You Belong With Me | Arthur L...

By formulafanfic1

18.7K 518 72

Mia and Arthur Leclerc have been best friends for their entire lives. After being away for a few years, Mia t... More

0. Promise
1. Best Summer Ever
2. Heart Beat
3. Partner In Crime
5. Those Eyes
6. Favourite Leclerc
7. I Know You

4. My Girl

1.6K 52 5
By formulafanfic1

Arthur's pov

⚠️TW: harassment⚠️

I start panicking a bit when I can't spot Mia anywhere. I should have never left her alone. What if something happened to her? I don't even want to think about that.

I leave the drink I'm holding on top of the bar and start walking around, trying to find her.

Where are you Mia?

I pull out my phone from my back pocket and search for Mia's number. Once I find it, I ring her up, crossing my fingers and holding my breath that she'll pick up. Everything around me goes quiet and I'm only concentrating on the beeping of the phone.

No answer.

Frustrated, I put my phone back into my pocket, running a hand through my hair. My eyes search every corner of the dim lit room, but with no luck. She's nowhere to be seen. I feel my hands shaking a bit and my heart racing faster as everything around me melts into a blur.

I have no other choice but to tell Charles. I'm too panicked to think straight right now whereas he'll know what to do.

"Charles!" I walk towards where he's seated and he looks at me in confusion when he sees me.

"Arthur? What are you doing here?" He says and gets up from his seat "Is everything alright?"

"C-Charles...." I start panicking even more "I-I lost her."

"Lost who?"

"We were together and then I...I left her for a few minutes but..."

"Arthur." Charles puts his hand on my chest "Calm down!"

"Please help me find her." I take a deep breath, feeling a bit better now that Charles is here with me.

"Find who?"


Charles' face drops. He's clearly not happy with what he just heard and takes a look around before bringing his attention back to me.

"Please Arthur, tell me you really didn't just bring her here." My older brother says and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"I'm sorry. I messed up." I can feel a pain in my chest but I try to make it go away by taking deep breaths.

"Have you checked the restrooms?"

I shake my head to indicate that I haven't.

"I'll go check, why don't you go and sit down?" Charles says, patting my shoulder and heading towards the restrooms "Don't move." He shouts back.

I turn to go and sit down but then I spot the girl that Charles was with earlier so I just decide against it, preferring the company of myself. I walk towards the door to get some fresh air, ignoring Charles' orders but it doesn't matter because he's already mad. I try keeping my balance as people bump into me while they're dancing. At some point some girl spills her drink on me, staining my shirt. She begins to apologise and tries to fix it but I just tell her that it's no problem and walk away.

When will this nightmare be over?

Before I can reach for the door I spot her...

"Mia!" I exclaim, relieved that I finally managed to find her but my face immediately drops soon after.

She's in the middle of the dance floor, her body swaying to the rhythm of the music while her back is pressed against some random guy. I can feel my blood boiling as the guy's hands roam all over her body and she doesn't seem to mind at all.

I can't let this happen.

I walk towards her, taking her arm and pulling her away from the guy she was dancing with.

"There you are! I missed you!" Mia puts one of her hands on my face, cupping one of my cheeks. Her breath reeks of alcohol. "Dance with me." She giggles and takes my hands, putting them on her waist.

As much as I want this, I need to get her out of here.

"Come on, you're drunk." I say, pulling her towards me so we can leave.

"Arthur...stop!" She whines "I want-t to stay." She tries to get out of my grip, almost stumbling to the ground but I continue to hold her.

"Please princess...don't do this to me now." I whisper in her ear, pleading that she will just give up and let me take care of her.

"Dude." The guy Mia was dancing with appears from behind her, putting one of his hands on her lower back "You heard her, she doesn't want to go with you."

"Take your hand off of her." My gaze shifts from Mia towards him as I try to remain calm and not cause a scene.

"Or what?" That idiot chuckles in front of me.

"Or I'll remove it myself."

Mia starts shifting her position, leaning more towards me, clearly uncomfortable when the guy's hand starts going lower.

"I saw her first, she's coming home with me, it's that easy." The guy walks up to me, now standing not too far away and it takes everything in me not to punch him.

"My girl it's not going anywhere with you, get that into your fucking head." I say with an angry tone, not an ounce intimated by him. I push Mia behind me, shielding her with my body from his disgusting gaze.

"Your girl..." He begins to say while leaning into my ear "Was two seconds away from giving herself to me and I wouldn't have minded taking her."

I push him harshly, making him fall onto the floor and then I walk up to him, kneeling down and punching him right in the face. I can hear Mia call out my name from behind me but other than that everything else becomes blurry. I continue punching the guy, my knuckles becoming numb from the pain while the people around us start panicking and walking away from us. I can't get enough from hitting him, once I feel like pulling away his words repeat again, over and over in my head, making me throw another punch.

"Arthur! Please, let's go!" Mia pleads again, pulling my attention towards her. She's standing behind me, scared and with tears running down her cheeks.

I hope she's not afraid of me. I hope she doesn't think that I'd ever hurt her.

While I'm looking at Mia, the guy grabs me by my shirt and throws a punch at me, his hand making contact with my nose. I can feel a hot liquid running down towards my lips but I ignore it, holding my hand up.

Before I can hit him again, a pair of hands wrap around me, pulling me away.

"Arthur! That's enough!"

I look up and see Charles, an angry expression plastered all over his face.

"Charles." I say and he removes my hand off my nose, taking a look at my wound, his anger turning to concern.

"We'll talk about this at home." He says while walking towards the security guard, who's taking the idiot I was fighting with away. Mia then runs up to me, hugging me tight, her tears soaking my shirt.

"I'm sorry." I stroke her head lightly to calm her down. I never wanted her to see me like that but I had to protect her.

She takes my face in her hands, looking at my injury. "Are you okay?"

The concern in her eyes and voice surprises me because I thought that she was scared of me, but apparently it's just the opposite.

I pull her into another hug.

"Don't worry about me." I say and kiss the top of her head. "Are you alright?"

She nods and I exhale the breath I was holding.

"Let's go." Charles suddenly appears from beside me, taking Mia's hand in his and walking out.


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