For Life

By AntandDeclove

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This is an AU story based on the singer Mika's life(Yeah,I know...I'm obsessed)with Dec playing the role of M... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
part 11
Part 12
part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56

Part 47

64 3 0
By AntandDeclove

Just a little note to say happy 40th birthday today (18th August) to the man whose life this story is based on...the beautiful, talented, unique whirlwind that is Mika Penniman. An amazing person who undoubtedly makes the world a better place ❤️

"That's brilliant news" Pat beamed "I'm so relieved.

"Me too" Ant nodded and threw his arms around her,not being able to hide his delight "Shall I call him?"

"I don't know" Pat frowned "he's not out of the woods yet,maybe send him a text?"

"I've already sent hundreds of those" Ant sighed.

"And has he replied to any?" Pat asked hopefully.

"No" Ant shook his head despairingly "none"

"Well" Pat smiled sympathetically "he wouldn't have felt up to it as he's been so ill,I'm sure he'll be in contact soon,just hang in there"

"Yeah,I know you're right" Ant smiled "I'm just so happy he's getting better,but it's so hard not being able to talk to him"

"I know" Pat nodded "we just need to distract ourselves"

"How?" Ant asked "we've cleaned this place from top to bottom,sorted all the cupboards out,cooked just about every recipe we know,all that stuff in the freezer will last for months,what else is there to do?"

"Dunno" Pat frowned "take the dogs for a long walk?"

"I'm still isolating" Ant pointed out.

"Only till tomorrow" Pat stated "you're almost done,come on,what difference does a few hours make?you can wear a face mask and we'll keep away from people"

"And that is why this thing is spreading like wildlife" Ant frowned "because of that don't care attitude"

"I DO care Ant" Pat said "I promise you that,but I care about you more and if you were only at the beginning of your isolation period,of course I wouldn't expect you to come out,but you're so close to the end and you really need it,come on Ant,please?"

Ant couldn't deny that the thought was very appealing,he would love nothing more than to get some fresh air right now and run around outside with his beloved dogs and as much as he still had reservations,he finally admitted that Pat was right.

He needed to do this for his own sanity and well being.

So just a short while later,Ant and Pat were running happily around the local park with Melachi and Amira and Ant had to admit that it felt damned good.

"Thanks for talking me into that Pat" Ant smiled once they were back at home "it was just what I needed"

"Big sister always knows best right?" Pat grinned.

"Yeah" Ant laughed "you basically are like my big sister aren't you?"

"Yep" Pat beamed "and I wouldn't have it any other way"

They spent the rest of the day relaxing and chatting,watching crappy telly and eating rubbish.

"Dec would be horrified if he could see how unhealthy we're being" Ant frowned.

"Just as well he doesn't know then" Pat laughed.

Ant was quiet for a moment.

"I'd give anything to have him moaning at me about this stuff,right here,right now" Ant sighed.

"Yeah,me too" Pat nodded.

"Ant,why are you eating that shit?" Ant mimicked "don't you know how bad it is for you?"

"Yeah" Pat laughed and joined in with the good hearted teasing "Pat,there's no goodness in what you're eating whatsoever"

"Why don't you choose something else?" Ant grinned

"Eat something more nutritious" Pat smiled.

"But I wouldn't have him any other way" Ant replied affectionately.

"Me neither" Pat nodded "I love that skinny little runt so much"

"Yeah" Ant beamed "me too"

They were quiet for a moment until Ant was startled out of his thoughts by his phone ringing.

He casually glanced at the screen,then sat bolt upright when he saw who was calling.

"It's him" he stated excitedly "it's Dec"

"Oh my God" Pat said,not sure why she felt slightly nervous "answer it...quickly"

"Dec?" Ant asked cautiously as he answered the phone "is that you?"

"Hi Ant" a cheerful Dec replied.

"Oh Dec" Ant exclaimed and immediately burst into tears,sobbing uncontrollably through utter relief.

"Ant?" Dec asked confused "what's wrong?"

Ant could barely speak through his tears,so Pat took the phone from him.

"Dec?" She said "hi"

"Pat?" Dec asked surprised "what are you doing there?"

"I came to help Ant out" she replied "he needed a bit of looking after"

"But he was supposed to be isolating" Dec stated confused.

"Minor detail" Pat shrugged "he wasn't coping so well with you being so ill and in hospital"

"Poor Ant" Dec sighed "can I talk to him?"

"He's really upset" Pat replied "just give him a minute"

"Upset?" Dec asked confused "why?"

"I think it's just the relief of hearing from you" Pat smiled "he's had a really tough time since you were hospitalised"

"Oh" Dec frowned "poor Ant"

"But how are you doing?" Pat asked concerned "my God Declan,you can't believe how much we've been worrying about you,we were terrified we were going to lose you"

"I was terrified too" Dec replied "I've never felt so ill in my life and not being able to breathe was so awful"

"You poor thing" Pat sighed,thinking back to what Ant had told her about the horrendous day when he had rushed Dec to hospital "such a horrible experience"

"I'm feeling so much better now" Dec assured her "I can't wait to come home"

"Do you know when that will be?" Pat asked hopefully.

"Not sure yet" Dec frowned "it's chaotic here,practically impossible to get to talk to a doctor,but I'm sure they won't want me here any longer than necessary"

"Yeah,that's true" Pat agreed "hopefully it will be soon"

"I've seen people die" Dec suddenly announced.

"Oh" Pat replied,not really knowing what to say to Dec's statement.

"Yeah" Dec muttered.

Pat knew that such an experience would be having a profound effect on her deeply sensitive little brother,but it was something that hadn't crossed her mind before.

She and everyone else had been so worried about Dec,but the other stuff that he may be witnessing came as a shock to her.

"It was horrible" Dec continued "people dying an awful,painful death,not being able to breathe and without their loved ones around them,just made me think how lucky we were to spend time with Mum before she died and be able to say goodbye to her"

"I know" Pat whispered "those poor people,but try and not think about it now eh?let's just concentrate on getting you home"

"Yeah" Dec nodded "can I talk to Ant now?is he okay?"

"Yeah,he's fine" Pat looked at Ant,who nodded,indicating that he was ready to talk to Dec now he'd regained his composure.

"Dec?" He said softly "I'm sorry,it was...just hearing your voice,knowing you're okay,it was a bit overwhelming"

"It's fine Ant" Dec replied affectionately "you must have been out of your mind with worry,I know I would have been if it had been you,I'm so sorry to have put you through that"

"Oh,you are silly" Ant laughed "you don't need to apologise for being ill,I'm just so happy to hear your voice,I missed you so much,its been so hard not having you with me"

"I'm glad Pat is there" Dec replied "I didn't like the idea of you going through this all alone"

"Me too" Ant smiled "she's been great,she's really taken care of me when I needed it the most"

"Good" Dec nodded "I bet you needed it more than you realised?I can imagine you were trying to battle on alone,I know what you're like"

"Yeah,I did kinda let myself go" Ant admitted "so when can you come home?I've missed you so much"

"I've missed you too" Dec replied "I don't know yet but I hope very soon,I'm glad you thought to put my phone in with me though"

"Me too" Ant nodded.

"And thankfully the battery didn't run down" Dec stated.

"Oh" Ant exclaimed "never even thought about putting your charger in"

"Doesn't matter now" Dec smiled "look,I have to go as I think a doctor is coming to check on me finally,hopefully he'll tell me when I can come home"

"Oh,I can't wait for that" Ant smiled "call me afterwards?"

"I will" Dec promised "got to go,I love you"

"Love you too baby" Ant replied and hung up the phone.

Pat rubbed Ant's back as he smiled at her,delighted to see him happy after all the anguish he'd been through.

"He's going to be okay" she whispered.

"Yeah,he is" Ant nodded "and he's going to come home soon"

They hugged each other,both experiencing extreme relief and happiness at this amazing news and both of them waited on tenterhooks over the next couple of hours,waiting to hear from Dec again,until Ant's phone eventually rang.

"Ant,I can come home" Dec announced happily.

"Oh my God" Ant practically shrieked,overwhelmed with emotion once again "that's amazing baby,I'm so happy,when?"

"Tomorrow" Dec beamed "I can't wait to see you"

"I've missed you so much" Ant wept.

"Please don't cry Ant" Dec pleaded "I'm fine now and I'm coming home"

"Yeah,you are" Ant nodded happily and dried his tears.

"Will you pick me up from the hospital?" Dec asked.

"Well,of course I will" Ant laughed "I'm not gonna leave you to walk home am I?"

And so the next day,Ant waited impatiently in the car park once again,thinking back to the awful day not so long ago when he had dropped Dec off in the same place.

He didn't take his eyes off of the hospital entrance,obviously still not being allowed to enter and held a large bunch of flowers that he'd bought on the way to give to his beloved partner.

Every second he waited felt like hours,but eventually the automatic doors opened and Dec casually strolled out.

"DEC" Ant yelled and ran into his boyfriend's arms,totally crushing the beautiful bouquet of flowers he'd so lovingly chosen.

Dec returned the embrace and the two of them sobbed uncontrollable tears of relief as they held each other tightly.

"I thought I'd lost you" Ant wept "I really thought you were going to die"

"So did I" Dec whispered into Ant's neck.

After a few minutes,they regained their composure and Ant took a step back to look at Dec.

"You're okay now though aren't you?" Ant asked "did they look after you?"

"They did the best they could under difficult circumstances" Dec nodded "it was awful for everyone in there though,including staff"

"I can imagine" Ant frowned.

"Did you bring me any clothes?" Dec asked,glancing down at himself in the pyjamas he'd arrived in.

"Shit" Ant stated "I'm sorry Dec,I didn't even think,you've been wearing these the whole time you were here?"

"No" Dec shook his head "I had to wear a hospital gown and these were washed for me,they only gave them back to me today"

"I never thought to bring you any clothes" Ant sighed,feeling annoyed with himself "but we're going straight home and you'll be in the car,no one will see you"

"It's fine" Dec smiled "I just want to get out of here"

"Let's get you home then shall we?" Ant smiled and placed an arm around Dec's shoulder and escorted him to the car.

"It was terrifying" Dec stated as Ant drove off "not being able to breathe"

"I know" Ant nodded "I saw the fear in your eyes that day,thank God you're okay"

"Yeah" Dec smiled as he stared out of the passenger seat window.

Ant could tell that this wasn't just a case of Dec having to recover physically from an illness,it had obviously affected him emotionally as well and Ant knew he would need his support over the coming weeks.

But for now,he was over the moon just to be getting him home!

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