two people say in unison, they look at each other up and down trying to figure out why they are looking at themselves, a replica of them. "You know Link am I right? You must have my Link." One of them says scratching there face. "Oh yes... and your Little Links Sidon, and you have my Older Link?" The other Sidon nods. "What's going on with my Link?" The younger Wilds Sidon asks. "Well I don't know much but he teleported into the Zoras Domain crying about the new chain and how he failed." The older Wilds Sidon says "oh no, that's not good... here I'll tell you some things that cheer him up." The young Wild Sidon says placing his hands on his hips.

"Wait before that how is my Link doing." The older Wild Sidon asks and the younger Wild Sidon taps his cheek. "Well he seems nervous, kinda like he doesn't know how to act around my Links chain, but he seems to be getting along with me, even asking me to do things that you would do." The younger Wilds Sidon says looking to the other Sidon. "I see we'll let me hear about how to cheer your Link up." Says the older Wilds Sidon as he sits on the ground and pats the ground waiting for the other Sidon to join him.

Little Wild (Sidons POV)
I slowly wake up but keep my eyes closed, was that really a dream? Or was it my imagination? I ask myself as I slowly pry my eyes open and look to my left. I see a Small version of Link cuddling a dozen stuffed animals and lightly snoring. I guess it won't hurt to see if my dream was a reality, I think to myself as I push myself into a seated position. Link shifts a bit but stays asleep so I go and grab his shoes and place them by the bed, once that is done i go about my daily morning routine, take a shower, brush my teeth, admire my smile, you know the norm. I then slowly walk up to Wilds side, the other Sidon said that his little Link likes to go and patrol Zoras domain with him so I have to wake him up soon.

I look down at the peaceful little boy and suck in a big breath before gently shaking his shoulder. Link slowly blinks than balls his right hand into a fist before rubbing his right eye and looking up at me. "Hey bud... want to go patrol with me?" I ask and Links eyes light up. He jumps out of bed and puts on his shoes and within minutes he's ready to go, I stick my hand out for him to hold and we make our way out of my room.

Big boy Wild (Sidons POV)
When I wake up I shoot out of bed. Was that a dream, I don't think it was so I hurry and grab my shoes and run for Links room.

When I get there I slam the door open and see Link fall out of bed. "Link my friend! You will not believe what I dreamt about." I say as I walk over and lean over his face. The other Sidon said that if I act like Links is a adult, maybe act a little child like and obnoxious it may make him feel more comfortable. I see Link have one arm over his face covering his eyes as he groans. I then sit down crisscross by his head and begin to explain. "It felt so real, I met up with your Sidon and he explained to me somethings that he does so that and I said something's that I do and we thought we would see if it was a actual dream by testing it out." I say and Link groans at me like I'm the crazy one, after this information I have from your Sidon the tables will turn. "Wha-" he says uncovering his eyes. And looking at me. "So one of the things he told me is that the first time you guys met. You and your horse were thrown into the water by a falling rock and you were also in your underwear." I say and Link turns red.

"Umm ok I... can uhhh maybe explain?" Link says and I let out a laugh. Time then comes in and sees Link on the floor. "What... happened..?" He asks walking up to the two of us and Link sits up. "We have some information on my Sidon." Link says as he looks into Times eye. "What? I'm going to need you to explain." Times says and I start to explain.

"So basically I had a dream last night about meeting another version of myself, and we figured out that we have each others Lin- umm I mean Wilds, so we asked about each others Wilds and how they were, I was able to prove that it was not just a dream when I told Wild something that only his Sidon would know." I say and Links face goes red. Time ignores it and starts to ask me a question. "How is our Wild? Is he ok?" Time asks looking worried.

I sigh and look him in the eye. "I think it would be a good idea for everyone to hear how he's doing, that way we won't have to explain it more then once." I say crossing my arms and Wild goes to stand up. "Ok I understand, we can discuss it after breakfast." Time says and we head to the dining room.

Big boy Wild (Hyrules POV)
During breakfast Time seemed to be on edge, it was like he was waiting for us to finish eating so he could tell us something. I set down my fork and a tall male Zora comes and takes my plate, I can see that everyone has finished. Time and Sidon stand up. "So my friends I had gotten to meet with this Wilds Sidon via a dream last night." Sidon says pointing to the Wild next to him before continuing. "I have made sure this is not just a dream by telling Wild something only his Sidon would know."

"Did you ask how our Wild is!?" Twilight ask's quickly as he looks at Sidon and Sidon places his hand out with his palm facing Twilight. "I was getting to that, I wanted to only explain this once so here we go, our Wild is having troubles with the chain down there, I don't know any details but I do know that the way him and that Sidon met was when Wild was teleporting away from his chain and he was having a break down, or to be more specific... a panic attack." Sidon says looking over all of us.

My eyes widen and I grab onto the hem of Legends tunic, I can feel his anger bubble. "The Fuck did they do to him! The Little twerp if tough and they made him cry? I'm going to KILL them!" Legend says as he stands up. "I know your mad Legend but there is a couple of things you have to remember, one they haven't traveled with him as long as we have, he's so used to us and how we do things to help him, two they are not used to kids like we are, imagine us when we first started. And three we also have there Wild, and we are not used to him either, we are probably not the most comfortable people to be around in this situation." Time says and I nod.

"Yeah Legend... we have to see it from there point of view." I say as I massage my temples. He nods and we all look to Sidon. "We will be leaving in 20 minutes, so be ready." Sidon says as he heads out. We follow behind him.

After 30 minutes we are packed and on the road walking, Wild is a bit quiet after our conversation but I think he's just trying to sort through his thoughts. Sidon had a emergency and was forced to go back to the domain but he did give us a note to give to Zelda to prove we are not lying.

After 2 hours we hear something hit the ground.

Little wilds POV
"Here let me see you off before you meet back up with the chain." Sidon says as he straitens out my hood so that it lays evenly on my shoulders. "I-" I start to say but close my mouth quickly and nod, Sidon nods back to me as I teleport close to were I think the Chain is. When I get there I start to walk around until I hear talking. I duck behind a bush and listen. "Flora what are you doing here?" Asks Sky tilting his head. "I've felt a change in the magic around here, a change in Wilds heroic magic so I've come to investigate. Also where is he?" Zelda? asks as she tilts he head kinda like how Sky did.

My Zelda is a lot smaller than this one, so I can't exactly tell if this is the Zelda from this world or if it's some random person named 'Flora'. Actually now that I think about it they did mention a Flora and a Zelda not too long ago. I think as I continue to listen.

"Oh well about that princess-" Twilight starts to say but Wind interrupts him. "Wilds now tiny!" He yells and Floras's eyes widen "first I'm not a princess anymore, and second what?" Flora says looking Time in the eye. Time sighs but start to respond. "So long story short our Wild has been teleported into a different dimension? Maybe, and we are stuck with his younger version." Floras eyes widen at that but then she looks all around at the chain. "Well where is he?" He asks and Twilight gulps. She then stares at him. "Where. Is. He." She says obviously upset.

I slowly creep over towards Twilight and glance at the woman from behind him. Flora leans over to look at me and Twilight jumps from surprise. "W-wha-" I clear my throat trying to get the words out. "W-what d-do you n-n-need f-rom me?" I ask pulling my hood to cover my face. Flora coos at me. "Aww sweetheart I just needed to know where my Link was, here I'll introduce myself, I'm Zelda but also known as Flora." She says as she squats down to my level.

My eyes widen as I look at her. "Z-Zelda?" I ask and she nods then ruffles my hair. The then freezes and looks at me in the eye. "Hey buddy have you been feeling weird when you got here?" She asks and I nod, I have been feeling off ever since I got here kinda like there's knots in my stomach and they also tangle into my veins. won't go away I've tried to make it but it refuses. Zelda then looks at me. "Your magic is all tangled so I want to see if I could untangle it for you." She says and I hesitantly nod.

Zelda then gets on one knee with both her hands on the sides of my cheeks. Zelda then takes a deep breath and sets her forehead against mine and I feel a sharp pain before I black out.

Times POV
I tell the others to stay back as I go with Warriors to investigate. I push through a patch of bushes and see my Wild, our sweet little Wild passed out on the ground with his body jerking and he's foaming at the mouth.

Warriors runs to his side and pushes Wild to his side and places his head in his hands to keep it from hitting the ground. "Time move anything that he could hit and start counting." Warriors says and I do it as fast as possible.

I was at 2 minutes and 27.5 seconds before Wilds body stoped jerking and laid still. Warriors places Wilds head in his lap and he stroked his head. I run up beside him and place my hand on Wilds back. We sit there for about 10 minutes before Twilight comes to check on us. "Hey what's happen-" he cuts himself off to look in between me and Warriors to Wild. Twi runs up to me and Warriors and asks "what. Happened." I continue to stroke Wilds back as I explain. "Wild... was having a seizure when we found him..." Twi's eyes widen as he looks at Wild. "Twilight go and tell the others we will be there soon, we need to make sure he won't have another one." Warriors says and Twilight nods hesitantly but runs off to the others.

Little Wild POV
I... feel... so... icky..? Is.. that.. what Time... would call.. it..? I slowly start to feel the fog in my mind lift slightly. I then decide to pry open my heavy eye lids, and to my surprise I see Time and Warriors. But not the imposters, my Time and Warriors. When the two see that I'm awake they instantly lose some of the tightness in his shoulders. I stare at them as they try and ask me questions that I can't even begin to answer, my tongue feels like lead in my mouth and all I can manage is a rough sniffle, they freeze what they were talking about and pull me into a hug. I feel so safe, and I cry and cry and cry some more until I can't anymore.

I feel my eyelids start to feel heavy as they start to close. "Shhh go ahead and get some sleep kiddo we can talk about your trip when you wake up." Time says as he takes me off the ground and holds me in his arms. I weakly snuggle into his chest and he giggles. "We will be here when you wake up." Warriors says massaging my head. That was the last thing I remember before falling into a peaceful slumber.

I now have a discord! So join if you feel like it!

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