Kingdom Hearts Dimensions III...

By Zazzy109

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The Hallway is in danger. All the games that are connected to the Game Dimension, are liable to get attacked... More

Prolong: Trouble In The Games
Chapter 1 The Blocky World
Chapter 2 The Legend Of The Floating Island Of The Void
Chapter 3 Infected
Chapter 4 The Legend Of Minecraft
Chapter 5 Mobs
Chapter 6 Portals
Chapter 7 The Nether
Chapter 8 The Dark Figure
Chapter 9 Wither Skeletons
Chapter 10 Blaze Rods
Chapter 11 The Gateway To The End
Chapter 12 The Ender Dragon
Chapter 13 The Heartless Dragon (Last Chapter of The Minecraft Game)
Chapter 14 (Second Game) Pizzeria
Chapter 15 Where Fantasy and Fun Comes to Life
Chapter 16 Horrible Brother
Chapter 17 It's All Just Gold
Chapter 18 1987
Chapter 19 Pizza
Chapter 20 The Ringleader
Chapter 21 A Bite
Chapter 22 1993
Chapter 23 A Heart Breaking Reunion
Chapter 24 Friendly, Misunderstood Spirits
Chapter 25 2023
Chapter 26 The Second Night
Chapter 27 The Springtrap
Chapter 28 The Hearttrap
Chapter 29 Scrap Metal
Chapter 30 Nowhere To Run
Chapter 33 Save Them
Chapter 34: The Old Man
Chapter 35: The Quest
Chapter 36: The Holder Cannot Die
Chapter 37: The Pizzaplex

Chapter 32 Cassidy's Rage

31 10 0
By Zazzy109

Henry rested his hands on the sides of the panel. He let out a sigh as he shook his head. Directly in front of him, was the fake pizzeria, up in flames.

Sora felt a strange sense or deja vu. It was just like when Fazbear's Fright went up in flames.

"Henry... Are you okay?" Hayner asked.

Henry didn't answer for a moment, but then he spoke up. "Yeah, I'm totally fine. I just didn't burn my daughter, and burn my co-worker's son to bits," Henry rubbed his head.

Sora felt really bad for him. He doesn't know much about Henry, but according to Michael, he was one of the founders of the place. "Henry... I'm so sorry..." Sora said to him, his voice filled with empathy.

Henry just looked at Sora and gave a small smile. "Thanks... uh... what was your name again?"

"Sora," Sora said, returning the smile.

"You, and your other friends," Henry gestured towards Roxas and Hayner, "Seemed to be very connected to Michael. Well, he did say you were his friends. I believe you all made him feel happy at least," Henry then smiled a little more. "I can only imagine the pain he went through. Getting killed... and living as an undead corpse must have been really challenging. I guess you three gave him the light to push forward,"

Sora smiled warmly at that. He always loves to help out people when he goes to worlds, but he has never done something like this or experienced something like this.

Henry turned around to them. "Well, the fire... should, and will burn the remnant. It's all over. No more madness," Henry said.

"You sure it's over?" Roxas asked.

"It has to be. This fire is hot enough to burn the remnant. And, we gathered them all in one place. No more lingering souls. They're all free," Henry said.

Sora nodded. "Yeah, they're all okay now,"

Henry turned around back to the panel. "Do... You all live close by?" He asked. But at that moment, the door showed up behind Sora, Roxas, and Hayner. Roxas rugged at Sora's sleeve, "Sora!" Roxas whispered loudly.

Sora noticed the door. He didn't want to just leave Henry like that, but they had no choice.

Sora, and the rest of his friends, ran into the door and closed it, and it dematerialized.

"I asked if you live somewhere because I wanna offer to drive you home-," Henry had a confused look on his face as he turned around. "....Hello?" He asked looking around.


"Well, hello again there," Said Adventure Fredbear. "I'm starting to think what you guys are doing, is very important,"

"It is very important," Sora said as he shut the door.

"So important that we still can't tell you what we are doing," Roxas said.

Hayner looked at the door. He saw that there were other doors. "Wait... that's not the end to it? I thought with Michael being... You know... that would have been the end,"

Roxas looked at Hayner, then at the doors. "Hm... You have a point," Roxas turned his head to Sora. "Hey, So, check if you see the gem anywhere,"

"I don't think it's anywhere," Sora said. "Remember how we found it in Minecraft? It was in the dragon egg,"

Hayner grunted. "What, are we gonna have to find the gem in eggs?!"

"What? No! At least I don't think so, I think they show themselves up at random times," Sora said. "Like, when we completely finish the world."

"Completely finish the world? So... what is this? A video game?" Hayner asked.

Roxas chuckled. "Well, it isn't called the 'Game Dimension' for nothing,"

Sora chuckled along with him, but then his eyes drifted down to Adventure Fredbear and saw that the tiny animatronic bear was looking up at all three of them with a very confused face.

Sora winced and looked at his friends. "Guys, we gotta be careful,"

Roxas sighed, "We are turning into you," He grunted.

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?!" Sora snapped. Hayner laughed loudly.

Roxas sighed, with a giggle, and turned to get into the other door. "Come on, let's go do what we need to do," Roxas said walking over to the new door. He opened it, and let Hayner and Sora inside.

"Bye Fredbear!" Sora said closing the door.

Adventure Fredbear gasped "Wait!" He yelled, then tried to run to the door. "I forgot to tell you, there was this dark creature and I fought-" But Sora didn't hear him because he had shut the door.

"Servos and circuits!" Adventure Fredbear cursed out, pouting.


"Ok... where the hell is this...?" Hayner asked looking around.

"Yeah... where are we? Why does this look like another restaurant?" Roxas asked.

Sora walked ahead, "Geez, won't this company just die? Why do they keep coming back?" Sora felt upset. Henry wanted the place to be forgotten, but here it was again.

But, something was off.

"Hold on, if this... is a working restaurant, where the hell are the tables?" Hayner mentioned.

After hearing what Hayner said, Sora now paid attention to what he was seeing. "Yeah... and... surprising why does this look like the last place we were at?"

"You mean just before?" Roxas asked.

"No, the restaurant when we meet Cassidy in the golden Freddy suit. Do you remember? It wasn't that long ago," Sora said.

Roxas gasped, "Wait a second, you're right! This is the main area of that place. And look!" Roxas pointed. "The two hallways that would lead to the office!"

Sora blinked. "Why... are we back in that place for? And why... Why is Fox's Cove thing inside of the bathroom's hallway over there?"

"Ok, that's a bit weird," Roxas said, as his head turned. Sora walked a little closer.

"Guys, there's a sign on it," Sora said. "Showtime is at 3 am...? What does that mean?"

"I guess it means what it says," Roxas said as he came over. "Showtime is going to be 3 am,"

Hayner looked behind him. "Anyone find it strange how there are two coves? There's also one over there-," Hayner pointed to the right side. There was another curtain. But that one was actually Fox's Cove.

"Something is weird," Roxas said.

"Very," Sora said. "Wait... is that a prize counter?"

In that back, was a prize counter, that had a few plush toys. As Sora, and his friends walked over, Sora looked up, and down at the stand that had all the toys. "Hold on, wasn't this where the animatronic stage was?"

No one answered him, and Hayner reached for one of the plushies. "Ooh look at the Bonnie plush, it's cute! Hope they don't mind if I take it," Hayner was about to touch it, but then-

"Don't touch that!"

"AH!" Hayner yelled, then tripped over the prize counter and fell to the other side of it.

Roxas and Sora quickly turned around, only to see a ghostly figure watching them. Sora recognized them. "Wait... Cassidy?!"

"Wait... Cassidy?" Hayner asked as he pulled himself up from behind the counter, "I... I um... I definitely wasn't thinking of stealing the plush...!"

Cassidy looked at Hayner, arched her eyebrow, then she looked at Sora and Roxas. "What are you all doing here?" Her voice fell into a whisper. "You shouldn't be here!" Her voice sounded angry.

"Woah, woah! Cassidy, what's with the anger in your voice?" Sora asked, looking at her, then at Roxas.

"Because you all shouldn't be here! I understand you all told me you travel worlds, but this is the one time you should leave!" Cassidy said.

"Cassidy, we can't! We couldn't even if we wanted to, we have to wait for the door to show up!" Sora said.

Cassidy's eyes glowed red for a second, then went back to normal. "Fine. If you all are going to intrude on my privacy, you might as well help me. Follow me," She turned around, and floated away from them, heading down the hallway.

Sora and his friends looked at each other. Roxas shrugged, "At least she's not fighting us to make us leave," He whispered to Sora.

Sora nodded, "Yeah, let's go," Sora said as he followed Cassidy.

Hayner looked back at the plushies. "Maybe if I take just one she wouldn't notice-,"

"Hayner don't!" Roxas yelled, dragging Hayner away from the prize counter.

Sora followed Cassidy down the left hallway, passing the broom closet. It was just like that other location. Strange. Something wasn't right. It also looked a little more barren.

When Cassidy turned into the office, Sora gasped a little as he saw someone sitting in the chair. Well, they weren't sitting in it. They were tied to the chair.

Sora gasped, because at first he thought the man was Michael, but when he got closer-

"William?" Sora asked, arching his eyebrow.

The man had his head hung down, and his eyes were closed. But then he near Sora's voice, he quickly looked up. "N-No! No! Cassidy, not them! Get them away from me!" William yelled out.

At that moment, Hayner and Roxas walked into the room.

"Holy shit-" Roxas said, "Is that William?"

"Ahh! Cassidy it's all of them!"

"Keep your mouth SHUT!" Cassidy yelled as she flew up to Afton's face, her eyes glowing red.

"AHH!" Afton yelled.

"Keep on talking, and I'm going to even put you through even more pain!" Cassidy said lastly, then turned around to Sora and his two friends.

Sora had no idea what was going on. "Cassidy, what is this? What are you doing?"

Cassidy sighed, then turned around to William. "I've given Mr, Afton what he deserves... He's about to experience the pain I've felt... and worse,"

"Cassidy please, don't! I don't want to experience it anymore!" Afton yelled.

"Well, you should have thought of that before you killed me in 1984!" Cassidy yelled, her voice sounding distorted.

Cassidy rose her hands and snapped her fingers twice.

A torn-up Golden Freddy suit and Chica showed up.

"Evan, Susie... show Mr. Afton hell,"

Hayner grabbed onto Roxas's arms from how suddenly these two animatronics showed up.

Sora blinked. "Wait... Evan?! Susie?!" Sora yelled looking at the animatronic bear, and the animatronic chicken. "C-Cassidy, Evan, and Susie are supposed to be free!" Sora yelled.

Cassidy looked down, then balled up her fists. She turned around quickly. "IF YOU ARE GOING TO CAUSE A DISTRACTION TO WHAT I'M DOING, YOU MIGHT AS WELL LEAVE!" She screamed.

Roxas gasped, standing in front of Sora and Hayner protectively. "Don't you dare yell at my friend like that!" He said, sternly.

Cassidy's eyes glowed a fierce red, as she glitched a little. "Stay out of my way," She said.

She turned back to Evan and Susie.

"Evan? Susie...? Attack Mr. Afton."

The two animatronics glitched and walked up to William. "No! Get them away from me!" The animatronics walked over to William and stood over him. "No! Make it stop!" William yelled. He looked down, while covering his ears, wincing horribly.

"W-What's going on with him??" Sora asked.

"Evan and Susie are messing with his mind. Making Mr. Afton relive the horrible situation he has caused," Cassidy smiled, her face filled with the pleasure of getting revenge on William.

"No! Please make it stop!" William yelled.

Cassidy snapped her fingers again.

Then, showed up Foxy, and Freddy.

"Fritz? Gabriel? Show your killer what true pain feels like," Cassidy smirked.

The two animatronics took the place of Chica and Golden Freddy.

William panted, then looked up, "No... N-No! Not again! Please stop this Cassidy!"

"You think you can run away from what you did to us? Think again Mr. Afton,"

Sora stared in disbelief. "Cassidy! Are you holding the souls as hostage!?"

Cassidy slowly turned around to Sora. "No... They... agreed to do this,"

Sora looked at Hayner and Roxas.

They could only shrug.

Cassidy snapped her fingers, and Freddy and Foxy disappeared.

She hovered over to William. "Are you having fun yet?" She smiled wickedly at her killer.

William panted. "Please... please stop this... You don't need to do this to me... You can't break me..."

"Hm... That's right. How can I break what's already been broken," Cassidy said. She snapped her fingers once again. There was a Purple Hippo. "What? Ugh, no, not one of Henry's creations,"

It walked up to William, then pushed Cassidy aside.

"My friend, you have met a terrible, terrible demise. But, uh, you know, I-I don't feel too bad about it. After all, if- if it weren't from me, it would have just been from someone else, ya know? I guess what I'm trying to say is life, life goes on. W- well, from- for everyone else, life goes on. Not- not for you, you''re dead,"

Cassidy blinked, William, blinked, and stared at the animatronic.

Cassidy grunted, then erased the purple hippo out of the picture. "Let's try this one-," she snapped her fingers.

There was loud running coming from the right hallway. Then Toy Freddy charged into the room and leaped at William.

"AHHHHH!?" William screamed as the Animatronic jumped at him, pushing him onto the ground.

Cassidy blinked at the entire thing that happened.

"If I get Jumpscared! Yooouuuu get jumpscared!" Toy Freddy yelled at William.

William blinked. "...Wha-What?!"

"Ugh, what the hell are these summons!" Cassidy snapped, then snapped her fingers, taking Toy Freddy away.

"What the freak is happening?" Hayner whispered to Sora and Roxas.

She snapped her fingers again, then the damaged Spring-Bonnie suit showed up.

Cassidy smiled.

"Now that's more like it~," She smirked. "Mr. Afton, do you remember this moment in your life?"

The Springtrap slowly walked over to William. "No... I don't want to remember..."

"Well you damn well will have to, Mr. Afton..." Cassidy said. "Or what about this?" Cassidy snapped her fingers. Then, an animatronic showed up. Sora and his friends had never seen it before. "Elizabeth... Your daughter. Remember how she died?" She smiled. "Because you decided to take your killing career a step further, and it resulted in your own daughter's death. Quite a life you had, huh?"

"Cassidy, stop this!" Sora yelled.

Cassidy turned around to Sora, her eyes glowed red, again.

"What did you say to me?" She asked, her voice starting to sound like rage.

"You really took Elizabeth's soul too!? She was supposed to be free! That was the entire purpose of why Henry went out of his way to save them-,"

"H-Henry? What did you say about Henry?" William asked, as he slowly looked up at Sora.

Cassidy quickly turned to Afton. "Shut up!" She yelled at him. She then turned back to Sora.

"I agree with Sora!" Roxas yelled. "I understand your anger, but-,"

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING ABOUT ME!" Cassidy screamed at Roxas, the air around her glitched, and sparked, her pupils glowed white.

Roxas gasped, as he stood in front of Hayner, Hayner hugged Roxas terrified.

Cassidy balled up her fists. "We need to show Afton a lesson,"

"But did the souls consent to that!? Something tells me that they didn't!" Sora yelled.

"THEY DID!" Cassidy screamed. The glitching around her zapped the lights, and they turned off.

"Oh fuck...." Hayner said, snuggling into Roxas.

Then, the lights came back on, only to reveal Cassidy floating over them, looking angry.

Sora looked over to the desk but saw that William was gone.

"What? Where... where is William?"

"What?" Cassidy asked with a stern voice. She turned around and saw. She blinked, "Where did he go?" She asked.

She flew out of the room.

Once Cassidy had left the room, Roxas looked down at Hayner, who was snuggled up to his side. Roxas just tapped his head, "You'll be fine," He said.

"Where did William go? Like seriously?" Sora asked.

Roxas shrugged. "I don't know,"

Cassidy slowly hovered back into the room.

"He... Escaped..." Cassidy said.

"Wha-What?" Sora asked. "What do you mean?"

"He escaped...." Cassidy said.

"Then... where could he have gone?" Roxas asked.

Cassidy slowly looked up at the three boys. "You... you three... this is all your fault..."

"Wha-What? No! Why would it be? We definitely wouldn't help him! But we'd definitely help the other souls you have trapped in here!" Sora said.

"SHUT UP!" Cassidy yelled. "This is all your fault!"

"Cass, we had no intention to let Afton escape!" Roxas yelled.

"Oh, but he did anyways. Right after all of you showed up," Cassidy said. "If it wasn't for you, he'd still be here,"

"Cassidy please!" Sora yelled.

Cassidy hovered in the air a little more, the golden Fredbear suit materialized on her. The eyes were missing, and there was just white pupils inside the mask.

"This was going to be Mr. Afton's hell... But... I guess it's going to be your hell now," Cassidy said.

"You are going to suffer just like William,"

Cassidy's voice sounded demonic

Hayner snuggled into Roxas more.

"Oh shit!" Sora yelled, as he summoned his keyblade.

"The animatronics will kill you,"

Roxas summoned his two keyblades.

"Sora, what the hell should we do?!" Roxas yelled.

Then, Cassidy disappeared.

"Let the fight begin~" They heard Cassidy say.

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