The Blade in Gravity Falls

By Yesyes1209

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Right before he dies, Techno is sent to Gravity Falls. How will the small town in Roadkill county, Oregon cha... More

My memories of Technoblade.
Chapter 28: In the heir tonight
Chapter 29: Spooks and Stans
Chapter 30: In which fossils reconvene


652 21 37
By Yesyes1209



AN: Hey all, I'm back. Sorry I took so long, work was kind of brutal and I kept having a really hard actually sitting down to work on this chapter. Also almost died, but I didn't so it's not important.

This chapter had a moment where things unintentionally lined up perfectly, and I may have cackled for like ten minutes because of my genius. Also, someone is making fan-art! If anyone wants to make fan-art, feel free. Send it to me with permission and I'll use it as chapter pictures on wattpad, or maybe even the cover of the book.


Techno planted his hoe into the ground, leaning on it after planting the new potato fields. He and Phil had replaced the temporary palisades of log with a much sturdier wall of cobbled stone, and created a new secondary wall off one edge with a secondary gate.

In the days since adopting the Shapeshifter, Phil and Proteus (the Shapeshifter) had built a new house, a ranch style home as opposed to Techno's I-house. Proteus' house had a covered porch around the front entrance, and a gable roof. It had taken the pair a few days to build, but there wasn't much to do this week, so it was fine.

The house was small, with only a living room and a bedroom for Proteus. Of course, due to Proteus's abilities, the rooms were built larger to accommodate someone who could be up to three meters tall. It honestly kind of reminded Techno of Bad's house back on the SMP.

Techno had been looking at his map the other day, when he realized he hadn't marked the small stream on the cliff. Techno immediately went to fix that mistake, and also decided the walls were kind of barren, so he added a round tower next to the internal gate. (Map on Wattpad.)

Techno wiped the sweat from his brow and picked up his hoe, resting it over his shoulder as he walked back towards the main house. Techno sighed to himself as he walked past the rows upon rows of potatoes, he didn't want to return to farming for a majority of the day, but he could feel the potato madness beginning to set in again.

"I really gotta get some minions." Techno said to himself, pausing on the bridge on his way to the center square. However, since Techno was never alone, this drew the attention of the voices from their previous activity of playing the old theatre game, Count. To play count, you must have a group, close your eyes, and attempt to count to an arbitrary number as a group. Anyone can say the next number, but if two or more people say a number you have to start over.

Carpediem: You need minions?

Def_not_a_stoner: 14


Bananamilkshake: 15

Bananamilkshake: damnit

Average_techno_fan: Minions for the blood god?

Technofan12321: let's just use the hypixel method

"No. slavery is looked down upon here."

Technofan12321: Booooo!

Carpediem: if we can't use slaves, how about you give us physical form?

Bananamilkshake: yeah, let us come farm!

Yodasstick: A green card, I already have. Legally allowed to use the V word

Carpediem: @Yodasstick va-jay-jay?

Yodasstick: No, Viridans. Latin for green

Carpediem: not sure if that counts as a slur tho @Yodastick

Yodastick: look up black in latin, you should.

Yallneedhelp: ignoring yoda and Carpe, you should totally let us work.

"Hmm, for some reason I don't really trust any of you with physical from."

Bananamilkshake: what, why?

Average_techno_fan: I promise only to kill one orphan a day

Technofan12321: We're mostly trustworthy!

Def_not_a_stoner: you can trust us. Source: just trust me bro

Comradecommander: Comrade we must overthrow the capitalist pi- jerks!

Technofan12321: Pssh, we're totally trustworthy!

Pathoftheswole: dude let me out so I can get swole

ChadwickChadeusChaddington: Permit me to live so that I might bring the aristocracy back to its proper place.

"Nah. I think you are all just going to burn down this world."

Average_techno_fan: arson is pog tho

Techno resumed walking to the main house, continuing to talk to chat while shooting down their "genius" arguments on why they should be given free reign unto the world. Phil was sitting with Proteus, sipping on some iced tea and watching the clouds. Techno gave a wave that Phil returned before Techno sat down in one of the chairs.

"How are the potatoes looking, mate?" Phil asked.

"Pretty good, all things considered. I may have to find some goons to take care of the plants when I'm busy though." Techno responded, looking over his potato fields.

Proteus had a look of confusion on his face. "We have over 20,000 pounds of potatoes in storage in the barn, surely that is enough?"

"No." Techno declared plainly.

"H-how?" Proteus stammered. "That is enough for hundreds annually, why do you need more?"

"Don't question it." Phil advised, resting a reassuring hand on Proteus's shoulder. "It's a long story."

Proteus thought to himself for a short while. "I will assist you in your farm work." He said to Techno. "If you tell me this story about potatoes."

Techno nodded to himself, finding the deal acceptable. "It all started when I needed to make some hot-potato books."



Twins Dipper and Mabel were sitting in the library, faces illuminated by the golden sunlight slipping through a window.

"Alright, Mabel, today is the big day." Dipper said, rummaging around his backpack.

"Big day!" Mabel cheered.

"Soos finally fixed up the laptop. If this thing works, we could learn the identity of the author and unravel the greatest mysteries of Gravity Falls. You ready?" Dipper asked, holding the old laptop.

"Oh, I'm ready, baby." Mabel said, grabbing a maternity book and flipping to a page with a 3d beating heart around a picture of a baby and the words mama on top. "Ma-ma."

Dipper set the laptop on the desk and booted it up. The laptop went through several loading bars before settling on a design with five circles in an elongated x design, with the center circle inside an inverted triangle. "This is it... This is it..." Dipper said, staring at the screen when it added welcome text to the design. "Ha-ha, it worked!" Dipper exclaimed, turning to his sister.

""Blip, blap, bloobity bloop, twins."" The Pines twins said in unison, doing a complicated series of fist bumps, high fives, and other hand motions.

Suddenly, a tone sounded from the laptop, drawing the twin's attention back to it. The computer's screen had turned from green to red and had a message forbidding unauthorized access before flipping to a screen that asked for a password.

"Ugh! Of course, a password." Dipper groaned.

"Don't you worry, bro bro. With your brains and my laser focus, there is literally nothing that can distract us from... Did you hear that?" Mabel started reassuring before being distracted (Now, I don't understand this as I have never been distr- oh hey, squirrel).

The thing Mabel had heard was a children's sock puppet show. The puppeteer was singing about the joys of literacy to some young kids, before having his two hand puppets, a female book and a male bee, have a make-out session and laughing. Mabel's view of him was quite literally sparkling, but that might have had something to do with the glitter in her eyelashes.

Mabel's pupils grew to be massive, and she paged over to a pop-up of a heart and started opening and closing the book to simulate a heartbeat. "Ba bump. Ba bump."

"Oh boy." Dipper sighed.



Watch the Gravity Falls intro if you haven't, it's really good.



"Just when I was getting over Mermando, of course, you show up at my doorstep." Mabel said, looking at the master of puppets.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot about Mermando. Did not care for Mermando." Dipper said to himself as he walked to a bookshelf containing books about codes. "Okay, this cryptology book says there's 7.2 million 8-letter words." Dipper said, his head stuck in the book while walking back to the laptop. "I'll type, you read. Okay, Mabel? Mabel?" With the lack of response, Dipper turned to the stool where Mabel was previously sitting to see it spinning.

The puppet master was still singing to the children. "That's why we don't stick our hands in-" he sang before the children joined in. ""other people's mouths!"" The puppeteer ended the show, "Hey, I'm Gabe Benson, ya'll. Good night!" and the children filled out with their parents.

The newly identified Gabe Benson gave post show congratulations to his co-stars. "Hey, good job today, you guys."

The book puppet got up in the bee puppet's face "You were late on your cue!"

"WHAT?" The bee demanded in shock.

"Hey hey, be good to each other. We're all stars." Gabe said, "calming" the flaring tempers of his fellow thespians.

Mabel rolled in behind Gabe on a book cart. "Hey! Guess who's Mabel! I am. Care to learn more? I bet you do. You like to learn, ha-" She flirted before falling off the book cart. "WAA!" Mabel screamed as she hit the floor, knocking over a book display stand holding books about zoo animals. "And I'm up!" Mabel declared as she hastily got to her feet, ignoring the book that fell off her head.

"Oh, hey, I'm Gabe, Master of puppets. Nice to meet you." Gabe said, offering Mabel one of the bee's arms to shake.

"You're amazing with those puppets." Mabel complimented, starry eyed.

"Really?" Gabe asked in shock before turning around sadly. "A lot of people think puppets are dumb, or, just for kids or something."

"Are you kidding me? I'm puppet-CRAZY! People call me Puppet-Crazy-Mabel!" Mabel said, encouraging Gabe and grabbing his shoulder to turn him back towards her.

Gabe's face lit up. "Really? People used to call me Puppet-Crazy-Gabe! So when's your next puppet show?"

"My huh?" Mabel questioned.

"I mean, you can't truly love puppets if you're not throwing puppet shows, right?" Gabe asked.

"Ha, yeah, I mean I'm TOTALLY working on a puppet show." Mabel agreed, definitely not lying.

"Oh, what are the details?" Gabe asked in interest, bending forward to make his head more in line with Mabel.

"There are soooo many details..." Mabel said slowly, racking her brain to come up with details.



Back at the laptop, Dipper was attempting the ye olde-est of ye olde passwords, that of course being password. This, surprisingly, was not the password and the screen flashed red while sounding a buzzer. Dipper sighed, then felt his sister sit down next to him.

"So, how'd it go?" Dipper asked, somewhat annoyed with both the computer and his sister ditching him again.

"Dipper, how hard do you think it would be to write and compose a sock puppet rock opera with lights, original music and live pyrotechnics by Friday?" Mabel asked cautiously.

The computer beeped again and cast Dipper in a red light temporarily before he turned to Mabel. "What?" Dipper astonishingly asked. "Mabel, are you serious?"

Mabel grabbed the front of Dipper's shirt. "I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!" She yelled before letting go and gesturing to show her panic ."I got lost in his eyes and his ponytail and I'm gonna be so embarrassed on Friday if I don't have anything!"

"But what about cracking this password? You know, mystery twins?" Dipper asked.

"If you help me with this for JUST a couple of days I promise I'll help you with the password! Please, pretty please!" Mabel begged Dipper, looking straight into his eyes. "It's for love, Dipper." She added in a whisper.

"All right, okay-" Dipper gave in, deciding to help his sister.

"YES! THANK YOU!!" Mabel yelled, hugging him before addressing the rest of the library. "THIS GUY! HE'S NUMBER ONE!!!" The other patrons of the library gave looks ranging from annoyance to bemusement.

"Okay, okay, okay, okay, shhhh" Dipper said, quieting Mabel down. The pair decides to head home for the day and start working on the puppets, walking past a window casting shadows on the wall behind them. "Man, I can't wait to get to the bottom of this laptop. We're close to something big here; I can feel it..."

Dipper was so preoccupied with the laptop and Mabel was too busy planning a sock puppet rock opera with lights, original music and live pyrotechnics to notice the shadow of a floating triangle with a top hat following them.



Dipper, Mabel, and almost everyone they knew spent the next three days frantically preparing puppets, scripts, and music. Old socks were purchased, cardboard was rescued, and googly eyes were attached. On Wednesday, Mabel sent a letter to Phil using the crows.

Hi, It's me mabel!

I'm doing a puppet show this Friday, and wanted to invite you guys to come watch it. It's gonna be the best puppet show ever, it'll have puppets!

It'll be at the theatre time theater, starting at nine pm.

Hope to see you soon,


PS: can I use CPS (Crow Postal Service) to send letters to one of my friends? I don't have a phone and want to get in contact with her.

Mabel sent her letter at around noon, and received a response by three.

Hello Mabel,

The boys and I would love to come by and see your show.

Feel free to have the crows send your mail for you; they don't have much to do anyways. I love the name you came up with for them, and they agree.

Sincerely, Philza.

Mabel squealed when she read the letter and immediately ran to write an invitation to Pacifica.

Hey Pacifica,

How are you doing? I would like to Cordually courdily politely ask you to come to my puppet show this Friday at the theatre time theater at nine.

You're probably wondering why a crow is delivering you this letter. One of my brother's friend's dad is a crow whisperer, so he let me use of the CPS (the Crow Postal Service).

Mabel waited for Pacifica's response eagerly, but no letters came that evening.



By Thursday, the shack's living room had been turned into a mess, but tens of puppets had been created and Mabel finalized the script and began to give a synopsis while Soos finished painting a piece of the set and Dipper and Wendy worked on yet more puppets. Waddles wandered back and forth, "helping" in the puppet production process.

"Alright. The play is gonna be called Glove Story: A Sock Opera. Just a warning, people's eyes will get wet. Cause they'll be crying. From laughing! From how tragic it is." Mabel said, wearing a pair of identical sock puppets on her hands.

"Yeah, that... um. That sounds great." Dipper muttered, pulling on a sock puppet that had somehow gotten stuck on his face before coughing up some pom-poms like a catball.

"Come on, Dipper, you just gotta roll with Mabel's craziness. It's what makes life worth living." Wendy advised from the T-rex skull she was blow-drying socks on.

Mabel began to sing one of her songs. "Puppet boy, Puppet boy, you're the boy I~"

Everyone in the room, including Waddles, joined in, (although Waddles just squealed along), thrusting their puppeted hands into the air. "Loooooovvvvveeee!"

Stan walked past the doorway into the living room and stared for a few seconds, trying to comprehend the sight in front of him before giving up and walking back the way he came. "Not even gonna ask."

Dipper, Mabel, Wendy, and Soos laughed at Stan before a pecking emanated from the back porch.

"Ooh! I think that's my letter!" Mabel said, jumping to her feet and rushing over to the door. She started pulling on the door before realizing she still had puppets on her hands. "Oh, whoops." She said, tossing the puppets back into the living room.

Mabel pulled the door open and a crow hopped in over the doorframe. The crow cawed and dropped the hot pink letter it had in its beak on the ground in front of Mabel. The crow waved goodbye with one of its wings before taking to the skies.

"Who's the letter from, Mabel?" Dipper asked as he walked up behind her.

"Pacifica." Mabel replied.

"I thought you two were rivals or something?" Wendy asked confused. The last she had heard, Pacifica was insulting Mabel whenever they ran into each other.

The group walked back into the living room while Mabel caught Wendy up with current events. "We had a competition before we had to fight an army together. After that, we kinda put our rivalry to the wayside."

"Oh dude, It's just like that one scene from King of the Jewelry with Legloss and Grimli. Y'know, 'I never thought I would die fighting side by side with an alf.' 'What about a friend?' 'Aye, now that I could do.'" Soos commented. "Except for, well, you not being on a fantasy quest to save the world."

Mabel peeled open the letter and began to read the contents aloud.


Thank you for the invitation. Unfortunately I won't be able to come as my parents are attending a party this Friday and I am required to accompany them. You have my most sincere apologies.

I have looked into what being a friend entails as you suggested, and am looking forward to playing the 'Hide and Seek' and having a 'sleepover'.

Sincerely, Pacifica E. Northwest.

Mabel looked down after reading out the letter so Dipper patted her on the back. "Don't worry about it, Mabel. You'll find some way to hang out with her later." Dipper consoled.

"Yeah, I know." Mabel sighed.



By bedtime, Mabel had recovered from the disappointment of her newest friend being unable to see her puppet show. Mabel reclined in her bed, surrounded by her puppets under the covers with a Gabe puppet and a Mabel puppet on each of the headboard's posts.

"Goodnight, my babies." Mabel said before she grabbed the Gabe puppet and walked it over to the Mabel puppet and pantomiming the Gabe puppet kissing the Mabel puppet. "Soon, Gabe Benson-" she sighed before being interrupted by a beep from Dipper's side of the room.

"Ugh, wrong password, WRONG, WRONG! UGH!" Dipper yelled as he sat on his bed, looking at the laptop. After raging against the machine, Dipper sighed and fell backwards.

"Don't stay up all night, Dipper. Last time you got this sleep-deprived you tried to eat your own shirt." Mabel advised her brother.

Dipper realized he was, in fact, eating his shirt. "Pleh." Dipper spat out his shirt. "Just a few more tries..." He promised faintly to Mabel as he slowly walked out to the roof so he wouldn't keep her up. Once he got onto the roof, Dipper sat and started trying more passwords.

The laptop buzzed every time Dipper tried a new code, driving him up the wall. "Ugh, I can't take that sound anymore." Dipper groaned before starting to pound on the keyboard. "I! Hate! You! Sound!" Finally, Dipper got his anger out of his system and began rubbing his eyes tiredly. "There has to be some shortcut or clue. Who would know about secret codes?" Dipper asked to himself.

The wind picked up suddenly, with leaves blowing into Dipper. Dipper closed the laptop and stood up, turning around to get a view of the surroundings. A circle of light, descending from the heavens, illuminated Dipper as he began to turn back towards the woods slowly.

The shaft of illumination originated from the moon, which had grown a slit-like eye, staring directly at Dipper. Dipper gave a shout of surprise and backed up a step. Giant cyan blocks of light started appearing from the forest, forming around the eye in the shape of a triangle. When the triangle fully formed, all color disappeared as if someone had sucked it up with a vacuum.

"I THINK I KNOW A GUY." Bill stated, his voice echoing through the Oregon air. "Well, well, well. You're awfully persistent, Pine Tree. Hats off to you!"Cipher said, casually tipping his cap and causing the world to flip with his hat.

Dipper screamed as he started to fall sideways before gravity righted itself as Bill put his hat back on. "You again!" Dipper exclaimed.

"Did you miss me? Admit it, you missed me." Bill teased.

"Hardly. You worked with Gideon! You tried to destroy my uncle's mind!" Dipper responded irately.

"It was just a job, kid! No hard feelings!" Bill said, floating upside down behind Dipper before flipping right-side up. "I've been keeping an-" Bill started before growing in size and turning red. "EYE ON YOU" before turning back to yellow. "since then, and I must say I'm impressed!"

"Really?" Dipper asked confused.

"You deserve a prize! Here, have a head that's always screaming!" Bill said, clapping his hands and creating the aforementioned head that's always screaming. Dipper and the screaming head screamed back and forth at each other until Bill snapped his fingers and all the flesh was peeled from the head in a circular pattern before the skull was disintegrated entirely.

Bill cackled before addressing Dipper. "The point is, I like you. How's about you let me give you a hint, huh? I only ask for a small-" Bill's voice deepened while his eye glowed blue and his left hand burst into blue flames. "FAVOR" Bill's voice and form returned to normal. "In return."

"I'd never do a favor for you! Don't forget who defeated you last time!" Dipper denied.

Bill teleported behind Dipper. "Right, you "defeated me". Well if you ever change your mind I'll be here for you, ready to make a deeaaall." Bill said, trying to entice Dipper. "Hey, wanna hear my impression of you in about three seconds? AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!" Bill screamed, flailing his limbs.

Dipper shot awake, the sunrise dusting the roof with subtle golden rays and began to scream and flail exactly like Bill had.



Down stairs in the kitchen, Mabel was pestering Grunkle Stan with a puppet of Stan when Dipper walked in.

"Hey Mabel." Dipper said between yawns as he entered.

"Woah, bag check for Dipper's eyes!" Stan laughed before realizing nobody was laughing with him. "Nobody?"

"Dipper, I told you to get some sleep last night! Here, wake up with some Mabel Juice. It has plastic dinosaurs in it!" Mabel said, holding up a pitcher of pink juice with plastic dinosaurs and decorative stars.

Stan shuddered. "It's like if coffee and nightmares had a baby."

Dipper pushed Mabel into the back entryway to talk to her alone. "Mabel, listen, last night I had a dream with Bill in it."

"Wait, hold up, the triangle guy?" Mabel asked, miming a triangle over her right eye.

"He said he'd give me the code to the laptop if I gave him something. Like I'd actually trust Bill, right?" Dipper asked sarcastically while crossing his arms.

"Don't worry, bro. Today's the day that the mystery twins are back in action. I'll help you crack that code. I've just got to hand off my puppet stuff to my production crew." Mabel promised.

"Production crew?" Dipper asked in confusion.



Candy and Grenda stood outside the shack, covered in socks and supplies and wearing broad smiles. Soos and Wendy were tying down the set for transport to the theater on top of Stan's El Diablo. Mabel started talking to her production crew and Dipper just followed her around because he was too tired to do much else.

"We read the script. Very emotional." Candy told Mabel.

"I cried like eight times." Grenda agreed.

"Hey ladies." A sophisticated voice called out. Gabe Benson roller bladed up to a post at the edge of the parking lot and leaned on it. He had his blonde hair in a pony tail and was wearing the bee and book puppets on his hands.

"GABE!" Mabel exclaimed, constellations appearing in her eyes.

"I was just bladin' by. Helps me dry out my ponytail after a shower." Gabe said, unlatching his helmet before wiping his hair around and groaning.

"Hubbity-bubbuty." Grenda sighed appreciatively.

"Maeibeur'i hante Gaeibeu'eul humchyeowayagetda." Candy whispered under her breath, declaring I must steal Gabe from Mabel.

"It's so great to see you! I was just working on the world's greatest puppet show. IT HAS PUPPETS!" Mabel said excitedly while running up to Gabe.

"Your passion is so refreshing, Mabel. Unlike the girl from last night's puppet show. Single-stich on one puppet, and cross-stitch on the other? I was like, "Uh-uh!"" Gabe said, disappointment obvious in his voice.

"Cross-huh?" Mabel asked in confusion.

"Naturally I deleted her off my cell phone contacts list." Gabe said.

"Naturally!" Mabel laughed awkwardly. "What?"

"I know you won't let me down, though. Based on what you said the other day, you must be a puppet expert." Gabe said, full of confidence in Mabel.

"You know, Gabe, you look pretty sweaty. You should really take your shirt off." Grenda said before looking for support. "Right? Aren't we all thinking that?"

"Later, ladies." Gabe bid farewell as he skated into the woods.

"Gaaah! We gotta up our game, girls! Did you hear that thing he said about the stitches?!" Mabel asked, starting to panic.

"Don't worry, Mabel, your crew can handle it!" Grenda consoled, holding up a puppet Grenda before accidently ripping its arms off. "Oops."

"How many eyes does a face have again?" Candy asked while holding up a puppet with nine eyes on it.

"I got it... I got it..." Soos said, trying to keep his seat on a mountain of supplies on top of the car before one of the ropes gave out and the set crashed to the ground and took Soos with it. "Ah! I'm not okay!" Soos yelled as he hit the ground hard.

Mabel screamed before calming down enough to plan. "Okay, I'm back on fabrication." She yelled, and started running. "Get me my lint roller!" She called out.

"Whoa, whoa! Hey, you just said you were going to help me!" Dipper asked, grabbing Mabel's shoulder as she ran past, accidently knocking a box of supplies out of Mabel's hands and spilling the contents over the ground..

"DIPPER! This sock crisis just bumped up to a code A.R.G.Y.L.E.! The laptop can wait!" Mabel yelled in a tizzy while putting supplies back in the box.

"Mabel, do you seriously think that your random crush of the week is more important than uncovering the mysteries of this town? You're obsessed!" Dipper declared, forcing a confrontation with Mabel.

"I'm obsessed? Look at you! You look like a vampire! And not the hot kind!" Mabel shot back.

Dipper rubbed some of the sleepiness out of his eyes. "But you said you were going to help me today!" Dipper protested.

Mabel grabbed a puppet, put it on her left hand, and did a comedic voice. "Oh, I can help you. With tickles!" She said as she began to tickle Dipper.

Dipper laughed from the tickles until he punched Mabel's arm to get her to stop. Candy and Grenda laughed at the exchange, but Dipper had had enough. "Okay, fine! You know what? I'll do it on my own!" he shouted as he stormed off.



Proteus was watering potatoes when Phil walked up to him.

"Hey mate, we're going into town to watch a puppet show. Are you comfortable coming with?" Phil asked. "We'll have to have you shift into a human form if you do want to come with."

Proteus pondered, pausing the moistening of the potatoes. They stood there for a few minutes, with Proteus in the middle of a field while Phil stood on the path, until Proteus made his decision.

"Unfortunately , I don't quite comfortable going into town at this point, Crowfather. My apologies." Proteus stated calmly, doing his darnedest to keep Phil from seeing how much the thought of going into town made Proteus's hands shake.

Phil looked sadly at Proteus's false courage, but understood that meeting that many new people at once was not something he could do yet. "There's no need for apologies, mate. I can understand not wanting to meet people... well, not me but Techno didn't like meeting new people."

Proteus nodded. "When is the show? And how will you go into town without your wings being seen?" the shape shifter inquired.

"It starts at nine, so we'll probably leave around 8:30. I can flatten my wings to my back, or pull them inside my body." Phil responded. Phil waved farewell and headed back towards the main house, and Proteus resumed watering. Once Phil made it back to the house, he turned on the porch to watch Proteus soak the potatoes.

'I have got to find a psychologist or a therapist. He's the last of his kind and was kept as a sacrifice for deadly experiments, I should have stepped in earlier.' Phil thought to himself, reflecting on past mistakes.



Dipper sat on a window seat in the attic, trying passwords while illuminated by soft red glow of sunlight filtering through the colored window. The window had a design that looked suspiciously like a certain triangular dream daemon in dapper dress, but it was probably a coincidence. Probably.

"Passwords, passwords." Dipper muttered under his breath while interrupted at a regular interval by the beep of negativity from the laptop. "Mabel. Is. Useless." Dipper tried, which unsurprisingly didn't work before yawned and groaned out, "oh man." Tiredly. (now I really want some au were the password was one of those three, for comedic value. Like Dipper's just entering that sentence while annoyed and the password was just Mabel. For what would Mabel be the password? Idk, but it would be funny.)

Dipper rested his eyes for a few seconds, regretting his decision not to take Mabel up on her offer of Mabel Juice™ when the computer spoke. "Too many failed entries. Initiate data erase in five minutes." The robotic voice declared plainly.

Dipper's eyes widened, his fear chasing off his tiredness. "No! Noonono! I'm gonna lose everything?! I only have one more try?!" Dipper exclaimed, clutching his head in panic.

Once again, all the color of the world was driven away except for Dipper and the laptop. From the window, the aforementioned demon dorito appeared, equal with the design behind him and sitting cross-legged with both arms out to the side holding blue fire.

"Well, well, well. Someone's looking desperate." Bill said, taunting Dipper while floating into the room and turning his back to the boy.

"I thought I told you to leave me alone." Dipper stated angrily to Bill's back.

"I can help you, kid. You just need to hear out my demands." Bill coaxed.

Dipper looked at the countdown on the computer, which had already been reduced to four minutes before sighing. "What crazy thing do you want anyway? To eat my soul? To rip out my teeth? Are you gonna replace my eyes with baby heads or something?" he demanded.

"Yeesh, kid, relax." Bill said, motioning for Dipper to calm down. "All I want is a puppet!"

"A puppet? What are you playing at?" asked Dipper, concerned.

"Everyone loves puppets. And it looks to me like you've got a surplus." Bill said, taking a light tone to keep Dipper from getting suspicious.

"I don't know, man. Mabel worked really hard on these." Dipper explained reluctantly, using the cost of sweat and time as a shield against the sweet whispers of the demon.

"Seems to me one little puppet is a small price to pay to learn all the secrets of the universe. Besides, what's your sister done for you, lately? How many times have you sacrificed for her, huh? And when has she ever returned the favor?" Bill asked, changing his body to show scenes where Dipper had sacrificed something for Mabel.

Dipper looked out the window at Mabel, Candy, and Grenda having fun on the ground below before directing his attention back to the timer which had been reduced to a measly thirty seconds.

Bill's eye became a clock. "Tick tock, kid." He pressured, holding out his hand of ignited blue flame for a handshake to finalize the deal.

"Just one puppet? Fine!" Dipper capitulated, taking Cipher's hand. They shook, and Dipper asked a very important follow-up question. "So what puppet are you gonna pick, anyway?"

"Hmm, let's see. Eenie meenie mynie..." Bill delayed, acting like he didn't already have a puppet picked out. "YOU." With that final word, Bill's eye turned a bright crimson.

"What?!" Dipper yelled in shock before being pulled roughly by Bill, leaving the boy with an uncomfortable, tearing feeling in his stomach. Dipper looked down at his stomach, noticing its new-found transparency. "What? This can't be happening! What did you do to my body?!" Dipper asked as he began to freak out.

Dipper's body slowly got to its feet and blinked its eyes to reveal two yellow eyes with vertical pupils, bearing an almost too wide smile. "Sorry, kid but you're MY puppet, now! AAHAHAHA!" Bill yelled, grabbing the laptop, (which, coincidentally, didn't seem to have any suggestion of the final countdown.) and threw it to the ground. The crash of the internal components was accompanied by Bill's crazed laughter before Cipher added the sound of his stomping feet to the cacophony as he trod upon the laptop.

"Oh my gosh, this can't be happening. This can't be happening!" Dipper exclaimed, panicking.

Bill stumbled back and forth, cackling joyfully. He eventually came to a stop in front of a mirror, where he began to inspect his shape. "Man, it has been so long since I've inhabited a body." Bill commented idly before slapping himself twice, once on each cheek. "Woo! Woo! Pain is hilarious!! And two eyes? This thing's deluxe!" Cipher cheered, pulling on skin to more fully view his new form.

Dipper looked on in horror at what Bill was doing to his body before looking at his own transparent hands and stammering. "I-I don't understand! Why are you doing this?! I thought we had a deal!"

"Look kid, you've been getting way too close to figuring out some major answers. I've got big plans comin' and I don't need you gettin' in my way. Destroying that laptop was a cinch. Now I just need to destroy your journal." Bill explained, walking over to the stair way. "Race ya to the bottom of the stairs!" He yelled before going as flat as a board and letting gravity do its work.

Dipper gasped and chased after his body as it thumped down the stairs, Dipper passing through the floor and walls to go just a little bit faster. "Hey!" He demanded as he caught up to Bill.

"Human soda! I'm gonna drink it like a person!" Bill declared, grabbing a can of Pitt Soda from the fridge and pouring it into his mouth while laughing before moving the can further up his face and pouring it directly into his eyes, still laughing through the pool of soda in his mouth.

"So where do you keep that journal anyway?" Bill asked Dipper as the demon reached his puppet's hand into a drawer and began to slam it closed on the arm. "It's gotta be around here somewhere." Bill said, maintaining eye contact with Dipper before commenting. "Boy, these arms are durable."

"I've hidden it! Somewhere you'll never find it in a million years!" Dipper declared confidently. Bill just stroked his chin thoughtfully, ignoring the forks that were sticking out of his arms. Suddenely, a voice called out from the entrance to the kitchen that made Dipper's eyes widen dramatically.

"Hey Dipper!" Mabel yelled, talking faster than normal. "I borrowed your journal to use as a prop in the show. I hope you don't mind. I'm gonna go before you process this sentence, okay, BYEE!!" She finished, running off.

Bill grinned evilly at Dipper before shouting a response to Mabel. "Sure, sounds great, sister! I'll see you at the show!" Bill then exited the kitchen, heading into the rest of the house.

"Wait! No, Mabel, don't listen to him! That's not me!" Dipper screamed, flying through walls in a desperate attempt to get Mabel's attention as she got into Stan's car. "You've gotta hear me! No, no! Wait! Stop!" Dipper begged as Stan accelerated directly into him. Fortunately, Dipper was stuck in the mindscape, and so the El Diablo passed through him without incident.

"Ha! Welcome to the mindscape, kid! Without a vessel to possess, you're basically a ghost!" Bill taunted as Dipper floated in a mix of shock and sadness.

"Oh, hey Dipper! There you are!" Soos called out from the porch as he and Wendy walked towards Soos's truck.

"What up, dude?" Wendy greeted.

"Soos! Wendy! Help me!" Dipper yelled, throwing his arms up and down in a panic before flying through Soos.

"We're heading to the theater." Soos said to Bill, who was still in Dipper's body.

"Need a ride, Dipper?" Wendy offered.

"Oho, anything for you, Red!" Bill said, hoping into the passenger seat.

"I'm gonna stop you, Bill! I'm gonna find that journal before you do and I'm gonna stop you!!" Dipper yelled.

Bill slowly began to twist his neck to face Dipper while talking ominously. "But how can you stop me, if you don't exist?" Bill asked before laughing maniacally and rolling the window up in Dipper's face. The truck drove off and Dipper was left staring blankly after it as Cipher's laugh echoed through the air.



"Bill? Bill! I gotta get my body back before he does something crazy with it." Dipper cried out before talking to himself as he flew through downtown Gravity Falls looking for the dream demon. Dipper noticed his sister's name in lights, as this might be her lucky night. He flew into the theater, unintentionally entering a haunted place. (If anyone can place the reference in this paragraph, hats off to you.)

As Dipper floated through the back wall, he didn't notice the duo sitting in the very back of the theater with a large, suspicious box between them. One of the pair was looking at Dipper's possed body with suspicion, almost as if he knew Dipper and had realized something was up.

"Aw, nothing like the theater, huh toots?" Bill asked, with his arms around both Wendy and Soos. "Hey Soos, wanna hear the exact time and date of your death?"

"Heh heh, okay!" Soos laughed.

Wendy was uncomfortable with what she assumed was Dipper's arm around her, while Stan was giving his great-nephew a look due to how out of character he was being. Soos was just having a great time. Dipper followed the sound of his friends' and families' voices over to where they were sitting, hiding behind them.

"Hey guys! You all made it!" Mabel exclaimed, rushing over from off stage to say hello.

"Are you kidding me? I would never miss... whatever this is." Stan declared, losing certainty as he continued.

"By the by, Mabel, where'd you put my journal again?" Bill asked casually.

"I used it as a prop for the big wedding scene!" Mabel said. "I still need a reverend, though." She said thoughtfully.

"Hey, what if I play the reverend? I mean, someone's gotta hold that journal, right?" Bill suggested.

"Right! Let's go!" Mabel agreed instantly, running off and Bill followed her.

"Oh, no! Wait! Mabel!" Dipper yelled, diving after his sister. Bill and Mabel rushed backstage, and Dipper floated after them. (I love Bippers run cycle in this scene. He's just got his arms held out to the sides, pointed straight down.) Mabel peeked her head back through the curtain, peering into the crowd, looking for Gabe. When she noticed him, she gulped, the stress starting to affect her.

The house lights dimmed, and Grenda started up the PA system. "The show is about to begin! Please turn off your cell phones! Unless you're texting me, cuties!"

The curtain was pulled back, revealing a stylized cardboard mock-up of the mystery shack with a few trees. In addition, Candy was dressed up in the style of David Bowie and using Soos's electric keyboard. Candy and the keyboard were on a wheeled platform, and after Candy gave the intro the platform was wheeled off and the play began.



Grenda was acting as manager, outfitted with a headset and a clipboard, for the play from just off-stage stage left on the production when Bill walked up behind her.

"So, hey, Grendo! Where's that book prop I'm using for the wedding scene?" Bill asked, trying to remain calm and not suspicious.

"It's up in the wedding cake. But that doesn't come down until Act 3. So hold your horses!" Grenda said before turning back to watch the puppet show.

"Oh, I'll hold my horses... I'll hold them..." Bill said, walking backwards from Grenda before muttering "you monster." Under his breath.

Dipper flew up to Grenda and began flapping his arms in panic. "Hey! Listen! Have you seen Mabel?" Grenda got some feedback on the headset and took it off before shrugging and putting it back on. Dipper turned away from Grenda. "What did Bill say? I can't be heard without a vessel? Where would I find a-" Dipper cut himself off when he noticed a pile of puppets. Slowly, a smile began to creep over his face.

A few minutes later, Grenda used the PA system again. "Our intermission has begun! Mill about!" the audience got to their feet and left to get concessions or use the rest room, all while talking positively about the show up to that point.



Mabel walked into her dressing room; throwing her Mabel puppet on the vanity and using the drinking fountain to get her hands wet and then slap her face while pumping herself up. "Whew, okay, you can do this, Mabel. Only 36 more musical numbers." Mabel leaned down to take a drink from the water fountain when a voice whispered her name right beside her.

"Pssst, Mabel!" Mabel opened her eyes to see who it was, and instantly saw the sock puppet of her brother floating by itself. Mabel did a spit take before falling over in her haste to get away, screaming.

"Aah! It's come to life! The puppet books didn't warn me about this!" Mabel yelled, grabbing a fork off the ground and threw it at the puppet, where it got caught in the puppet's eye.

"Mabel, it's me, Dipper! You need to help me!" Dipper said through his puppet, flapping his little yarn arms around with the movement of his hand.

"Wait, what, Dipper?! But you're... so much more of a sock than usual!" Mabel asked, surprised.

"Mabel, you have to listen. Bill tricked me! He stole my body and now he's after the journal! You have to find the journal before Bill destroys it. It's the only hope to get me back in my body!" Dipper explained.

"But my cue's coming up any minute!" Mabel protested before a knocking could be heard on the door.

"Hey, Mabel, do you have a moment?" Gaabe asked, poking his head through the door without waiting for a response.

"GABE!" Mabel panicked and grabbed puppet Dipper, forcing him behind her back, before laughing nervously.

"O-ow! Mabel!" Dipper whisper shouted at his sister while struggling in her iron grasp.

Gabe entered the room, still with the puppets on his hands, but now he was dressed in a suit and tie. "Mabel, it's clear to me now that you really love puppets. I mean, you went whole hog. And if you stick the ending, well, maybe later you could join me for a biscotti?" He offered.

"You drive a biscotti?" Mabel asked in wonder before the lights flickered on and off, signaling the actors to the stage.

"I'll be waiting." Gabe bade farewell, leaving to return to his seat.

"Did you hear that? He loves it! This play has to be flawless. Can't we wait until after the show?" Mabel asked.

Dipper massaged his hand after it was released from Mabel's vice-like grip before turning the sock puppet to his sister. "Mabel! You want me to be a sock puppet forever?!" He shouted, unintentionally looking hilarious.

Mabel chuckled. "I'm sorry, it loo- it looks funny when you're mad."

Dipper scrunched up the sock puppets face and made a noise like as if he was screaming into a pillow.

"Okay, okay, okay, just take over for me till I get back with the book." Mabel managed to choke out without laughing, before succumbing to the humor and laughing to herself. "Little puppet face!"



Dipper was onstage, reading the lines in a poor Imation of Mabel's imitations while moving the puppets as the scene demanded to thunderous applause. Dipper grumbled to himself about the quality of the script and the approval from the audience, but kept the charade going.

Meanwhile, Mabel climbed up to the catwalk and ran to a wooden cake prop that was tied to the railing and designed to descend from the ceiling that had the journal inside it. Mabel grinned and reached out to grab it, but it was slightly out of her reach. Mabel kept reaching and reaching, until her grip slipped and she fell into the cake, sending it plummeting towards the ground.

Mabel screamed as she fell before the rope luckily caught on something and the cake began to be pulled up. Nobody noticed what Marie Antoinette thought happened in the French countryside because they were so distracted by Dipper's puppet show.

Mabel sighed before opening the journal and leafing through it. "Come on, come on now, there must be a way to get Dipper's body back!"

"Oho, but why would you want to do that?" Came a question from the person pulling the cake back up to the platform in a menacing tone. Mabel's eyes shot up to see Bill holding the rope, his body a shadowy form surrounded by stage lights, with the exemption of his ominously glowing yellow eyes.

"Bill Dipper!" Mabel gasped before narrowing her eyes. "Bipper."

"Shh! You wouldn't want to ruin the show" Bill shushed, gesturing to Gabe sitting in the audience. Mabel clutched the journal while looking at Gabe with fear. "Whoops!" Bill exclaimed, loosening his grip on the rope and causing Mabel to scream. "It's slipping! How's about you hand that book over?

"No way! This is Dipper's! I'd never give it away!" Mabel said, turning to somewhat shield the book with her body.

"Hmm, you didn't seem to have a problem taking it for your own play, ditching him when he needed you. So come to your senses. Give me the book or your play is ruined." Bill demanded. Mabel sighed and began to comply when Bill decided to taunt her. "There it is. I mean, who would sacrifice everything they've worked for just for their dumb sibling?"

"Dipper would."

"Huh?" Bill asked before Mabel tugged the journal back towards her and pulled Bill into the cake. Because of the sudden shock, Bill lost his grip on the rope and the cake began to plummet towards the stage with the physical bodies of the Pines twins inside.

"I'm giving you away. You are a woman now. Waddles, the rings!" Dipper said in a bad Grunkle Stan voice when he heard something above him. He looked up and saw the cake dropping towards where he was and switched to his normal voice. "Oh no."

The cake hit the ground with a mighty crash, and Bill and Mabel rolled out of it while wrestling over the journal.

"Get out of my brother's body, you evil triangle!" Mabel yelled as she and the triangle fought back and forth across the stage.

"Whoa! Children fighting! I can sell this." Grunkle Stan exclaimed, grabbing his video recording.

Techno frowned at the sight, it felt like something more than siblings fighting.

Mabel whacked Bill over the head with the journal before getting some distance. "You can't stop me! I'm a being of pure energy with no weakness!" Bill screamed as he stumbled after Mabel before lunging at her and managing to knock her to the ground.

"True, but you're in Dipper's body. And I know all his weaknesses!" Mabel said, preparing her ultimate attack.

"Whaddya mean his-" Bill started to ask before being interrupted by Mabel tickling him. Bill began laughing uncontrollably and fell off of Mabel. Mabel used the distractions to shoot to her feet and run away. "Aah! Body spasms! What are these?" Bill screamed.

"A little note about the human body- You haven't slept for 24 hours!" Mabel declared, ignoring the fact that it was probably closer to 36 hours while Bill tottered after her. "Also, I got a full night's sleep and I'm on four mega-shots of Mabel Juice!"

"Ah! What is this feeling? My body is burning! I can't move these stupid noodle legs! Curse you, useless flesh sticks! Body... shutting down... must...scratch... mosquito bites..." Bill groaned, his stolen body rejecting yon interloper as he crashed to the ground.

As he hit the ground, Bill was knocked out of Dipper's body and went flying upstage while Dipper saw his chance and flew into his own body. Dipper's eyes slowly blinked open. "Hey! Yes! I'm in my own body!" Dipper celebrated, shooting to his feet before his pain receptors informed him how he was doing. "Ooh, everything hurts."

The twins shared satisfied looks before they heard a familiar cackling. They both looked towards the source of the cackling. Bill had possessed the Dipper puppet and was crawling over a box towards the twins. "This isn't the last you'll hear of me! Big things are coming! You can't stop me!"

"I'm sorry, Gabe." Mabel apologized quietly, looking over her shoulder as she pulled out the activation remote for the big finish.

"Heh?" Bill asked, before realizing he was on top of all the fireworks for the big finale.

Fireworks began flying into the crowd, causing the audience to duck for cover. One of the fireworks landed inside a box full of extra puppets, exploding and launching flaming puppets into the air. The burning puppets seemed to float gracefully through the air until the cruel force of gravity began to pull them down. Gabe looked tearfully upon the falling pieces of cloth as the nearby church sang Ave Maria.

Fireworks began bursting in air, setting parts of the theater on fire as a chunk of the catwalk crashed to the ground. The Dipper puppet landed ablaze in front of Dipper and Dipper stomped on it, crushing the puppet and putting out the fire.

Dipper looked worriedly out into the audience, and Mabel decided to reassure him. "Don't worry. I've seen enough movies to know this is the part where the audience thinks it was all part of the show and loves it. Cue applause!"

The audience did not applause. As they got to their feet, the audience hissed and booed while filing out of the theater, muttering about how they almost died. Soon, only a few seats were still filled, including Gabe's seat. Gabe stood up slowly, anger clear in his eyes.

"Gabe! Stick around for the wrap party? We've got mini-quiches!" Mabel offered awkwardly.

"Don't speak to me, Mabel. You've made a mockery of my art form. Let's go, my loves." Gabe spat out, turning his back on Mabel and started kissing his sock puppets.

"Did he just make out with his puppets?" Dipper asked, disgusted.

"I might've dodged a bullet there." Mabel admitted.

"개이브 잠깐! 캔디는 아직도 널 사랑해!" Candy yelled after Gabe as she ran towards him. (Wait, Gabe! Candy still loves you!)

"Oof." Dipper cringed at Candy's romantic pursuit. "Mabel, I'm sorry about all this. It's my fault your puppets got ruined." He apologized.

"Well, one of them survived." Mabel said, pulling out a Mabel puppet. "And she has something to say to you." Mabel then started using the puppet to talk to Dipper. "I'm sorry, Dipper. I spent all week obsessing over a dumb guy. But the dumb guy I should have cared about was you!" Mabel bapped Dipper's fist before asking him one last question. "Mystery twins?"

"Mystery twins." Dipper fist-bumps in agreement before flinching. "Ow! What'd Bill do to my hand? Ahh!"

"Nothing a little sleep can't fix. Come on, bro bro, let's go go." Mabel said as she and Dipper walked off the stage.



Techno was about to hop on the stage when Dipper collapsed and a triangle came flying out. Techno's eyes widened in shock as he noticed a ghostly Dipper fly into the body and the body sat up. The twins turned to look at one of the puppets that was moving by itself and seemed to be saying something to the performing Pines when Mabel pulled out a remote and hit the button.

Suddenly, Techno was transported to another world as the echoes of explosions rang in his head, the scent of gunpowder clogging his nostrils. Techno had returned to L'Manberg as it exploded, destroyed by man and beast. A phantom scent of rotting death joined the smells, and wolves seemed to howl from all around Techno.



Phil noticed Techno tense as the fireworks started to explode, but didn't initially think anything of it until Techno's eyes turned red. Phil immediately realized the voices had taken control and moved to stop them from doing something Techno would regret.

"Hey voices mate? Could you bring Techno back?" Phil requested, putting a calming hand on Techno.

"Ave, Corvus Pater. My liege-lord has been threatened, and I must remove said threats." Came a casual voice from Techno's body.

Phil felt his blood run cold. Every other time Techno had lost control, the voices were like a hive of insects, hundreds of voices contradicting each other with all talking at the same time. Whichever voice had taken control would have had to be quite powerful if it didn't have to fight off contenders.

"I'm not sure he wants you to do that, though." Phil said.

"If it means protecting my liege, there is no price too great." The voice responded, pushing Phil's hand off of him.

"Who are these threats?" Phil asked, playing for time.

"The fools who launched rockets at my liege. The children must be eliminated."

Phil noticed the fireworks had stopped and almost everyone had left the theater, so decided to try and intimidate the rogue voice. Pushing his wings from his back and around him like a halo of black, Phil seemed to grow a few inches in size and dampen the light around him. "Unruly cur! This is how you prove your loyalty to your lord? Seizing power at the first opportunity?! You intend to strike the first disciple in years?!" Phil boomed, focusing his voice exclusively on the voice, keeping others from hearing his roar.

"Pater, I will allow no false agent near my lord! I did not interfere when Theseus grew close to him in order to twist the knife ever deeper, but I will not stay silent this time." The voice confidently declared.

"The danger has passed. Return inside, or I will be forced to act." Phil ordered.

"Techno" looked around the room, and took in the state of the area. "Very well." With this, the crimson faded from Techno's eyes and he collapsed.

"Ph-Phil, what happened?" Techno stammered.

"The shock of the fireworks weakened you slightly, and one of the voices took control to protect you."


The duo looked at the other for a few seconds before they realized Dipper and Mabel were walking towards the exit.

"Hey, kids, what was that?" Techno called out.

"Oh, hey Techno." Dipper said. "I got possessed by an evil triangle and had to use a sock puppet to coordinate with Mabel to get my body back."

"I almost blew up a building!" Mabel added.

"Meh, seems like a pretty good way to spend a Friday night." Techno said.

"I am curious about this triangle, but I have a slightly more important question." Phil said. "Did you say you possessed a puppet?"

"Uh, yeah. Why?" Dipper asked.

Phil didn't respond and instead turned to Ghostbur, who had been in the suspicious box. "Hey Ghostbur, could you try possessing one of those puppets?" Phil asked.

Ghostbur shrugged and flew into one of the many puppets on the ground. The moment Ghostbur touched the fabric, he disappeared and the puppet began to shake slightly.

Ghostbur inspected his body before flying up and hugging Phil's face. "I have a body again! I can hug my friends!" Ghostbur shouted.

Phil smiled at Puppetbur before turning to Mabel. "Mabel, could you make Ghostbur a puppet body please?"

"Sure!" Mabel agreed easily. "I've got lots of cloth left over, come by tomorrow and I'll draw a reference."

"Thanks." Phil said, waving goodbye as he and his boys left the theater.



Half way back to the compound, Phil smacked himself upside the head.

"What is it Phil?!" Techno asked rapidly.

"I forgot to ask them about that triangle spirit." Phil sighed.

"Is the Triangle important?" Techno asked.

"Not really, I just thought I had seen something like it before..." Phil trailed off before shrugging. "Well, I can always ask them later."

"Hmm" Techno grunted in agreement.



Later that night as the twins were crawling into bed, Mabel made a decision.

"Hey Dipper?"


"From now on, I think I'll let love come to me from now on. I promise I won't go completely crazy like this again."

"Alright. Good night Mabel."

"Good night Dipper."

Dipper pushed the button on his lamp, turning it off and the twins fell asleep. (Stage directions: exit light, enter night.)



Average_techno_fan: Yo any idea who got control back there?

Pathoftheswole: Wasn't me

Bananamilkshake: Wasn't Chadwick, yoda, heysoos, or that Russian guy.

Laughteryoga: Idk

Technofan12321: Whoever it was hasn't talked before as far as I know.

Carpediem: I vaguely remember someone with a similar speech pattern, can't remember who tho

Def_not_a_stoner: Maybe it was a lurker?

Deusblade: I am not a lurker, I just do not talk much. I prefer action to speech.

Carpediem: Bro were did you come from?

Carpediem: where

Pathoftheswole: how long have you been waiting?

Yallneedhelp: Oh, this nerd again.

Average_techno_fan: @Yallneedhelp you know this guy?

Yallneedhelp: he's from well before your time.

Laughteryoga: I wonder how many more voices that we didn't know existed will join.

OWCAOfficial: To be fair, social anxiety can be annoying.

Laughteryoga: true



Completed 8/4/2023, Words 9,672, Written using a pirated copy of Microsoft Word 2007.

AN2: uffda, that was a long chapter, almost as long as the season 1 finale! Thank you for your patience, everyone.

Now, I should probably address that whole almost dying thing. I had drank an energy drink, and my heart started pounding like I had gone for a run when I was just sitting down. My grandma noticed something was up, and made me drink water and then go on a walk to try and mitigate the risk of my heart exploding. I'm not sure if it helped, but I'm not dead so I guess it's a win/win even if it didn't help.

At another point when writing this, I pulled a muscle in my back that made it impossible to write for about a day because of the immense pain I would get from moving my arms.

Aside from those two incidents, life has been going pretty good. Aliens were confirmed to exist by the US government, so that's pretty cool I guess.

Me and my grandma were driving back from a local event today, and she asked me if I was worried about somebody sniping the copyright to this story. She doesn't know that it's fanfiction, but I just looked at her for a few seconds before telling her I wasn't worried in the slightest.

Well, that's all from me, hopefully the next chapter will come out faster, but as I move in to the college dorms in roughly two weeks, I make no promises.

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