I will change the fate of all...

By Ghost-Of-Tsushima

185 9 6

Set in 1999 follow the adventures of Joceyln Higashikata, the illegitimate daughter of Joseph Joestar, as she... More

Emu Yamagishi! Meets Angelo

I'm a Stand User!

63 3 0
By Ghost-Of-Tsushima

April 1999, Morioh

The dim glow of a television illuminated the small room as the clock struck midnight. The sounds of rapid button presses and cheers of virtual victories filled the air. In the midst of it all, Emu Yamagishi, a high-spirited teenager with unkempt dark hair, was fully immersed in his late-night gaming session.

Emu: Ha! Take that, boss! (Emu exclaimed, a broad grin on his face as his thumbs danced expertly over the game controller.)

His excitement was short-lived as the door to his room creaked open. Standing in the doorway was his older sister, Yukako Yamagishi, her expression a mix of irritation and concern. She was clad in her pajamas, holding a cup of steaming tea in her hands.

Yukako: Emu, it's way past midnight, and tomorrow is your first day of high school!

Emu's face flushed with embarrassment, and he sheepishly scratched the back of his head.

Emu: Oh, right... Sorry, Yukako. I lost track of time. The game was just so exciting!

Yukako sighed, her irritation softening into a smile. She walked into the room and sat on the edge of Emu's bed, placing the cup of tea on the nightstand.

Yukako: You have to get some rest, little brother. Tomorrow is a big day, and you need to be fresh and focused for your first day of high school.

Emu nodded, feeling grateful for his sister's care. He set aside the game controller and turned off the console.

Emu: You're right, Yukako. I promise I'll get to bed now.

As Emu stood up to leave, Yukako reached out and ruffled his hair affectionately.

Yukako: Good boy. Now, get some sleep. I want to hear all about your first day when you come home tomorrow.

With a heartfelt smile, Emu bid his sister goodnight and made his way to bed. He couldn't help but feel a mix of nervousness and excitement about starting high school, but he knew he could count on Yukako's support every step of the way.

As he settled under the covers, his mind drifted to the challenges and adventures that awaited him in the days to come. Little did he know that his journey would lead him to encounter mysterious Stand abilities, new friendships, and perhaps even the chance to impress someone special-his long-time crush, Jocelyn Higashikata.

Time Skip To The Next Day...

Emu (narration): April 1999. Four months have flown by since the new year began. Everywhere you look, there's talk about "Nostradamus' great prophecy," but honestly, most people are too caught up in their own lives to pay much attention to it. They're busy preparing for the spring ahead.

Emu (narration): Me? My name? Well, that's not important right now. Let's just say I'm Emu Yamagishi, a fifteen-year-old trying to navigate this rollercoaster called life. The past four months have been a whirlwind of emotions for me, all because of one thing - starting high school. It's both thrilling and nerve-wracking, you know?

Emu (narration): The stress of adjusting to a new school, making friends, and trying to find my place in the world was overwhelming at first. But then, something strange and wonderful happened. I crossed paths with some seriously bizarre people - and I mean that in every sense of the word - who turned out to be my friends.

Emu (narration): And these people, oh boy, they're unlike anyone I've ever met before. We share something extraordinary, something I can't fully explain yet. It's like we're all part of some fantastical journey, and I'm just beginning to realize how deep this rabbit hole goes.

Emu (narration): But among all the mysteries and chaos, there's one constant thing: my feelings for someone special. Her name is Jocelyn Higashikata, and ever since primary school, she's been the light that brightens my day.

Emu (narration): I can't help but smile whenever she's around, and just hearing her voice sends my heart racing. But it's more than just a crush; it's a motivation to become a better person. I want to be someone worthy of her attention, someone who can protect and stand by her side...

Before he could finish his sentence, Emu collided with someone, sending him sprawling to the ground. His school supplies were scattered in all directions, and he let out a frustrated sigh. But before he could even react, a purple hand, presumably belonging to a Stand, moved with astonishing speed and gathered all his supplies back into his bag.

Emu's eyes widened in disbelief as he looked up, trying to comprehend what just happened. It felt like time had frozen for a moment as if the world itself had slowed down to a crawl. He blinked, trying to process the surreal scene before him.

To his astonishment, he found himself suddenly on his feet, as if he hadn't fallen at all. His school bag, now neatly organized, was securely strapped to his back.

Emu (thoughts): What just happened? My school supplies... They were scattered all over the place, and now they're back inside my bag. But how?

As he lifted his gaze, he saw a towering figure standing before him, dressed in a crisp white uniform. The person was incredibly tall, and Emu couldn't help but feel a sense of awe mixed with a hint of trepidation.

Emu (thoughts): He's huge. Is he the one who used that Stand to help me?

Before Emu could utter a word, the imposing figure spoke, his voice deep and commanding.

??? : Watch where you're going, kid.

Emu stuttered, trying to find the right words, but he was taken aback by the stranger's presence.

Emu: S-Sorry! I... I didn't mean to bump into you.

??? : Hmph. Just be more careful next time. The world isn't as forgiving as it may seem.

???: Can you help me? I'm looking for Jocelyn Higashikata. Know her?

Emu (Thoughts): Jocelyn? Why does this stranger want to find her?

Emu: Uhmm... Yeah, why?

???: Can you tell me where this address is? It's called Johnzenji 1-6.

Emu's eyes widened as he noticed the name on the back of the small notebook, 'Jotaro Kujo.' Jocelyn must know this person. But why?

Emu: If you take 3 buses, it'll take you to Johnzenji 1-6, and it'll take a while to wait.

Jotaro: Thank you.

As Jotaro walked away, Emu's attention was quickly diverted as a group of menacing figures approached him. The typical school bully gang was looking for trouble.

Gang Member: Hey! Are you a new freshman?! State your name!

One of the gang members menacingly brandished a baseball bat, trying to intimidate Emu. Knowing he needed to hide the fact that he was a Stand user, Emu decided to rely on his martial arts skills instead. He kept a calm demeanor and replied confidently:

Emu: Emu Yamagishi. And I don't have time for this nonsense.

Emu swiftly dodged the gang member with the baseball bat and seamlessly executed a series of precise kicks and punches, using his martial arts expertise to defend himself. His movements were fluid and powerful, surprising the bullies with his hidden combat abilities.

Within moments, Emu had taken down all members of the gang, leaving them bewildered and defeated on the ground.

As the dust settled, Jotaro, who had been observing from a distance, approached Emu, a hint of intrigue in his eyes.

Jotaro: You've got some impressive moves. You're not just an ordinary high school kid, are you?

Emu forced a casual smile, trying to downplay his abilities.

Emu: Oh, it's nothing. Just some self-defense training I picked up over the years.

???: Hey, bastard! What are you doing?!

As Emu and Jotaro looked on, a group of senior teens surrounded a girl with pompadour hair. It was unmistakably Jocelyn.

Jocelyn (Nervously stammering): Well... I was... This turtle seemed like it had just woken up from hibernation. And you see... I don't like reptiles. I'm kind of scared of them... So, well, I was thinking it would be cool if I could overcome my fear...

Senior: (Irritated): I'm not asking about that shit!! Stand up, moron!

Jocelyn stood up from where she had been sitting near a fountain, trying to hold her ground.

Senior (Sneering): Heh, you're pretty tall for freshmen.

Without warning, the yellow-blonde-haired girl grabbed the turtle forcefully and callously threw it at a nearby pillar.

Emu, who was watching from a distance, gasped as he saw the turtle's shell crack upon impact.

Jocelyn: That wasn't funn-

Senior: Hey, idiot, is that how you look at your seniors? Probably think you were the shit in middle school, huh?

Jocelyn: I'm sorry! I didn't know that's how things worked in this school!

Senior: Some kids got sent to the hospital right after saying that. 'I didn't know.' Just like... You and this turtle... You wanna end up like this? Huh? Tch! You'd better behave yourself. We'll let you go this time... take off your school uniform! And pay us your respects, in cash! And take off that stupid customized uniform!

Jocelyn: I'm sorry!

Meanwhile, Jotaro, who had been observing from afar, approached Emu with a stern expression.

Jotaro: She deserved it. If you don't want unnecessary attention, then don't dress like that. And that hair... I'm rather pissed at the kid as well. The turtle got killed, and she didn't do a thing about it.

Emu: Actually, I think it's a tortoise and not a turtle...

Jotaro: Good grief...

Senior: Hey, what's your name?

Jocelyn: Jocelyn Higashikata from class 1-B.

Jotaro was taken aback by the name he heard.

Jotaro: What? She's Higashikata?

Senior: From now on, we'll call you JoJo! Is that alright, Jocelyn?

Senior: Hey! Hurry, take off your clothes! The bus is coming, and if you don't hurry it up, I'm gonna shave your stupid-looking haircut!

At that moment, a pink-skinned Stand with silver armor appeared by Jocelyn's side, shocking both Emu and Jotaro.

Jotaro: A Stand!

Without hesitation, the Stand unleashed a powerful punch, striking the yellow-haired girl in the face and breaking her nose.

Senior: My nose!

To everyone's surprise, the Stand fixed the senior's nose with another punch.

Senior: What happened to my nose?

Jocelyn: Your nose looks different. What did you say about my hair?!

The gang was startled by the Stand's intervention and quickly retreated, running away in fear.

Jocelyn then carefully picked up the tortoise from where it had landed, her expression a mix of concern and relief. As she cradled the small creature in her hands.

Emu: Oh! That's strange... the tortoise seems perfectly fine. I thought its shell was pretty messed up after that hit.

Emu: Well, that was strange, but I'm getting coffee.

Just as Emu was about to head off, he felt a firm grip on his arm. Jotaro's voice cut through the air, stopping him in his tracks.

Jotaro: Hold on a second, kid.

Emu turned to face Jotaro, a mixture of surprise and curiosity evident on his face.

Emu: Huh? What's up?

Jotaro: I need you to come with me for a moment. Got something important to discuss.

Emu's eyes widened, his mind racing to understand the situation. But before he could protest, Jotaro began to lead him away from the bustling scene.

Emu: Wait, what? Why... Why do I have to come? And where are we going?

Jotaro's grip remained firm, and he glanced back at Emu with a hint of seriousness.

Jotaro: It's a family matter. Trust me, you'll want to be there.

Emu's protests were met with Jotaro's unyielding determination, and he found himself being dragged along. Despite his reluctance, Emu's cheeks turned a shade of red, and he couldn't deny the flustered feeling growing within him.

Emu: B-but... I don't even know her that well, and... and I'm not sure I'm the right person for whatever family issue you're talking about.

Jotaro: Kid, you're involved whether you like it or not.

Emu (narration): Little did I know that this seemingly bizarre detour was about to throw me headfirst into an even weirder situation. You see, Mr. Jotaro had his own ideas about my involvement, and they weren't exactly what I had in mind. Turns out, the guy's got a knack for reading people, and he somehow figured out that I had a rather... sizeable crush on Jocelyn.

Emu (narration): So, there I was, being pulled along like a reluctant puppy on a leash, all because Mr. Stoic and Serious wanted me to face my own fears. Of course, he conveniently left out the part about knowing I was a Stand user too. As if my heartbeat and wide-eyed stares weren't enough of a giveaway when Jocelyn's Stand decided to make its grand appearance.

Emu (narration): But hey, who could blame me? The girl had a Stand with silver armor, and I swear my heart raced faster than a speedboat every time she looked my way. And here I was, trying to keep my composure, all while my Stand was probably throwing a party inside my head.

Emu (narration): Yeah, Jotaro was definitely having fun watching me squirm in my own awkwardness. I could practically hear him thinking, 'Well, kid, if you're gonna have a crush, might as well dive in headfirst, right?' And let's not forget my brilliant attempt at normal conversation, which sounded more like a chorus of stuttering and blushing.

Emu (narration): So there I was, dragged into a family matter, dealing with my overactive heart, trying not to make a fool of myself, and pretending I had no idea what was really going on. Oh, the joys of being a high school kid caught up in a world way too bizarre for my own good.

Emu (narration): I would have given anything for a pause button right about then. But hey, who needs a pause button when you've got Stand users, family issues, and the girl of your dreams all wrapped up in one chaotic package? Thanks, Mr. Jotaro, you've officially turned my life into the ultimate comedy.

Jotaro, with Emu reluctantly in tow, approached Jocelyn who was still standing by the fountain.

Jocelyn: Huh? Do I know you?

Jotaro: Jocelyn Higashikata, born in 1983. Your mother's name is Tomoko; she was 21 at the time, studying at the University of Tokyo. You've lived here since you were born. In 1987, when you were 4, you had a severe fever due to an unknown sickness for 50 days and almost died. Your father is... Joseph Joestar. He is currently 78 years old and still healthy... But when he tried sorting his inheritance, your name got on the list, a name he didn't recognize. It was pretty funny, seeing that old man saying he only loves his wife like some saint.

Emu couldn't help but chime in, his tone laced with sarcasm.

Emu: Well, that's one way to make family introductions, huh?

Before Emu could finish his sarcastic remark, he received a swift pinch in the back of his neck from Jotaro. His expression quickly turned from cheeky to pain as he rubbed his neck, a sheepish grin on his face.

Jotaro: Quiet, kid.

Jotaro turned his attention back to Jocelyn, his tone shifting slightly as he continued his explanation.

Jotaro: And now, after all this time, we finally found his daughter for him. That old man... Hrm. Anyway, my name is Jotaro Kujo. By the family tree, guess that makes me your nephew. As strange as it sounds.

Jocelyn: Nephew? Oh, well, nice to meet you...

Jotaro: Let's go over this while we walk and maybe grab a drink or something.

Time Skip...

The trio, Jotaro, Emu, and Jocelyn, strolled along a picturesque bridge, each of them sipping on their coffee. The rhythmic sound of their footsteps and the gentle breeze created a serene backdrop to the serious conversation at hand.

Jotaro: (Taking a contemplative sip of his coffee.) So, in simpler terms, you're looking at a 1/3 cut of Gramps' fortune. Not exactly a small change.

Jotaro: (Turning his gaze toward Jocelyn.) You know, Gramps' little... affair has caused quite the uproar in the Joestar family. The drama's been on par with a daytime soap opera.

Jocelyn: A huge uproar, you say?

Jocelyn's expression shifted between surprise and contemplation, her coffee cup held firmly in her hand. The revelations about her family's complicated history were sinking in, mingling with the serene atmosphere of the bridge.

Emu observed the exchange, feeling a mix of fascination and empathy for Jocelyn. He took a sip of his coffee, the warm liquid a stark contrast to the mysteries they were unraveling. The scene felt almost surreal as if they were characters in a story with unexpected twists and turns.

Jotaro: Yeah. This is the angriest grandma Suzie Q has ever been in her 61 years of marriage.

Jocelyn: My apologies for causing this disturbance.

Jotaro: Hey, hold on. What are you apologizing for?

Jocelyn: It's just... Isn't it trouble to cause trouble for a family? My mom told me she was deeply in love when she gave birth to me, and I believe in her. Please tell my father, I mean, Joestar-san to not worry about us. That's all.

Jotaro's (Thoughts): What's with this girl? I came here fully prepared to get punched in Gramps' place, but she apologized instead.

Emu: So, this whole situation... does it come with a handbook or something? Family feuds and secret fortunes, it's like a movie plot.

Jotaro's gaze shifted to Emu, a subtle amusement flickering in his eyes. He appreciated Emu's attempt to add a touch of humor to the situation, even if it was a bit unconventional.

Jotaro: If only life came with a handbook, kid. But trust me, the Joestar family is anything but ordinary. We're like magnets for the bizarre.

Later Emu's eyes brightened as he spotted the school in the distance, his eagerness evident as he suddenly broke into a run. With a wave over his shoulder, he called out to Jocelyn.

Emu: See you at the school, Jocelyn!

As Emu's figure disappeared into the schoolyard, Jotaro turned his attention back to Jocelyn, his tone taking on a more serious note.

Jotaro: You should give the kid a chance, you know.

Jocelyn looked at Jotaro, her curiosity piqued by his words. She took a thoughtful sip of her coffee before responding.

Jocelyn: Emu? Why? He seems nice enough, but he's practically a stranger.

Jotaro's gaze softened, his eyes reflecting a depth of insight into the situation.

Jotaro: Kid's got a crush on you. And I'm not just saying that to make things awkward.

Jocelyn's cheeks tinged with a hint of pink as she blinked in surprise.

Jocelyn: Wait, what? How... How do you know?

Jotaro: (Smirking slightly.) It's written all over his face. Plus, I've been around enough to recognize that look.

Jocelyn: It's just... he's been there since primary school. Always so shy, and he used to help me with my backpack. We were friends, you know? But then we drifted apart when middle school started.

Jotaro nodded, his attention fixed on her as he listened.

Jocelyn: I guess I never really thought about it. I've been so focused on other things, like my family and school.

Jotaro: Well, life has a way of throwing curveballs at us. Meeting again like this... it's like destiny's playing a hand.

Jocelyn took a deep breath, her gaze drifting toward the distance as she contemplated her feelings and the unexpected twists that had brought Emu back into her life.

Jotaro: And you might be interested to know that Emu's not just any high school kid. He's another Stand user.

Jocelyn's eyes widened at the revelation, her coffee cup frozen mid-air.

Jocelyn: Wait, what? Another Stand user?

Jotaro: (Nods) Yeah, his eyes gave it away when your Stand appeared. It's not something you can hide from someone who knows what to look for.

Jocelyn's mind raced as she absorbed the information, the reality of her world expanding with each passing moment. As the bridge's ambiance enveloped them, she realized that her life was spiraling into a realm of strangeness she had never imagined.

Jotaro: There's another reason why I came here to meet you, and that reason is this picture.

Jotaro: Something is lurking in this town. Something very dangerous is soon approaching. When grandpa Joseph was trying to get a picture of you, this guy showed up and we don't know why.

Jotaro: He's probably a stand user. This has nothing to do with you, but at very least I had to show you his picture. Just be careful.

Jotaro: If you ever see this guy, stay away from him. Telling the cops is pointless just run away. Jocelyn, don't recklessly lay a hand on him.

Time Skip...

After a long day of school, the bustling halls of the high school gradually emptied as students headed home. The sun cast a warm glow, signaling the end of another chapter in their lives. Amid the departing crowd, Emu began to gather his belongings, ready to make his way home.

Just as he was about to step out of the school gates, a familiar voice called out to him.

Jocelyn: Emu!

Emu turned to see Jocelyn approaching him, a friendly smile on her face.

Emu: (Slightly surprised) Jocelyn? Hey!

Jocelyn: Long day, huh?

Emu nodded, a bit taken aback by the sudden interaction.

Emu: Yeah, definitely. How about you?

Jocelyn: (Chuckling) Same here. So, I was thinking... It's been ages since we caught up properly. Would you be interested in meeting up later, maybe at that new restaurant that opened downtown?

Emu's heart did a little flip at the invitation, and he cleared his throat, trying to act nonchalant.

Emu: (Casually) Oh, yeah? Not as a date or anything, right?

Jocelyn: (Grinning) Nope, just as two old friends trying to get reacquainted.

Emu felt a blush creeping onto his cheeks, and he quickly tried to hide it by covering his face with his hand.

Emu: (Stuttering) Oh, uh, yeah, sure. Sounds good.

Jocelyn, noticing Emu's reaction, raised an eyebrow playfully.

Jocelyn: You okay, Emu? You're looking a bit... flushed.

Emu's blush deepened, and he stumbled over his words as he tried to save face.

Emu: Oh, it's nothing! Just... you know, the weather, and stuff.

Jocelyn: (Smirking) Right, weather-induced blush. Got it.

Emu realized he was digging himself into a hole and decided to make a hasty retreat.

Emu: Well, um, I better get going. See you at the place later!

And before Jocelyn could say anything else, Emu turned and practically sprinted away, leaving Jocelyn chuckling behind him. As he disappeared around the corner, she shook her head with a smile, looking forward to the evening ahead.

As Emu walked home, his mind was a swirling mix of excitement, nerves, and embarrassment. He muttered to himself, unable to shake off the memory of his awkward encounter with Jocelyn earlier.

Emu: Ugh, 'weather-induced blush'? Seriously, Emu?

He continued his internal monologue, unaware that he was talking out loud.

Emu: (Sarcastic) Smooth, really smooth. You practically ran away from her like a scared rabbit.

Lost in his thoughts, Emu absently massaged his forehead as if he could physically push away his embarrassment. But then, as if on cue, his thoughts turned to his Stand, "Ex-Aid." He glanced around to ensure no one was watching and then took a deep breath, ready to reveal his secret to the world, or at least to himself.

Emu: (Softly) Okay, here goes nothing. Ex-Aid, come on out.

In a shimmer of energy, his Stand, "Ex-Aid," materialized beside him. Emu looked at it with a mix of wonder and familiarity.

Emu: (Smirking) Yeah, I know, I've been avoiding this. But we've got some heavy lifting to do, literally.

Emu slung his backpack off his shoulder, and it landed with a thud on the ground. He opened it, revealing a jumble of textbooks, notebooks, and other school supplies. He sighed, realizing how unorganized it was.

Emu: Alright, Ex-Aid, let's sort this mess out.

His Stand, Ex-Aid, seemed to spring to life with a burst of energy, its pixelated form moving with purpose. Together, they began to efficiently rearrange the contents of the bag. It was as if Ex-Aid's presence turned the chaotic mess into a perfectly organized system, reminiscent of a video game's logic.

Emu: (Grinning) See, this is where your gamer skills come in handy, Ex-Aid.

Ex-Aid's movements were precise and calculated, placing each item in its rightful place within the bag. Emu watched, impressed by the synchronicity between himself and his Stand.

Emu: (Playfully) Who needs a backpack organizer when you've got a Stand, right?

Ex-Aid seemed to nod in agreement, finishing the task in record time.

Emu: (Satisfied) Perfect! Thanks, Ex-Aid.

With a final burst of pixelated energy, Ex-Aid dissipated, leaving Emu alone with his now neatly organized bag. As he shouldered it once more, he couldn't help but chuckle at the unexpected advantage of having a Stand, especially when it came to mundane tasks like organizing a backpack. With a newfound lightness in his step, Emu continued his walk home, the earlier embarrassment now replaced with a sense of accomplishment and a hint of excitement for the evening ahead.


End Of Chapter...

To be continued...


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