By ANSA_Reads

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What do you do when you're tied to an arrogant, yet damaged man? What do you do when the little soul-tie you... More



1.8K 155 17
By ANSA_Reads

"Oh my God, Evelyn!" I heard a girl squeal in excitement as she threw her arms around me. I curled inwardly at the physical contact since I wasn't a very touchy sort of person but I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable since she seemed excited to see me, "do you even remember me?" her reddened cheeks from the alcohol that they had been drinking were a clear indication of her cheery mood.

I looked into her honey brown eyes, trying so hard to rack my brain about who she could be. The music at the moment felt too loud, the room felt like it was closing in on me and my feet were sore from these Chanel heels that I'm pretty sure were a size too small even though the girl who sold them to me, swore that this was the right size. I gave an awkward smile but she was too drunk to notice as she threw her head back and laughed, "it's Charlotte!" she exclaimed as if I was supposed to know her.

"Right, oh my God, hi!" I responded just as excited as if I remembered her. It seemed everyone at this reunion knew who I was, and I was the only one who didn't know more than the handful of faces.

"Ugh, OMG, I, like, literally remember you, like, always following Kores around, like...for like...forever," she said to me, teasing me with a nudge to the shoulder and I nodded my head, smiling.

"Yeah, that's me, Evelyn, Kores' shadow," I added, tired of saying his name at this point. "Anyways, I should go, I don't think he's coming, and I kind of wanted to see him after all of these years." I explained to the strange, cheery, drunken girl and she pouted sadly.

"What? Kores isn't here," she looked around as if she'd find him. "Oh, I'm sorry, Evelyn. It would've been really nice for him to be here. But don't you want to stay for Black Coffee, he's performing next," she gestured over her shoulder at Calvin Harris who had been performing and I shook my head at her. She nodded and let me go and I wrapped my arms around my midsection as I made my way through the crowd of former students who were now young adults, who seemed to be doing a whole lot more cocaine than the teachers were pretending to see.

I pushed through them and then made my way to the exit doors. As I approached them, I walked past the table of my former teachers who were also drinking and dancing to the loud music that was playing. There was no need for them to chaperone, but I guess everyone just wanted to hang out.

Hazel eyes connected with my own and I let out a pursed smile as I waved at Mr Kensington. He set his glass of bourbon down and made his way towards me, rushing as if he couldn't get to me fast enough. "You're leaving?" he asked me.

I looked into his face, noticing the wrinkles that hadn't been there ten years ago, or even 8 years ago when he was my teacher. There was nothing like watching your favourite teacher grow old. It was sad, yet beautiful to see. He still dressed as weirdly as he did, he wore coloured large parachute pants and shirts he claimed he'd gotten as a gift from Nelson Mandela himself. Mr Kensington was an established man with accolades unlike no other, I believed every bit of the stories he told me of the times he'd visit Nelson Mandela personally in his home. Mr Kensington was an author, he wrote poetry and African tales like no other.

"Yes, it's getting late, and..." I stopped looking behind me at the crowd of former students and then back at my teacher, "I don't know what I'm doing here to be honest." I told him truthfully, with a sigh as I clutched my Prada purse close to my side and he nodded his head, smiling gently at me.

"You and Kores were very close. I did try reaching out to him, but he's probably really busy," Mr Kensington explained with a sad yet gentle smile and wrinkles around his lips.

"Yeah..." even if he wasn't, what the hell was I thinking coming here? God, even after all of these years, I just couldn't let the poor boy breathe. How embarrassing, I'm actually glad he didn't come. He was probably going to tell everyone what a loser I was, that even ten years later, I was still trailing after him.

I just wanted to get out of there.

"...I couldn't get to him," Mr Kensington interrupted my thoughts as I gnawed on my bottom lip, "but I think you could. Here," he handed me a piece of paper and I looked down at it and then back at Mr Kensington. He nodded encouragingly at me, "it's his phone number. Try calling him. I don't think it's silly of you to come here and try to see him. I think it would've been a marvellous reunion between you two."

I slowly took the card from him and looked down at it. I felt him place a hand on my shoulder and step closer to me, "between you and I," he gestured between the two of us, "I had this fantasy that you were going to come, and he was going to see you, and you were going to see him. Then you were going to fall in love, and ten years from now, a mini Evelyn and Kores was going to be walking into these halls."

I laughed and so did he, "oh Mr Kensington," I said with a grin.

"What can I say?" he raised his hands in mock surrender, "I'm a hopeless romantic." We laughed again, "Have a good night, Evelyn," he smiled genuinely at me as we shared a hug and we went our separate ways. I stepped out of the hall and took in a deep breath, met with the empty and quieter hallways.

I looked back behind me, being met with the banner of 10 Year Class Reunion and I couldn't help the small smile that found its way onto my face. There were balloons and confetti everywhere, and everyone was dancing and having a good time as Black Coffee performed his set.

I looked down at the number again and took out my phone, typing it in. I stared down at it, my hands slowly shaking and my heart beginning to race. I crumbled the piece of paper in my hand and pressed the phone to my ear before I lost my nerve.

I took in several nervous breaths as I heard it ring. My eyes were still stuck on the crowd in the hall, watching the flashing lights, the way that they all danced and jumped to the music. The arms in the air, the smoke machine and how the room had a certain feel to it.

It wasn't particularly my scene, but it made me feel something. I could see it on their faces, it felt good to be alive.

"...not available. Please leave a message..." Were the words that took me out of the perfect world that I had been in, enjoying people watching. I could do it all day.

The phone then went silent and I knew that this was where I was supposed to talk. But shit, what was I going to say?

I cleared my throat and took in a breath, "erm...hi," I let out a soft laugh at the sad intro but continued regardless. "I don't know if you'll remember me, but..." I paused, smiling at the scene of Charlotte who was now trying to twerk with what I was certain was her whole being. Man...I kind of like Charlotte, she's here for a good time, "I used to be your shadow.

It's Evelyn; Evelyn Duma. And,'s been ten years, so I won't be surprised if you don't remember me. I got your number from Mr Kensington. I'm here..." I paused, slowly turning my back away from Charlotte and her aggressive dancing as if no one was watching. "At your reunion. Everyone thought it would be so funny if I came, since I never left your side when we were kids. Mr Kensington says he tried to get in touch with you, but that I should still try regardless.

How are you?" I asked.

"I still have that Barbie necklace you gave me, I still use that invisible ink pen that never runs out whenever I want to write in my diary...and even though you told me I'd forget about it, that scar still hurts when it gets too cold." I stepped out into the parking lot, and walked towards my car, still speaking but taking my time to do so.

"I hope you're doing okay. How was boarding school? I know that this comes maybe a couple years too late, but Disneyworld was fun that December. And just so you know...I'm in Jo'burg now too. I'm studying law, and I'm still quiet, but I have a group of friends who make me not so quiet."

I smiled, stopping in my steps and slowly looking around at the school that I hadn't seen in a long time. The memories had been so fun.

Those were the good old days, when we had no worries. When there had been no alcohol, no drugs, no problems, all we worried about was who would go on the swing next and whether we could have an extra five minutes for break time.

"...yeah..." I said finally with a concluding whisper, "I really hope you get this, Kores..." the cold air of the night made me wrap my arms around myself. "Bye."

I ended the voicemail and then put my phone in my purse, going on about my life. 

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