Hikari: 『Volume 2 - Omakes』

By Queen__Dee__diaspora

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___________________________________________________ "This is the story of how we all became the greatest hero... More

◆Training of the Dead◇
◆Training of the Dead II◇
◆Go! Operation: MOFKAFIL II◇
◆Laugh! II◇
◆My Baby Academia◇
◆My Baby Academia II◇
◆Island Rescue Mission◇
◆Island Rescue Mission II◇
◆Island Rescue Mission II½◇
◆Island Rescue Mission III◇
◆Island Rescue Mission IV◇
◆Island Rescue Mission IV½◇
◆Go! Operation: MOFKAFIL◇
◆Chivalry Is Dead◇
◆Past Predilection◇
◆Number One Study Partner◇
◆Number One Boyfriend◇
◆White Day!◇
◆Hero League Baseball◇

◆My Baby Academia III◇

174 7 3
By Queen__Dee__diaspora

(Part Three)

[Season 4-5]

-Pro Hero Arc-

"You're just mad Tsu-Chan didn't say you would be the guy to put a baby in her," Hanta stated blankly, the doors of the jail slamming in his face. He took a bite of the Nattou dish he carried and sat by Shoto and Tsuyu who had their own plates of food now. Katsuki huffed and turned around, eyes landing on the half-and-half girl as she approached his prison.

"Sero-Kun, please don't make such crude statements," Miyuki admonished. She picked up the cardbox jail and set it aside.

"Yay, they're free!" Mina cheered before putting a spoonful of Nattou beans in her mouth. "Hooray for Miyuki-Chan the Liberator!"

"Hooray!" Denki, Toru, and Ochaco cheered along, raising their hands above their heads.

"Down with the tyrant!" Exclaimed Ejirou as he playfully jabbed his toy sword at Katsuki. The ash-blonde glared at him then struck down his weapon with the All Might plushie. "Oh no, I've been overpowered!"

"Don't call me a tyrant, Weird Hair!" Katsuki blasted, chasing the laughing redhead. "I'll kill you!"

Miyuki shook her head in amusement of the sight, causing strands of black and white hair to fall in her face. She was glad to see her classmates taking that time to enjoy themselves, especially after the stressful week they had leading up to Ectoplasm's math test.

She frowned, just the thought of the questions on that test sending shivers down her spine.

That day out at the beach really is necessary, she thought, stepping over a discarded toy truck as she made her way towards Ejirou and Katsuki.

"Everyone, you must sit down and eat all your food first," Momo advised tenderly as she helped Izuku dish out the food. "You can play as much as you want when you're finished and your plates are clean."

"Yes, Yao-Momo!"

"Be careful you don't rush when you eat, though," Miyuki advised, taking Katsuki and Ejirou by their hands to get their food.

"Yes, Miyuki-Chan!"

"You all are way more energetic than usual," Izuku pointed out. "A side-effect of the Quirk, perhaps? Could that explain why everyone is behaving younger than they really are despite still being teenagers mentally?"

"Whether that's the case or not is totally okay with me," Denki declared, walking over to the half-and-half girl with his food. "Looking back now, my childhood was a gift I took for granted. I'll never get to be this young again, so I'm going to enjoy it all while I can!"

"That's unexpectedly profound of you, Kaminari," Fumikage acknowledged as he ate beside Mezo and Mashirao. "I didn't think to look at it that way."

"Yeah, well, if I could choose to be young again, I'd wanna be a baby," Minoru said, a starved look on his premature face. "They do whatever they want when they want and get girls' attention without even trying. And the best part is..." Drool dribbled from his mouth as if from a spring, "they get to suck milk out of a woman's brea! -"

"Does anyone have an anvil?" Tsuyu asked, hanging him from a rope using one of the bars of the jungle gym. Miyuki shook her head, horrified at what he didn't get to say while Rikido's hand shot up.

"Where do babies come from?" Ejirou questioned, plopping down onto a cushion next to Yuga who ate a more refined dish different from his classmates, a napkin neatly tucked into his sailor's shirt.

Mina cleared her throat. "When a boy and a girl love each other waaaay too much -"

"I... don't think now is a good time for this conversation," Momo quickly interrupted, covering Mina's mouth as she sat down with her own plate of food.

Katsuki scoffed under his breath, taking himself to the timeout corner where his makeshift prison used to stand and sat down on its side, making the All Might plushie sit next to him. There was no way he was going to eat with those boisterous extras, looking down at the Saba no Shioyaki he saw Miyuki prepare for him.

His gaze moved away from his plate towards the half-and-half girl as she walked over to where Izuku sat on the big green couch in that stupid apron of his, a bowl of Nattou in her hands. She smiled at the green-haired boy, and Katsuki's grip on his chopsticks turned to iron when Izuku smiled back then proceeded to share a laugh with her over some joke he didn't hear clearly.

Damn Deku.

Despite himself and his attempts not to, he saw exactly what Tsuyu meant when she talked about them having a 'strong chemistry' and being... parents together. Even so, it made his gut churn and Katsuki averted his gaze from them to his grilled fish, lips pursed in silent contempt.

That nerd didn't belong in that picture with her, least of all in a position where he was placed below him as some kid. If anyone was going to stand beside her in that way, Katsuki thought, it definitely wasn't supposed to be Izuku -


His eyes snapped up from the fish to see Miyuki in front of him, her expression clouded with concern as she knelt down in front of him. He scowled, not liking to see her so worried, but at the same time a warmth spread through his chest at hearing his nickname.

She just calls him by his first name, he thought victoriously.

"Is everything all right?" She asked, eyeing the cardbox jail he sat on. "You're sitting so far from everyone."

"They're too loud," he replied, and Miyuki chuckled lightly. "What? What's so funny?"

"You were the loudest out of them all half an hour ago," she answered. Miyuki crossed her legs, smiling softly as he blushed. "Sorry, I'll let you eat."

A comfortable silence ensued as they sat together eating their breakfast. Katsuki constantly glanced at the All Might plushie between them, resisting the urge to look at her - and he didn't know why. He wanted to talk with her, but there was something about his classmates' presence not too far from them that made him feel more conscious than he already was of his actions.

"Y-You didn't answer me," Katsuki spoke up out of the blue, still looking down at his food. His round face turned a warm red when he felt her eyes on him. "Last night. When I asked you..."

She nodded, humming softly. "Yeah, I remember what you said," she answered and her cheeks tinted a light pink. "It's been on my mind all morning."

"...A-And?" He asked, feeling stupid for asking this question again. He put down his chopsticks, heart beating wildly in anticipation of her response. "Why do you?"

Her lips curved into a bright smile, little crows feet forming at the corners of her eyes as she did. "I don't," she replied. His eyes widened. "Usually, a person can only show as much love as they've received, but... you're both my friends. I don't care for either of you more or less than the other."

His heart sunk to the bottom of his stomach.

That wasn't the response he was hoping for. Still, it's what she gave. He asked, and she answered with her true feelings, and he knew as well as anyone Miyuki didn't play favourites with anybody in their class.

So why did he feel so disappointed?

The sinking feeling in his gut heightened as he remained silent, shoulders tense -

"So don't worry..."

But it quickly melted off of him, he felt, in an instant when she lightly kissed the top of his head.

"I'm still here for you."

After all their de-aged classmates finished their food, Miyuki, Izuku, and Momo returned to their babysitting duties as soon as the toddlers got back on their feet and began making use of the common area and the toys within it once again.

Momo decided to go along with Mina, Ejirou, Kyoka, Toru, and Koji as they went to play with the dolls of the pro heroes and toy vehicles, playing at going on missions to rescue civillians and fight villains. Kyoka and Koji brought Poncho over to play the big scary monster they needed to defeat and Miyuki giggled when Toru put a green origami monster mask over Poncho's face before turning back to face her own group.

Ochaco, Tsuyu, Mezo, Mashirao, and Fumikage insisted on playing their own version of 'House', although she tilted her head, curious, when she found herself playing the youngest sibling in a family of three, wearing a pink bonnet and holding a plastic milk bottle while Tsuyu and Mezo were the parents. Her cheeks reddened in embarrassment for most of the game, but she preferred it to the violent and boisterous noises she heard coming from Izuku's group at the jungle gym area.

When she looked over, Miyuki sweatdropped at the sight of Ejirou wrapping Denki up in Hanta's tape just like he had done for himself moments ago, the two of them dressing like mummies while Rikido, Shoto, and Minoru wielded toy swords in their hands. Hanta stood at the top of the jungle gym, being the 'lookout' for Katsuki's squadron. When he set his sights on Kyoka and the others playing Pro Hero, he sent out a signal and Miyuki sweatdropped again when Katsuki appeared in front of his mummy army upon Izuku his 'horse.'

Oh, dear, she thought, watching anxiously as explosions shot off of Katsuki's hands.

"Charge!" Denki shouted excitedly, running towards the fake city buildings and kicking one down.

"Watch it!" Kyoka hit him with her earphone jack, taking him down instantly. His bottom lip wobbled.

"Wait a moment!" Tenya shouted, getting in between the two groups before Katsuki and his team could advance any further. He raised the whistle around his neck to his mouth, holding up a flag. "As this playtime is part of our training exercises as heroes, let's do it in an orderly manner befitting the standards of UA!"

"If you're all going to fight, you must keep it organised," Momo cautioned and Miyuki nodded her agreement, creating a transparent dome with her light around the play area to protect the furniture.

"Don't break anything," Miyuki said. Her gaze drifted down to Yuga, whose finger pointed at a certain ash-blonde consistently pounding Izuku on the head with his tiny fists. "Don't forget to be gentle with each other, also."

"Don't point at me, stupid scum sailor!" Katsuki blasted, returning his anger to his childhood friend as he crawled on the floor. "You're charging too slow, damn nerd! Pick up the pace already, you're humiliating me!"

"P-Please stop hitting me, Ka-Chan...!" Izuku said just as his arms and legs started quivering.


"I'm moving...!"

Momo sighed and Miyuki shook her head. "Was it really a good idea to let them do this inside the dorms, Yaoyorozu-Chan?" Miyuki asked, glancing at the other girl out of the corner of her eye. Momo nodded.

"If we let them go outside to the courtyard," she explained, "with their Quirks so unstable right now, there's no telling how much damage they'll cause. At least inside there's a sense of caution because of the surrounding furniture and walls, so they most likely won't use them so much."

"Yeah, you make a good point..."

Tenya blew the whistle, and his striped collared shirt rustled in the breeze Ejirou caused when he rushed past him, Hanta's tape lifting around him and the others not too far behind him.

"Get 'em!" He cheered.

"Oi, get back here, Kirishima!" Katsuki shouted angrily, his hits getting harder and more rapid. "I'm the one leading this charge!"

At least they're safe in there... Miyuki thought, slightly amused as she watched her classmates play-fight one another beside Momo who smiled, too.


"Deku-Kun!" Ochaco gasped, gawking at the crisply burnt Izuku lying on the ground, Katsuki triumphantly standing over him. "He wasn't even a target, though..."

Miyuki rubbed her cheek, lips wavering.


Soon, lunchtime came around. Once Miyuki saw to Izuku's small bruises, they both joined Momo in preparing the rice and chicken curry for them all. As it was her second time preparing food for such a big group that day, Miyuki's chest bubbled with excitement as she moved around the kitchen cutting the vegetables and lining up the dishes and cutlery for everyone.

She'd never lived with younger siblings before, so she couldn't help but feel fulfilled from the experience. And, she thought, a frown marring her features, had things gone normally in her past, she wanted to hope she and Zin might have been able to cook with one another side by side like she was doing with Momo and Izuku.

Actually, now that she thought about it...

He knows so much about me, she thought, beginning to dish out the rice. She made sure to put out sizable portions big enough to fill her classmates' young, growing bodies.

But I don't even know what he likes to eat.

After everyone got their lunch and finished devouring it, the wintry sun returned to them as it peeked out from behind the slightly gloomy cotton clouds, bathing the room with its rays which made the common area, already quite stuffy from all the activity, warm up a bit more. Miyuki was grateful for the cozy light, especially when she noticed her classmates dozing off one after the other - no doubt from their full bellies.

In no time, when she sat down on the couch after placing Shoto and Yuga to sleep on a shikibuton, Miyuki yawned and she felt her eyelids becoming heavier with each passing minute she remained seated. She looked around and saw just about everyone had fallen asleep, including Momo and Izuku.

I guess... a short nap won't be so bad, she told herself as she lay down, eyes fluttering shut just like the wings of the butterfly gently sweeping in through a slightly ajar window.

Katsuki looked up from the All Might toy when the insect fluttered past him, its white wings obscuring his vision momentarily. He scrunched his nose, something about it reminding him of that psycho villain, Zin. He shook his head to rid himself of that thought. The last thing he wanted to do was be thinking about the League of Villains, especially knowing they were still after Miyuki.

His gaze drifted towards her and his big eyes widened in shock when he saw her sleeping on the couch before him, lips parted slightly and strands of black and white hair come loose from her ribbon caressing her lips.

He pouted, grumbling quietly to himself. He was hoping to take advantage of the silence to speak with her, finally, just the two of them while everybody slept. Yet he understood - she'd been on her feet from the moment she woke up. He'd be more upset if she didn't take care of herself first and get some rest.

Katsuki got up, taking the All Might plushie with him as he picked up a fleece from the other side of the room, the orange colour matching closely with the intricately detailed skull design on his black t-shirt. Using one hand, Katsuki huffed as he pulled himself up onto the couch and the task proved especially hard, he realized, with the blanket threatening to pull him down, but -

Come on...! He grit his teeth, determination fuelling him when he saw the goosepimples rising over her exposed skin when a cold breeze passed through the room.

He pulled himself up, finally, and landed with a great sigh behind her legs. But Katsuki didn't want to waste another second and risk her getting sick, so he quickly tossed the blanket over her -

"Beach..." Toru murmured in her sleep, turning over on the shikibuton she shared with Ochaco and Tsuyu with Poncho sleeping at their feet and continued snoring. Katsuki rolled his eyes before returning to his task.

Once he felt confident she was warm, he put her All Might plushie next to her. He noticed she never moved it too far away from her when she slept - not even when he shared her bed with her. He found it strange at first, but he remembered she'd carried that toy with her since she was a child and probably snuggled with it in bed for just as long.

It was... endearing.

Blushing at his own train of thought, Katsuki sat himself down in front of the half-and-half girl, arms folded and a dutiful expression hardening his features.

If any of these puny extras wake up, they better not start a ruckus and wake her up, he thought, eyes narrowing as if wary of an impeding threat waiting to jump out at him and attack the sleeping girl behind him.

But very soon, he felt himself letting out a small yawn and his eyes quickly became too heavy for him to keep open fully, constantly forcing them open when he caught himself dozing off.

Have to... stay awake no matter what...!

Finally, though, Katsuki didn't even realize his eyes closed when he leaned back against Miyuki, the warmth of her body mingled with her fresh apple scent cocooning him so much like a blanket that he had no choice but to let himself fall into sleep's hands. His shoulders slackened as he relaxed, head lolling to rest against her side as his eyes closed peacefully.

As soon as his quiet snores joined the others, Miyuki pulled the fleece over him, too, bringing him closer to her and the All Might plushie to keep him from falling over the edge, and she went back to rest with her lips curved into a soft smile.

Later that Evening:

Miyuki hurriedly took out another tissue from the box of tissues beside her and brought it up to Shoto's face in time as he let out a loud sneeze, freezing the tissue and her hand in the process.

"Sorry," Shoto said in a stuffed voice, the tip of his nose and his cheeks coloured a rosy red. "I can melt it down for you."

"That's fine, Shoto-Kun," Miyuki assured, melting the ice into a bucket with her light. She tossed the tissue into the bin quickly piling up with them before placing a damp cloth on his forehead. "Your fever keeps going up, so you need to allow your body to rest now."

"Yes." He closed his eyes, and Miyuki's concerned frown deepened when he started shivering. "Why is it so warm... all of a sudden...?"

She turned around to put more ice in the bucket of water by her feet, scooping it out from the bowl close to it. Miyuki checked on Mina, Tsuyu, Koji, and Yuga as she did, pressing the back of her hand against their foreheads. Their skin was still hot, but she was glad their temperatures had gone down slightly.

On the other side of the room, she noticed Izuku struggling to get most of the boys to settle down enough to take the herbal tea Momo made for them, the other girl, though, managing to administer it peacefully to Fumikage, Mezo, Mashirao, and Rikido as they sipped on their cups of tea.

"Thank you, Yaoyorozu," Fumikage said, bowing his head slightly in gratitude. The others followed suit, mimicking his actions.

"Thank you!"

"You're all welcome," Momo responded, giving them a gentle smile. Miyuki's expression mellowed, the corner of her lips tugging into a smile -

"Let me go, you nerd!" Came a young, gruff voice. "You damn nerd! I'm not drinking that!" Miyuki turned around and she sighed, massaging her forehead upon seeing Ejirou and Tenya holding Katsuki down within a blanket on the shikibuton while Izuku tried to make him drink the herbal tea. "It tastes like crap!"

"Hey, be polite," Hanta scolded. He coughed violently, causing tape to come teeming out of his elbows. "Yaoyorozu went through the trouble of making that for us... so we could have a proper night's rest."

"It's definitely working..." Ochaco mumbled, sniffling as her eyes fluttered closed. Miyuki walked over and pulled the young brunette down when she started floating up from the couch, bringing her back under her blanket. "Oh...? That was close. Thanks, Yuki-Chan!"

"You're welcome. Don't forget to take your other medicine before you fall asleep, okay?" Miyuki reminded her, passing her a vitamin C tablet. Ochaco happily took it and smiled at the sweet taste of the medicine.

"I want one, too!" Ejirou said as he turned around, inadvertently letting go of his friend. "Miyuki-San, can I have more of that tasty medicine?!"

She shook her head, moving closer to him and the others - just as Izuku dodged Katsuki's kick, stopping the tea from spilling onto the floor.

"Everyone has to have one first," Miyuki explained, turning her gaze to Izuku, Tenya, and Katsuki, "after they have finished drinking Yaoyorozu-Chan's tea blend." Ejirou nodded with a pout before turning back around to help take care of his friend.

He's just as rowdy as I remember from when we were kids! Izuku thought exhaustively. He managed to hold down Katsuki's legs so he'd stop kicking around, but that only made him struggle even harder, sparks shooting off from his hands.

"Calm down, Ka-Chan." Izuku gritted his teeth. It was getting harder to hold him down - and looking at the way his Quirk started acting just now, it was practically going to be impossible! "It's just tea...! If you calm down and take it really quick, the taste won't even last that long -"

"Then you drink it!" Katsuki retorted with a sharp glare.

"Ka-Chan, I'm not sick!"

"Neither am I, dammit!"

"Yes, you are!" Izuku sighed, hanging his head a little. Katsuki writhed around in the blanket tightly encasing him.

"Let me go...!"

"My, my..." Miyuki mumbled, reaching down to pick up the ash-blonde, untangling him from his blanket. His eyes widened in surprise, as did the other boys'. "You're making such a fuss, Firecracker." Miyuki placed him down onto the blanket before leaning down to kiss his sweaty forehead.

Izuku, Ejirou, and Tenya gasped out loud as their bodies drained of colour. Katsuki's jaw dropped open, face turning a beet red. Miyuki gently pried the tea cup from Izuku's stiff hands and poured its contents into Katsuki's mouth and the taste instantly snapped him out of his shock.

He cringed at the bitter taste, body trembling as he gulped it down, the warm liquid leaving tinges of sweetness in its aftertaste – but not enough to stop him from gagging in disgust.

"What the hell?! That was nasty!" He shouted, shaking his head.

"I'm sorry," Miyuki said, smiling in apology. "I know it isn't very delicious, but I want you to have a peaceful sleep tonight. Can you forgive me?"

"Y-Yuki-Chan...!" Izuku exclaimed with his eyes still wide in shock at what he just witnessed.

"Sasaki-Kun, I didn't expect that from you," Young Tenya pointed out coolly yet still aghast. "How bold of you to do such a thing to Bakugo-Kun!"

Katsuki, however, didn't seem to have recovered from the half-and-half girl's kiss as he clicked his tongue in annoyance, the back of his neck turning a harsh red the longer he looked up at Miyuki's smiling face.

"F-Fine, I'll forgive you! Just this once!" He declared loudly, averting his gaze the more his face warmed up. "O-Only because you begged me to, so I will!"

Ejirou sniffled and gave him a thumbs up, the sleeve of his red jumper sliding down his arm. "Good choice!"

"Thank you, Katsuki." Miyuki gave him the Vitamin C then turned around to pick up a book lying discarded behind her. "Oh, what's this? I haven't seen this book in so long."

She glanced at the ash-blonde boy munching on the tablet, Ejirou wrapping himself up in the blanket he used to hold him down. A light bulb lit up over her head and Izuku looked at her curiously when he saw her face break out into a wide smile.

"What is it, Yuki-Chan?" He inquired as he took a look at the book, too.

"How about we read a bedtime story?" Miyuki proposed. "Well? I think that would be a comfortable way to put them to bed."

"You're right!" Izuku agreed, excited and eager to put his childhood friend to sleep. He leaned in to read the book's description. "And it's not too long, either. We can take turns reading it out to everyone –"

"I'm going to read that book!" Katsuki interrupted, gut churning upon seeing both Miyuki and Izuku's faces so close together. "I can read ten times faster than you, Deku! Give me that!"

He snatched the book from Izuku.

"What's that one about?" Momo inquired as she made her way to them with her group.

"Does it have age-appropriate content?" Tenya asked before he took off his glasses and snuck a peek over Katsuki's shoulder, but he was quick to hug the book to his chest to stop him from seeing anything before him.

"What even counts as 'age-appropriate' in these circumstances?" Mina mumbled drowsily, bringing her blanket up to her small shoulders. "As long as it's got some fun characters who fall in love at the end, it's fine by me."

"Shut up and listen! I'm reading now!" Katsuki huffed, annoyed, before kneeling on the blanket in front of Shoto. He opened the book. "'One day, a beautiful woman walked out of a shop with a big black bear on her arm. The bear wore a lavish tuxedo and she looked like an outlandish fairy in the dazzling red dress he'd bought for her from the Misty Mystical Woodlands' – what the hell? What kind of a story is this?!"

"Put more life into it!" Hanta said. "Look, Ashido's already falling asleep because of your boring tone."

"She was already falling asleep, though," Ejirou pointed out, glancing at the sleeping girl beside him. "But Sero's right – you're being boring, Bakugo."

"You're boring," was his witty response. He buried his nose in the book again and Miyuki chuckled softly when he yawned. "You dumb extras made me lose my place. Where was I? There. Okay now shut up properly this time!" 

"You were the only one talking that time, Ka-Chan," Izuku murmured as he knelt down by his best friend.

Either Katsuki didn't hear him or chose to ignore him this time and bring it up later, Miyuki didn't mind as Katsuki continued reading the story out loud. Before long, most of her sick, toddler-sized classmates began dozing off and Izuku and Momo took them up to their rooms as they did. Miyuki decided to stay behind with the others fighting to stay awake and listen to the story to keep an eye on them in case they needed anything from her.

Soon, though, they began falling asleep, too. She also noticed Katsuki's voice had been getting quieter over the last few minutes and, when she looked at him, saw his eyes were partially closed and the book sitting on the floor in front of him.

"Katsuki," she called, coming to kneel down in front of the ash-blonde toddler with Ochaco resting peacefully on her shoulder. "It's time to go up to your room now and sleep." She reached out to pick him up but paused when he shook his head.

"Not yet..." he responded, vision bleary as he pushed himself to read the last few words on the page. "And so, their journey... in the Sunny Isle came to an end and then began..." he yawned again, "their next adventure... in the New World. The End..."

She smiled softly when he closed his eyes and allowed his body to go limp. Miyuki wrapped an arm around him before he could fall and gently brought his head to rest on her shoulder as she walked towards the girls' elevator. His and Ochaco's snores filled the silence of the empty common area, its light going off when she flipped the switch and stepped into the elevator.

Miyuki stopped on her floor first and took Ochaco to her room, tucking the brunette under her beddings before she went back downstairs and took the boys' elevator to the fourth floor. The corridor was quiet, filled only with the soft snores coming from Ejirou and Mezo's rooms. Miyuki was glad to know they were both sleeping soundly already.

When she got to Katsuki's dorm room and gently pried the door open, the hinges squeaking softly, the breathing of the boy resting on her shoulder changed a bit and she looked to him, concern furrowing her brows in case something might have been wrong.

She didn't know a lot about Mizuka's Quirk and how it worked in a lot of detail, but when all her younger classmates became sick again at the exact same time they fell ill the day before, she took it to mean the effects of Hypotonic were beginning to wear off from their bodies and they were all returning to their natural states.

This means everyone will be back to normal, huh? She thought, eyes drifting to Katsuki as she reached his bed. Thank goodness... It'll be good to have him back, too.

Her cheeks dusted a light pink as she lowered herself to properly set Katsuki in bed. She was intrigued by how energetic he had been throughout the day. He wasn't so different from his usual self, yet she couldn't help but notice how just how much freer he had been. It reminded her a lot of how he was at the remedial classes. She would love to see more of him that way, and not just in his toddler form.

Miyuki set him down under his blankets – but just as she turned to leave, she felt a small tug on her sleeve. When she turned around, she was surprised when she met a pair of half-lidded red eyes looking drowsily up at her.

"...Katsuki?" She whispered, facing him again. She crouched down to his level and placed her hand over his smaller one. "Is something wrong?" Slowly, he shook his head, blinking slowly as he did.

"...Goodnight..." he said quietly. His face warmed up as he let go of her shirt and attempted to hide his face in his pillow. "Will you... be here when I wake up tomorrow?"

"Would you like for me to be?"

He nodded and buried his face further into the pillow. "Y-You'll be more comfortable here... so that you don't have to walk all the way back..."

Miyuki chuckled softly at his offer.

Katsuki raises his head from his pillow slightly, eyes widening a little when he felt the bed dip from the weight of her body. His blush deepened when he felt her hand gently rest on his head. He instinctively curled towards her, his small hand grasping a part of her shirt when he shivered suddenly.

Even though she was bigger than him at the moment, nothing felt wrong. She lay beside him again – a comforting presence; the one who could hold him like this and not judge him for a thing. His closest companion...

No... he realized, eyes closing again and heart thrumming as wildly as drums in his ears. That doesn't... feel right with you...

"I'll be here," Miyuki promised, running her fingers through his hair to lull him to sleep. He fell asleep, resting peacefully with the warm scent of her body wrapped around him like a cocoon. "Right here."

And when his eyes peeled open the next morning, dawn breaking through the blinds and curtains in front of his balcony doors, he looked down, feeling a light pressure on his chest, and he saw Miyuki resting there. Her arm was loosely draped over his abdomen, a single leg entangled with his, and her soft hair tickled his chin. He blushed when he realized he was back to normal and their bodies were closely pressed together –

But that was fine with him.

At that moment, as he pulled her closer to him when she shivered, he was fine with it all. The world was still silent and dark, the light of it still far off, distant, and nowhere near to take away his.

At that moment, when he brushed the hair out of her face before returning to sleep, she was his.

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