Ancient Creature [bnha/kitsun...

By KweenLamer0

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「 "You may not be a part of our kin, but your heart is a part of a zenko. Never forget (Y/N)." 」 The story wh... More

《Chapter 1: The Imprisonment》
《Chapter 2: Reaching Out》
《Chapter 3: We Formally Meet》
《Chapter 4: Some Help》
《Chapter 5: A Deal》
《Chapter 6: Fox in Sheep's Clothing》
《Chapter 8: High School?》

《Chapter 7: Hoshi No Tama(Star ball)》

106 4 1
By KweenLamer0


¤______.ꪖꪀᥴⅈꫀꪀ𝕥 ᥴ𝕣ꫀꪖ𝕥ꪊ𝕣ꫀ._______¤

The 3 beginning days of back to school with a mythical fox from folklore that seemed to kind of hate you and took over your body was... interesting. Interesting as in a complete disaster.

Prior to the present day, Kimi had gone home exhausted from the kitsune's weird shenanigan. She only greeted her mother, ate dinner, and then immediately passed out on her bed.

The next time that she had woken up, she had found out that 3 days had already passed. (Courtesy of Arata and the lady yokai herself.)

She had no recollection of what happened in those 3 days, having to question her friend what had happened while she blacked out.

Apparently, there was a phenomenon of fox drawings on many people's notebooks or textbooks. What mind boggling is that it's people from random classes too. Lunches or snacks would disappear from their bags, later it was found out that it's switched up in your friend's bags. Random bathroom lights would be switched off without no one even touching it (in both women's and men's restrooms). Food from the fridge in the teacher's lounge seemed to disappear. Bugs would crawl out of some of the student's shoe lockers. And the list goes on and on.

Guess who's responsible for all those pranks? This new piece of information made the girl way more nervous than before. The yokai could not only take over her body, but also make her black out from consciousness and still continue to possess her body without her knowledge.

When she confronted the kitsune about the situation, she had only brushed off the topic and said that she would tell her after school.

Apparently today, she was not coming with her to class. Mentioned something about "trying to work out the runes from her prison", whatever that meant, so she decided to stay back at Kimi's room instead of tagging along.

"The school thing was getting boring anyways."

An irk mark appeared at the sentence when echoed in her head repeatedly, while she's trying to change her shoes. Forget about respecting that fox...

Boring.... huh? You were literally wreaking havoc in my school!! What if the teachers caught you, AND THEN BLAME IT ON ME BASICALLY?! AND you haven't even told me how to use your powers yet!!!

She huffs as tiny streams of fury would puff out.

Arata was right beside her, watching with a deadpan face as a comical sweat drops on his forehead. He knew very well the blonde was thinking, he had basically witnessed all the cunning activities that the fox lady had been doing through his friend's body.

Makes him kind of glad he wasn't in the front fire of it all. He couldn't tell anyone if he wanted to. The kitsune was the perpetrator but since she pranked a bunch of people through Kimi's body, how the hell is he going to explain that?

Their internal troubles cut to an abrupt end when a high-pitched scream could be heard from the other side of the shoe locker. Kimi panics and dashed to the other side of the lockers with Arata trailing behind.


It was a girl with a shoulder high, brunette hair. She cries out in terror as her right arm flails up and down.

They noticed that a locker in front of her was left open with tiny bugs crawling out of it.

Oh no....

It was the only 2 words they could think of. They immediately knew what was wrong, as well as the person behind it. Even though she wasn't with the two of them right now, that cunning fox still somehow managed to cause continuous chaos in their school.

Kimi lifts up her hand, about to try to help the poor girl out of the situation, but a certain pink haired teen beats her to it.

"Wait wait! Hold still, I'll pick it off!"

The girl immediately stops as the other teen holds onto her shaky arm. She then lightly brush off the little critters that were still crawling around on her skin.

Turning to the locker in front of them, the pink girl would reach her hand into the space and pull out the shoe. She proceeded to smack it against her leg, making sure all of the insects were gone before giving it back to her friend.

"There, see? They are not that scary Yama-chan!" She giggles to her friend. 'Yama' stared at her with a teary-eyed but thankful expression. "Mina..."

At this point there was a crowd of people watching the scene unfold. Kimi and Arata watch in silence at the display of the pink girl's bravery.

Kimi could've sworn that she had seen this girl before. Her pink hair and skin, dark sclera, golden eyes, as well as the noticeable horns that protrude out of her head was hard to miss.

Her mind clicked as her eyes widened in recognition. That's right! This is...

She had met the girl prior to the beginning of her.... freak accident. While Arata was away, some group of girls from another class dumped her food out the window, saying that "a quirkless wimp shouldn't deserve to eat precious food".

It all happened in a hallway, out in the open where everybody could see. Basically everyone who was passing by had seen the whole event fold out, some even pulled out their phones. Kimi felt humiliated but couldn't exactly do anything. If she did, she knew things would be worse for her in the long run. She'd seen things like this happen to quirkless teenagers.

Before things could escalate however, a blur of pink would step up and stand in front of her. Then, the person didn't even hesitate to call out and defend someone like her.

Later that day, she found out that her name was-

Mina Ashido!

Mina was a brave, fearless teen with a kind and bubbly personality. Everybody she had ever interacted with liked her. She was the type of person that knows basically the majority of the whole school. Going out of her way to interact with people and help them when she could.

That 's the type of person that Kimi aspired to be. What motivates her to be more open to her classmates and interact with them more when they talk to her.

Mina was like a true prohero in Kimi's eyes.

And now seeing her own heroine in front of her eyes, comforting her friend due to the horrible mischief of a kitsune that she had helped release for selfish reasons, didn't exactly sit right in her stomach.

She had a great urge to apologize. She didn't exactly understand why, after all all the pranks weren't actually her fault. But she felt a sense of responsibility as she had practically let the yokai take over without any restraints. Even if she had blacked out during those 3 days.

Before she could though, Arata quickly caught on to her intentions and grabbed her shoulder. It stopped the girl at her tracts, however, her emerald eyes still stared intently at the scene In front of her.

"Let's go."

The girl can't afford to be noble at the current state. There's too many people around and saying sorry to the other girls would have only people raising questionable brows. Not only that, he's pretty sure the teachers were on their way.


"It's fine, that pink haired girl got this under control."


Damned that yokai.


The ends of your fluffy ear twitched slightly as your eyes perked up with interest. A smirk makes its way onto your lips, knowing exactly what that meant.

Looks like someone's been thinking about me.

You snickered but opted to continue your search.

Currently, you are in your true form, a fox! Except you looked like a chibi fox since you were only 300 years old. How annoying.

When you said that you were trying to work out the runes, you met stealing back something that's rightfully yours.

While trapped, you find out that the seal became weaker and weaker over time. All you needed was some twist here and there and baam! you could still use some of your basic powers even when it's supposed to be suppressed. Though, it did take a bit out of you.

You didn't forget about the very thing that not only amplifies your magic but also is basically your life force. Without it, you'd literally die.

It's a wonder how you're still alive when you went on for more than 200 years without it...

But, you had a theory. It's the reason why you were back again in the dark abyssal that is the Euthymia. Blue-ish white webs are still circling around, but a lot of it looked very broken. Actually- everything in this place looks cracked and broken to pieces.

It'd make sense. The human teen did destroy the scroll, breaking it into 2 big chunks and many more smaller scraps. Whatever was written inside must be ripped apart.

You could only do so much to put it back together. It's not even actually together as you had just laid the opened pieces on the floor and hoped that nothing will blow them away.

After reading what was written in the runes, you found an interesting drawing on the aged paper. A circle with a star in the middle. The drawing was placed right in the middle of the parchment paper, hard to miss really. While the writings looked like it was circling around the drawing.

That was the only thing you needed to dip back into the prison. To think all this time that those wretched sorcerers had taken your star ball somewhere, they had actually used it to trap you. Your own prize possession, becoming your worst nightmare. What a horrible joke.

Now that you're back, you've been following the trails of these webs. If the runes from the scroll looked like it's going in circles around the star ball, then the inside should look exactly alike. Like.. you're looking at the map of a big maze.

If you follow the trail, then eventually you'll find the center of the maze. The last time you tried to move anywhere or attack the webs, they just attacked back. Now that these things are broken into pieces, they have NO power over you!

What now, abortive, rooting hog of a hunter?!

....You probably shouldn't curse like that. Miss Inari taught you better than that.... eh, It's not like it's unreasonable.

A sudden feeling of warmth slowly creeps up into your soul. You perked up and looked forward, a shine of reddish yellow could be seen way up ahead.

Right on the money.

Seems like your theory was correct after all. A wide grin makes its way to your face as you ran towards the warmth.

The door of Kimi's bedroom burst open and you hear a bag dropping on the floor.

Looks like the white rabbit is back from her outing.

"Eurghhh, that was a lot for one day." She whined and dropped her whole body, face first onto the bed.

You snickered at her outward display of exasperation. "Wow! Seems like you had a hard time. Whatever could be the cause?" You asked the girl, pretending that you don't know.

You're pretty sure you had an image of what happened. Probably some of your pranks that were still lingering in that place. You made sure to time your devious tricks for the next morning after all, a little gift for those naive students. You wondered if she fell for one...

"Uh... strange pranks that no one will know who the perpetrator is?"

You were so right.

"Sounds like a big trouble." You innocently commented while snickering under your paws.

She scoffed and lifted up her head to look at you with a deadpan expression. She rolled her eyes and dropped head down again. What the hell could she say to a yokai known for tricks and pranks? Not do tricks and pranks? Yeah, she'd have better time convincing a cat to take a bath.

You hummed at her reaction. Usually when you act all innocent after a prank, people would get irritated and burst up. Her silence reaction was so... boring. How hollowing.

Your eyes narrowed at the girl, jumping from the dresser, you landed next to her head. "Hey now," You pawed at her head.

She groaned and didn't move from her position. You clicked your tongue, then jumped up and harshly landed on her head. "GET UP!"

She lets out a yelp as you bounce off of her. She pushes herself upwards and shot a glare at you. "What do you want now?!"

You slapped her with one of your bushy tails. Your eyes narrowed at her as well. "Calm down, child."

That seemed to have turned her gears to the right spot as she looked back at you with wide eyes, realizing her mistake. "U-Uh, I meant- yeah?"

"... Yeah anyways, you must be wondering when I will give you my powers. Well, after poking and prodding the scroll, I got back my star ball that was still in good condition." You explained. Reaching into your tail, you pulled out a small glowing ball of flame. Showing her your most precious item.

She perks up in surprise and sits up properly from her position. She tilts her head at you in curiosity. "Your star ball? So that was what you meant with scroll. Is that like... where all of your powers are from?"

"Well... kind of?" Your lips pressed up in a thin line. "My powers come in naturally. Like how you humans have your ma- uh.. quirks."

She blinks.

"The big difference is that yokais have magic, supernatural forces that come from our souls and spread throughout our bodies. Humans back then would watch or sometimes get trained by certain yokais to learn to utilize magic as well. Not long after, the whole world of sorcery in the human realm was born. Though, it seems like in the modern world, magic has died and been replaced with.. whatever quirks are."

She slowly nodded, taking in the information one by one. "Okay, then what's up with the star ball?"

"Well, do you want the long explanation or the short one?"

"...short??" She replied, unsure of her answer.

"Just like every other yokais, kitsunes have a special thing about them. Unlike most humans and yokais, a kitsune's soul is outside of their body, so-" You gestured to the star ball. "They use this to store and protect the soul. Or else, someone could easily eat it."

"Eat it?"

"Oh yeah, you don't know."

Now she was more confused.

"You know the expression 'Sucking a soul out of its body?'"

She paused, looking at you weirdly. "... Yeah??"

"Well... that happened before. For humans, it's when exorcists exercise a yokai. Since they are a kind of spirits, exorcists would get rid of yokais by killing off their souls forever."

"Ohhhh" She thought it was something else. "But.. that sounds.. horrible."

"It is." You seethed, making her tense up at your tone. "But you humans don't give a damn about it."

There was a long silence after that, the atmosphere was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. This was when Kimi really understood why you seemed to hate her. How you were even trapped... you were.. lucky that you were only trapped there.

You broke the silence by sighing. You lifted off from the bed and flouted up to her eye level.

She can fly! Kimi thought.

"As much as I hate it, since I had that damned agreement with your parents and you."

Guilt washed up inside of as when you mentioned the agreement, it was only now that she realized how it's affecting you. Even if that was a request from her parents

"I'd have to give you my prized possession."

Her eyes widened again, even more confused at you.

Just from her reaction, you know what her thoughts were. Mind as well address them.

"Because it's the only way you'll get a part of my power. A kitsune's magic. If I give this to you willingly, our souls will be linked, so the magic and powers from me will transfer to you... partly."

There was a way for Kimi to fully use your magic but, there's no way in hell you're going to give that info up. To think that you had escaped to only be chained again...

Whatever, it'll only be a bit while until she dies. Then, you'd truly be free, you don't have to be forced to agree to any deals. Besides, the kid wants to fight crime and get her own justice for her father, you'd make sure that things will be fun.

"Oh.. I see..." She said solemnly, she hesitantly took the star ball from your paws and into her own hands. The ball of fire would glow, flashing a bright light that forces Kimi to shut her eyes.

When it calmed down, she lifted up one eye to glance at the star ball in hand. It was.. gone. Instead, there was a necklace that laid on her palm. It had a side profile fox pendant, and where the fox's eye would be, had the same glow color that the star ball had.

"....You better not break it, kid. I'm trusting my soul on you here..." It sounded so painfully forced.

Kimi's hair was covering her emerald eyes, making it a bit hard for you to be sure of her expression. Though, you really couldn't care less how she'd react.

And you don't really plan to find out. She sniffed at her and dropped to the bed, then walked towards the bed's nightstand. You opened the lower drawer and dropped into the cushion decorated pocket, courtesy of yourself, and pushed the drawer close from the inside with your legs.

Kimi still sat still on bed as the realization hit her like a truck. The reason you do this.. the reason you seem to hate humans.. the reason your attitude is so... fake.

You had a hard life, and it seemed like she was one of your troubles. Maybe if she... but her father... she can't.

Her mind was in conflict and she couldn't think if what she was doing was right. If she lets you go, you might take revenge on her like you have hinted at multiple times. If she kept you like this.. then you would suffer. Silently tolerating her while she fills out her selfish wishes.

She needs some words of advice.

"I'm sorry...." She uttered quietly.

She took a deep breath and got her phone. She sent a text message to the only person she could think of that had been with her from the beginning.


Hey Arata. Can I talk to you about Kitsune-sama tomorrow?

Sent, 5:29 pm

She waited for his reply for a moment. He didn't come online.

He's probably busy.

She sighs and gets up from her bed. She hadn't even changed from her school uniform or ate dinner yet. Her mom was probably cooking something downstairs.










Kimi: From my research online, apparently magical foxes can control different types of elements in the world. Even sound and time!

(Y/N): I control the ultimate element that is fire!

Kimi: Woah! Does that mean I have fire powers too?

(Y/N): Yeah, something like that.

Kimi: Though... isn't fire kind of common? There's this prohero named Endeavour who has a fire quirk.

(Y/N): ...What?

Kimi: ....uhh...nevermind.


▪︎ Despite being 300 years old, you're actually still considered as a tween in any yokai's eyes.

▪︎ When Arata dragged Kimi away from the crowd, he actually passed by Kirishima and his middle school friends. Obviously, he didn't know who they were so he quickly walked past them without a second thought.

▪︎ Kirishima got pranked too and so did some of his classmates. There was a drawing of a fox in his textbook. He's pretty sure that the person who pranked Mina's friend is the same person who pranked him.

▪︎ While Kimi was still blacked out, you decided to turn her nightstand into your own little bed. You moved all the stuff from the bottom drawer to the upper drawer and found a leftover blanket in her closet.



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